First Word -

Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 09:43 am

I forgot the breakfast theme - oops Embarrassed

Easy for me - almost identical every day, except for the fruit -

Organic porridge, almond milk, a peach (or pear, or plum), followed by live yoghurt. A cup of Chai tea, no milk or sugar. Yum yums Rolling Eyes

Whoopee!!! Laughing

Okay, okay - I'd LIKE to vary it, but for health reasons, that's the way I start the day - have done for several years now - and I'm still alive, so it must work! Rolling Eyes
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 12:03 pm

Oh vonny I like your style making "whoopee" after breakfast and you like to vary it. Laughing Laughing Wink
Daisy Ryder
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 12:28 pm

Here's your dream stove/oven. Those pots should be red though. Blue discourages appetite.

Do you have these flowers?


Wanna play a game?

Say out loud, the color of each word without slowing down.
Not what the word spells.
Say the color of the letters ...
Ready set go .... !

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 02:50 pm

Oh Oh Dutchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Smile What do you think? All real women are exactly that Wink

Do you snore? hehehehehehe you know I love you.


4 pieces of bread? Well a tall strapping man like you, must get his energy from somewhere and what better than a hearty breakfast .


Von - what a healthy breakfast, I couldn't do it, I should do it but I couldn't do it though I'm very curious as to what Chai Tea tastes like? I work next to a health shop, I do use their deodorant I think everyone should do that, no aluminium under the armpits where it blocks the sweat and enables the aluminium contents as well as any other chemical to be absorbed into our body, why would we do that?


Daisy did you forget something? Wink Great kitchen full of warm foods and you are right, Von has it down packed with red ... Blue is ok, but I think blue belongs outside, reflecting the sky and the ocean Wink And, her orange flowers Smile I have an "orange" geranium as well, well it's red / orange but stands out, love the colour.

As for the colours OH dear Wink A morning laugh, thank you, not telling you how I went Wink


So I am a shocker. If on the run? As I always have cooked eggs in the fridge, I eat one, grab a banana. Still good for me. Otherwise, I do eat boiled eggs with a piece of toast, or toast and vegemite (yes that is what I said) or honey, or sometimes scrambled eggs, I do think eggs is a good start, sometimes I will just make a toasted cheese sandwich.. Being a tad lactose intolerant I rarely but in summer do, eat yoghurt with fresh berries..

It's interesting to see what people start their day with Wink Fanks .



Mmm I may try this one though I love asparagus.




I have these in my garden... In orange and pink, they have died off now, oh and a real bright pink... Ger bras? Wink

I'd live in this house too Sturgis Smile



Your morning laugh thanks to 'Sunshine' Wink




Morning all, those that visit, those that visit and those that visit.
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 03:06 pm


Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 03:13 pm
Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 03:13 pm



Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 03:37 pm
Vonny Foundy bought a new broom stick. Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 04:00 pm
My dear friends, I regret to say I'm extremely busy now with pressing responsibilities. I will post when I have time. Very sorry! Sad
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 04:37 pm
No worries Bill, take your time, we'll be here when you return. Life's responsibilities must take priority over A2K!
Daisy Ryder
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 05:33 pm
It's getting busy here too. So much to do so little time.
I'm trying to stay on the up&up here @A2K.
Love the gerber daisy. Another favorite. (; I was wondering how long the taurus picture would go viral. Very Happy
I know what I forgot! Ghost and spirit story. I'll have to get to that tomorrow, long tale. I'll private message you Foundy if you're still interested. Very funny you all are. Great pics! (:

There's a giant cat ... Cougar roaming the woods. It killed a baby deer. That's a no-no! Not in my neck of the woods. I don't want to sound cruel but if I had tranquilizer darts, I'd relocate it to the zoo. Instead, I'm waiting for a new fur coat. -.- I'm mad. Mad at that giant wild cat! Killed one of our babies! It's terrible. It's going down. Taking a few days off from work, gonna help stalk it's location. Bob cats are a normal sighting but hardly a threat to the deer... Reasonable size too.
Mind you, a baby deer is the size of a baby horse... Cougar, big cat!

Any way ... I drink wayyy to much coffee in the morning and have one to many cigarettes. I have breakfast at lunch time. I am in some desperate need of exercise. I can feel the sluggish-ness. I used to do yoga every morning, eat mostly fish and rice, had no, none, zilch sugar in my diet ... Even though I drank alcohol, I felt a whole lot better when I had my blood pumping and my mind calm. I need to get on that exercise thing.

It's getting that time of year I need to catch up on some responsibilities.
Reasons I procrastinate:

... o.O
I need to get the sewing room cleaned up and ready to harbor this ridiculously vast collection of tropical plants so they make it through the winter. Gotta start the eight hour darkness treatment on the winter flowering plants...
Folding clothes and cleaning the kitchen is an endless task.
Always the first thing (s) at the top of my list yet, I never cross them off. o.o'
I need to walk more. Setting that as a goal.

I need to shave my legs ... O.O I used to wax but got lazy. Why did I get so lazy?
I despise that word, 'lazy'. Mother was mentally abusive, one of the words she concreted in my head - 'lazy'. If you want me to back fire in person, call me lazy.
But, I am lazy ... Or, at least I have been the last few weeks.
Gonna turn over a new leaf. Gotta get back to health.
Gotta pull out of da' funk!

I love reading everything you guys write. I really, really enjoy it. Every word.
Foundy, can't believe you haven't tried chai tea. Go! Go now! Get some.
Thai tea beats all teas. I wish I knew how they made that stuff. Ain't no regular coffee creamer in there.
Oh, phooey - wrote to much crap. I should go. No games tonight. Gonna get an early start on dinner. Hubby has been coming home late and I don't really like late dinners. Not enough time to digest.
Venison sloppy joes... Call it sloppy does. Very Happy

Alright, turning over a new leaf. Ready, i ii iii iv !

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 Oct, 2013 09:48 pm

Not to worry Bill, you get here when you can and post as your fingers see fit. (use me as a shining example of how to disappear and reappear)

Another interesting day. Legs still attached, occasional scream (wish my darn neighbor would keep her yap shut when she opens her charge card bills Laughing ). Slept somewhat last night, then fell asleep during the late morning and rewoke about 3 in the afternoon. No wound care today, but will have tomorrow, then 'free' for the weekend. Maybe I will use that time to get a new vacuum cleaner. The one I have has been less than stellar in performance for several years; however, as long as it works a little, I don't want to discard it. (this same nutsoid behavior has left me with fry pans which are bent or missing handles or have snapped in half handles)

The upcoming day is a difficult one for personal reasons and I have been dreading it ever since it registered in my clouded brain what it would be this year. Oddly I can still remember that morning as if it happened last month. Time marches on, it doesn't always do so in a way that I want it to. Oh well, it's what it is and at least I still have all except 2 of my teeth. (they had to extract to of the wisdom teeth back in the late 1980s)

Weather has been mild, although a bit gray this day past, expect when winter finally hits it won't be in an easy going manner. Wait and see, wait and see.

Doctor again this upcoming Tuesday, wonder what she will have to say this time around. As long as I don't have any setbacks, it should be alright.

So anyway, just dropped by and wanted to acknowledge Bill, Daisy, Foundy, Vonny, Scratchy, Dutchy, Glitterbag and the others who I keep forgetting. Speaking of forgot, has Spades forgot us all? One of you ladies best hop on your broom and take a look out there for him. Better yet, all of you at once. Stop worrying. Dutchy, Bill and myself will keep things running smooth. We may even redecorate to suit our needs. I mean who is responsible for those hideous pink frilly curtains? Oh, never mind, apparently according to this receipt, that was me. Embarrassed

That covers it for now, be back at some point (as far as I know)

Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 03:28 am

Every home should have a Henry - at least one! Apart from being RED Cool he has the most cheerful smile imaginable - brightens any day! Laughing Good little vacuum cleaner too.

http://brain.pan.e-merchan :)  :)  :) t.com/4/1/00778914/l_00778914.jpg

or a Hetty - she's cute as well - match your pink curtains, Sturgis! Idea


Upcoming day bad? Was that today, Friday, or yesterday? New York time still confuses me somewhat. If today - well, good luck, I hope things work out okay for you and it isn't going to be as bad as you fear. Smile

Bill - flying visits are fine - we'll always be here (I hope!) and look forward to you dropping in - don't worry about it. Very Happy

Dutchy - NOT a flattering broomstick image for Foundy - she'll be chasing you for revenge if you don't upgrade it to a more svelte model!


She might even be joined by her sidekick, Sunshine, who'll surely shoot you with her Daisy Ryder, tan your hide, and wear you as a new leather jacket! Laughing


Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 03:30 am
Oops -

Henry was shy - here he is - I hope!

0 Replies
Daisy Ryder
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 08:15 am
Great idea!
Vonny, Foundy. You patrol the skies ...


I'll patrol the ground. (; 

0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 09:47 am
Being modern witches, we don't use old-fashioned broomsticks at all. It's sports cars and jets for the ladies! Or occasionally, a vacuum cleaner - in RED of course! So beware, gentlemen, we are everywhere!!! Three of us now - we are multiplying! Be afraid, very afraid!





Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 09:56 am

Sexy witches with low cleavages what next will you girls try to seduce us men? Stick to your flying vacuum cleaners you need them to clean our houses, a job you're made for! And whilst you're at it, bring me my slippers and a cup of coffee pronto. Get into your negligee and entertain your man.Wink
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 11:54 am
On behalf of Foundy, Glitterbag and Sunshine -





You're in trouble, Dutchy! Don't forget - Foundy can see you!!! Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Evil or Very Mad
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 01:27 pm
Vonny this is where you belong with Foundy, Sunshine, Glitterbag, how often do I have to remind you? No don't leave until the "Boss" tells you!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Oct, 2013 01:51 pm

So cute and cudly!
Looks a little like my sister's cat http://holykaw.alltop.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/24489257-media_httpfarm6static_zshwy.jpg
Personally I'm not a-scared of any witch no matter what. If for some reason they want to cause trouble, let it be known I have a selection of 3 different brooms for them to fly away on, of course this is only after they prepare my dinner. I'm thinking some fresh water fish, cooked just so, a large portion of lima beans, freshly mashed potatoes- use red potatoes and leave the skins on! and plenty of butter!, freshly baked dinner rolls, a pot of coffee, pecan pie and maybe some pistachio ice cream (freshly churned and freezed of course).

Yeah, I guess I'll be making my own dinner tonight...just hope I don't find a witches hexing symbol or riddle at the bottom of the plate when I finish the food.

Ordered a new vacuum. Needless to say it is red.

Back later if I can remember where I am. Hope all are well.


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