First Word -

Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 01:46 am

I know I'm a tad younger not much. But, I haven't listened to music in sooo long and just played Jeff Buckley in my car all the way home Smile

Think it has something to do with this current conversation Wink


Thinking of you, I know your life is personal.. But when a dear friend you've spent your life time almost with and been there with all the way, passes, it's hard.

And so, it would be amiss of me not to write that here, amongst your friends, for all to send their love.

Sending hugs big ones to you tonight............BIG ONES xxxx

Much love.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 03:00 am

When next you go to a supermarket, play this one in your head! It helps!

Family trees? No way - unutterably dull. Now if we had Jack the Ripper or Henry the Eighth - --


But for D's family tree - here's a few images of Morpeth, Northumberland - some lovely old houses, great countryside, and only a short drive from the sea - lovely place!



Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 03:20 am

City Limits. We have a Johnny Cash DVD filmed at Austin City Limits - apparently they do a large number of CDs and DVDs.

Listened to Alabama Shakes earlier - wow, love that woman's voice! I'm earmarked it in my 'favourites' to go back to - thanks for the intro!

Do you have favourites for different occasions and different moods? I do - regular drama queen at times, and one of my 'drama queen' faves is the following - film clip and all - (much hated by my husband who's something of a music 'purist')

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 03:35 am

Aaaah - I started to read your post and though - for one moment - that you really had been passed as 'fit as a fiddle' by your doctor!

Then I read on ....

Poor Sturgis! At least you have A2K to amuse you when the pain isn't too bad!

These are for you -


0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 03:48 am
So sorry about your friend - love and hugs! Crying or Very sad
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 10:05 am

Thank you sincerely Vonny and Foundy for your PM's regarding the loss of my closest friend today.

John and I had been mates for over 40 years and ironically were admitted to the same Hospital, same floor and on the same day in January of this year. He was diagnosed with cancer and I had my heart problems. I was lucky to survive, he didn't and passed away this afternoon.

John was a self made man, ran a flourishing Caravan Business in this State and was able to retire comfortably at the age of 45. Together with his wife, we made many Caravan trips to every corner of Australia, enjoyed life and had lots of fun.

Aged 60, he saw a niche in the recycling of car and truck tyres and set up a new business. Again he was spot on, made contact with buyers in China and soon became the biggest tyre recycler in this State, exporting every used tyre he could lay his hands on.

Once the business was running smoothly he passed it over to his son but kept an interest in it by attending the factory everyday and doing the maintenance on the machinery and the fleet of trucks.

In the beginning I often used to give him a hand in collecting used tyres from service stations around the State, they used to call us the "Two grumpy old men", but the opposite was the truth, we had a lots of laughs and fun together.

John was truly a loyal friend, despite carrying his illness with dignity, he dropped in to see me 2 or 3 times a week during my hospitalisation and recovery at home until he was unable to travel anymore, the role then reversed and I went to see him at his home.

Last week we knew the end was near and we said an emotional farewell to him. On Friday he was admitted to the hospice section of the local hospital and this afternoon he passed away peacefully. He has now joined his beloved wife who passed away 4 years ago. May his soul rest in peace.
Daisy Ryder
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 12:30 pm

There I was. 
Walking through a forest.
But it wasn't a regular forest with regular trees.
It wasn't mystical but it was something to strike several feelings followeds by suspicion. 
I had been in these woods before.
Seen the strange flora that impended curiosity and the notion that the foliage was not of your own world.
A side from the peculiarities of the forest. This world was vastly apart from your closest enigmatic fathom of reality.
I recognized the striped grass. The thousand petal vine that raced to the top of the speckled, long leaf trees. The smell of fire and mist in the air. From the canopy came a dim spray of light, giving the surrounds the same dim glow of brightness. Not to dark to be blinded by shadows. But, not to light to obscure your vision by the glare of the sun.
Sound. Silence.
Except of the slight breeze followed by the rustle of debris tumbling amongst its own kind.
I remember this land so familiar. The memories rushed by me like dogs to the dinner whistle. I was near a village I was once fond of. The village of artisans. I last heard it was set a flame. Burned to the ground. Nothing but 'Once was' covered by the thicket of overgrowth creeping from the edges of the tree line.
I didn't mean to go so far. To be so fleeting. To run barefoot over the seas from port to port. I didn't mean to set sail that night. To wander from the new homestead. It wasn't far. But, I didn't mean to voyage in a circle. 
Stepping foot on the narrow beaches, walking aimlessly into the shrubbery.
Under the faint shine, the illuminated dew drops on the eyes of giant snails.
Being the careful noise amongst the nettles. 
... Looking closely at a the seeds of a once fiber optic flower.
The arrow nearly missed my ear. Or so it felt. Darting past at a speed and force that would let wind shoot through solid brick. It grazed the bark of a tree, jittered and spun in its bee line path just before wedging it's tip in the dirt. At its angled position, I saw the red fletching. A preferred for many of the artisans. 'Kevin' I thought. The bearded, gray haired archer. Of whom I had slayed a beast before. No. That man would have shot through the laces of my boots or shoot ever so slightly above my shoulder as to catch my clothes and pin me to a tree. It wasn't Kevin. This man, as ominous as the lone dart seemed, this archer meant no harm. I heard a muffled chuckle and smelt herbs from a kitchen. I knew that smell. The smell of the villages best cook and funny smart ass. This man was aptly named Aardvark. 
I looked around, peering through the slender stalks of the trees. Trying to catch a glimpse of the past. 
'Maybe I was wrong and it wasn't him.
The dizziness of spinning knocked me sideways with vertigo. I looked straight forward, looking at Aardvark. A slight pause before a shortened laugh, followed by a speedy embrace. 
"Last I saw you, you ran off in mid conversation." He exclaimed.
"The ship was smoking like a smog factory ". I returned.
"I told you. Can't walk away from cooking."
He glanced at the red plumage on the iron wood shaft of the arrow impaling the ground. As he went to reach for it he said, "Even so, some of the villagers are still harbored here." "Where!?" "In The Outland communities." He pointed with the earthy arrow. We walked together for five minutes in his insisted direction to a ledge. Below the ledge, embedded in the earth were stepping stones of flat rock. Possibly not intended for stepping stones as they had appeared. The ground was a field of smokey yellow. String like grasses swayed in the constant breeze. The wind stretched outward. Beyond the field was a new place. A place that was still being built. Primitive construction lined its perimeter. He explained to me there were several displaced communities within its borders. Staring at its massive surface area, I asked of the artisans.
We strolled to the left and down an accessible bank not as steep as the stepping stones. 
"Some have found there way back but, not everyone."
Approaching the town, the sight of two entrances were visible. 
One led to the artisans. I knew it. The one on the right.
Inside the walls, the sun shone bright, reflecting off the newly painted wooden walls of the precut planks to be nailed to finish the few buildings that stood .....
There was the gray haired man in front of the tavern, waving a curled stick around and pointing at it. Probably a new project of his. I heard the sound of hitting metal to wood. Stricker, Wade, Bark ... Throwing knives at a makeshift target. I couldn't believe it. They were reforming the community of artisans I remembered.
Without stopping, I waved my way into the tavern and sat down for a drink ... And there I sat. Wondering about the other homestead ... Wanting to go back. Go back and make sure they were okay ... 

To be Con'd...

I had a flash of creativity last night and started writing fiction. Based on the Internet world.
Never did that before, kinda dumb but it was fun. Feel free to laugh at it, I did. (; 
Anyway, thought I'd share. Today's the day I start bringing plants in and begin the darkness treatment for winter flowers. Around this time of year, poinsettia, kalanchoe and various types of Christmas or Easter cacti need eight hours of darkness in order to be in full bloom by middle winter. Last day I can change the water for my koi too.

I'm very sorry to hear about your friend Dutchy. It's always harder on those left behind. It sucks to lose a friend. There's probably nothing I can say to bring solace. May his memory live on and may you stay strong. You are strong. You are a great human being and I am deeply empathetic for your circumstances. I wish I could hug you. God bless you Dutchy.

Take care everyone.
-Your friend, Sunshine (Daisy)
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 12:37 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

That was beautiful Sunshine, I'm deeply touched by your kind words. We'll get over his loss, it wasn't sudden but expected, and the healing process has already started, life goes on! (((Sunshine)))
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 02:40 pm
Now if we had Jack the Ripper or Henry the Eighth - --

Now for all you know Von... One of those were Wink Most of us if not nearly all of us Aussies, descend from England Smile


Well if that is where D lived for 10 year, no wonder he didn't really want to come home. Like me, he loves the old buildings, perhaps we were born 100 or so years ago first off Wink

Thanks heaps for those pictures, appreciated, I'll show D when he finally wakes up !!! Bless he works 12hrs shifts with a coffee or so in-between ...

0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 02:43 pm

Hey there boss Smile Only this once, yes only this once Wink Thanks for the details of John how inspiriting and I can see you two Grumpy Old Men, doing ya thing over those years Smile Good memories, all good memories and the will and desire to see each other as much as possible every week, tells a huge tail of the friendship...


Only being a very young friendship, I am more than aware how real your friendship is...


He would want that x
0 Replies
Reply Wed 23 Oct, 2013 02:52 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

Ms Daisy, I have noted in a lot of your posts that you are very artistic, then there is your "art" on canvas, with flowers, the need for knowledge, the knowledge of what each plant is called, when the bloom, when they don't, knowledge.


Without a doubt, you need to write a book.. I read every word and could visualise every bit which means, it's read worthy Smile

Though I am into non-fiction, just because I have a thirst for real, of this well, World.. I am in awe of anyone that can tell a story made up which has interest to want to know what comes next.


There is always a handsome male you know, who did you leave behind in those woods Wink


Affirmations another of my favourites


All used to be written large and placed on the wall of my office, for my staff, once upon a time and guess how many believed in any of them Wink Oh, yeah, I work for myself now Smile


Just fed my baby magpie he makes me smile, knows exactly what time I will be out to greet him........

I did play another song last night ahhhh!! But, but, the BATCHELOR was on, and he's a hunk and has a beautiful soul and well all the girls are falling in love with him, can't wait to see who he ends up with. Problem is, the next batchelor couldn't possibly be anywhere as good... Wink
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 01:21 pm

is The Batchelor? A character in a tv programme or ???

Been listening to lots of music over the past day or two - I do like a lot of weird stuff - perhaps the weirdest is my choice of something like the following -
how can I? Don't ask - just happens to be another big fave!

It must do my brain a grave disfavour - one day Bartok, the next Bon Jovi - ah well, vive la difference - yet again!

Hey Dutchy - how are you now? Hope you're working hard on your physio - want to see you running by Christmas - then I can yell 'Watch Out' to Foundy as you fly round the corner at 100mph!

Sturgis - how are you now? Any improvement?

Glitterbag - hope no recurrence of the migraine.

Bill - too long, too long. Don't desert A2K and First Word - we like having you here.

Sunshine - nice bit of creative writing. Gosh, ages since I last wrote anything - where on earth do you find the time?

Spades - still hoping! Crying or Very sad

Some bits and pieces - my 'thoughts for the day'




0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 01:28 pm

Couldn't think of anywhere to post the following - ah well, here goes - debunking Jaws myths!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 02:35 pm

As a personal choice, I prefer the stalagmite over its cousin the stalactite. For one thing it seems a bit stranger to see something so grand and alluring rising up on the ground. I get a similar pleasurable chill when I see a tree or other plant first sprout through the soil, call me odd (you know you want to), but it just does something for and to me. I suppose it's the clear and obvious matter of seeing change and continuance right there in front of me. Stalagmites also can be used as objects to gently lean against for steadying as a journey through a cave is going on. Don't lean too hard though as they have been known to fracture.

Now it could be said that equal appreciation should be generated towards the stalactite as it has given of itself in order to create the stalagmite. If the dripping water had gone a different route, then perhaps it would have been the stalactite and not a ground hugging stalagmite. Hmm...
it would seem I have a fondness for the stalactite as well. Oh well, equal affection seems only fair.

Since I could ramble on about this, I figure it is better to offer a friendly link to our science friends:

Cooler weather moved in, seems to be planning on staying at least a few days, which is mixed bag. While it's nice to see the oppressive heat depart, I am no longer that thrilled by the bitter cold and menacing winds and ice which seem to be hellbent on visiting most every year from late November into as far as early April. Already I've taken the first precaution which was to close the windows. (and to think there are those who doubt my genies) There is also the midweight winterish/autumnish jacket which I have neatly folded and placed on the headboard (it's a bookshelf with cubicles design headboard so room on top for items) this way if the heat cuts off during the night, I can easily manage to stay warm and additionally have something to put on when I slither out of bed.

Actually I haven't slithered in at least a decade. My slither went the way of my favorite red hairs. The remaining reds were the first renegades and turned white. The brown and black hairs are taking a slower approach. All however have seen fit to depart my scalp at what can only be described as a criminal rate. Enough of that though as I have enough hair left to make a nice pony tail and have my sexy beard and mustache. Trimmed the mustache earlier, I was tired of biting it when eating.

OUCH! Just rubbed my ear too hard and evidently in the wrong direction.

Speaking of ouch, legs still giving me a tough time, wounds clearing mostly, however a few new ones. Oh joy! Oh bliss! At this rate, I'll begin seeing these wound care nurses as next of kin and naming them in my will. I have noticed-again darn it!- that the pain still exists. Every time I try to completely stop the pain meds, I get hit. Then the humming begins and the shouting out of random words or names. MUGWUMPS! DOMENIC! ESRIOROIEPIP! (sometimes just a bunch of rolled together syllables meaning whatever you want them to mean).

Speaking of which, has anybody seen my Tito Puente c.d.s? Could have been sure I'd left them in a particular spot; yet they seem to be there not. Thank goodness for youtube to save me on that.

Since I insist on bringing music up, I figure how about an upbeat piece. Michael Franti & Spearhead, Say Hey (I Love You)

That's all for now, will try to return again later or there abouts and maybe even remember to make a few responses to some of the earlier questions.

Take care all.
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 02:54 pm

OUCH! Just rubbed my ear too hard and evidently in the wrong direction.

For some reason, that had me in fits of laughter! My weird sense of humour! Rolling Eyes Been there, done that - so many times! Rolling Eyes

Hair loss - where does men's hair go to? When I met my husband, he had shoulder length hair - truly lovely, sun-kissed waves - ahhhhhhh (sigh) - but in his early 50's it seemed to erode - just vanished slowly and silently - no visible signs of it going - just ........................... Bit of a monk's tonsure effect nowadays, alas!

Music - oh I do like that one, Sturgis - I've bookmarked it so I can listen again. Michael Franti is new to me - which is great; like finding a new author you like - lovely to be able to hope for more of the same!

Shouting out random names? Isn't that called speaking in tongues? Help! Actually, Mugwamps is one of the names we call our dog - Megan - so don't be surprised if a big, sloppy, lovable, yellow Labrador Retriever lands on you from afar! Seriously though - it must get bad at times - hugs to you to store up for the pain times Laughing

Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 10:16 pm
Trying out how to post a You Tube presentation with help of Rockhead

Yippee, it worked. Thanks Rockhead. Smile
Reply Thu 24 Oct, 2013 10:23 pm
any time, D...

Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 01:22 am
Hiya again Rockhead Smile What a lovely thing to do, but then that's you... Thank you, I am sure this young chick will work it out in the next 48hrs, I am like that hey Von Wink

Hiya all, I can just imagine by the time I get here in the morning and re-read and reply you lot will give me more Smile

Having a date .................................................so till morning.......................

0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 04:12 am
Just a flying visit, RH, or are you going to be a regular here? Always glad to see a friendly face ... Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 25 Oct, 2013 02:54 pm

I think you explained it perfectly Ms Von Wink There you go... First attempt and whallla.............. Santana!! Thanks...

The Batchelor - Smile

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