First Word -

Reply Mon 4 Nov, 2013 03:48 pm
Here's a bit of British craziness for Dutchy - hope you enjoy it too Foundy - and Sturgis et al ( whomsoever's around)

Changed my avatar today - what a performance! Wonder how a fox will fare against an eagle (mmm, Dutchy! Laughing ) Foundy's right, Dutchy, Anna rules - okay! Rolling Eyes Embarrassed Cool

Hospital tomorrow - ugh - NOT looking forward to it, but hey ho - has to be done. Wonder if the surgeon will want to proceed further - still not sure if I want to! Rolling Eyes Twisted Evil Question

Sturgis - I KNOW you are around somewhere - please let us know that you are okay - we worry about you! Crying or Very sad

Bought new sweaters today - gosh, I bet you're buying bikinis Foundy - lucky you, soon be basking on golden beaches whilst we are shivering in zero degree temperatures - brrrr - roll on next summer - roll on next year.

Reply Mon 4 Nov, 2013 04:25 pm

I mean live on the other side of the World from each other, 30 degrees today Wink


GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!! You don't need it, you will be FINE, you will be OK, thinking of you heaps and will be waiting to hear how you are.


Reply Mon 4 Nov, 2013 05:08 pm
Today is Melbourne Cup Day downunder the Horse race that stops the nation at 2.10pm this afternoon. Public Holiday in the State of Victoria where the race is held. However most people in other states take the day off as well, including Foundy. LOL

Dutchy will watch it on TV whilst Anna will attend a Melbourne Cup luncheon in the local Hotel and place a bet for me on the Horse I expect to win. LOl

Good luck Foundy, enjoy your day.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Nov, 2013 05:25 pm

I sure could use some plasma. Actually 4 quarts of type B+ would be most useful in the blood department.

So I disappeared, it was not expected as I hadn't been planning on it. Sort of started bleeding on the right leg. Sort of? Okay, try was soaking through the bandage and not in a good way (there's a good way??). Seem to be better now, although there is a growing concern by the medical persons and myself as to what will happen next.

Spent a pleasant weekend in a hospital, and even managed to have a few tests run. Released for now with instructions to return if there appears to be any excessive bleeding. Gee, are they geniuses or what. (yeah, I'm going with what)

Tired and just want to sleep until spring returns, they must have given me some iron poor blood or the blood of a geriatric ghost.

No idea what is happening next, have another medication, and have both legs wrapped tighter than the average mummy. (the Egyptian sort, not the British mother sort)

Okay Dutchy, you need to get your orbs worked on and soon. Leaving these wild women to run around here unchecked is just not good. We're likely to show up here one day and find they've redesigned everything and aren't even preparing decadent meals for us any more.

Vonny, best of everything with your medical tomorrow...which I guess is almost today by now. Like the changed avatar. The other was nice, this one grabs me more.

A little chilly here this morning and most of the day, with a brisk wind at times which made me shudder on the return home. Oh well, indoors now with heat and the necessities so all is good.

Foundy, you mystify at times. Hard to fully explain so I won't. I will allow you to float that around in your head and digest it all at will. I mean it in a nice way, as people who mystify,also interest me.

That will be it for now, rest assured, I'm not done yet.


and one more thing, Dutchy is fully in charge whenever he says, he's in charge the rest of the time too, but he isn't one to flaunt his greatness and power.

Now let me get out of here before a broom comes at me.

Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 03:53 am

Domenic? Is that your war cry? Sounds quite a good one - I might try it Laughing Oh no, I hear you shout, get your own! Okay, what about Geronimo - or did somebody use that before me ... Rolling Eyes

Glad you like my foxxy avatar. Tried desperately hard to think of something that said "Vonny", but apart from my husband, trying to attract my attention - "Von - Von - Vonny" - I couldn't think of much - so I chose one of my very favourite animals. Yeah, I know they get a bad press, especially in the UK, but I love the little creatures - they visit our garden sometimes, and play on the field opposite the house - adorable!

Mummy - wish you hadn't said that, I can imagine your legs wearing twinsets and pears, and speaking with accents like the Queen - oh, I see, you meant MUMMIES as in Egyptian ones - aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah - the penny has finally dropped Rolling Eyes Laughing Poor legs, poor Sturgis, it does sound painful and frightening - lots of hugs to you from England - thinking of you and hoping for a good solution and a quick recovery! Hope no more bad spells - you have too many Crying or Very sad

Oh dear, hospital awaits - must get ready - cold and wet and horrid outside - and I don't want more surgery, but I shall if the surgeon says so .... what a pickle!

Dutchy - hope your horse wins! How will you see to type if Anna is going to a luncheon? Nobody to hold your magnifying glass? Bet you have half a dozen nubile nurses queuing up to hold it for you Laughing Just had a thought - a chap we know locally has the same problem as you - waiting for cataract surgery - and his wife bought him a magnifier that he hangs round his neck - it's an oblong shape and the cord round his neck holds it like a tray so that he can work hands free on his computer or read etc. It's meant for embroidery and so on, but works fine for him. Perhaps one would help you? Have a lovely day.

Off now, Foundy, hope our horse wins - Dutchy's too - wish me luck. Bye Bye all - have a good day, or is it over for you now, probably late afternoon for you and early morning for Sturgis? Wow - these time zones still confuse me.
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 03:17 pm


There is this on-going rumour that once upon a time, a certain person (male) sang this to a certain (female) in the courting stage ... Nuts huh?


Mr Dutchy - You're doing good, to type here thank you ... Drink lots of water ... and please let us know when you are allowed to get yourself booked in to correct this problem, once and for all... You need to be able to see your Christmas Presents and that of your Grandchildren as they open theirs at, well, Christmas x HUGS ... x

MELBOURNE CUP - OMG Dutchy backed me a winner, well I won three times but Mr Dutchy recommended a horse to me, I backed it, D didn't lols, I won and D didn't haha.. Not nice am I .. Well he should have.. Paid really good for $10, I got $70 back... In my purse, not sure what I will buy but I will buy something Wink So, in gratitude as you do, I phoned Dutchy right there and then, after a couple of nice champers and horrible pies and thanked him Smile

What are you going to buy Dutchy? Wink

Ms Daisy/Sunshine - As Australian's say "Where the bloody hell are you? " Wink

Ms Von - so it's allll over now how are you feeling about things? Ms Brave young foxy woman you Smile

Mr Sturgis - I mystify you, in a nice way... Could it be that I am :-


Smile As a Gemini, I think there are actually (4) not (2) of me, (personalities) I have so many different sides to me, I can understand why you are mystified Smile I assume that is what you mean Smile

Ah, Mr Sturgis. So sorry, you have just spent a week in hospital, you must be slightly, ever so slightly (wishful) mystified over this bleeding problem as well as bummed out over this constant problem, areas get better, some don't no wonder you are so tired, feeling for you and sending you a HUGE HUG.... I'm glad you have ample supplies I assume you mean GOOD FOOD and a heater to help you get though.


Remember, they always tell you the worse just in case. There will be NO excessive bleeding we are putting our witches healing stuff out there and I guess warlocks Wink Keep getting better.


Not in my life time Wink

Now let me get out of here before a broom comes at me.


It's in the closet Smile As for Domenic.. I reckon you need to make a phone call Smile
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 03:23 pm

Hospital went well - another op in January, remedial plastic surgery to remove a slight puffiness that remains from the first one, but that (hopefully) will be an end to it. Hurrah!

Foundy - waiting to see if you managed to capture some lovely photos of the Melbourne Cup - must have been fun.

Sunshine - I guess you've been too busy to post on First Word lately - don't be a stranger - we all enjoy your lively posts and fun pictures.

Sturgis - legs any better yet? You worried us over the weekend with the bleeding - how horrid for you.

Dutchy - I guess Anna must be holding the magnifying glass for you - you're posting again, that's good - we certainly miss you when you aren't here.

Last, but not least, glitterbag and Bill - always great to see you.

Reply Tue 5 Nov, 2013 07:58 pm

Dutchy's home work paid offtas he came up witj the winner of the Melbourne Cup! No mean feat picking the winner in a 24 horse field. The winner paid $7 so Dutchy's pocket money for Christmas is assured.

I PM'd Foundt and told her to back my pick which she obviously did as she phoned me after the race and thanked me. Well Foundy a mere thank per phone is not enough, I expect something more. Wink

Sunshine is around girls I've met her on the threads, she is a word guru and stumps me time and time again. Smile

Still typing with a manifying glass, very frustrating.
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 02:44 am

Yaz a winner mate Smile Aussie language well DONE x

OMG? How can I do anything other than say thank you on a telephone? Wink

Ms SUNSHINE I know First Word is well, longer but it doesn't have to be, it is what it is ,what ever that is, what ever anyone decides to do and we go from there, you can just do a FIRST WORD Smile

We miss you here.

Dutchy when are you getting your eyes done? Third request, no reply, I thought you loved me Smile

OMG I just gave Kia , Ruby's tablets well half, so tired, I quickly rang the vets they think she will be fine, just watch her. Sad

I have an 8am appointment in the morning you can be sure when I get back I shall be back Smile


Is quite limited with work but never to say hi Smile
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 02:33 pm

Light entertainment, I wonder if any of you can guess which one belongs to you ? Wink If any off course ..........................





Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 03:40 pm
Foundy you wicked woman, giving me ideas what Bruce Willis is doing, oh where is Dolly. Wink You will make me look at that picture all day. Just when I am at my best behaviour you bring this up, making me loose all my good intentions and concentration. Time for a COLD shower.

Much cooler day today, will go for a walk to test my energy, may even ask the 'Boss' to drive me to the shopping Centre and enjoy a cappucinno there and a bite to eat. They have a large food hall there with all sor.s of food from all over the world (this is a migrant country). I love Thai food.

Talking about food, a visit to Foundy's fiancée's Greek Restaurant is still on the waiting list, when Foundy finds the time she'll take us there. Smile Well dear friends this is it from downunder for today. Best wishes to all..
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 03:44 pm

Loud laughter! Foundy, where on earth do you find your photographs? The one of Bruce Willis popping out of some poor woman's cleavage is quite dreadful - not sure whether to laugh or run - it's quite frightening! Yikes Rolling Eyes Laughing

As to which of us you were thinking about when you chose the photos - strewth, I dread to think! Sturgis getting his hair and beard attended to, perhaps - mmm that's one, but as for the rest ............ Question Idea Rolling Eyes

Wrong tablet or wrong dog - it must have happened to all of us - or something similar. Being quite so exhausted shows how much pressure of work you're under - REST - please - worried about you. You may have witchy powers, but put your broomstick to bed for a while and take a few minutes out for some 'me' time - go on, you deserve it. Cool

Dutchy - answer Ms Foundy's question please - eye ops when? Hey, you're doing brilliantly well in managing to post whilst you eyes are so bad. Well done, we all admire you - you don't give up do you? Frankly, I can't see anything beating you Laughing

Sturgis - you're doing your vanishing trick again. Oh don't do that to us - we're all going to have grey hair by the time you've finished with us. Worry worry worry - please pop by and give us even a couple of words to let us know how things are! Only nagging because we care about you! Twisted Evil

Sunshine - why have you stopped shining on us? Or are you concentrating all your powers on Australia at the moment - England has certainly been pretty cold and grey for a few days now. Roll on next summer!
Daisy Ryder
Reply Wed 6 Nov, 2013 05:59 pm


Hey Dutchy! Wanna play a word game?




 Get it?



Best things in life are free.


Reps inbound if you can guess who this is...


What's another word for 'We' ?


Foundy ... Good morning.


Vonny, did you know about this!? Pretty neat.


... What's your favorite movie?
Mine's 'Alice In Wonderland'.

Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 12:21 am

I'm always somewheres around even when I don't know where the somewheres might or might not be.
Day 395 has begun and the sunlight hasn't yet risen...at least not here. I am certain it's risen in parts of Perth or Melbourne and Bordeaux and L'viv as well as other locations but here in New York it's around 1 in the a.m. so a bit unsunny outside. Warmed up some today and the winds calmed which made things nice.

So, anyhow, still dealing with all of this, the legs are back to ''normal'' as far as the 'weeping' (as the nurses call it). Actually the weeping come to recall is separate from bleeding. It's more of a strange ooze. Bleeding down too. Tingling, occasionally stabbing pains and shaking which drives me equally nuts. There is more to all the medical than I care to divulge, may eventually, it all depends on frame of mind and willingness to let it out there. Aside from the hereditary issue of crappy circulation (noted by the insane number of amputations) there's another medical matter which has definitely added to the difficulties according to the medical community. It has however been a part of me for so long I don't usually think about it and have trouble connecting it to the ulcers. (now that I've added mystery, I'll shush up on that.)

Red. My nurse was wearing red shoes. I coveted them until they left. (I mean the nurse left, they did not leave the shoes, not my size anyway)

Speaking of red. I see Dolly is wearing red nail paint. (yeah, this is the photo for Dutchy)

(not sure really why she's at all those stacks of newspapers. Perhaps she wants to remind me of my brief stint in the newspaper industry.)

As for me, well, I may take a nice long walk along one of the most peaceful stretches I know of (which can be said of any railroad tracks) so if you see this man moseying along, don't get panicked just know he's okay, but could use a cheerful hello here and again.


Until next I am here, remember...

um, not sure what it is you should remember so remember what you please.

Take care, be back soon.

Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 01:43 am

Foundy you wicked woman, giving me ideas what Bruce Willis is doing
Bruce or you Wink You know that is you don't you? I did it well I feel ... If you look at it all day, well that's you darling, pretty fine by me Wink Best behaviour bahahaha.. I've read the threads (briefly) good lord child, cold shower in-deed lols.

I said Old Port Noarlunga , up our way, lunch that's the first one no point sending D back to work now is there? xx Will organise soon, so sorry, went from 3 listings to 7, to 11 and now 15 in like a week or 2.. Don't know who I am, I mean where I am, let alone rentals.

That's you done Thai man, we ain't going Thai but I am sure you will love what ever we dish you out ((((soon))))).

Such a character you are x
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 01:46 am
MIS S S VON - Smile Not telling, my secret so you loved Dutchy popping around the boobs? LOLS

Well.... No, Sturgis is the actual guy dressed smart, looking cool, cutting someone else's hair, you are the lady in the hat all be it that she is young, why not? Amongst the waterfall and nature... We know who Dutchy is, and off course "I see dead people" Wink And, Daisy bright spark of my life, here on the threads miss her, is "no, no, no, " rebel, yes she is a rebel, took too long to come back home here Smile

OMG Can't believe I did that should have felt my heart I was almost in tears, so happy that it was "OK" .. about to do it all over again after 12hr shift, but I will be careful this time.. REST? BAHAHA..


Dutchy as much as I love you, I love D more and we don't get time, so tomorrow lunch or dinner together, I know you get that , there Von, my time... I will take time out not in the morning but.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 01:47 am
@Daisy Ryder,
you need a smack.. BOO TO A WITCH? Wink

I will be back to get you Smile
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 01:54 am
Around, round ,spinning around, like a record, round, round, round, round .

Going to play in your head for a bit? Not a bad song STURGIS.

Did I tell you there was a horse named that and so, I backed it? Yes, I DID, sorry love, it didn't win but I tried...... In your name.

L'viv as well as other locations


Sorry too tired Von do it for me? Wink

Aweee Sturgis, surely they can get this all under control? I hate reading this.. No one deserves for anything on-going... EVENTUALLY what is wrong with now.. We love you and are here for you, just spit it out please, it is what it is but keeping things to yourself is not healthy..

I won't DEMAND but ya KNOW I WILL .. I want to know, we want to know, thank you x

HAHAHAHA No way, the nurse really wasn't wearing red right?

I secretly think she wants to step on them next to look taller shhhh Smile Hey Dutchy Smile

um, not sure what it is you should remember so remember what you please.

Well we "bloody" (Australian) do, you.. until you return, we shall remember you, as we do x
Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 02:42 am
@Daisy Ryder,

Like that? New word for you.



Ohhh I never judge, people are who they are, love them for that, who ever they are Smile Laughed though Wink

Ms Daisy, the best things in life are free, including being bare foot, and other things, be free ..you know what I mean... WAITING for photos to friggen turn up that I sent myself of those free spirited women, at the Melbourne Cup Luncheon......grrrr


This is a free massage, seriously? I'd run OMG she does not look happy doing this imagine the poor person's neck? Wink

OMG Love the Eagle tried to copy it, can't think tirrrrrrrrrred lovely Smile

DUTCHY Smile Spoilt or what .

Can't copy that one either evening sweet Smile How did you know that I have owls, as ornaments? Yes, I do, a girlfriend started me off .. Mr Bigsy was photographed the night before oh, I posted that here, maybe you are a Witch? Wink Hugging an Owl, smiling his smile, feeling so loved ;( Miss you Bigsy, big time.... thank you Sunshine x


Every witch has a Cat Wink

Reply Thu 7 Nov, 2013 08:55 am

Gawd Foundy you do a lot of talking but I do love your posts. I'm anxiously waiting for the photos of the Melbourne Cup, want to see your new dress and your outlandish hat. Smile Was it styled on a Witches Hat? That would be realty fitting.

Thank you guys for all the interesting posts, in particular Sturgis for finding another photo of a demure Dolly. Keep going back to Bruce Willis, no wonder he lost his hair by popping up at this most delicious spot. Wink

Foundy slow down you have to much work on your plate. Vonny trust your Hospital visit was a success and you look so much better. Waiting for Sunshine to appear and resume our word challenging, she bamboozles me with her fantastic word power. Smile

Waves from the "Boss".
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