First Word -

Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 09:34 am

Your video clip!

Around and around ....

Will return later - waiting for electrician - bleugggggggggggggggh - that sort of day! Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 12:23 pm

Just thought I'd say that. Apparently the raindrops have fallen inside my head.

As far as round round my mind went here to this little tune from the 1980s

Managed 3 hours of on and off sleep last night, oddly I don't feel tired. Possibly due to the occasional shaking naps I've been able to snag. Must ask the doctor what the shaking and twitching is about. Likely related (maybe?) to the rash and itch which was showing up since early summer which we passed off as a heat rash. Considering I'm still getting these outbreaks I am starting to believe it's part of some Antediluvian air pocket which somehow managed to explode in my home. (Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight... :roll)

Back to the start, I found out the Australian's have commemorated the possum which also makes philatelists everywhere quite happy.


Warmish damp day, overcast occasionally spritz of rain which makes a nice tune on the kitchen air vent. Waiting for nothing in particular except a three p.m. arrival from someone name Charisse, (wild guess on the spelling since that I wasn't told).

Yeah, that's it for now, curious if Vonny has been rewired yet...or whatever the electrician was s'posed to do. Still enjoying the new light switch in the bathroom which was installed last Friday. Now if only I could remember where I put the whisk...

Back later
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 02:45 pm
OH !!

Von you are a treasure, twas too tired to remember the you tube thing I remember it this morning Smile Isn't he a dish? COME on, he is... Will play that a few times I think.

DUTCHY - turn the page Wink Well, we've turned the page you are going to have to remember the page number now Wink


Goodness, go you, finding our stamps, .. though I don't have a good story about a possum Sad Kia, bad girl... I guess when it comes down to it, the Wolves do not forget their history of who they are.

Raindrops are falling on my head but that doesn't mean.......



There sure are some very interesting stamps around the world!



Hey, as long as it's not Clarisse, well she was alright, I guess, he wasn't human... What was the name of that movie? Sturgis, shakes does not sound associated, medication? Are you on new medication? What did you eat last night? YES MUM.

I know.


How the heck you associate a whisk to a washing machine apart from the fact they both start with W, is beyond me Smile

Sunshine on a rainy day, makes my...... So many songs!!!!

Yes, I know slow down and smell the roses, I shall, when I can, and I will when I can, ... I am at the moment Smile

Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 03:25 pm
CBS commentator, Andy Rooney on women over 40: "As I grow in age, I value women over 40 most of all. Here are just a few reasons why: A woman over 40 will never wake you in the middle of the night and ask, 'What are you thinking?' She doesn't care what you think. If a woman over 40 doesn't want to watch the game, she doesn't sit around whining about it. She does something she wants to do, and it's usually more interesting. Women over 40 are dignified. They seldom have a screaming match with you at the opera or in the middle of an expensive restaurant. Of course, if you deserve it, they won't hesitate to shoot you if they think they can get away with it. Older women are generous with praise, often undeserved. They know what it's like to be unappreciated. Women get psychic as they age. You never have to confess your sins to a woman over 40. Once you get past a wrinkle or two, a woman over 40 is far sexier than her younger counterpart. Older women are forthright and honest. They'll tell you right off if you are a jerk if you are acting like one. You don't ever have to wonder where you stand with her. Yes, we praise women over 40 for a multitude of reasons. Unfortunately, it's not reciprocal. For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress. Ladies, I apologize. For all those men who say, 'Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?', here's an update for you. Nowadays 80% of women are against marriage. Why? Because women realize it's not worth buying an entire pig just to get a little sausage!

Smile Smile Smile Smile
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 03:49 pm
Well, well, well, Foundy you are finally waking up, now you're gone past 40. Razz and I suppose you're upcoming wedding is off too now? D. will be impressed with your newly found wisdom. Laughing Count yourself lucky to get any sausage at all at your age. ha.ha.ha. When your hungry come and the the "Boss"Wink
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 04:00 pm

There goes Foundy --- jet pack attached - winged feet - SLOW DOWN GIRL - you are tiring me just keeping up with your posts! They are amazing though - wonderfully entertaining. Going to take me a morning to read the latest ones - no time this evening, except for a speedy scan then a swift retreat - late online today.

Suffice it to say, your last post ( Question ) (wow, it is nearly Remembrance Day) is hilarious - and has vague elements of truth therein. I must bookmark it to return later.

Sturgis - yes, electrics now sorted. It started with a power loss to the sockets and lighting in the garage - that's separated from the house by our garden path, and fronts onto the driveway - aha, a reason for telling you that is because last time we had this problem, we needed a trench dug along the path and onto the driveway to fix things. This time it wasn't necessary. We had the whole house rewired twelve months ago, and upgraded to include trip switches - that's what had happened. To cut a long story short, husband had plugged in a damp charger, blown the garage circuit, and had failed to remove the faulty charger when he reset the trip switch! Our wonderful electrician came across earlier this evening and sorted it out. Big sighs of relief all round. Rolling Eyes

Oh - re your round and round video - I spent ages trying to remember that earlier when I paid a visit here to put Foundy's clip on! Just couldn't recall what it was. You've sorted that for me nicely. Have you seen Pete Burns lately - big change - he looks odd, but he's a great character.

Dutchy, Daisy - racing for time - saw your posts briefly - I shall read properly when I return.

Glitterbag - Bill - lest we forget! Cool Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 04:07 pm
Dear Dutchy,

Marriage is a piece of paper, love is all you need...

Mind you, my previous piece of paper was a nightmare, one that I am yet to close the chapter on.

Living in sin? YA BET YA ......

I think quietly you are jealous about sausages, just quietly.... Given you are WAY OLDER THAN ME Smile

Morning Von, thank you, I try, I try Wink
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 07:38 pm
Foundy said "I think quietly you are jealous of sausages, just quietly....Given you are way older than me Smile". Well the latter may be true but here is Dutchy at REST bet you can't handle him in full flight Wink Wink
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 11:39 pm

But in his full flight? with beers everywhere? Dressed Up, what a sausage he can't handle a thing Smile
Reply Fri 8 Nov, 2013 01:21 am

Foundy don't under estimate this 'sausage' you may get a surprise. Wink Experience is a wonderful weapon so you better hop on your broomstick and stay out of Dutchy's way. You should know an Aussie with a few beers in his belly can be very persuasive and are fantastic performers. Laughing Laughing
Reply Fri 8 Nov, 2013 01:50 am

Who do you think I am marrying? lols.

You got nothing sunshine. OOPS remember "sunshine" that is what I've been calling Dutchy for a lonnnnnnnnnnng time now Smile
Reply Fri 8 Nov, 2013 04:06 pm

First Word was lurking somewhere in the depths of A2K this evening! Rolling Eyes Every time I advanced towards it .... poof! Vanished in a puff of smoke! Have you been doing a bit of witchery, Foundy?


I kept getting sidetracked by other threads - guess it's because I'm so tired that I can't concentrate properly on anything. Ah well, there's always tomorrow.

My super duper, wonderful, magnificent, magical, absolutely great ... combination microwave/convection oven didn't arrive today! Curses curses curses. Really annoyed! Ordered it, paid for it, waited for it - and the dratted thing didn't arrive. I rang the supplier up, only to be told they didn't have it in stock! Screams loudly!!! After much to-ing and fro-ing, they've promised to get one to me on Tuesday. I shan't hold my breath! Why is nothing ever straightforward nowadays!

Apart from that ... nothing much. After feeling quite excited at the thought of a new gadget - I mean oven - I feel quite deflated. Sent the ordinary microwave back too - ah well, serves me right for being a bit premature.

Hi Dutchy, Sturgis, Daisy, glitterbag, Bill, Spades .........
Reply Fri 8 Nov, 2013 11:27 pm

Dutchy and Mrs. Dutchy plus 4 friends drove to the foreshore this morning and had breakfast at a local hotel. Very popular nowadays downunder. Sat outside overlooking a calm deep blue sea and started off on coffee, Then the menu came out and one had a choice of 12 different egg breakfasts. They all had Egg Benedict, a big toasted roll with fried or poached eggs and slices of salmon. For me the dinky di Aussie meal, fried eggs on toast with fried tomatoes, I left the bacon and snag off. Was a great meal, talked and laughed a lot and had more coffee, before long the morning was almost over. Will do it all over again next month.

Vonny sorry to hear that after all that waiting your Micro Wave didn't arrive. There is a lesson to be learnt here, something I learnt long ago, NEVER PAY FOR ANY ITEM IN ADVANCE, not even a deposit, because once you do you're at the mercy of the supplier! You should never have to wait for any item, just check if they have it in stock, if they haven't go some where else. Once they know you have the cash the'll make sure you have a same day delivery. Has never failed me yet! Don't worry the same tactics apply here, they all want money up front, just not on. To many people have lost big money by paying big deposits for new homes only to see the builder go bankrupt and their money disappear down the drain. I built my own home by employing a professional builder, I paid him cash money at the end of each week for the work he had done, worked like a charm.

Tomorrow (Sunday) friends taking me for a drive through the beautiful Adelaide Hills, because of the late rains we've had everything is still very green, could change within a few days into yellow once we get day after day of hot sunshine, followed by a high risk of bushfires. Our hills have burnt down 3 times in the past 50 years with the loss of many homes and lives. Usually happens when the temperature is over 40 degrees and with strong hot northerly desert winds. We in the City are safe and can watch the Hills burning, a spectacular sight at night but not pleasant for the occupants. Adelaide is totally surrounded by Hills upto nearly 1000 metres high. The view over the City from the Hills is equally impressive and a must for every visitor . We have a splendid Restaurant at the highest point with the view from the dining room just being awesome.

Well after this bit of Australiana I shall go and sit outside in the afternoon sun and doze a little in my hammock. You all have a good weekend. Waves from downunder.

Dutchy at ease. Smile

Reply Sat 9 Nov, 2013 12:59 am

Oh for the lazy do-nothing life which Dutchy is getting immersed in.

Oh, wait, I am sort of already there since I retired.

So another day, another medical visit and another concern. That lovely infected wound from a while back has become a little red around the entire perimeter. Told that it doesn't seem too much currently, it will be watched closely. Other than that things are looking decidedly good on both legs. Additionally, they have stayed slimmed down, it's been over a year since they were this thin so I am feeling somewhat optimistic.

I said somewhat as I don't want to get too far ahead of myself.

Charisse (never did check her name spelling) arrived yesterday, it was about 4 by the time she got here. Very nice, efficient, and a positive attitude towards my recovery process. It helps when that happens, gives me a lift for several days and motivates me some. (being naturally lazy there's a limit to my total motivation level)

It's 41 degrees (Fahrenheit of course) at present, not that bad though and the heat is on steady so it's actually more like a warm summer evening.

Oh Vonny, I am sorry to learn of this predicament of yours, it sucks big time to be on the waiting end for a package. The excitement and expectation throughout the day and then the anger and frustration when it doesn't arrive and then the excuses from the vendor. If they didn't have the product, they should have indicated such at the very start instead of waiting for you to make an inquiry. Had a similar event about three years ago and it drove me half crazy. Hoping that it actually gets to you on Tuesday, and hopefully early so you won't be edgy all day.

Um, Dutchy, I am usually on your side, and still am, however that sausage picture really does not help our cause. It makes us men look like useless drunken slobs when we are actually so far from that, that we make our love interests swoon with awe and desire. It occurs to me, you may have used that photo to garner some sympathy from the ladies, however it seems to have not worked which means they're more likely to snicker at us in upcoming days. Not to worry though as it's easy to hoodwink them when necessary.
Anyway Dutchy, I located your spectacles on Mr.Gompers the cat.

That's all for now, behave everybody, I will be back whenever I am back.
Reply Sat 9 Nov, 2013 01:25 am

Reading this thread, shall reply in the morn, you know me a morning girl, Dutchy shut up I can almost hear , no just kidding bubs. xx
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Nov, 2013 04:37 am

How absolutely lovely to have driven to the coast and had breakfast overlooking the sea. Sounds positively idyllic! Hard to imagine though - it's so cold here today - expecting frost tonight - getting ready to put fleeces on the plants in containers and wrap the bases in bubble wrap - over 40 large containers, including troughs, to put to bed for the winter!

Yes, I agree about paying for goods in advance - but the suppliers did offer to refund my money, or supply a different oven, but I declined both offers - I want MY new combi microwave/convection oven. It is rather wonderful - gets five and a half stars out of five in almost every review I've read. And it is going to be such fun, learning how to use it.

Apart from being a microwave oven, it is also a convection oven, and has a grill. There are 13 programmes - going to be a challenge, but that's a large part of the excitement!

The Adelaide Hills sound very beautiful. But the idea of bushfires is a bit frightening. It must be very hard to get insurance for properties where there is the risk of a bushfire? Looked pretty horrific when we saw it here on UK tv. Let's hope you don't get any this year!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Nov, 2013 04:57 am

You hit the nail right on the head when you sympathised over the non-delivery of my oven. "The excitement and expectation throughout the day and then the anger and frustration when it doesn't arrive and then the excuses from the vendor" - so right! And so very frustrating! But it is due to be delivered on Tuesday - not to the house, but to the supplier's showrooms - let's hope that there won't be a repeat of yesterday's disappointment.

It is a rather special oven - as I described to Dutchy. Apparently, lots of people are using it instead of a conventional oven - siting the hob elsewhere. Because of my inability to walk or stand for very long, I haven't been able to use a conventional oven since my legs became too 'wobbly' - they have a nasty habit of letting me down at unexpected moments - so this is a great opportunity to allow me to bake, roast, grill, microwave .... in fact, to do everything one would normally do, but sitting down and with everything within easy reach. Plus - and this does appeal to me - it's going to be very challenging to use - and that appeals to me! I've already bought cookery books for combination microwaves - wow, amazing recipes. You can programme it to work in stages too - first to microwave, then to grill ... all in one action! How great is that? Rolling Eyes Laughing Cool

I must desist from filling First Word with my newfound enthusiasm for cookery - sorry folks!

Glad that your legs seem to be showing a slight improvement, but worried about the infected wound - I hope it won't cause any more problems. How is the pain factor going? Any relief from that? And how are you sleeping now - better I hope?

Dutchy's sausage image is pretty dire - don't people in Australia 'throw snags on the barbie'? Laughing Best place for a big snag that loafs on a sofa all day long - Rolling Eyes Joking of course - I wouldn't dream of throwing Dutchy on a barbie - far too much respect for the man!

Foundy - hey, too busy to post - wow, you must be selling up a storm - good going, hope you beat all records and get another award Very Happy
Reply Sat 9 Nov, 2013 02:58 pm
Dutchy, I am usually on your side, and still am, however that sausage picture really does not help our cause. It makes us men look like useless drunken slobs when we are actually so far from that,

Mr. Green


This is possibly worse Sturgis, I mean this guy thinks he is playing music, how silly is that? Why are men so silly ?


Glad to hear that your legs are honestly heeling you be a tad scared that's all, you can see it's all on the mend but don't want to jinx things well you can't, it's actually happening Sturgis Smile So, don't be lazy trying walking just a little more and feel that sunlight x

Ms Von, we all get carried away with something here and neglect something, I had to be reminded to visit Dutchy's new thread hey Dutchy Smile
Ya always make it back here thank fully, Wink

IDK can you do that Dutchy? Order something and pay on delivery? I guess you can with some things but that does suck, it's like I've got the money pfttttttt it's not here, later, who cares, poor you Von, I can imagine the excitement then feeling deflated AND you can RANT all you want here... But, the beauty is, it is paid for, it is coming and you WILL get to play again yay!!!

Dutchy you talking about windy point? I haven't been there for years. What a clever man Bill Sparr was to own all the restaurants with views in Adelaide pretty much, to then go on to build his castle, The Grand Hotel, RIP Bill.

Cross your fingers for me, someone is coming back today for the 3rd look on a property that usually spells success and I really want this one, to work as it's for my builders, plus I can then start my Christmas Shopping lols, and concentrate on the new listings..

Mr Ruby... Stop coughing, by hook or by crook, we love you .

Hiya Sunshine Smile We still miss your smiley face .... And, Glitter/Bill/Spades.
Reply Sat 9 Nov, 2013 03:44 pm
Morning Foundy.

Yes Foundy I had "Windy Point" in mind. I already picked that site in 1952 for a dining spot. Didn't have the entrepreneuring skills of Bill Sparr who built his Restaurant there much later.

Another fantastic dining spot was the "Eagle on the Hill" Hotel, haven't been there for years and don't know if it is still there as the Main Road to Melbourne no longer goes past there.

Mount Lofty Summit Restaurant is still going strong, you need a clear day though, once it is overcast you have no view as you're in the clouds. LOL. There are a number of other small Hotels and Restaurants spread throughout the Hills with fantastic views and excellent dining room facilities. Summertown Hotel comes readily to mind, had fantastic meals there on a Sunday

We have it all Vonny. Take Foundy's fiancées Restaurant, built on the beautiful shores of the Glenelg Beach is the opposite to the Hills Restaurants. There you can enjoy the fresh sea breezes and look out over the pristine blue waters of Holdfast Bay and see the boats hit the water from the adjacent Marina. A fabulous place to dine. When are we going Foundy? Smile Dutchy loves good food and he and Mrs. Dutchy go out dining at least once a week since I've been retired and have my health back.

Just a point of interest, when I arrived in Aderlaide in 1952 there were NO restaurants or dining facilities in Adelaide. You could get an odd meal at the better class Hotels but that was it. Then the big migration from Europe started and gradually eating facilities started to appear based on the European traditions. Over the years this town has become the place to dine, with many First Class dining facilities and the best chefs in the Country. Foundy would know a lot more than me about that as she was in the Hospitality industry for many years.

All I know is our Restaurants can now match the best in the World, I should know having made 6 world trips and tried many Overseas. Unfortunately further trips are out for me due to health problems, still always wanted to visit the UK, and Europe once more with a stop over in Asia, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore are great places for that.

Cheers to the crew.
Reply Sun 10 Nov, 2013 12:47 am

1952, what a good year that was, how old was I ? I didn't have any entrepreneurial skills either then Wink

Eagle on the Hill closed down some years ago, I can't recall when, I just recall a cancelation of a friend of mine's wedding and I don't think she got her deposit back. I honestly would have thought it would have been a real winner over looking the City as it did, sad thing.

What a memory Dutchy and what a lovely tale. I love reading history of people that are in my life, not so much of others, didn't like history back then. Glenelg hasn't that changed over the years, all these high rise apartment buildings, restaurants on the water, what we really want is Bail here, you know? Fresh seafood, tables on the beach, fishing boats of the olden days going to see like Pirate ships. Now that we don't have in Aussie Land. D's restaurant is great if you like Greek, those boys can cook and 17 years, was long enough for me in the Industry though I learnt a lot about cooking can give across some old fashioned food that D laughs at "that's so old school" but I think it's awesome .

Like black pepper around a white plate for presentation or prawns battered but with coconut shreds through them, or ah I won't go on Smile


Must warn you.

Our darling Ruby is going to the Rainbow Bridge tomorrow, he's suddenly just gone downhill. He all of a sudden started coughing a lot which the Vet said was ok, upped his meds thought he'd have 4 - 8 weeks but the lumps aren't going down, refuse to and I suspect the cancer is now in his lungs, tonight he coughed up light blood every time.. He's sleeping on pain killers till tomorrow.

Last time he knew it was it, he went under a tree. Off course we saved him, we can't this time, and today when I got home he went under that tree BUT, amazingly, the witch found a matching feather to his fur, on the ground as I was trying to coax him to come out from there so I could get him inside. I won eventually only because he got up to cough and I got behind him.. But, a feather his colour? Not heard of, ginger. Just not heard of, have not seen any birds ever that colour here.

Thanks HAZEL (Grandmother/Godmother) special lady.

Anyways..............so I won't be here tomorrow night and may feel like just reading for a day, or not, not sure, I am a Witch, I understand these things, I've dealt with 3 on boxing day, new years eve, and Mr Bigs, 4 months ago, all in my arms... Here's to Ruby, I told D that we have to CELEBRATE HIS LIFE NOT HIS LOSS.. And, I told Ruby that too.

How wonderful that we can love, can talk to them, can be there. Death is life...

So this toughen up sunshine (no punt intended sunshine x ) is going to brave it with D and be there, right till the end, holding him... and bringing him home to watch our house for us and over us.


To celebrate tomorrow, HIS LIFE not death, I'd love you all to place a photo of an animal you like, or of a loved one you love and celebrate their life with me, not the other way..

PS Dutchy If I ever go before you make sure everyone does the same for me, I've only said that to you Smile





I'm OK..


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