First Word -

Reply Wed 9 Oct, 2013 03:50 am
That silver mouse is soooooo familiar! I remember when Foundy bought it for you, Dutchy - we all thought it was an inspired gift!

Wonderful newsy posts, with super photos. Love all of them - Foundy's dogs and garden, the fascinating shop - your garden, Dutchy, love Anna's choice of flowers. The Bird of Paradise plant is spectacular - would it grow in the UK? In a hothouse, perhaps.

I have 48 or so containers - can't be bothered to count again - and although I like stuff growing in the soil, containers are easier for me to cope with - and it does mean that I can grow a large variety of plants. Some pretty flowering ones, but my particular favourites are the box - first attempts at topiary - and the olive trees. The olives are still babies, only put them in last year, but growing okay despite the UK weather.

I only have one dog now - Harvey died in January - but I haven't yet got used to talking of him in the past tense. It feels as if he's still here - he was a great character. You must post more photos of your dogs Dutchy - and you Foundy - and where is your cat photo Sturgis - I'm sure you said you had one. I have a photo of my little cat, Bootsie - quite a few years since he died, but I miss the little chap still. And Glitterbag - don't you have cats?
Reply Wed 9 Oct, 2013 04:24 am
Vonny, I lost the last para I typed, and now it's 6 AM, I promise I'll return after I get some sleep. I love the IPad, but sometimes it's flakey. Later ol pals
Daisy Ryder
Reply Wed 9 Oct, 2013 06:58 am

Aw, Vonny. I said it before, I'll say it again - you have a great heart. 
Dogs are heart break. It is possible to love an animal so much it scares the shiz nizzle outta ya'. Harvey looks just like my black labs. We found them three or four years ago as puppies ... In the middle of the crop field, waited three days for the mom to come back and get them. When the day came for record breaking freezing temperatures in Florida, they came home. Did Harvey ever dig up the garden? Chew everything and anything? My boys FINALLY grew out of that stage. Finally!
Dutchy, you amaze me. I dreamt about school bells and fishing communities last night. Those roses are beautifully breath taking with the equally beautiful story with them.
Glitterbag ... I get excited when you pop up on the 'famous people' game.
The name glitterbag just screams celebrity.
It also sounds like something I want to throw at people. Lol. (;
Foundy ... You are just to cool. You are sweet and kind. I really like you.
I like everyone here! Apologies, I wasn't around much yesterday. Had some surprise guests, I did stop by and read everyone's posts. 
Hoping to get creative today.
Take care everyone. Talk to you soon.
-S.S. Daisy
Reply Wed 9 Oct, 2013 02:45 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Did you just swear? Shocked Question Dear me, my Dog has changed colour now Exclamation Cool


Speaking of dogs ! This surely can't be real!


LOLS Daisy, makes you think of something you want to throw at people, ok, better change your thought pattern! Good morning Glitterbag Smile


Glad you remember zi mouse Smile That for sure glittered.. We wanted to make sure Dutchy could see it .. As I recall, he was waking up and moving his hand in circles. The Doctors and Nurses couldn't work out what he was doing until Anna said, " He's moving a mouse, he's playing threads on A2K" Bless.. Didn't we laugh out loud Von? Smile So a glittery mouse it was, to ensure he could see it glad you still have it Dutchy lols.

Good morning all... Twas a hot day yesterday, and today down to 20 or so phew. A busy day ahead for me, had a phone call last night from my "BRO" no, not my real bro considering he is well, black no one would believe me if I said that he was. Was wonderful to hear from him, and his accent as he loves Australian accents we all love other Countries accents I think.. Anyways, I hung up on him after working out the time difference, sheez... Because, wait, I'm not nasty, it's my turn to ring. He always rings. So, I'll call tonight and see how he and his wife, and little kiddies are going... That's also something special about the Internet huh...

STURGIS - OMG - WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU ? That is an Aussie term, used on a commercial I think they banned it didn't they Dutchy?


That's it Von let's go get him ! Smile

Dutchy, the roses are stunning, ours is also yellow and just starting to come out, did Anna plant all yellow roses? Or different colours.. Is this an ideal gift for her birthday ? Or should I get a different type of plant and NO DON'T ASK HER I'm asking you Wink

The bird of paradise, I have one at Joel Street, miss it, but no room for that type of plant here I don't think...

48 POTS ? You Witch!! Von Wink Oh you mean garden pots. That's a lottta pots. But you are right you can play and play with colour and style. Bonsai I think is fun. We have a vine growing around a stobie pole, (ivy) dang thing is hard to keep under control but makes a good Christmas Tree.


See how I dare to be different? My first word is here not at the top Wink

Goodness not long at all to go and off we go shopping again for presents for family, extended family etc. Ever wondered why Valentines Day, Father's Day and Mother's Day was born? For the Card Industry and shops to make money Smile



How's this for sunshine Ms Daisy?


Speaking of changing names.

My Father's name for me when I was born was VENICE pronounced veneese .. After looking at the well, wait for it.



I actually call myself that on all of his birthday cards as my Mother decided pftttttttttt no way, and called me Kelly.

Now that's ok, but Kel is better, because imagine at school? Smelly, Kelly, with the big fat belly, eating jelly... Wink And I was always thin Wink Kinda like venice, I've never heard it since....

Ms Sunshine, you are a sunshine on here, good for you for rescuing those pups and I bet you rescue anything that comes your way...

Von and I also talked about rescue dogs and I hope one day in the near future she goes ahead and brings home that little one that will remind her but never replace...... Harvey.

Roll on 5th.

Lastly, I just sold another home yay me, amongst picking up two more and a new buyer but anyways... Lots more happening and I'm excited.. Point being............I decided to put settlement date as MY GRANDMA'S BIRTHDAY


I reckon she would have looked like this in her prime time, Ms Hazel, God-Mother, Grandmother, friend...

As a witch sometimes, when needed I ask for her guidance and I can tell ya, she still gives it to me.


Reply Wed 9 Oct, 2013 08:24 pm

Hi vonny .
You asked for some more doggie photos well I'm happy to oblige. First photo is of our little home bred puppy Nischka. Samoyeds need a lot of grooming so from an early I taught them to sit or stand on a special grooming table. Saved my back from bending over and they loved the handling. When they were older they would jump on the table by themselves when they saw me approaching them with brushes and combs.

Below our first bred litter, 9 bundles of white fluff, guess how long it took me to get them to pose like this?
Reply Wed 9 Oct, 2013 08:44 pm
Hi vonny. Stuffed up on my previous post, will try again. LOL
Reply Wed 9 Oct, 2013 11:45 pm
Vonny hopefully I did it right this time and I can add some comments to the photos.
Photo number one is of our home bred Nischka. Samoyeds need a lot of grooming, and here she is standing on her grooming table. I train them from very young and by the time they are mature they jump on the table as soon as they saw me approaching them with brush and comb, they loved it.

Guess how long it took me to take the second photograph, our first litter of 9 wriggling bundles of fluff, but I did it. Smile

Third photo is of a beautiful ground cover in the front garden, its growing over a big rock and flowers twice a year like that.
Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 04:09 am
Oh the puppies ............... adorable! Like you said, not easy getting a photo of those little wriggling bundles of fur. Nischka's a beauty too - wonderful conformation. Must have been great to rear such a lovely breed as the Samoyed. Laughing

Are those campanula in your garden as ground cover? Hey, snap! We have campanula gaganica surrounding a choisya golden gift - make a colourful splash at the front of the house - where I still plant in the soil - only seven large containers out there, lots of lavender, a couple of potentilla, and so on. Aiming for a country garden effect - well, something like that! Rolling Eyes

Tried to get a photo of my stone bench and the stone ornaments in my 'peaceful' corner of the garden - the buxus plants have been pruned since then! A half dozen tall trees shade that bit of garden - nice on hot days (which we do get sometimes!). The back garden has containers only - lots of them, as I've mentioned in previous posts. It's evolving all the time. Still lots to do out there.


Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 04:22 am
Hi glitterbag - hey, quit playing the elusive Scarlet Pimpernel and get back here pronto!!! Joking, of course, but do look forward to seeing you over here and finding out a bit more about you - always fascinating to see people open up and have fun on this thread. Cool

Hi Foundy - love the pictures - hey, waterskiing witches! I didn't know Dutchy had a camera when you and I were hitting those waves - dash it, no privacy on the waves nowadays - not a lot of piracy either - boomboom!!! Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes Laughing

Hi Sunshine - wow you live an exciting life! You sound as if you enjoy it to the full - good for you. Puppies in field - lucky you - and good for you with the adoption of them. Pups are fun - ten years since we last had a youngster in the house - Megan was a bit of a tearaway when she first arrived - but not as bad as some we've had. Harvey was good as gold indoors, but he liked to 'assist' with gardening, and uprooted several bushes before I realised that it was the blood and bone in the fertiliser that I'd used - he stopped once I stopped using it! Did you say in one post that you don't have your dogs indoors? Are they all working dogs? Idea Very Happy

Sturgis and Bill - hi to both of you - and Spades if you're looking in. Come on chaps - Dutchy needs you! We all need you - nobody for us to nag without you guys as targets Rolling Eyes Twisted Evil Laughing

0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 05:16 am
Vonny I admire your garden, beautifully laid out and maintained. We have a similar shrub like the one in the pot on the foreground of your picture. Having a very hot climate here necessitates a lot of watering of plants and lawns. Lots of the latter are now being ripped up and replaced by pine bark and other rmaterials as our water rates are getting astronomically high. Not only do we have high water rates, include power and gas prices and your looking at a big slice of your budget.

Australia could be the most prosperous Country in the world if they abandoned the 7 State system and replaced it with one Central Government. There are only 22 million of us, yet the taxpayer supports hundreds of useless politicians divided over 7 States. Having one Government would save us billions of Dollars in wages and pensions! Not forgetting the 8 Queen's Governor's in their big mansions and staff which also cost millions a year.

I don't think I will ever see it happen because I can't see the politicians vote themselves out of their cushy jobs. Smile Just one of the gripes I have with the system here. That was my vent for the day. Foundy has heard it all before. Smile
Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 03:09 pm
Chipped bark is great - we use deep layers of it to cover the weed suppressing membrane that's laid on all borders in our back garden; also to cover the area at the bottom of the garden where trees cast dappled shade - grass doesn't grow well there. But the bulk of the garden is lawned - plentiful rainfall leaves it pretty green most of the time. Rolling Eyes

We do have your problems with high water rates, and rapidly rising prices for gas and electricity mean that we dread winter nowadays! In our house we have nine radiators blasting away most of the time when it's really cold and there is snow or ice on the ground - it costs a small fortune to keep them going. I'd have thought your heating costs were minimal in such a warm climate as Australia? Laughing

Our biggest gripe in this country is membership of the EU - most people want out! MEPs - members of the European Parliament - are paid big bucks for being annoying - making up silly laws about what type of light bulbs we can and can't use - stuff like that - and generally doing things to make life more difficult. Most people want a Referendum - but despite promises from politicians, it never happens! Twisted Evil

Good to escape to a thread like this one, where politics and day-to-day problems take a back seat and we can talk utter nonsense without being criticised for it! Laughing

Talking of utter nonsense -




0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 03:36 pm

Supposedly I am summoning up energy to post here in a fuller level. Been a few off days and will likely be a few more. Need to get my thoughts together.

According to the latest news bulletin brooms are soon to be outlawed for the purposes of flying and/or swatting sweet kindhearted, saintly men, I read it in the Garbled Gazette so I know it must be true.

I noticed there are some posts and pictures I must look at, which will probably set my head spinning again. That can be lived with (with the proper amount of ice cream being provided of course).

So anyway, right leg continues to be troublesome and dealing with it as best as can be done. The down side of this means I won't be swimming in a salty ocean...oh wait, I don't swim at all so I guess it's not a down side after all.

More later, as October madness creeps in and hurdles us towards November and then the new year.

Daisy Ryder
Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 03:47 pm
Ugh. Don't get me started on 'government'.
Have you heard about our government shut-down?
Do you know what it is?
National parks and wild life managements have been shut-down.
 ... Farms have been shut down and farmers won't get paid.
They closed down every government funded program - and 
the government politicians and big shots all still get paid and probably with raises. Priorities are out of whack. 
I'm not big on politics and I don't really read the news. My grandma lives in Brazil, she hates this country. 
I don't hate it, I just think -to agree- that knowledge and fact could be utilized in a much better manner.
My husband tells me Australia has an awesome government. I think I'll do some reading on it to calm my curiosity.

Nischka is a-adorable!!! All the bundles of fur are!

Which witch ditched the hitch stitch? Do tell Kel is swell - who sees the veil of heaven and hell - houses to sell... 
Foundy, you're in real estate? Did I read that correctly?
What an occupation. How did you get into that? Or was I not as lucid as I thought? Beautiful beach sun scene, beautiful.
Are you a vegetarian?
I ask because you mentioned more than once your Buddhist disposition.
Unable to even harm a bee. Are you Buddhist? I know a few.
I didn't cuss in my last post ... It was simply an acronym for Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. (; 
Your kid pic with Santa was cutesy. Better than the screaming kids on Santas lap photos I'm familiar with.
Your glitterbag photo gave me new perception. Instead of bags filled with glitter to throw - did give me inspiration of something to add to one of my comic strips. 

Has Sturgis ever been to Sturgis in the black hills? 

Vonny, I could talk pet shop all day long. (: 
And look at gardening puns all day too.
Everyone has such great photos of their furry loved ones.
And beautiful, beautifully contained gardens. 

(I need to get one of those photo-buckets, my Flickr has been acting up.)

My dogs would dig trenches in the yard. Long, deep trenches and craters. 
I never did figure out where exactly the dirt went - as I had to fill them in with river sand. They were hunting moles. Excellent noses. 

It was worse during hunting season and we had to lock them in the back yard. 
Didn't want them chasing deer or getting shot by neighboring hunters. 
They are really laid back these days.

Totally working dogs. Dodge and Royal are black labs / blue heeler. 
Peaches, is a Catahoula pit, also rescued.
Dodge and Royal are trackers and bayers. Peaches is a catcher.

When you shoot a deer, depending on where and with what, they often run. 
I don't mean to sound gruesome ... It's like when you cut a poisonous snakes head off, it still wriggles. To the deer, it's like a bee sting followed by a rush of adrenaline and they can go for miles. My dogs job is to find the deer before it goes to far and bay at it. Bark. 
When they find it, Royal stays with it and makes sure it doesn't go anywhere and Dodge comes back to tell us where it is.
They get a piece of beef jerky and we get a few months worth of food.

Peaches (the girl) came from a hog farm that didn't want her. Her job was, when a hog escaped she'd pin it down until a human could wrangle the pig. It's a dangerous job for a dog. We only have one hog ... He's a heritage breed and as friendly as a pooch. We got Peachey this year. She hasn't been tracking yet, so we'll see how things go. It's difficult to train dogs to work together and the boys have been doing it all their life. 

They track people too. If I'm gone for to long out in the woods or in the creek, the hubby tells them to find me. One sniff of my scarf or sock they know exactly where to find me. Good training if we ever do need to find people. 

After deer season, when the deer start shedding their horns the dogs bring back all shapes and sizes of antler. Got a pretty neat collection thanks to them. Squirrels and beaver would normally eat the fallen antlers but there's plenty to eat out there.

Then, there is Lucille. Named after B.B. Kings guitar. She's an inside doggy. Her job is to sit in my lap and snuggle and look cute. She dislikes kids though. A cream colored mini miniature dachshund that rides around in a pink purse. (:
And the cats ... One has half a tail and one has no tail. I don't think I need to explain their behaviors ... Hunt, eat, sleep, groom.

Maybe a good time to throw in some pictures?

This is Royal after a hard days work of swimming after us in the boat.


BonBon the tail-less cat, a little family photo. And big sunflower. They've been bigger ... I don't know why but the flowers seemed smaller this year. Had a few acre field full of them earlier in the season.


Lucille and I looking for jasper rocks in New Mexico.
She loves that purse. (: 


Cuddle puddle! 


Am I writing to much? Stop me if I am. Apologies.
I have so much I want to say and ask. I forget some things.
A lot to take in on this thread. I am blessed to know you all.
Thank you again, for having me here. I truly appreciate the friendship.
Reply Thu 10 Oct, 2013 05:46 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

Once again an interesting post Sunshine, no you can never write to much and I won't stop you. Smile You're photos are awesome particular the one in New Mexico, very slinky outfit, reminds me of Foundy she is also an exceptional dresser, always stuns me with her outfits.

We read here about your money crisis in the US, can't make out who is to blame President Obama or Congress. Could affect us all if not settled soon. Tell your hubby we just have a new Federal Government and they still have to prove themselves. People were sick of our previous weak Government and kicked them out in a hurry.

Vonny, our winters are pretty cool too and we need our gas fires or electric heaters on all day. On top of that we need to run our air conditioners in summer as we have very high temperatures for days on end. 30 and 40 degrees days are quite common. A lot of old people spend all day in the major shopping centres which are air conditioned and so save money running their own appliances! The hottest day we had was a couple of years ago when the mercury hit 46.2 degrees, hot enough to fry an egg on the bonnet of your car. Smile

Waves from downunder.
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 03:25 am


Hello there Smile

Firstly, you were not summonsed but you were missed. Smile

Secondly, you only need to write what you want, as you do, you don't have to stress over reading various posts and keeping up Shirt ..... I've written 3 note pads full so I get the names, things correct haha. I'm younger yes I am suffer in silence plus I am a woman and "we rule" there are 4 of us and 4 of you and only 2 writing Razz

So brooms are outlawed? For flying ? Then how can Von and I get over there and help you? I think Daisy secretly has a broomstick as well and I'm betting Glitter is a "good witch" as well. I think you lost that one.

So you WERE TOLD TO TRY TO SWIM IN SALT WATER. Yes you were and it's correct.. Walk in it, don't swim you don't have to, just walking in it or fill your bath with salt and warm water and shake those legs. Salt water is the ALL cure of healing problems of cuts and sores... Vinegar in the bath will stop the itching somewhat. I hope you HEAR ME Smile

Welcome back... write as you will what you will don't stress, you have enough on your plate we are just glad to get a few words from you OK!
You can do 1 minute or 1hr Smile

Dutchy Smile

Firstly, we have yellow roses as well.. The previous owner planted them along with creeping roses but the yellow are the main, beautiful aren't they? And bird of paradise, love them. The purple ground cover what is that? I think someone else asked you that.

Nischka - beautiful name and beautiful dog Smile Ruby loves being brushed as well, Rawaii is learning and Kia says pfttt.

Now the little ones. WELL DONE that would have taken forever but what a shot? Awesome. Note the 5th one, that would have been mine, something about that little one Smile

Von - Solar lights are wicked, I have them too. What is the iron stand free thing in the corner? Remind me also I have 3, that plant that has pink flowers coming through Smile I note the figures, duck , dog, tortious, ... lovely.

YEP I had you in mind when I posted the witches on the water Smile

Daisy Smile

Firstly............. forget Dutchy saying I know how to dress based on your dress, but he is right, you have a flair and a beauty.. I would actually wear that outfit myself "orange" wicked.. I think Von would too .. It's got a feel of freedom, youth, charisma, freedom did I mention freedom? Classy , hippy, life to be lived.

Government.. Aussie is good? They don't know what they are doing either, I don't follow politics but we have no guns, we are a free country to a good degree, good medical... We are very lucky.

Veil of heaven and hell...

Yep. That's a good description.. Am I a Buddhist? I might be but I believe in God very much so. I have seen things in my life that have no explanation I believe I have and still see ghosts then there are times where I predict and I have been 100% correct even Dutchy can confirm that, when he went to hospital in Jan, I saw May and that's when he got out. But I said he was going to be OK and he was. Strange life I lead. I do believe in the Universe, no stress, love everything. So I need to actually look up the life of Buddhists because more than likely I am that plus believing in a God.

I went to Phuket for my 50th.....................temples................love...........life.

Vegetarian? See they are alive too Smile So no... Just hate slaughter that is not done for food, rather, a chain of cruelty, for money. I get so MAD.

Santa photo? My fav Smile Will post a picture of me and D tomorrow.

Dodge and Royal ........Peaches........... Rescue animals a woman of our heart.

Von - wow.... Harvey I see in her dog, Royal.

I love that you save animals... Me too, can't count, those that walked across my path broken legs, lost, what ever I took them all in or helped them.

I can't get past shooting a deer only because I am Australian we don't hunt but I get it. But, I couldn't do it.

Peaches - bless Smile

Lucille bless:) So the half a tail no tail was because?

Sunflowers are the life of life.. A flower of sunshine.

Bon bon Smile

Real Estate?

I come from the Restaurant industry 17 years. We all have had injuries here or do have a disorder of some sort that takes time to heal.. Then again, go through it again.

I had a fall, 20% disabled but I don't let it get in my way, I am a work a holic. I am a buyers agent, selling agent, property manager, owner, marketer, trust manager, shop owner of accessory make-overs and re-cycle and new products for sale, do I sleep ? Wink

Love my job, love the creation doing something no one here does, not in it's total capacity............ I fell on the industry after my injury and have never looked back.

I'm an Admin on a Woman's Health Forum as well, 25,0000 posts later helping people with issues and believing in themselves mostly in America and now have 4 adopted kids, since 2008 that I have helped that call me Mom. They were cutting or lost..........Now they are Found.

Hence the name when I joined here.

Love them to death. Love what I do.

Love people and here I can just be me, KEL, Found, and just be part of this place.............though I can't help myself, sometimes I become CW who is the person on that Forum and get involved in well, ......my opinion of "help"..

I is as I is.

Wicked to see your photos thank you heaps.

Not all are brave Smile Only because well it's the Internet, not all want to show as it's always available for everyone to see.



Always at the end Smile

Not sure if the holistic **** is worth it Smile He is sick again throwing up and through the ............. something I am giving him doesn't like him. Will have him checked tomorrow whilst we are away.. not giving any of the holistic medicine for a few days.

Need to go cuddle the bum and eat, it's 8pm .

See STURG............IS

Just say hi, post something I get it, don't get over whelmed this is just what ever you feel like I am loving all the posts all of them, awesome, including your return.........

GLITTER same for you if it's too much? PFTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Just say what you want Smile

PHOTOS - to come

VON ? Smile

Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 03:39 am


Couple of recent shots of me and D, including our 50th in June Smile

Now you know who you are talking to Ms Daisy and Glitter I believe the others have seen these ............................

Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 04:15 am

Sunshine - your photo of Royal hurt! As Foundy says, there's Harvey - so like him - such sweet sorrow. Sad

And your outfit in New Mexico - I have a photo of me with some peasant children in the Algarve's Monchique Hills, and I swear - I'm wearing the identical outfit! If I ever get round to scanning photos to put them online, I'll post it so you can check the similarity. Well - not the hat, too hot, although I've always had a big selection of hats, and the Cossack is one style I've liked. Cool Good to see you here, Sunshine - love your long and newsy posts! You truly are a welcome breath of fresh air.

My husband and I were hippies when we met at an underground club - what seems like centuries ago now! Bells, beads, flowers - and that was him - an embroidered Afghan jacket - that was him too. Me? A slinky silver lame trouser suit from Gallery Lafayette - plus flowers in my hair - those were the days. Rolling Eyes

Kill an animal - never! As I grew up, the people in my circle were all hunting, fishing and shooting - which went against the grain. I simply couldn't! Won't even kill an insect. Not Buddhist - not any religion - just made that way, I guess. Meat - brought up as a meat eater, but try to avoid red meat - still eat white meat, but feel bad about anyone taking a life on my behalf. But there are a lot of meat substitutes, and I prefer using them.

I'll serve meat to friends - can't and won't foist my views and preferences upon them - same with all of my life choices - up to other people to do as they wish in this life, and not for me to condemn unless it directly affects me or my family.

Foundy - what on earth is the 'iron stand free thing in a corner'? I've looked and looked at the garden and can't see what it is you mean! The ornaments are all stone - and there are a couple of wicker obelisks against the wall beneath the trees - erm ..... you've got me stumped!

Poor darling Ruby - so sorry he's had a bit of a setback. All of my love to him - hug him for me, and tell him I think he's wonderful. Every day that passes is a triumph - he's had one more precious day.

Sturgis - hello - glad to see you back - sorry your leg's playing up again. Salt water is wonderfully healing - we used to take horses down to the beach when their legs were stiff or sore - riding them into the sea, then exercising them on the wet sand - used to do the trick. Surprised you can't swim - not at all? Didn't you have compulsory swimming at school? I love swimming - miss the sea and the miles of sandy beaches of my home county of Northumberland.

Don't take our broomsticks away Sturgis - as Foundy says, how can we help you if you do? As for ice cream - knowing how you love it, we'll keep posting a plentiful supply for you. Have my share, please!

Dutchy - do your temperatures fall as low as ours? We get extremes of cold just as you get extremes of heat. We do get the occasional scorcher of a day, but air-con isn't such a necessity here.

Do you do the gardening in your family, or is Anna the gardener there? Beautifully tended - love the roses, something I no longer have in my garden. If you do much out there, perhaps you should invest in a wheeled garden seat - mine is invaluable. It is simply that - a sturdy plastic seat with four big wheels, with a tray beneath for light tools - neighbours on either side of us said they want one for the garden and working on their cars - and they are guys in their 40's and early 50's who are pretty fit! You have to use your legs to propel yourself round - but that's good exercise, gentle, not too strenuous. Very Happy

Glitterbag - how are you getting on with your iPad? Sounds complicated. My hairdresser has one - a trendy lad who keeps trying to persuade me to get one too - says it's wonderful. Strewth, computers are still new to me - iPads, iPhones, iPods - all a bit of a mystery still. But I love the graphics on his - perhaps for Christmas ... I love gadgets - all gadgets! Rolling Eyes

0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 04:18 am

Seen them before, but love them! Great photos of you and D. You must have sneaked them on whilst I was laboriously typing my post. My very favourite, as you know, is the one of you fire dancing in Thailand - super image! You must post that one !
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 04:24 am
Post "5,461.108 Smile There is a tree to the right, with some iron thing next to it, starts with "Oh the puppies.........." : ) I know Harvey? how awesome, something in common x
Reply Fri 11 Oct, 2013 12:41 pm
First time I knew that the posts were numbered - doh - live and learn Rolling Eyes Embarrassed Rolling Eyes

It's just a wicker garden obelisk for training plants up - we have a pair of the beneath the trees. I can see why you thought it was iron - mmm, wish it was!

Photo attached for no real reason except that I found it when I was looking for an image of garden obelisks - thought you might like it - eye candy! One for the girls.


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