I'm not, I usually slice myself whilst doing the dishes

You keep the cans do you use them or rinse them before throwing them out, have to ask.. Have to...
Weather is improving here as well, dunno your way, so 25 - 32 this week. Lately the nights have been a bit cool, dressing gown is such a comfy thing too much information I am sure
VROOM that's a Mazda MX5 in my case. Such a small car, it's been hit on the side twice probably from four wheel drives that can't see it, time to trade it in, driving me nuts I must say but YES the witches will indeed use what ever power but remember ginger boy who saw before, you obviously have your own so work it, on yourself as well whilst you are at it please x
Dutchy.......... It is thought that his infection is a blood infection gawd, grrr from his heels that well didn't heal. I won't say what I am thinking.
He is still in ICU. Tests .. feeling week and short breathed but there is nothing that they can see wrong with his heart YAY.
Izzie will be checking tomorrow so check on Yabba.
We will combined keep you in the loop.
LOOP? No not you Dutchy you are too much loved here, we would never call you loopy xx
YOU WILL GET TO PL for your birthday... Everyone say it, and it will happen you know this Universe thingy, it does work..
Been so busy with work I think I need to call in help.. Keep gaining listings which is awesome and rentals which is awesome but I am only one person.. Will soldier on... Need a MASSAGE.
Going to see my nephews play in their band tomorrow AWESOME first time, ever. They do covers here in Adelaide I am going to be a proud AUNTY for sure.
Hope your finger is ok as well as it can be and not throbbing too much Von, much love.
Sturgis..............are you eating honestly ok? Tell the truth, tea and crumpets? Yep I read that thread
Everyone keep smiling and get back here, give us a photo, tell a tale, laugh, what ever, it's that typ0 I mean type of thread.