First Word -

Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 03:04 pm

Hey, clever you, Foundy - you did well. Great to see and hear Santana - anytime!

You're doing better than me. I've wrongly posted on two different threads this evening - I think my mind is concentrating on two things - the 5th of November, and the storm warnings we have in the UK at the moment - I'm a nervous wreck!

Onwards and upwards, as they say, here's a piece of music I posted (correctly!) on a thread this evening - it's annoying but catchy, I need something to cheer me up. Do you have a piece of 'musak' - what they used to call 'elevator music' - that you used to hear so often that it grew on you?

No Sturgis this evening? Hope he's okay and not in pain, bless him. Have to search out some liquorice and ice cream cake for him if he's not back by tomorrow.
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 03:06 pm

Is it a reality show or a soap?
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 03:15 pm
Vonny here is some elevating music that will grown on you, it did to me!
"Baby I'm burning" by Dolly Parton.Smile
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 03:20 pm
There's that Domenic again, Smile In your text for the second time.....

I just wanted to say I am glad that you are not eating your mustache any longer Wink




Just a bit of light fun~


Places of the world you would like to visit/re-visit - Thailand! What is yours? Hey can we put music with a picture? I wonder Smile

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 03:23 pm

Is it a reality show or a soap?

I don't care, I could just watch him all day Wink Reality Show, he's single, and has to eliminate ladies until there is one left. He's got soul, looks, charm, compassion I better go get another coffee Smile

Morning DUTCHY~

Hey, 5th is a long way a way Von Smile Breathe in and out xx

EVENING everyone else !!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 03:36 pm
SIGH! Now we are in trouble, we will be INUNDATED WITH DOLLY!!!! Wink
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 04:39 pm

...and what would be wrong with that? Wonderful music, melodius sound, cheerful smile...

So moving right along, because I figure on Dutchy to place the needed videos of Dolly, from Preacher Tom to Jolene to Here You Come Again to her work with that creature known as Kenny Rogers, such as Islands In The Stream (rumor has it that originally Dutchy was to be singing the Rogers part)
((yes, I just started that rumor))
(((it is said that rumors are sometimes rooted in fact)))

Decent day, still a little cool outside, but nothing to much and there hasn't been as much of a breeze as the last few days.

Have to rush off for now, back later.
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 07:03 pm
Sturgis your wish is my command, here comes.......drum roll....... Dolly

Reply Sat 26 Oct, 2013 01:07 am

Sturgis & Dutchy

Now see if you can work that out Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Oct, 2013 02:59 am

Dutchy - by elevator music, I meant the sort of music you hear in elevators - or, in the UK, in lifts - when you are in shopping malls! Laughing

as opposed to elevating music - mmm, fine difference - where does your Dolly come in those categories? Both I guess, she elevates your mood, and you'd probably hear her in elevators ..................... Rolling Eyes

My fault entirely, I'm not particularly good at explaining things - surprised that Foundy ever managed to follow my instructions to post music from YouTube, or settle on an avatar!

I'm pretty slow at following instructions too - Foundy asked if there was a way to put a picture on PLUS MUSIC! There is - poor Neko Nomad tried desperately hard to educate me on a music thread http://able2know.org/topic/138615-1 Page 34, but I am simply too dense to understand it. Perhaps your pal, Rockhead, can advise, Dutchy? I'd love to be able to do it. Or Daisy? I hate to be beaten like this. Embarrassed

On to our pop music faves - ah, not Dolly for me - totally Elvis! And totally Elvis sings gospel! I've been a fan since forever ........

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Oct, 2013 03:12 am

You don't like Kenny Rogers? Quelle horreur! Why ever not? One of my top favourite songs of all time - one my husband bought for me when we first married - Something's Burning!

Reply Sat 26 Oct, 2013 02:46 pm
when we first married - Something's Burning!

Mr. Green Very Happy Laughing Laughing Very Happy Mr. Green
Reply Sat 26 Oct, 2013 02:52 pm
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Were that the sheets or the bed posts?
Reply Sat 26 Oct, 2013 03:00 pm

Me, Dutchy, you are so not the romantic... I was thinking (HEART) <3 when I decided to quote Von on that, sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Oct, 2013 03:08 pm
I used my kitchen to cook in today! Wow! Used the wonderful new sear and stew slow cooker to make a Mexican chilli - turned out wonderfully well! I used the microwave for the first time too - just for rice to go with the chilli, but I'm delighted with the whole thing! I'd forgotten just how much I enjoyed cooking - quite a triumph for me to get round the room and use everything.

Thanks for the encouragement, Foundy!


ps I fell once - grrrr - my leg gave way - didn't hurt myself though, just got the giggles! My own fault for forgetting it doesn't work very well and, quite literally, hopping down from a high kitchen stool! Yikes!
Reply Sat 26 Oct, 2013 03:37 pm


Giggle.... I HAD to laugh myself as you told that, as I could see you giggling Smile

WHOO HOO awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 01:44 am

Very happy for you Vonny that you got yourself back into the kitchen to do something which gives you such happiness. (and thanks to Foundy for giving you that friendly nudge to do so). Glad that your legs didn't cause you injury and that you didn't decide to abandon the effort in that moment. Keep at it, it'll likely get easier and more alluring daily for you. Plus it'll get your mind off into a nicer place.

Yes I know, I said I'd be back later when last I posted. Well this is technically later (although later than I had expected in many ways.) What can I say? Varied things took over and I got sidetracked.

Not to worry too much about me being awake at 3 in the morning, I woke up late and didn't actually pull myself together until much later than that. Did a few things but for the most part was sort of in a half fog. Along with that was the moment of realizing that I might want to actually try eating something to go with the 2 cups of coffee and glasses of water which had been my entire intake for the day. So at about 10:40 p.m. I finally ate brunhper (combo of all 3 meals).

I know, I know, I need to do something about this. It's becoming not only a habit, it's becoming a big concern to me. Part of the 'cure' would be sacking my pride and allowing a local organization to put the meals together for me and then deliver them. Two organizations do this, I just need to call, get the forms, have the doctor fill out parts regarding the health and see what happens. I suppose that's my real issue, I am not willing to accept or believe that my health matters are where they are. So does anyone have an idiot stick to whack me with until I face the reality? (a friend of mine did make me an idiot stick years ago, I seem to have misplaced it)

Cleaned up today, alarmed by the redness of the lower legs. Almost funny as it goes clear up on both right to the knees after which I return to a frightful pasty white. (note the redness is apart from the sores which are quite a bit less than they were- I seem to keep saying that as if that'll make the others vanish. Hey! There's an idea! I can use Vanishing cream!)

Too much yammering on about me.

One more though, no, I don't dislike Kenny Rogers to the degree it seemed I'd made it sound when speaking of his duets with Dolly. Pointedly I have at times enjoyed his works. Loved his work with the First Edition as well.

With that in mind this little ditty from the motion picture soundtrack of Six Pack , Love Will Turn You Around

Didn't forget Dutchy, just a little spread thin right now, so settle for this if we can (only has the one album cover image)

and an early performance Early Morning Breeze (right then you could see she had it all, talent, looks, talent...oh, I said that already)

and a personal favorite (apologies if I'm getting a little too sappy here)
Precious Memories

(yeah it includes 'in the stillness of the midnight' which is something I mentioned somewhere around here of recent)

That'll be all for now, hope all is going well here on the homefront and that people are respectful of Dutchy The Great and his pizza (who knew?)
Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 03:25 pm
After my triumph of yesterday, I felt confident enough to brave the kitchen again, and - walking very carefully (my confidence always gets a nasty knock when I have a fall Rolling Eyes ) - I made a Hungarian Goulash in the slow cooker - wow, it turned out to be even better than the Mexican Chilli!!! Laughing You ought to get one of the new Sear and Stew Slow Cookers, Sturgis - you can use the inner part of it on the hob to sear meat and vegetables, then just lift it into the body of the slow cooker, turn it on, and leave it. Wonderful invention! It comes in red too - as you can see by the photo I posted earlier! Just wish I'd thought of buying a microwave in red too. Idea Maybe next time!

It's all a bit of a novelty for me. Before my accident, I had to commute long distances daily to my office, and cooking was something that had to be fitted into a very short time slot in the evenings. Then, when I became unable to get into the kitchen for various reasons, my husband took over - so we had an awful lot of Marks & Spencer's meals - great, but not home cooking. So now, finally, I've found something that is fun and that I seem to be quite good at - it's creative, so it gives me an outlet there too.

Add the fact that I am a gadget freak - LOVE all sorts of gadgets - and kitchenalia gives me a great outlet - wow, so many new toys on the market nowadays - been looking at bread makers online today (just kidding, of course - I think!) Cool

I know exactly what you mean about not being willing to accept or believe that your health matters are where they are - it isn't easy. It took me an awfully long time to accept things like mobility scooters and grab rails, and the fact that if I wanted to get round, then I'd have to have and use them. Not easy to admit!

I'd been into horse riding, swimming, ice skating, back packing and camping, cycling, walking, and .... my big love ... dancing. I just couldn't accept that one silly accident could lead to a sequence of events that could have ended it all - seemed impossible. But, having accepted that I need certain things to enable me to do stuff - wow, I'm living again! Yes, I use a mobility scooter, but I don't feel disabled on it - just a great way to shop in comfort - amazing how much easier it is to sit and look through clothes in a dress shop, or books in a book store, when sitting on a comfortable seat! And I can still indulge my passion for shoes! I'd thrown all my (very) high heeled shoes and boots away, broken hearted that I could no longer use them - when, hey - I realised that I could ... and can! I went out and bought some really cute shoes with 5" heels - the first of several pairs - how great it is to be able to travel miles with them on ... in total comfort! Crazy, but why not!

So please do accept that you have limitations nowadays, Sturgis, but make the most of them - get nourishing food, whether you slow cook it, or have it brought to you - why not! You need nourishing food to stay well and help you to fight infection - get it any way you can. Laughing

Now it's me 'yammering' (see, I'm becoming an American - I said that I was 'shlepping' somewhere the other day!)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 03:35 pm
Hi Foundy, thanks for the fireworks and champagne! Yes, as I've just been telling Sturgis, I've been back in the kitchen and made another meal - gosh, that Sear & Stew Slow Cooker is magic! I didn't even know they existed until I looked up something totally unrelated online and saw RED - the slow cooker I bought last year, and had never used, is now languishing in a cupboard while the newer model is in pride of place. Next to my microwave, as you can see from the photo I posted, like yours!

How is Ruby doing? Poor lamb - I've been thinking about him a lot lately. You and D have done wonders to keep him going this long! I guess it's hard though. Crying or Very sad

Haven't seen a lot of you lately, I guess you are rushed off your feet - busy lady as ever! Don't overdo things - remember your shoulder.
Reply Sun 27 Oct, 2013 03:52 pm

What wonders you can experiment now in the kitchen all sorts of meals, as you know I LOVE cooking and seeing or should I say, tasting the results so happy for you...


You need to take photos of the end results Wink


MY T IS STUCK - ghaaa have to buy a new keyboard I think...


The hole is his neck is enormous!!! But dry and clean.. He craves food, can't stop drinking water, all part of the care. The vet honestly feels that the two months we tried Chemo again, didn't work, he was feeding off of it instead. They are worried that it just makes him sick, he's happier on his tablets until the day comes. D is tending now to lean towards that. But, he doesn't like being separated anymore either, bangs the door down so Rawaii goes with Kia mostly whilst he sits with me, what a commotion especially as D is sleeping and I have to try to keep everyone "shhhh" quiet.

HANKS for asking sick of the ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt Smile

Work has surprised me, yes, flat out, less energy Smile Happy though I can pay the bills and keep going to rid of a huge Superannuation Company old debt by April, on a mission Wink

STURGIS brunchdinnbreakf - EAT!!

What is wrong with "meals on wheels" delivered right to you? Perfect and when you feel like potatoes and onions you can do that too, not eating is not smar tttttttttttttttt Smile So, you know... It's in your mind, do it.

This on-going getting better and then worrying as a red mark appears, must be so, frustrating but listen to your Nurses, they are not as worried as you are, there has to be a reason for that.

Positive ok, always positive ... None of this negative thinking pfttttttttttttttttttttt Wink

Where is my song? What is this DOLLY DOLLY DOLLY? Wink

Dutchy Wink

Had nightmares last night, I was running, running, running, hiding, running, I think I won though....

Big day ahead, had D's Dad here last night hence you feel I have been absent Wink Just absent minded hehe.




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