First Word -

Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 11:08 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Hi Sunshine

Loved the picture of the old bridge. would be lots of stories attached to that one. Collecting rocks from the river is another interesting pastime. I've collected all sorts of rock fragments from all over Australia during my camping trips, they're sitting in a niche in an outside wall in the garden. eg. Opal, Iron Ore, Uranium, Chrystal etc.

Your hubby loves surfing, well do I have a surprise for him. Look at this.

This is one of the best surfing spots in Australia right here in our State, it is called Cactus Beach but not very well known because of its remoteness. Nevertheless the keen surfers from here travel the 1000 miles to our far west coast regularly and camp in the sand hills adjoining the this magnificent
surfing beach.

As I said in my previous post, we have lovely Metropolitan beaches but also rugged spots with beautiful scenic coast lines. At the photo below I'm standing at just such a spot, my son's dive boat is behind me in the water.

I'm trying to find a nice picture of my wife's Rose bushes, when I find it I will post it.

Vonny thank you for picture of Dolly, guitar should have been held a little lower. Wink
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 11:27 pm
Hi Sunshine.
You mentioned that old bridge in your back yard, were you referring to this one "The Ghost of Bellamy Bridge - Marianna, Florida"? If so, Foundy will be fascinated. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 02:41 am
Awesome picture of yourself Dutchy Smile

Haha re the guitar on Dolly you, you ratbag.

There are two names I call Dutchy that is one, and the other has always been sunshine.

Funny about that huh!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 02:51 am
@Daisy Ryder,

I do believe I do Daisy Wink And, I can't speak for the others but I do believe that they don't discount the "abnormal" things in life.

OMG I love the picture.. Dutchy is right, there would be ghost stories for sure in-fact you can almost feel it, no seriously. What a wonderful place to live I remember the river well, though there were no bridges.

I forget to tell you the flowers you posted were beautiful.

I collect shells, I prefer to walk the beach.. Something beautiful about the sea, it's sound, the sand, the surf don't go in it, not a water baby. The river, I love listening to the wild life, those here know I live across from wetlands so I Get to see a lot of that.

Von has awesome photos of her hometown, so beautiful I also love the architecture of old buildings, anything old really and I think she is the same and hope she posts some more hey Von? Even some of the older ones I'd love to see again.

I was never really into geraniums but they are easy to grow and come in a mass of colours a deep purple one is about to come out, and I have awesome orange ones as well, mind you I walk the streets and break of a piece shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Smile All of you lols. We do have a lot of other plants but it's wrong season so the flowers have gone.

'crinum lily' Hey? Well I'll be.. Any gardening questions we will know who to come to to ask Wink Von there is a gardening thread too isn't there?

Still in awe over the bridge.

Von has a great bump too Wink

Speaking of which Sturgis when did you last eat (rump) Steak? Do we even ask what you ate last night?

Rawaii I have another new shot from today hopefully tomorrow I will be able to put it up.

Dunna wanna know about fire arms Smile Cause I can't kill a thing Smile

BUT............Group hug was awesome.
Dutchy's photo was awesome.
Your post was awesome.
Von's pictures were awesome.

I'm awesome. Just kidding, couldn't help myself .

See if I can find a picture of me as well, just because.

Facebook - is not here or there when we have here, we are all real so we get to talk as if we were there.

Sometimes I don't know why I feel the need to rhyme Smile

Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 04:00 am

Exhausted from just reading all the posts - this thread has certainly livened up since our Sunshine arrived! Well done, everybody! Laughing

Shy Dutchy? Rolling Eyes HUH! Since when? You've all but ravished Dolly and Foundy most days that you've been back from hospital - making up for lost time, I guess!!! Twisted Evil

Sturgis - you've blossomed too. Plants would be nice, but you have great views of trees - perhaps plants not so necessary in your apartment as for some city dwellers without views? Not something you want to be bothered with until your leg health improves - unless one of your hands-on nurses will tend them for you? Rolling Eyes

Sunshine - I hope you won't get bored with A2K too soon - still lots to explore. Like Foundy said, there are gardening threads - not very active at the moment, but Osobucco is an expert gardener - into landscape design and lots of interesting stuff like that - you should check in with her. Idea

I love my garden, but last year we dug up/cut down everything to make it easier for me to cope with - it's now laid to lawn, surrounded by borders of chipped bark, on which are 46 plants in containers of varying sizes. Newest additions to the back garden are two three-seater wooden benches - together with the stone bench that's already in place. Only a 40' x 40' garden, but that's a long way with my limited mobility! Lots of stone statuettes and ornaments - not too 'twee' I hope, just stuff for us to sit and enjoy. It's totally a garden for us to relax in - not a show garden at all. Cool

Couldn't get out until late this summer because of my op - had to avoid sunshine (ha ha! Laughing ) - but getting organised now. Just finished putting soil and compost down on the back lawn to level the garden (easier for me to use my wheeled garden seat), and re-seeded it - so not worth photographing it at the present time. I have some photos of it earlier this year - must try and find one or two to put onto Photobucket and then post here (Note to Foundy and Dutchy - is that what you do - always seems such an elaborate way of doing things?) Twisted Evil

Foundy - how is Ruby doing now? I think of him a lot. Love the new photo of Rawaii - he's adorable! And your garden - haven't seen those photos before. Looking good - natural and refreshing - makes me regret the containerisation (?) of mine. Cooking - hah, be patient! Have to reorganise the kitchen totally to make it usable by me - grab rails going up all over the place! New kitchen seats - super comfortable ones at long last! But I'm swotting up on microwave recipes/slow cooker recipes - be good to get back into the driving seat down there. Surprised

Meantime, I'm still Queen of the cold meals - tried crab, melon and basil salad on brunch for friends yesterday - cut the melon into finger-thick pieces, then made a dressing of shredded red chilli, couple of tablespoons of olive oil,, juice of a lime, a dozen torn basil leaves, and salt/black pepper. Put the melon into the basil dressing and gently mixed it together - served it on white china, for effect, with white crabmeat scattered over the top. Lots of fresh crusty ciabatta - plentiful fruits, frosted iced grapes, peaches, oranges - good music, good conversation - friends seem to enjoy it! Oh, and mustn't forget the dogs - their two darlings had loads of treats - our Megan had carrots! Oops, that sounds so mean - but she seems to be thriving on her healthy diet - no recurrence of the paralysis, thank goodness. Rolling Eyes

Gosh, hope I haven't bored you all rigid. Off for a quick look-see at other threads, then off to the shops. Winter's heading this way, autumn chill is in the air, so will look for warm sweaters - bought two pairs of (dishy) boots on Saturday - have a good day all of you. Laughing
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 04:24 am
Ok - I've got one photo that gives a rough idea of a corner of our back garden. Very suburban - neighbour's garden, complete with trampoline, in view on extreme left! Patchy lawn in midst of being re-seeded ... and so on ...

Daisy Ryder
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 09:16 am
Ghost tales.

I live in a tiny town.
This place is filled with hauntings of the past.
Founded by an English man named George Jennings.
When he got here (in the general area) he thought it was prime landscape but, full of Indians... It was the year 1825. They burned his first attempt at settlement so he decided to go a little further down river. He didn't know about the 'suck hole' though. He got to close and it sucked his raft and everything down into the water. He lost everything but his butter churn.  The 'suck hole' is this swirling vortex of water that sucks everything down into a cave and supposedly spits it all out somewhere in the middle of the ocean. You can follow the river to the sea, so we are somehow connected. 
The suck hole scares me, the water will get low and you can see all kinds of peculiar objects sticking out of rock crevices. A good spot for ghost tales ... It would probably be a good place to dispose of a body. O.O

There are lots of old houses from the 20's and 30 's ... Standing here, tall, as if time stopped and nothing could change it. I've searched for names in old books trying to discover who they were. 
Two people that I know of died on the bridge. 
Its not the Ghost of Bellamy Bridge though. It's the Beaty bridge (Bay-Tee).
Then there's the Bueller hole, good cat fishing spot where old lady Bueller fell in and drowned. And of course there's Tiger tail... An Indian warrior spirit that lives on the other side of the river.
This is one of the creeks across from the Bueller hole. 


The river is spring fed, always cold and never goes dry. It's red color is because of the tannins from that cypress tree. Not everyone wants to go in water they can't see through.

The bridge was built in 1911, used to be the only way to get into Georgia. Florida on one side, Georgia on the other. It was condemned in 1975. Now people have to drive an extra hour or so to get to Georgia. The old road that leads to the bridge is still planted with redbuds, dogwoods and giant magnolia trees.

What a great picture Dutchy! You remind me of someone ... I just can't place it ... Maybe it's Billy Joe Shaver. 
Foundy, brilliant! I used to snatch up pieces of other peoples gardens everywhere and bring them back here. I saw ice roses in your pictures, I couldn't get them going long enough to establish them.
... Now I just wander through wal-marts garden center and when no one is looking 'shhhhhh'.
Vonny, you made me hungry. Iced grapes are a favorite. I remember my mom saying she gave them to me as a teething baby. I just ate the last of the grapes on the grape vines... My labs love carrots. Particularly frozen, especially on a hot day (they've never been in the house). They love carrots so much that if I want to grow carrots-I have to plant them in boxes and put them up high so they don't dig them up and eat them when I'm not looking.
... I'm gonna try and be productive today.
This is how you all make me feel.


Happy amongst a sea of frowns. Thank you.
Take care and may your day be as amazing as you are. (:
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 03:04 pm

Enjoyed his day out yesterday, with Gordie, such a poser.


Grabbed this last night of Ruby. He's doing remarkably well I think Von, the lumps have gone down some what, his coat is a lot shinier and he seems happy, that's all we can ask for now Smile Though he's being shaved on Thursday, too many knots, so to stop him biting himself...


Kia, also grabbed her photo last night, our little diabetic 10 year old.. SHE Should have a bath but I'll wait for better weather. She goes ballistic and howls when we order in the doggy wash, not to mention the amount of fur I have to sweep up.. Maybe in a month.

So for you Von, yep.. That's what I do, up on photobucket, over to forum only because it's a difference size (fit) the photos on Forums than say facebook.. Mind you I can't friggen put any photos on facebook grrrr at the moment.


This is me with my Mother, Brother, & Santa as a baby LOLS.

Just throwing it in there .

OMG Von... Your garden looks magnificent, peaceful, I could sit out there and read a book no problem. I don't think the containers looks wrong, and what I love about geraniums is that they don't need much of a drink, or care and go ballistic, so you can keep on breaking stems off and plant them anywhere. It has gone wild our gardens, maybe the ghosts are helping Wink

DOUBLE OMG -. Whilst I don't like chilli, my stomach doesn't that is, that sound devine Von, and presentation perfect. You should start to take photos of what you create. I've got a few of late, I'll post one or two later. Way to go.. And iced grapes, heard of it, never tried them, I know they look awesome, maybe D can use them in an idea for his new Restaurant in the City?

Haven't been op shopping of late. Lies. Wink Been looking for boots as we are approaching summer, but still can't find any that I would wear. Some great label clothes though I've found and have put in my shop.. This week a guy is coming down to create a rack for me outside, that I can hang clothes on so that the street (cars) can see and wonder and come on over. I've got three of his antiques in the shop too, pricey. Actually the shop is full at the moment so he needs to make me some shelves lols. Lots of homewares. Still have few houses to sell, but rentals are almost done and then I can start my new on-line business in real estate.

Phew, that's usually how I rattle on to Dutchy about my day hey Dutchy lols.

Great post Von. Sunshine has certainly bought sunshine...

STURGIS - is tired, not enough sleep, been going to bed late, preferring one word games but wait for it. The talented man will appear and give us a smile as usual.

I do wonder where Spades is and why Bill has again gone a-wall Sad

Dutchy can't stop himself from flirting around the Forum and visualising Dolly - Men!!! Smile


Ms Daisy replying to yours separately.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 03:28 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

Morning Ms Daisy Wink The Bridge is very fascinating for me, like I said anything old, 1800's and I'm stuck wanting to know more Smile Did you research this before or after you moved to the township?

Do you know more about the people that died on the Bridge? Did they jump over? lols, sorry I'm a Witch remember. I could swear when I looked at it that I felt someone had jumped .. That's what I told Dutchy Wink

And it's too early in the morning for me, before I read what you wrote regarding the creek I was going to ask you why you took a photo with a glass of beer on the rocks Wink Then I read Smile

Ypu must have a wonderful sense of calamity being amongst Mother Nature as you are... With the old worldly and history behind it.

This is one thing I am amazed at where Von lives as well. The beauty of the old buildings as she knows.

Sturgis would love to know more about your views ............


Smile 's back at ya and all.
Daisy Ryder
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 03:54 pm
I have a habit of saving pictures I really like ... All sorts of things... 
I had this tucked in there somewhere ...
Maybe some inspiration for Ds restaurant?
I believe the first person fell off and died when they were building the bridge (who knows, maybe he just decided to jump?) and the second person was drunk, they threw him off and he couldn't swim ... o.O That was about 40 years ago. We try to keep people off and away from the bridge. We even wrapped it in barbed wire ... All it needs is some baby dolls hanging from rope and it'd be really sketchy looking.
It wasn't until we moved here that the fascination of the history took over.
I'm hoping to still see some more of Vonnys pictures.
We are nearing the end of summer ... All I can think to compare the weather to is 'swamp'. Hot, humid, muggy, every bug bites, stings and itches. Spring, fall and winter make the excruciating summers worth it.
I found a box full of papers in a metal box while I was gardening ...
This was around April... Papers from 1910 to 1945 ... Taxes, deeds, stock, letters, receipts, letters and more letters. It was the life of one Mr. James A. Zipperer ... He was the bank assistant in town during the 1920's ...
The bank closed during the great depression and is still sitting there in town - so is the old abandoned town hall. They just recently starting taking the bricks away to sell... It's a shame to see them take that history away.
At first it looked like they were digging and looking for something ... I took the box of papers and got it locked up in a bank vault ... You would have enjoyed going through the contents. (:
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 04:15 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Fascinating stories Sunshine, I love history too, have written a story about a Dutch boat that sank of our coast here during a tremendous storm in 1857 with the loss of 16 of the 20 crew. The bodies were buried in the sand hills adjoining the beach and have never been found.. I've traced the history of the ship and crew from the day it was built in 1840 to its demise. Searched archives in Australia, travelled to England and the Netherlands several times to follow leads, all done as part of a hobby project. It is an ongoing story as every now and then new pieces of information surface. Like the ship's bell that turned up the other day and is still being used by the local school where the ship went down. So that ,is my interest in life to fill my ample leisure time besides playing the threads of a2k. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Oct, 2013 07:44 pm
Hi everybody, Dutchy sent me the link to this thread. Just sticking my toe in the water. Haven't read the entire thread yet, but it appears to be a hidden gem in A2K world. So far I recognize all of the usual subjects, tons of folks who have made me laugh on other threads. This looks like a lovely oasis, renews my spirit, thank you Dutchy. GB
Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2013 02:03 am
Hi glitterbag,

Lovely to see you across here. Was it hidden? I always feel as if it really is a secret little oasis in the midst of A2K, peaceful - no unpleasantness - such a great little refuge when one's feeling a little fragile.

You're always one of the 'good guys' on other threads - please return often - Foundy will be thrilled to welcome you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2013 02:35 am

Don't you give Dutchy a run for his money Wink

And I love sharing with you, Dutchy, Sturgis, Von, Spades when we can find him, Bill, & now Ms Sunshine, in the threads when I can .. laugh in-deed I do as well .. with you all.


With the old is the new like Ms DAISY who sure is full of sunshine ..Smile Very interesting history that has made us all in awe.

You will note it was simply first word, then it became chat somehow then first word with chat and then a place to feel at home, tell stories, laugh, ask for thoughts, advice, tell of how we feel at that time.. Just really a lovely oasis as you think...

Oh guess who turned it into chat? Wink

Sturgis, you better be getting some sleep !!!!

Lots to reply on since I last logged on so, (in the morning) that's my best time, as I have more time. Look forward to it.


And, lovely of you Dutchy to bring Glitter over to be part of our little family, thank you Smile

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2013 02:48 am

Living in England is a bit like living in the pages of a history book - good job I love history! When I was a child, I rode at a stables that had part of Hadrian's Wall, the Roman Wall, opposite the stable yard - used to sit on it to eat lunch! Ditto college - it ran adjacent to the wall, so it really was a big part of everyday life. Lots of castles and forts in the North-East of England too - plenty to explore! Of course, Foundy, your D's family come from that neck of the woods - must find more photos of it to post for you.

Moving South, more history of course, always somewhere to go and something to see. Such a small country, you virtually trip over history as you walk a mile or two in any direction. Most of the photos I too of old houses are on one of my other computers - must try and find time to put them onto memory sticks and transfer them to the new laptop, then I can post a few here.

I've still got photos of Megan and Harvey on Photobucket - will post them now - still miss Harvey every day, but Megs is doing well. The garden - sigh - glad you like the new arrangement - I miss the gloriously wild plantings that rampaged through it at one time, and the pond, and old fencing - it all looks a bit new and neat nowadays, but it's practical - and I guess that's what I'm aiming for.

Megan -


Harvey -

Riverside near us -


0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2013 03:09 am

Don't disappear again! Remember, I have visions of you lying amidst a huge pile of empty liquorice boxes and wrappers, and liquorice ice-cream cartons - liquoriced into a purplish/black coma! With little singing policemen hammering at your door bearing plants from abroad - Australia and England perhaps, as we keep nagging you to get some. Laughing

Poor Sturgis - the balance of power may be changing - hurrah, women of the world unite - but you and Dutchy are allowed to hold the reins of power - just occasionally. Rolling Eyes

Hmm - a suitable image - having to think hard about that - something to ease your painful legs perhaps?


or ice cream cake?


Come back soon and give Dutchy your support - he's going to need it!!! Twisted Evil

Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2013 02:54 pm

Vonny show the boys some respect or I'll send you to the kitchen where women really belong on a 10 feet rope!

Loved your pictures of Megan and Harvey, they look happy and very healthy indeed, pleased that Megan is well on her way to full recovery.

The homes on the waterfront are also typical English so different to here, my son lives on the waterfront, may post his house one day.

I agree you have a lot of history in England. I have a friend in Winchester, and every time she goes for a walk takes a few pictures of historical sites and sends them to me. I then find those places via Google Earth and virtually walk in her footsteps at street level and admire the same buildings. What modern technology can do eh.

Big welcome to glitterbag, glad you found our little family, don't take to much notice of Foundy what she says about Dutchy, she's been trying to boss me around for ages but she always bites the dust. Smile

To everyone, waves from downunder.

The Boss.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2013 03:19 pm

STURGIS!!! Ya loafing around ? Wink

Oh and I thought of the perfect pet for you !!!


Whatayathink? http://i942.photobucket.com/albums/ad269/NewBeginnings2/Funny%202/hu4833.gif

Daisy, awesome idea actually I am going to put that to D, something very different and summer is coming up, I can visualise it would be the talk of the town!

With the Bank? Horrible thought, to knock down something so beautiful just for money, but always follow your gut feeling, you felt they were looking for something I bet there were, glad you found the box and put it in a volt...


Vonny, please, please post pictures of where D's family grew up and I will also ask again where he stayed for 10 years, so I can see the women he dated haha...

In my opinion, a garden that needs pruning, weeding, caring for is soooo hard, why not have the easier option? You still get the beauty ! And, maybe add geraniums they grow wild and don't need care . Should see me drive around for work going "oh there is another one, omg look at that colour must come back " Wink



AND....OMG love the photo of the beautiful old homes by the river.. What is the front buildings? Open so you sit there and look onto the river?

Your dogs are priceless, such love is seen in their little faces, such happiness . You know having lost 3 in less than a year, I know how hard it is, often I am outside, even though I have Rawaii and just think of Mr bigs.. Talk to him even why not .. We will always hold them dear in our heart.


Glitterbag I am visualising you like cats yes?


DUTCHY good morning ratbag Wink


A huge day of sunshine today, think we better dance now Wink



Remember this Dutchy? Do you still have it ? Wink


A picture of my shop (before) I will take an updated one ... It's fuller lols.


Imagine, walking the beach at night time and see these little sea creatures light up like neon.



Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2013 11:29 pm

You ladies come up with some beautiful shots of your garden, flowers and plants. Foundy asked me to post a photo of my wife's roses which she planted in 1999 in memory of our late daughter who passed away that year. She looks after them with tender loving care and each year they come in full bloom and look spectacular. At the moment 1 of the four is in full bloom and looks magnificent, the other 3 are full of buds and will flower later this year. Below is the one in full bloom, photo taken this morning especially for you.
My wife has a number of pot plants etc spread around the patio and one in particular is very attractive and is called The Bird of Paradise, pretty hard to grow they tell me, but wife seems to know her job in keeping him vitally healthy and in bloom every year with one or more spectacular flowers. It has two flowers on it this year and again photo taken this morning.
Lastly my pride and joy my Lemon tree, handy little item, carries fruit the whole year round. Love making a cold juicy lemon drink in our extremely hot summer, very good thirst quencher.
Reply Tue 8 Oct, 2013 11:57 pm
Sorry for not being able to include this photo in my previous post, just wouldn't let me do it. Foundy you have to show me how you managed to cram all your pictures in one post!

And talking about Foundy's post, that is a fantastic array of photographs and videos my friend, I certainly remember that silver mouse. sitting right along side me. Can't forget to mention Dolly of course, exceptionally good photograph accentuating her beautiful golden locks. Wink I'm sure Sturgis will agree with me, she is meant for you too young fellow.

Waves from downunder.
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