First Word -

Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 06:01 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Hiya Sunshine, that is a lovely collection of flowers in your garden, love to pick some even the one on your leg. Wink

Yes Dutchy has to occasionally pull Foundy and Vonny into line as their raunchy antics can get out of hand and I like to see a bit of decorum on this thread. They are the seductive types and it takes me all my time to keep out of their crafty traps. Laughing

They can't understand my interest in Dolly Parton, I just love Country music and she is a great performer of that genre, besides she is a good looking blonde with exceptionally beautiful hair, that about sums it up.

I'm so pleased you joined our little family, we are far and wide apart and living in different continents, nevertheless we all have several things in common, a sense of humour, friendship and respect for each other. Let us continue to merry and sometimes serious too.

Waves from downunder to you all.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 12 Oct, 2013 03:42 am
@Daisy Ryder,
Sunshine - Great photos! Love your garden - especially the display of old tools on the fence - or are you into bondage Laughing Very quirky and individual - I like that. Did you say you lived on a farm or smallholding - looks a pretty big area? Looks very hot too.

Photo of moi? Okay - I'll look through the albums when I get time. I don't keep many photos of people - mainly animals, of which I have thousands - and a few places, but I'm positive I still have that one somewhere.

Manx cats - possibly more common over here - and white are sought after - but expensive, yes, you are right in that people pay a lot of money for the unique. We've had Burmese and Birman, but my favourite was a little mixed breed cat named Bootsy - I'll search for his photo too - he's worth looking at!

Flower art on leg - you're talented. I've had tights with a leaf design from ankle to thigh - gorgeous, but you have to be jolly careful to put them on straight - can't have wobbly ivy trails!

Sturgis - ice cream as promised - how's the leg now? I do worry about you - so much pain can't be good - do you do physio? I do a lot of physio every day - exercise bike, floor mat and roll bar, cross trainer, weights - you name it, I'm on it or lifting it - the only way I, personally, can cope with pain. Takes up an inordinate amount of time though - always rush, rush, rush ...

Chocolate liqourice cake with raspberry ice cream -


Dutchy - how's your physio going? Running round the block yet? No nurse will be safe once you toss your walker to one side - nor will your neighbours - watch out Foundy, Dutchy's on the way over! Rolling Eyes

Glitterbag - haven't seen you on any of the threads - do hurry back, quiet without the usual suspects! Laughing

Reply Sat 12 Oct, 2013 05:53 am
Hi Vonny
Not running around the block yet, still need walker but physio says I'm improving, she is a good looker and accompanies me on my walks. Of course Foundy is on my horizon, she is a lovely lady, and the times we met were magic. We enjoyed a few coffee dates and chatted about our respected lives. She and her fiancée D. also visited me in Hospital and at home, their visits being greatly appreciated. She is a wonderful supporting friend and lifted my spirits no end during my long Hospital stay. We love to tease and joke with one another because I want to be the "Boss" but she won't let me. Smile Smile
Reply Sat 12 Oct, 2013 02:09 pm
Not easy learning to walk again, is it? I smashed my leg up in a cycling accident, ages ago, and had four years of operations which ended up with me minus a patella and with osteoarthritis - ah well, that's life I guess. But I get around with the help of mobility scooters, wheelchairs and wheeled garden seats. My physiotherapist was Chinese - very good, but very harsh. Wish I still saw her, in some ways, it's harder doing all the necessary physio alone! Rolling Eyes

Foundy is a great person - the first person who befriended me when I came across to the 'chat' threads from the crossword puzzling threads - if you remember, it was you who guided me across here - the first forum I've ever been on! So it's all your fault!!! Laughing I still remember a certain Dutchy being the person who answered almost all of the questions on the crossword threads - your encyclopaedic knowledge amazed me! Surprised
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 02:05 am

Did you miss me? Just kidding ...

Seeya in the morning.. How awesome to get away into the Country for two days, have a photo for you of the most beautiful scenery from where we had breakfast though couldn't capture it all.

Loving the photos and comments, and so, need time to re-read and re-view... PLUS looking after Mr Ruby:( Taking him to the vets at 8am...

Love to all.
For now.

Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 04:18 am
Of course you were missed Foundy but I knew you would return! Pleased you had a great time, looking forward to the photo although I know the area well. Poor Mr.Ruby hope Vet. can ease his troubles. All well this end had a blessed Sunday.See you in the morning. Smile
0 Replies
Daisy Ryder
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 09:09 am
Wondered where you went. . .
Blessed be Mr. Ruby.
Enjoy yourself.
- Take care.

...Post script, Von, Big place I live at. Huge! You could easily get lost.
The whole house is surrounded by various gardens that
change with the seasons.
Big rocks line the ground, separating house to garden to lawn.

You all have proven yourself to be so strong ...
In will. In strength. In mind. Body. Heart. And soul.
Take care, again.
Cool Wink Surprised
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 01:46 pm

Quick brief message, still alive, still fighting to stay this way, have to tend to some relatively minor health matters which may or may not sideline me for a time, I never know.

While I am missing, I leave Dutchy in charge of whatever he desires to be in charge of...um, no Dutchy I was not talking about that! You must allow the lovely Dolly to be in charge of herself without your eyes near enough popping out as you 'examine' her.
(and mind the ladies as well since they are our lifelines to happiness)

Back later
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:04 pm

High speed post - entertained friends today and only managing to get online for a speedy visit to say Hi to you all - to you, Foundy, Dutchy, Sunshine, Glitterbag, Bill, and (somewhere) Spades. Hi and goodbye!

Sorry you're not 100% again - poor Sturgis, so unfair. Hope the health problems don't keep you away from us for too long, if at all - miss your posts when you aren't here!

Foundy - what did the vet say about Ruby? Worried - oh I hope - well, you know what I hope!

Dutchy - another brave soul - you certainly went through the wars this year - your own private wars - and won! Great that you're doing so well - stay that way!

Sunshine - your place sounds great. Lucky you to have so much space. You must need a lot of help to cope with it all. Great fun though.

Hugs to you all.
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 03:53 pm

The witch is coming, just flew by on her new broomstick, a sight for sore eyes. Laughing Laughing
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 04:26 pm
Shhhh ........

You're imagination is quite well, awesome really, Dutchy Wink

You are right though I WILL NOT let you be the boss, regardless even if Sturgis thinks he can request you take over in his absence whilst he gets better, playing on my heart strings, that I'll agree with him, the answer to you both is still NO..



D and I are trying to work out a lunch date for you and Anna, at Old Port Noarlunga, hopefully a Friday in the next two weeks, that's the plan, have to see what is required for him this week with the new restaurant shall let ya know Smile

Daisy I never knew of that, very clever Wednesday Thursday Friday with the capitals spelling out WT never mind Smile

Thanks, I don't feel 50 I definitely don't look 30 but I'll accept your compliment. Nothing wrong with 60 either, we will all get there or have lols, you are late 20's yes? How long have you two been together I think you told us Smile 5 years ? How did you meet, na I'm not getting too personal Smile (Giggles)

3 witches - that you saved - I have to find 4, witches, we need to find 4, glitter will be back I know she will.

Sturgis? Your surname you told us here once why you called yourself Sturgis, Sunshine is asking, I haz forgotten.

Love the tools too Daisy, awesome . I have a ladder against a pretend gate fence, love that look anything different, I love Smile What are the coloured flowers called? They look simular as well to the purple ones Dutchy showed. Love the tattoo.. I was always too chicken to get any Wink

Von - Chinese people are awesome in my books when it comes to healing people, is there not someone now that you could "google", locate and have by your side? It is difficult to motivate one self, by one self, though we are backing you 100% you know that...

Ruby - Waiting/waiting/waiting/..... Won't be long and D will be back... from the Vets.

In them meantime ....





My Niece made the cake isn't it wonderful!!

Picture from where we had breakfast the whole valley behind the café is filled with these trees just breathtaking.

Me and my Bro and off course little Mutleeeee who is going to get a whole lot of love in the next few weeks.

Ruby is not fighting the cancer, the chemo, well he's used to it, it's not doing anything and he has more lumps....

We can try more chemo the more expensive one but the Vet doesn't believe that his body will be able to fight it or cope with it, there are a lot of side effects.

The second option is to give him tablets that will shrink them and make him more comfortable - with weeks to live.

And, the third is to put him down........

Oh dear. 4 pets in one year and I just know as a Witch, as always it will be me that will bare it, that last breathe.. And, then tell David.. I better get myself strong.... I've done this three times all in my arms, that last breathe, this year... I can do it again... I can...

We don't think it's fair on Ruby to try more Chemo. We gave him 18 more months the first time we did it, then another couple in trying again... We did but good. But we are not going to let him suffer any more.

We will try the tablets to shrink the lumps and hope that he loves the walks and food and love and help him over to the rainbow bridge... but if that does not work and he's in pain.. We'll both hold him and help him over to the rainbow bridge with that last breathe.

Oh dear..

Ok, keep smiling everyone, life is about that.. And, with each beautiful animal we have in our lives, we get to share our love and them to us, and then we get to do it all over again with another munchkin because they all need it and we have enough love in our hearts to keep giving it no matter what pain we go through along the way...

Animals are "our" world...

HUGS ....
0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 04:29 pm

0 Replies
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 07:17 pm

Sturgis, I hope your medical treatment or treatments will be completely effective. Don't push yourself too hard as you recuperate.

Everyone (including Sturgis): I apologize for my absence. I'm not sure what happened. I know this isn't going to make any sense, but I actually began to feel bashful in this thread, which makes me sound like some kind of an idiot or a wimp. I just didn't feel like posting here. I did post elsewhere a few times because I was not personally involved in those topics. You may think I'm pulling your leg, but I'm not. It's almost like I had a mood swing or something. I think I got depressed because of my own medical problems. Yes, I was depressed. Anyway, I will try to be more social from now on.
Reply Sun 13 Oct, 2013 08:59 pm

Well the "witch" was right again, wmwcjr is back, good to see you again Bill. Never feel shy or depressed around here, we're just ordinary people having a bit of fun and sometimes a little serious as we all have problems now and then. Like Sturgis at present, we're trying to light up his life with some supporting messages, just like you did Bill. The ladies around here are the best, full of fun and always telling entertaining stories, so don't be aloof but join the clan with an anecdote or two. Hope you can get on top of your medical problems whatever they may be.

Thanks for your encouraging words Vonny, my goal still is to make it to Port Lincoln to be with my son and family at Christmas, will be touch and go as recovery is oh so slow. Hope to meet up with Foundy soon and she can tell you how I'm doing. The mind is willing but the body says no. Smile

Sunshine I'm so pleased to see you on the threads and keep me entertained and fill my leisure time, you're a challenge with a great knowledge on a wide range of subjects, a really articulate lady!

Foundy, lovely photos, as always you look very smart and sophisticated, bet it was a little cool in them hills, have to go up there myself on Thursday to visit my brother who has been transferred from the RAH to Mount Barker.

Waves from downunder.
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 02:58 am


Love Dutchy's reply to you, he speaks my language Wink

Don't you dare stress, or worry, or get worked up, for goodness sake, you are home here. OK!

The beauty of this thread is.

You be yourself, you talk if you want, you don't if you don't you post funnies if that's your mood or good looking guys hey Von Wink Or about your dog.. Or about sunshine's stunning dress, or Von and Dutchy's and Sunshine's I mean Daisy's gardens, or our darling Sturgis whom we love and WILL GET HIM THROUGH THIS..

Because he too is important, you all are, you are human with feelings that have no problems sharing, now isn't that what life is about?

I think so.

Thank you all for your Private messages, awesome, feel the love very much...

See how Mr RUBY is tomorrow, he's had the tablets to help him feel good... He ate a shirt load of roast chicken and an egg.. He greeted me at the door. My face hurts and is swollen from him biting me without meaning too last night... No one noticed, make up is awesome.. Bless .. our boy.

We will monitor. If the tablets don't help him cross the rainbow bridge with a bit more time and love and happiness, we are not cruel. We have too much love.

It is D's dog. He will cry, why not? Isn't it lovely that people can be themselves?


Ok, a glass of wine and dinner, 7.30pm OMG I finished work Wink

See you all in the morning INCLUDING YOU BILL

Glitter, don't stress about trying to catch up write what you want, post a picture, sure we get personal but we also just act silly Smile

STURGIS - GET BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Much love.

Von, Dutchy, Daisy, (spades) , smile it's a beautiful thing and I will see it as I am a witch Smile
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 03:35 am

I'm quite often an idiot, and very often a wimp - add to that bashful on occasions, and you've got me summed me up pretty well! But I usually feel pretty comfortable posting on First Word. Some days I read this thread, but refrain from posting - sometimes I post silly pictures - join with Foundy in a battle of the sexes when Dutchy and Sturgis are in fighting mode - have a rant - or try to give support when someone's in pain - like Found Soul agonising over her beloved Ruby, or Sturgis battling with pain and infection, and dear Dutchy, bravely coping with the after-effects of so much surgery - there's usually something going on.

But this isn't a competitive thread, or an argumentative thread - nobody trying to be clever or sarcastic or spiteful - it just trundles along comfortably - coming back to First Word is a bit like arriving back home after a tiring day out - throw off your coat, cast th0se uncomfortable shoes to one side, and let your hair (if you have any!) down, then relax!

Unlike Foundy and Sunshine (and Sturgis, I think) this is the first forum I've ever joined - and I really did feel like a fish out of water in the beginning. But Dutchy had invited me across from the crossword puzzling threads, and Foundy took me under her wing - teaching me what posts, threads, and forums were all about - without her, I'd have been lost. I visit other threads, but always end up back here where I
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 03:47 am
Oops! still make mistakes like pressing Reply by accident!

What I'm trying to say, in a very long-winded way, is please please please don't be put off posting by anything - no pressure to be anything other than yourself. Health issues - share them if you feel like it - PM people on here if you're bashful - post pictures if you feel comfortable doing so - talk about pets, gardens, plumbing problems, the cost of living, your dentist!!!! The ball is in your court! And if you don't feel like posting - just read - I often do that if I feel too ratty or tired or unwell - just be yourself and feel totally at ease.

Soooooooooooo - after all that - Foundy, you know how I feel about Ruby - my heart is with you and D.

Sturgis - bless you, you're having a bit of a battle right now - stay strong, you'll get well soon, and be plaguing the life out of Foundy and myself with the Dutchy/Sturgis alliance - yikes, broomsticks ready ladies!

And Dutchy - you've got a powerful desire to walk well again and visit your son - and so much determination - you're an inspiration to a lot of people on A2K - keep on with the physio and MAKE it happen! We're behind you - all the way.

Glitterbag - I have the feeling that your iPad, iPod, iiiiiiiii-thingy is giving you problems - hope to see you before long. Stay well.

Spades - I shan't give up until you return .......

Sunshine - do I call you Daisy or Sunshine? Great to have you here - you've livened up a lot of threads.

Hugs to you all.
Daisy Ryder
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 09:45 am
It sure is interesting here. All I can think to say is 'blessed'. 
You are all so blessed. And I am blessed to know you all and 
hear and learn about what makes you all tick. Have I mentioned as well...?
That you have such strong spirits. 
I spent a little to long on my garden forum. Naming un-identified plants is a lot 
of fun. I haven't been to any of my forums since my discovery of a2k. 
I should go check up on a few - Like 'Bones' from the BBQ forum ... He made quite a splash in order to get me into the community there. It's slow going these days. Like Vonny said, coming here is like coming home. A2k has mad a wonderful home front in the world of forums. It has definitely become my go-to choice. And first word is like that friendly coffee shop by day and bar at night where you find the best people to hang out with, talk b.s. and converse on the subjects of life.
Nice to meet you Bill. (:
Von, you asked about the care-taking of my residence... Indeed we need help but, we don't always get it. It's a lot of work for two people but, we manage. And you can call me anything you want. I won't tell you what my mother calls me since I changed my name. I think those words are even to vulgar for the insult chain game. 
 Foundy, you are a gifted musician and very talented at playing the heart strings. You have a profound understanding for life... Even for a Buddhist. Lol. Yeah, there's an interesting age difference between my husband and I. But, really he's the kid and I'm the ol' lady. Lol. He's Native American with Germans on one side of the family. He's got good genes, I still gotta fight the women off. How we met? Well ... Six years ago ... Only married for five. It's a long, long, magical story. I won't go into to much detail but, it involved - 
hippies, waterfalls, oranges, dogs, ghosts+spirits mountains and the beach.
The flower you like is called Phlox. It is my favorite flower of all time. I'm Phlox crazy! I remember running through pink fields of Phlox when I was a kid. 
If I could only have two flowers it would be Phlox and day lily.
Dutchy, you are a lot of fun. I really enjoy playing with you ...
I think I'm going to go play some word games before the day takes off ...
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 03:03 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

I won't go into to much detail but, it involved -
hippies, waterfalls, oranges, dogs, ghosts+spirits mountains and the beach.

Nooooooooooo, if it involved ghosts and spirits I WANNA know more!!! A Pm's ok lols.

Somewhere also on this thread, is Bigsy, in a real spin, like a real spin hey guys, before he went to the white light.. I captured it, very strange.. But, as far as Ghosts go, spirits, I've seen my share, so much so, that is why I continue to maintain I am a Witch!!!

Good morning !!

Dutchy get out into that sun, it is shining I gave you a complete week weather for-cast and there is only one day that's not that good and up to 32, you have to be happy about that. And, walk, walk, walk, you have a Christmas goal!!!

Sturgis.... You eating? Not ice-cream I mean real food, and are you drinking enough water? And if you answer yes. Then we want to know what you are eating, to make sure it's stuff that will give you strength to recover better...

Von.... Why do I feel you need an orange plant of some description?

Bill... Well again hello Smile

Ms Daisy ... I will see if we can find that flower here, in Aussie Land, I don't think so but you never say no... It is very colourful and pretty ..


We bought a blood red geranium on the weekend we found and a lovely small lilac and white one, both we've never seen in the Nurseries before and this was from the markets in the hills. The lily has come out as well, photo soon Smile

Glitter - see you soon Smile

Ruby - Chugging along better this morning though the tablets we were warned makes him want to drink a lot of water and eat more, D was up three times to let him out.. What to do whilst we are at work? Have to half my time there and here maybe. Brighter today give him a walk tonight..! Doing the witchy thing with D and preparing him.. Have to. That day is going to be one of the worse days of our lives...


Oh I mean it is going to sunshine here today Smile But, age is but a number sunshine, and well, look at Dutchy, they act like friggen teenagers don't they? Sorry Sturg ... Sorry Dutchy .... If you are happy that is all that matters, sounds like you have a lot on your hands with work load yourself, in life, the flowers and surrounds, the creeks, animals all makes it easier a sense of peace from this man made world.

I suggest we all plant a plant.. No I do, and then we all watch it grow from all over the globe and provide pictures once every 6 months, all in different colours.

You can tell I am in a silly mood...

It's like talking to yourself but you aren't because your little family of friends are listening / well reading...


Why grow up? It's fun to be this way.

Have an awesome day/ night x
Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 03:25 pm


I swear that Koala Mum is smiling ....



This one just has to make you laugh well, out ..loud.



Just LOVE hearing a kookaburra in the morning, they sound as if they are laughing and it always makes me smile big time ... Found in the Country....


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