First Word -

Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 02:19 pm
HARRUMPH! Rolling Eyes

(That was an English snort of derision for you and Dutchy!)

Dutchy has (almost, but not quite) rendered me speechless! Foundy, where are you - I need back-up?! Twisted Evil

Cook for you both? As Foundy would say, Pffffffffffffffffffftttt! As of this moment I'm going on strike! I'll allow you a little leeway, Sturgis, on the assumption that you are still in pain Exclamation , but you, Dutchy - ha! You are quite well enough now to be chased round the block by a broomstick wielding Foundy - by Anna too if Foundy tells her how chauvanistic you've been! I thought - I hoped - that MCPs had died out in the 70s - how wrong I was Idea

TaTa boys - I'm off now - WHEN I get a humble and grovelling apology, then I shall return. Twisted Evil
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 02:52 pm
Righto, dealt with one woman trying to defy the "Boss", game enough to have a go too Foundy? I'm on a winning streak and have you for breakfast anytime. This thread will turn into a battle field if you girls don't toe the line! No apologies from me, time you girls recognise who rules the show! Have I made myself clear?Now get into that kitchen Foundy and prepare me a healthy breakfast.
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 03:53 pm
Oh I'm right here Von, stirring up a brew, these boys have just got too carried away for my liking... Once I've finished, with the help of my little friends, they will be as quiet as a mouse.. Remember, white witches don't hurt anyone, but they sure can still cast a spell Wink


And, see then we have a back up Wink Ms Daisy ...


There are (3) angels to every devil!!! That should cover Dutchy anyway Wink


Shhh look!! Seems we have back-up coming too Wink

STURGIS!~ Ya don't want us cooking for you, nor you DUTCHY, you do know that we can put what ever into our food and once you've eaten it, that's it, the POWER IS OURS perhaps you both should just go back to washing up the dishes after the food has been made for you, and forget your silly thoughts of us cooking for you .. Then mow the lawn, take the garbage out you know, the reason why we have you around Smile


Settle Down there DUTCHY no need to get angry, it's just garbage !!!


Follow suit from Sturgis, there is a good boy !


Hey girls - See, they do the dishes, cooking is fun, dishes are a chore bahahahahahaha


Gunna send these men to you girls to help with your dishes, I mean that is what they are there for, to do what we want / need / yes? Wink


Ah the brewing worked, just a sniff I tell you that is all the boys needed, I sent it through the wind along the paths of their front doors.. We again, dominate.. As it should be.

Hush Dutchy don't cry http://i448.photobucket.com/albums/qq204/LevisTravels/Paul_Newmanx.jpg

Though Daniel Craig can cry in my arms anytime





Daisy Ryder
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 03:57 pm
I'm a neutral party. I do believe women have their place... and men do too. I believe Dutchy, you have stepped out of line.
Women deserve to be swatted at sometimes but, never - ever - never rub their nose in poo.
You haven't any dignation.
Without women, you would be bumming.
You upset Vonny and I suggest you apologize to her pronto.
Or you won't get any dinner OR breakfast.
I wasn't going to give any satisfactory response but
don't f'ing pick on my girls - not to the extent of threats to never return.
Shame on you!
We can do without men but we like to keep you around for reasons I can't figure.
The counsel of human-kind wouldn't explain that at our last meeting.
We let you think you're the boss so that your pretentious self doesn't realize we could off you at any moment.
Dutchy, I suggest you put your corset back on and touch up your lipstick before you apologize, things might go smoother.
... that is all.
Daisy Ryder
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 03:59 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Ha!ha!ha! That was brilliant Foundy! I posted when you posted, now it won't let me take it back. There was an angry hamster stopping me.
Brilliant post Found.
So .... That's why we keep them around? Very ingenious. Wink
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 04:05 pm

Dutchy - Von has already covered the broomstick thingy. Sheez, we are more modern than that.

Bill hiya - You are soooo good at funny photos yes you are, 1 photo here and there I know you can manage.......... Take care of yourself, we are here, do as you will when you want, when in the mood, what ever ... Smile

Daisy YES please, would love to hear about the Ghost/ Spirit PM is more than welcome.

COUGAR - Oh dear but that is what they all do, there were 3 magpies this morning trying to kill a baby magpie that visits me every morning and afternoon for some mince meat and a bit of bread. He'd love to hang around but those dang jealous evil things ... I chased them yesterday as they got him, and I chased them away this morning think he landed on his feet on the ground over the fence. I get you.

8hrs darkness for winter plants please do tell more.

Thai tea.. Well we just came back from Thailand I should have tried it over there .. LOVE THAILAND!

STURGIS - a tooth out? OUCH been there done that, many a time, though I must say I have a fear of needles.

Ah skipping breakfast is what makes you feel weak Daisy, it's not the exercise, you will want to do that, just because you feel ALIVE ..EAT BREAKFAST Wink Goals are good..

Scratchy that be you Sturgis? hehe. No , not funny Sad Sorry I do feel for you, sounds as if you are definitely on the mend though hun.. So happy about that.

Pink frilly curtains though na, not us girls didn't come from us, If anything they would have been red.


Vaccum Smile See? Von already put her curse on you bahahahaha.


Again today sigh... One must work as one must work, whilst she can work..


Very simular to my "kellys angels" logo for my business - like charlies angels worked a treat for years !

Ok must fly Smile

Hugs to all, if you need it and I think a couple do ...
Keep smiling,
Keep dreaming
Keep laughing
Keep playing
Keep believing

0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 04:06 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

I was reading what you wrote and thinking, WT? I found the reasons hehe.
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 07:38 pm
ok girls I got the message loud and clear, how can I get a foot in, 3 against one. Well I shall be humble and apologies to Vonny, how about if we kiss and make up with a glass of chardonnay in a quiet corner?
You're pretty safe with me my beautiful English Rose, Foundy can vouch for that.Smile
You do remiind me a little of Dolly but not the hair. Wink
Well girls this should do it, I've made uop to Vonny and hope she'll take dutchy back in her fold. One last compliment dear Vonny. Wink
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 08:27 pm
Oh Dutchy, you got yourself into sooooo much trouble while I was recovering. It's bad ju ju to defy the sisterhood. But I think I can broker a peace agreement, but not with some crappy Chardonnay, herself is enamored with full bodied reds. But she loves the Jameson's, we can work something out and bring peace again to the valley. Cheers, and bottoms up.
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 08:40 pm
So pleased to see you glitterbag, hope you're fully recovered from those dreadful migraines. Love your conciliatory approach and will supply you with the best Reds for which we are so well known. Down the hatch my dear. Drunk
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 11:01 pm
Great to see you Glitterbag, hope you are recovering fast and feel on top of the world. !!!!!!!!!!


AND, thank you for putting our dear DUTCHY straight once again Wink

Dutchy I am the Chardonnay queen, not crappy stuff either... Mind you, you did one yeck of an apology to Von, I have to give you 8.5 out of 10 Wink

I'm a nice witch, shall help you out there Dutchy Wink


Penfolds Grange Wink 1994 -not toooo bad Wink

What a history Penfolds has huh...

Hope everyone slept well, I think I am right, I mean Aussie land is back to front Wink

Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 11:37 pm
Oh hello there foundy, thank you for the compliments, I always knew you are a nice witch. Smile

I did have a bottle of Penfold Grange in mind for glitterbag but I'm afraid the price is out of my reach!

Glitterbag may be you could try in the US for a bottle of Penfolds Grange, the wordls best and most expensive Red you can buy, may be they're cheaper in your

Have a look at this site: www.langtons.com.au which will give you an idea what Australia's most expensive Red, The Penfold Grange range will set you back. Smile

Foundy ever tasted a sip of Penfold's Grange? I haven't. Smile
Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 01:34 am

Sometimes I awaken at night and shout off a word. It can be almost anything from cat to hemoglobin to cabinet to isobar. Never know. A few times recently it's been Domenic.

Moving along, in what may seem like record time to some, the weather cooled off and the heat began coming up again. At least the pipes aren't clanking and shaking the way they were a few weeks ago when we had some early heat.

The day itself lived up to what I've come to expect on October 18. Strange sunrise, some level of a chill in the air, at least 1 thing will go horribly wrong and something else will go surprisingly well. At the end of the day I am prone to reflecting more than usual on events over the past several years. We are fast approaching 50 of them. Rest in peace Dad, rest in peace.

So I see that the witching contingent has been up to their antics, threatening Dutchy while he is in the midst of offering up a heartfelt apology. Clearly you knew I'd be away from my desk as you did this and were hoping he'd crumble like confectioners sugar when it has become clotted. (yeah, until I said it, I had no idea sugar could be clotted...can it be?)

Ate my dinner and was not that happy with the fish, seemed a little too fishy tasting for my likes and I needed to eat extra potatoes to soothe myself. Not enough garlic in the potatoes.

Skipped having dessert as I ate a late dinner and besides which....I said WHICH not WiTCH, and besides, I wasn't really in the mood. Right leg is growing fat again which annoys me. Doesn't frighten me in the least, I have no energy for that. But it makes bending the knee somewhat tough, and ever so mildly painful. Not a hard pain, just a little split of it. I'll live. As Van Ronk put it in Head Inspector, 'ain't good looking but I'm hard to kill'.

It seems that Foundy's latest attempt at winning it all is to ply our Dutchy with wine and probably music and dance numbers as well. Since I gave up the drink that won't work on me and I'll be alert enough to spot and stop any shenanigans from going forward.
(I was hoping I'd get to use the word shenanigan)

Ah the old days, red wine, Jameson, Drambuie (on rare occasion) and of course buckets of gin. Lord knows I loved the gin. I also loved Guinness on tap; but, that's yet another story and another matter.

Nice seeing glitterbag returned and seems to be on the mend. I think I'll have 2 pints of pistachio ice cream tomorrow in celebration. Or maybe I'll have the double chocolate, or maybe I will just eat a bag of licorice.

Maybe I'll try all of it, and a cheeseburger and home made fries as well.

For now however, since it's 333 in the morning, I'll try for some sleep.

Take care all!
Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 03:54 am
Wow - where to start!

Yesterday I was feeling like this - (thanks for the gif, Foundy)


even did a bit of extra weight training, like this-


and brushed up my old Tae Kwon Do skills -


but then I read all your posts! Laughing

Sigh - your apology is accepted Dutchy - on condition you make NO MORE overtly sexist comments - okay? Not about A2K ladies, anyway. We'll allow your Dollyisms and Dollyitis though - can't deny you one little peccadillo! Rolling Eyes Here's a nice photo of her as a peace offering.


As far as alcohol is concerned - rarely touch it! BUT, when I do - only one drink I care for - Moët & Chandon Dom Perignon White Gold. Admittedly, it is over £7,750 a bottle at Harrod's, but let's face it - champagne goes with absolutely everything, darling! Rolling Eyes


As for you, ladies - gosh, you ALL deserve a medal! Sisters under the skin - Australia, America, England - great to know you! Absolutely super to see such a bond forming - I see a great future emerging for us. You chaps better get some reinforcements - fast! Bill, Spades, et al - your Dutchy and Sturgis need you!


Sunshine - love your erudition and wit - great to have you here!

Glitterbag - looking forward to getting to know more about you - your likes and dislikes.

Foundy - you brighten up any thread you post on -so honest and true!

Sturgis - what can I say - poor love, you do suffer. Shout out any word you like if it helps - day or night - several if you feel like it - whatever helps. Hey, have you got a TENS machine? Great for pain relief.


Dutchy - wishing you good health - perhaps the greatest gift of all - and fresh legs to get you to see your son at Christmas!

Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 04:30 am

So happy to know you accepted my apology Vonny, now peace has returned to the camp. I know you're sincere because you posted a lovely picture of Dolly and her cleavage of which I am so fond. Wink Can I make a remark like that here?

You have an expensive taste when it comes to a alcoholic drink, well if I can set you on fire and make your eyes sparkle I'm prepared to spend my last penny to woo you. Wink

All you folks have a great weekend especially Sturgis who is still struggling with his illness.
Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 02:31 pm
About Dolly? But of course - she's all yours! Rolling Eyes Laughing

A case of my favourite fizz would buy a small house - which is probably why I rarely imbibe Drunk H
Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 02:35 pm
Oops - shouldn't even think about champers - goes straight to my head Drunk (actually it doesn't - I have hollow legs!) - must wait for a special occasion Twisted Evil

Yes, poor Sturgis - lots of love and best wishes - get well very soon.
Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 02:54 pm

Goodness me... Where to start exactly..

¡¡¡ʎoɾuǝ (: ǝɹɐ noʎ ǝɹǝɥʍ ɹǝʇʇɐɯ ou 'puǝʞǝǝʍ ǝɥʇ s,ʇı ˙˙˙sןnɟɹǝpuoʍ noʎ ןןɐ oןןǝɥ

When you are up-side down to the World, I say speak their language. !~

Champs is good, very good, you would I know you would, drink a glass of French with me, even if it's only $89 Von, with the girls but, I saw this and couldn't stop laughing ..


Gonna try the healing hand for you Sturgis ~~


Dutchy you do realise that you are a true gentleman for apologising to Vonny... True Gentleman.


But you also know what that means Wink



Daisy Wink

http://i1055.photobucket.com/albums/s518/PS2students/Daisy.jpg You do in-deed light up the threads and I agree with Vonny, seems us lot being close and personal is going to go on for a long time, and get even better. Men included off course.


LIKE that one Von ? Wink


I know most of us have seen one, yes, I do, I do Smile

Hi ya Glitter, Bill, Spades we keep saying your name, just in case you decide to drop back in!!!!! And you lot Smile


Miracle number (2) .. Poor Ruby, his face just seemed to get worse, the lump bigger over the weekend, he wasn't in much of a mood to do anything and didn't want the sun, remained inside. So, again, the decision made. For tomorrow.


Mr Ruby is such a rebel this is twice now. Instead, a blessing, the great big lump that we stopped the chemo for, as it was getting bigger, turned out to be something else. It burst. But instead of it being a tumor, it was yucky stuff, clear and stuff don't want to put anyone off breakfast, anyways, so therefore, it was never the tumor getting bigger at all and now his face is normal again..


Off to the vets to properly get it cleaned up, then appointment again to discuss chemo again. He's taking the tablets, eating well, drinking, wagging his tail, walking fast, eating ...


723am waiting for a taxi truck to call who works on a Sunday ? Me Smile Grrrrrr
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 03:32 pm

Who is Domenic? Wink

HUGS to you - It's always hard living, but remembering a loved one, hugs to everyone else too as I am sure we are all in the same boat .

Sturgis, yes, we knew you would be away but what can I say? I took advantage? You've never taken advantage? hehe. And I wasn't the only one, and I didn't muster any spell or anything, it just happened Wink

shenanigan - well I had to re-type it.

Fish is hard to eat if it's fishy no I mean that, Smile Battered fish or Barramundi any day, I'm a shell fish person more so though... Potatoes are good, I recall you love them Smile


Of to do an eviction 8am on a Sunday, grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Reply Sat 19 Oct, 2013 07:18 pm

Foundy said "Dutchy you do realise that you are a true gentleman for apologising to Vonny... True Gentleman." Glad my immaculate reputation of an Officer and a Gentleman around here is still intact. Wink
Dutchy as Bosun on the "Yabber Liner" , don't you think he's far more handsome than the guy in his underdacks in Foundy's post Vonny? Wink
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