First Word -

Reply Mon 14 Oct, 2013 07:39 pm

Bless you Foundy the sun is out and it just feels beautiful, had a long walk and it went well, in fact I feel like chasing you like that kangaroo on the photos. Better keep that broomstick handy Dutchy is getting cheekier by the day. Laughing

As always great posts Foundy, you should have been a writer of romantic mysteries, you always keep us spell bound, of course being a witch helps. You and D. are in my thoughts because of Ruby, will be a dreadful day if D. has to make that final decision. However I'm sure your beautiful Rawaii will fill the void admirable now that he is growing up.

Sunshine you also write beautiful posts. I am in awe about your word power on the threads, you make me go to my dictionary all the time. Smile I too like playing the games with you, I add the word games so nobody gets the wrong impression. Wink

Sending best wishes to glitterbag, she is not well at present but she will be back once those dreadful migraines are gone.

Can't forget our Vonny, the beautiful English Rose, learning to cook all over again and spoiling Hubby with new recipes. How is his eye coming along, any improvement yet? I like to think I'm on target for Christmas as I was able to walk a fair distance this morning. As I said before here almost ready to chase Foundy. Smile

Waves and hugs from downunder.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 12:39 am
Dutchy wrote:
Well the "witch" was right again, wmwcjr is back, good to see you again Bill. Never feel shy or depressed around here, we're just ordinary people having a bit of fun and sometimes a little serious as we all have problems now and then. Like Sturgis at present, we're trying to light up his life with some supporting messages, just like you did Bill. The ladies around here are the best, full of fun and always telling entertaining stories, so don't be aloof but join the clan with an anecdote or two. Hope you can get on top of your medical problems whatever they may be.

Thank you very much for the kind message, Dutchy! Smile I'm hoping Sturgis will enjoy a permanent improvement in his health. Thank you for your best wishes concerning my health. I shall stick around now. Eventually I'll learn and remember who's who.

I'm curious, everyone. Are Sturgis and I the only Americans in this group?
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 12:51 am


Fine, thank you! Smile

I'm very sorry about your dog. Sad I have a sister who's had more cats and dogs than I've ever had. They were great pets.

My older daughter got married in July! Needless to say, the last month before the wedding was hectic! I performed quite well in the wedding. I escorted my daughter to the front without tripping; and when the preacher asked, "Who gives away the bride?" I managed to say, "Her mother and I," without mumbling or stuttering! I think I was spaced out the whole time. Quite an emotional evening!

Her husband is a professor who found another teaching position in a different state. She's far away from her mother and I, but at least her husband has a great job! As you know, the U.S. economy is not the greatest it's ever been.
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Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 01:09 am
vonny wrote:
I'm quite often an idiot, and very often a wimp - add to that bashful on occasions, and you've got me summed me up pretty well! But I usually feel pretty comfortable posting on First Word. Some days I read this thread, but refrain from posting - sometimes I post silly pictures - join with Foundy in a battle of the sexes when Dutchy and Sturgis are in fighting mode - have a rant - or try to give support when someone's in pain - like Found Soul agonising over her beloved Ruby, or Sturgis battling with pain and infection, and dear Dutchy, bravely coping with the after-effects of so much surgery - there's usually something going on.

For about the last three years, I've had a ball in some of the game threads, as Dutchy can attest. I've had a good time making lame jokes! I've pointed out a few of them to my younger daughter -- who recently graduated from the university, but has been living with us for the time being as she gets established in a new job. She thinks her dad is silly, and she's right. I want her to be able to start saving now; so, I've not wanted her to live in an apartment and spend money on rent.

vonny wrote:
But this isn't a competitive thread, or an argumentative thread - nobody trying to be clever or sarcastic or spiteful - it just trundles along comfortably - coming back to First Word is a bit like arriving back home after a tiring day out - throw off your coat, cast th0se uncomfortable shoes to one side, and let your hair (if you have any!) down, then relax!

Thank goodness it's not competitive or argumentative! Smile I've grown tired of being personally attacked by complete strangers who know nothing about me and will never meet me. There are a few other members whom I hesitate on interacting with in other topics. They make me feel like I'm walking on egg shells, to use a tired cliche.

Oh, I almost forgot. . . . My younger daughter graduated from a major university in the state when the academic year ended just before the summer. She graduated summa cum laude with a 4.0 GPA. Our older daughter had graduated magna cum laude from the same university four years before.

I'm extremely proud of my daughters! I never graduated from college, but they have excelled academically. They are better human beings than I was at their ages. They're both beautiful and highly intelligent; and they love people, too. If most people were like them, the world would be a better place.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 01:18 am
@Daisy Ryder,
Daisy Ryder wrote:
Nice to meet you Bill. (:

Thank you! I'm delighted to meet you! Smile This is the first time we've met. I've not seen you before. But, then again, there are so many members, it's hard to keep track of them all.

In time I'll get to know everyone in this particular neck of the woods better.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 01:21 am

(I forgot to do that "one word in all caps" thing.)


Australia has a very interesting assortment of wildlife, needless to say. I've read that all the species of snakes in Tasmania are venomous.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 01:44 am
Hiya Bill Wink

Wait -


See I can forget too..

Thank you re:- Ruby. He went for a walk tonight, his voice is deeper Sad But he loved the walk. He is brighter and loves his love. As soon as he gets worse again, option unfortunately number 3.. But he's comfortable and with his sister and parents ...

Great to hear from you... BILL!!!

It's nice to be a parent, save your child money, why not if you can and we all want what is best at the end of the day.. Go you Dad!

Dutchy you are a terror that is all I have to say Smile Sunshine is better apparently tomorrow!

Both my properties have gone through now for settlement and my buyer has also gone through and, and, an agent is about to use my make-overs life is good when you love your job.

Website now that is going to take a mountain of time but will be fun !

Aussie animals are cute aren't the Bill? Wink

Dutchy the kangaroo hoping around he wasn't chasing Wink

Evening Von, Glitter, Daisy, STURGIS ..

Dutchy only mentioned the girls haha. Typical.

Hope you are doing good Sturgis, look forward to finding out when you are ready...

Tom Cruise is NOT coming for dinner tonight we will eat the lamb roast ALL on our OWN Wink

Well we won't eat it all.

Love to see some other photos of animals from where you all come from Smile
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:32 am
"The Great Britain mammal fauna is somewhat impoverished compared to that of continental Europe due to the short period of time between the last ice age and the flooding of the land bridge between Great Britain and the rest of Europe. Only those land species which crossed before the creation of the English Channel and those introduced by humans exist in Great Britain."

Which is why we don't have many exotic creatures here!!! Rolling Eyes We have different varieties of deer, seals, bats, foxes, squirrels, whales, badgers, snakes and so on. Sadly, many beautiful creatures are killed by hunters!

Red deer stag










And we can't forget the English Bulldog!


Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:44 am

Daughters always think their parents' jokes are lame! It's what daughters do well! But I bet that your daughters are as proud of you as you are of them. They sound as if they are lovely girls! Very Happy

No competitiveness on here, Bill - if someone started posting who tried to make the thread take a different course, I doubt if anyone would argue - why rise to the bait? Far easier just to ignore them. One-upmanship is very petty and sad - and not welcome here, that's Foundy's Law! Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes

Lovely to see you on here - enjoyed all of your posts. Laughing Had to laugh at you being 'spaced out' at your daughter's wedding - it must be a nerve-racking procedure to be father of the bride - Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:53 am
I'm curious, everyone. Are Sturgis and I the only Americans in this group?

As far as I know, Foundy and Dutchy are Australian, and Sturgis, Spades, Sunshine, and Glitterbag are all Americans - correct me if I'm wrong? Oh, and I'm English - at least I'm sure of that! Cool
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:54 am
Oh Von, love all the photos and understanding of what you have over there, but your first photo of the stag he / she looks as if he/she is hunted and in pain I have no comprehension of America and England chasing animals to kill for "sport" but I do get eating for food and it's fresh, and it's what we all do, animals included I just have that difficulty and yet I eat meat. Strange world we live in.

Thank YOU heaps for the photos this is great appreciate them, love seals aren't they just laughable loveable, cute.

Bulldogs drool too much Wink Squirrels as sooooooooooooo cute.

I forgot to thank you.

And, Dutchy.

He welcomed me and guided me when I joined, thank you Dutchy then introduced me to you, and sure I did the same but we developed a beautiful friendship.

With you two I felt comfortable being here, then Bill, a few little messages Sturgis opening his life with me, and lots on this Forum that I have gotten to know on face-book and just admire and feel lucky to know them as well.

But the true friendships are what I carry with me. I can tell I have a few more to add Smile I don't add easily but when I do it's for life.. And I love you lot.

Here....... Is where I feel it and Yabba (IZZIE) and crew, and facebook... So this is a special thread to me. Thank you for continuing to be a part of it, always with our new lovelies...

Who I can't wait to get to know more.

Ok , yes, feeling still a little sad but shhhhhhhhhhhh I am full of fun as well, that will never stop Smile

0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:57 am
Are you sure you are English? Wink

0 Replies
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 04:09 am

Getting totally confused with where I read what - so busy reading, posting, reading, posting, that I'm not quite sure what - where - and when - I saw something about a red flower. I did ask on the gardening thread if anyone knew of an orange/red dahlia I could grow in my front garden, and Lordyaswas suggested a real beauty - must post a picture of it when I get time - dashing now, must get offline and do some shopping - boreiiiiiiiiiiiing! Twisted Evil

Oh Dutchy, never envision me as a sweet English Rose cooking for hubby! Cooking to me is an art - every dish is a creation - and hubby has no palate! Yikes - wasted on him. But I shall cook - it'll be returning to a hobby! Going to buy some RED saucepans today - now that IS the part of cooking I like! Lots of RED accessories - had dark forest green pots and pans before - bored with it now - and I love RED. Cool And a totally ridiculous and gorgeously feminine red apron - which I probably won't wear, but it will look rather super just hanging there! Pfffffffftttt - makes me sound quite vacuous and shallow - ah well, I'm with friends on this thread. Laughing

Oh, his eye seems fine now - panic over. If he does have more problems, and if he's hospitalised because of it, then I'm ready this time - friends have been primed and the details sorted - there'll be no need for husband to worry about me - just concentrate on getting well.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 05:11 am

Reading back through my posts I seem to concentrate on the girls, I wonder why Smile, and forgot about my capable sparring partner the ever affable Sturgis. Sorry buddy the girls got in the way. Hope you're managing your painful legs and with the help of the nurses feeling better each day.

Vonny I love your photos of the Fauna world in the UK. Although Foundy showed us some typical Aussie animals there are others as well.

Did you know we have more wild Camels in outback Australia than the whole Arab world together? Then there are the massive Water Buffaloes roaming the Tropical Region of the Northern Territory, and not forgetting the man eating Crocodiles in the same area.

Then there is the enemy of the sheep farmers, Australia's wild dog the Dingo. To protect the sheep from these killers, we have a 7000km long dog fence crossing Australia to protect the farms. This fence was built many years ago and is still being maintained on a daily basis by boundary riders, firstly on horses now on motor bikes. Will post a photo of it plus one from the camels that crossed my path during a camping trip

Good cooking my English Rose. Wink
Daisy Ryder
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 01:11 pm

It's important to love your job. Life is to short for the wrong job. (; 
My dad sent me these photos, part of an advertising campaign in Germany.




Ha,ha,ha! I don't think that stag was in pain, I think he was horny and calling for a mate. Deer are interesting. They hang out in same sex groups for half the year, then they start growing antlers ... Then the rut comes. Rut, mating season. Those antlers become weapons to chase the other guys away from the girl deer. They make some funny noises. How could I describe that noise ...


Australia has some interesting creatures. Animals and humans alike.
Squirrels are cool! Especially fox squirrel. I had a pet raccoon once. Steagle.


Hubby and I don't look at hunting as a sport. Fishing is a sport. Football is a sport. We cry after a deer is killed. We say a prayer and thank the lord for the animals and the land. We have to show respect for the animal. We use every part of the animal (every part), nothing goes to waste. Not everyone here sees it this way, disrespecting the animal is a shame...  But, hubby is native. Part of his heritage, to respect and be a good steward to the land, animals and spirit.

Just pinned a buck deer, and a hog. Hogs/pigs are non native and they tear everything up. They knock over trees, destroy property and crops, eat the corn we put out for the deer (we put expensive vitamins and supplements in with the corn to keep the deer healthy). Deer meat is dry but, when mixed with hog fat it's perfect. Something you can't get at the grocery.
The ol' man was out this morning again, patiently waiting for more food to walk by. He said he saw some panthers playing. Said, if I was there, I would have wanted to catch them for pets. Said they were so cute,  giant cats being playful. I told him he should of taken the video camera. I've been invited to go animal watching at a friends, so I can get some good video. I asked if there were panthers. He said no but, there are bears ... O.o'


Crocs ... I'm very familiar with alligators, being in Florida. 
I don't think there's much difference. Is there?
What about birds?
What's the coolest bird where you live?

... I like these from around here. You got any similar?




I feel like I'm forgetting something ... Probably a few things. Maybe it was this?

No. It was this. 
... Really cool, happened in the woods last year. The azaleas and the wisteria were blooming and I walked by this. Thought it was cool ...


Can't play much today. Have to disinfect my work station, always a clean tattoo from Sunshine. And I may or may not see a bear later. If I do, I'll take a picture. Oh! And I planted a plant ... And plan on documenting it's growth via picture taking. 
To all those that have the first word ... Keep healthy, mind your intuition and keep posting - I love reading everyone's thoughts in life.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:00 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

I want to start with this, then post Wink


Foundy said " I see orange for some reason Von" yet Von has been writing only about red.

an orange/red dahlia I could grow in my front garden

Foundy said " We should all plant a plant across the globe and take photos as they grow" .
Daisy wrote Wink

Oh! And I planted a plant ... And plan on documenting it's growth via picture taking

Case closed I am a Witch Wink
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:03 pm

Foundy, you're a treasure!

Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:12 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Daisy said, "What's the coolest bird where you live"? Well that's an easy one. Have a look at this beauty, the Australian Emu.
The emu is the largest bird native to Australia and the only extant member of the genus Dromaius. It is the second-largest extant bird in the world by height, after its ratite relative, the ostrich. There are three subspecies of emus in Australia. The emu is common over most of mainland Australia, although it avoids heavily populated areas, dense forest, and arid areas.

The soft-feathered, brown, flightless birds reach up to 2 metres (6.6 ft) in height. They have long thin necks and legs. Emus can travel great distances at a fast, economical trot and, if necessary, can sprint at 50 km/h (31 mph).[9] Their long legs allow them to take strides of up to 275 centimetres (9.02 ft)[8] They are opportunistically nomadic and may travel long distances to find food; they feed on a variety of plants and insects, but have been known to go for weeks without food. Emus ingest stones, glass shards and bits of metal to grind food in the digestive system. They drink infrequently, but take in copious fluids when the opportunity arises. Emus will sit in water and are also able to swim. They are curious birds who are known to follow and watch other animals and humans. Emus do not sleep continuously at night but in several short stints sitting down.

Emus use their strongly clawed feet as a defence mechanism. Their legs are among the strongest of any animal, allowing them to rip metal wire fences. They are endowed with good eyesight and hearing, which allows them to detect predators in the vicinity. The plumage varies regionally, matching the surrounding environment and improving its camouflage. The feather structure prevents heat from flowing into the skin, permitting Emus to be active during the midday heat. They can tolerate a wide range of temperatures and thermoregulate effectively. Males and females are hard to distinguish visually, but can be differentiated by the types of loud sounds they emit by manipulating an inflatable neck sac. Emus breed in May and June and are not monogamous; fighting among females for a mate is common. Females can mate several times and lay several batches of eggs in one season. The animals put on weight before the breeding season, and the male does most of the incubation, losing significant weight during this time as he does not eat. The eggs hatch after around eight weeks, and the young are nurtured by their fathers. They reach full size after around six months, but can remain with their family until the next breeding season half a year later. Emus can live between 10 and 20 years in the wild and are predated by dingos, eagles and hawks. They can jump and kick to avoid dingos, but against eagles and hawks, they can only run and swerve.

The Tasmanian Emu and King Island Emu subspecies that previously inhabited Tasmania and King Island became extinct after the European settlement of Australia in 1788, and the distribution of the mainland subspecies has been influenced by human activities. Once common on the east coast, emus are now uncommon there; by contrast, the development of agriculture and the provision of water for stock in the interior of the continent have increased the range of the emu in arid regions, and it is of Least Concern for conservation. They were a food and fuel source for indigenous Australians and early European settlers. Emus are farmed for their meat, oil, and leather. Emu is a lean meat and while it is often claimed by marketers that the oil has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects, this has not been scientifically verified in humans. The emu is an important cultural icon of Australia. It appears on the coat of arms, various coins, features prominently in Indigenous Australian mythology, and hundreds of places are named after the bird.
Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:17 pm

On both accounts Wink

The blonde (young) witch, Dutchy you are going to just keep staring at that aren't you Wink

And the " wrong jobs" love it, thanks for the laugh Daisy .

MORNING (hugs) One of you need a hug not sure who but I know it...

I try Von Wink I planted two the deep blood red geranium and lilac and white, never seen them before ever... Shall take a photo.

Go get your Orange plant Wink

Glad Francis is better that's fantastic.

7000km long fence to protect farms from Dingos? Even I didn't know that Dutchy.. This is mainly in the Northern Territory?

Booty Sauce Daisy? Your new line gonna advertise it? Wink

Lovely that you say a prayer for the animals. They eat eat other, we eat them, it's part of life not sport love that.

I think Alligators and Crocodiles are the same. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v307/TheSleepingGIrl/crocodiles.jpg

Love wisteria it is one of the trees that I have to plant somewhere along the line in my lifetime.

And as for birds here?


Pelicans !!


Dutchy I mean Eagles Wink

Hiya Sturgis, we know you are reading, every now and then, I need an up-date please... Don't let us worry... What are you eating? "Yes Mum" I can hear it now Wink

Bill... I don't recall where you are from ?

Glitter hope you are feeling ok.

Reply Tue 15 Oct, 2013 03:19 pm
Morning rat bag Wink

I for sure thought you would have posted a picture of yourself Mr Eagle Wink
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