First Word -

Reply Fri 4 Oct, 2013 03:25 am
Nope, no jealousy - no need for it! Laughing Just think she is talented enough to have become famous without the boob job, wigs and so on. She's a naturally pretty woman. Rolling Eyes

Foundy, on the other hand, is 100% natural - I'm sure D thinks she's far more glamorous without a lot of artifice. Diamonds - yes - every woman needs a few - and I know Foundy wears some great jewellery. Very Happy

As for Sturgis and policemen - oops, perhaps I misunderstood an earlier post - must read them more carefully - I do get some weird ideas at times. Sturgis - please dig me out of this - yikes! Embarrassed

Dutchy - bet you didn't have a smart helmet like some of our London bobbies! Twisted Evil


Reply Fri 4 Oct, 2013 03:49 pm



Funny thing is, as at least I reckon Von and Dutchy know. Nothing about me is fake, I wear rings like this and don't give a darn that they are fake Wink Who on earth wants to spend a fortune on one thing when "I" can have 100 things Smile OP SHOP as well comes to mind. Smile


Morning !!!!! All... Long drives today, Saturday opens... Shirting myself, my injury is way playing up this week, but, BUT day off tomorrow now that I can't wait for !

Reply Fri 4 Oct, 2013 08:51 pm
Hi Foundy, there is nothing fake about you, you're as honest as they come and I admire you greatly for that. And if a may say so that fake jewelry you usually wear still makes you look like a million dollars. Wink

Vonny brother is ok, they gave him 4 by-passes and he has been talking to his wife when she visited him.

Sun is out, a nice 25 degrees and I'm sitting on the patio enjoying a pizza supreme, might throw a few prawns on the bbq later on.

All have a fabulous weekend.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 Oct, 2013 11:27 pm

A brief update or commenting.
First off, I done always have thought of Foundy as quite real and genuine, same goes for Vonny and Dutchy. No reason to believe different from what I have heard/read in these pages. As to the absolutely fabulous Dolly, she can't help it if she is such a knock out beauty and with such a wondrous voice. She only applies the lipstick and eye shadow to tone down her beauty or otherwise hospitals would be overwhelmed by men and even women swooning and passing out from sheer awe. Her body is her own, again, she can't help it if she was raised on good healthy body forming food. (I think maybe I should become her publicist considering how I am piling on all these compliments and reasons for her).

Not the worst of days, but not the best. Wound nurse was concerned, mildly I'd say, about the lower right. Asked if it was bothering me, hurting. I indicated it was and the way she kept pressing her hands against the non wounded skin made me ask what was going on. She commented about possible infection. Naturally I got nervous. Said it isn't a major concern, we will see on the next visit how it is (that will be Monday). Most likely an oral antibiotic would be needed to be prescribbled from the doctor.

When I mentioned the constant concern/worry about gangrene (which Mother ended up with) she assured me that this is nothing like that. Whew! Big relief.

Ate a decent dinner, fish, onions, potatoes and lima beans followed by a 2 hour 'nap'. Get sleep whenever it arrives, that's my new motto.

Was another warm day in these parts, staying so for the next few, which is a mixed bag of relief. However I think it must be confusing the plants and birds and squirrels outside as they were all putting together for winter just a week or so back.

Nothing more to add for now, will return later/tomorrow...which once again is now today...
in the meanwhile, hope all is well. Foundy, get some rest and tend to your physical needs.

Reply Sat 5 Oct, 2013 02:33 am
Thank you Sturgis Smile

I sure is real.. What you see is what you get, so to speak. You have seen a photo of me and Dutchy?

I am SO glad also that you won't have to go down that path, I often honestly think KEL give up smoking you are 50 with fear that will happen to me. Your "a" ? "e" can't spell Smile System is just low, it will get better.

On a side note cha ching! I am having whiting and prawns for dinner not sure with yet, though love the idea of your mixtures...

And............thank you for your concern.. Sometimes it's hard to type we all have something that gets to us, eventually if we are not careful.. Appreciate your thoughts.

Dutchy you are just a flirt we all know that Wink But, that's ok because you are also a dear friend as are the others here, First Word.. The only difference is I've met you and haven't had the opportunity to meet them but I honestly truly, hope so one day.

That would be my wish.

I'm typing on the laptop whilst Rawaii plays and ignores me for a bit, softer on my shoulders Wink

Von... still remembering the 5th.

How is the designing of new meals going? Been reading up ? Got your first 7 meals ready ? Wink

Twas a lovely day weather wise... Long one for me, but hopefully successful as well... Shall find out BUT I have 2 DAYS off with a little work first in the morn.. YAY.. Can't wait.

WAIT, that actually means I will try to clean or garden or something grrrrrrrrrr Smile

Dutchy, thank you very much for your compliments a girl can never really get enough but I know that all the comments here from you guys are genuine and that makes this little thread kinda special.

(HUGS) is all.

Daisy Ryder
Reply Sat 5 Oct, 2013 10:43 am

Wow... So personal. I now know you all a little bit better now.
I'm in awe at the personal taste and intimate conversations.

I just stopped by to thank you all for existing.
You are all very intelligent, special people.

The Internet is such a strange place. Inspiring and irritating at the same time.
There was this really cool forum I spent a lot of time on ...
Ramanon ... The people who inhabited the forum were known as Ramanonians.
... There were knife makers, cooks, pilots, political advocates, priests, karate masters and every day bastids.
All from different regions of the earth. Very rarely did someone new join...if at all.
We all knew each other, even though most of us had never met... Kinda like this place.
I had friends, reputation and good laughs... just like everyone else there, I became part of the community.
Some people expressed the place to be the only place on the Internet for them.
That is so true to these few that it is inexplicably profound. 
The place stayed up and running for seven years or so.

Then, BANG! It happened.
The owner decided he couldn't care for the place anymore.
Suddenly, we were all without a home (Internet-wise).
Everyone was dispersed.
The shite hit the fan and we were the shite.
Some of those people only existed through that forum ... Poor Kevin.
I've found some of them again in various spots throughout the web-world.
... But, not everyone. I miss them. 
I went on a voyage of forums... From BBQ to guns to gardening...
Although there was much treasure and spices to be found -
Nothing was as active or more fun than the village of Rammy. 

I'm an avid gardener and was playing around on my long-time gardening sites
(An Eden filled with the most breath-taking flora but also the most arrogant of tribes)
when I found that one of them had a section of the forums titled, "Game Crazy".
... Interesting, I thought.
'How does one play a game on the Internet?'
There was the acronym game, replace a letter, question with a question, etc.
There were only three people who attended these games regularly.
I was hooked.
They were excited to have me. 
When things died down I was a little bummed.

So I set sail once more in search of fruitful land.
... That's when I crashed upon the shores of able2know.
Everything. Everything is here! Good people, great topics, interesting games.
A feast for the mind!
My sails are split and my mast is bent, I'm tired from the journey.
That's how I got here and why I'm staying... (I had to jettison all my life boats when I found stow-aways from the Paleo forum -.- )
Thank you for having me and being such great people.

... In reality, I'd rather be on an island going in circles than on this peninsula going back and forth-back and forth. It can drive you mad - yet, in the words of the Mad Hatter "We're all madd here." I am very lucky to have anchored in such an amazing place to soothe and occupy my need for mental stimulation.
Thanks again.
Truly, Daisy.

Reply Sat 5 Oct, 2013 12:00 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Truly Daisy that is a marvellous post from a very intelligent girl, you'll be very welcome here on Foundy's thread, there aren't many of us but we have fun and have great respect for one another. You bring a wealth of Forum experience with you which I haven't got, only ever been a forum member here and love playing the trivial threads. Got to know some lovely people here and talked to them for years, know a lot of personal details about them yet never met, a great little world. Only ever met one a2k'r in person, the lovely Foundy, a great personality with a very wise life philosophy. The 'witch' As I call her tries to 'boss' me around no end but knows she can't win and usually admit "Dutchy" rules the threads. Razz
Make yourself at home Daisy, look very much forward to your contributions.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Oct, 2013 03:52 pm
@Daisy Ryder,


We figger, it's the Internet World, our names are different (mind you Dutchy and I are also on face-book) and are lucky to share the real lives of quite a few members here, over 20 and they with us.. But real is important not fake, like Dollys' boobs just kidding Dutchy Wink

Seriously. If there is nothing to hide, but we can share and in that sharing, comes well, caring.. Then what a great place to be.

You'll find that on several "personal" threads here on A2k.

I started a thread once at the beginning "What made you come to A2K?" and established most came across from another Forum, to here run by the same person and have been here for years.

I find the people here beautiful and highly intelligent a bit like you Smile Though be careful, some nasties can come out, that's allowed here, chin up and pfttttttttttttt at it, we say Smile

Over all it's an amazing place with amazing people, glad you are staying and again WELCOME to our little Thread.

There are no rules. It started as First Word and Dutchy thinking he was the boss turned it into CHAT Wink And, so from then onwards that is what it has become, well with a First Word to start with Wink

The "follow" is a clever idea, but is the same as "friends" it takes time but over time, people decide to follow and I think you will love it here and people will love you...

Feel free to just be yourself. Wait? You are totally I mean you just jumped in with a pfttttttt Smile

We'd also love to see some gardening shots. I too am an avid gardener, I'll chuck a couple of photos up later. Dutchy's wife loves it, Vonny loves designing and Sturgis we are trying to get him to grow pots on the window sill as well, he doesn't have a garden Sad Bless.

The artistic side of you is very simular to Sturgis. Watch out (giggles)

I just told Dutchy.

It's day light savings here. I set my clock back an hour instead of forward lols. So the poor dogs were like "when is our breakfast mum?" I'm like shhh another hour away, Dad's asleep. Only to establish OMG I did it backwards, I had a blonde moment, rush, rush, feed / fed.... Smile

Should be a lovely day DUTCHY I am still going to plant a little. I bought cucumber and sweet corn and basil... And, I WANT some little flowers to add so I may go for a wee trip to Bunnings.....

Tomorrow Home Made PIZZA with Father-in-law and family, including Paige... By the sea.. Taking Rawaii with us as Dad also has a Shitzu, we tested the water and they run like the wind.. Be good for the little puppy to mingle properly with dogs.

He reminds us of Bigsy a little guys. When we try to get Ruby to bond a little as Ruby has a bad side that comes out here and there, chomp.. He becomes submissive and rolls on his back. Bigsy did that, just laid down and Ruby left him alone. Interesting.

That's about it for now for now for now, only for now.

Reply Sat 5 Oct, 2013 04:45 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

Welcome aboard Daisy. A place of thought, humor, caring and respite from the toils of the world.

Be back later to post more...unless I am asleep or in a vat of ice cream.
0 Replies
Daisy Ryder
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 10:13 am
Homemade pizza ... 
Any of that fresh basil going on it?
Thank you for the warm welcome and kind responses. 
To be real, if I ever find you on Facebook ... My real name is Sunshine.
Daisy just seems to be more believable. If I had a middle name it would totally be Daisy. It's always fun to see people's expressions when I show them my ID.
I live in the Sunshine state so it kinda seems ironic.
But, not completely... For ten years people called me Sunshine, I signed all my work Sunshine ... I forget who first called me that name.
So one day and $400 later I legally changed my name to Sunshine.
Shhh. Don't tell anyone. I like the name Daisy for Internet tours.
I live on a farm, I can show you some great gardening and nature shots.
My friend grows deer on his farm.



It's hunting season, he's gotta up security this time of year. Dang poachers.
We grow veggies on our farm. I bring up the farm because, I don't have a face book but our farm does. GopherCounty FarmersAssociation.
Why doesn't Sturgis have a garden? Everyone should get the pleasure of experiencing the frustrations and bounty of a garden.
I don't know much (nothing) about the garden seasons of SA but, I know from Dutchys description I really like the weather. Looking forward to some gardening shots as well. What a great thread!
I'm getting ready to clear out a room again in the house to bring all the tender plants in for the winter...and some plants to take spring cuttings for - tomatoes, impatiens, etc.
Just about everything we grow all starts with a seed. Except for the day lilies.
It's the husbands wish to not buy green-house grown plants. 
I'm not completely stoked about that ... every now and then I get a full grown flower from the local hardware store.
I've been married for five years this December.  He wooed me on Dog Beach in California.
Foundy, I hope you took pictures of the dogs on the beach! That would be awesome. I've got a few dogs... Big labs (deer trackers) and a dachshund... She's spoiled rotten - she's been everywhere with me.
Even snuck her into the LA museum of natural history once.
Easily, since she rides in a purse. She's like a miniature mini dachshund. (:
I've got four dogs, two tail-less cats, four koi fish, two roosters and one large black hog.
Pets are great but expensive.
I gotta get to work. My station is a real mess.
Here's to good health. Stay happy, stay friendly and keep being you because YOU are all awesome! 
... And smile, it's today. Very Happy
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:05 pm
@Daisy Ryder,
Hi Sunshine -

It's great to see you here. Only paying a flying visit - been hectic today, hectic this evening, and ......................... but I'll be back with a vengeance - I hope!

Here's a Daisy Ryder for you -


and glorious sun -

0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:11 pm
Hi Foundy, Dutchy, Sturgis, Sunshine, Bill, and Spades (wherever you are) - I haven't forgotten you - will reply to you asap - I promise! Been reading all of the posts on this thread, but sooooooooo much to take in that I haven't - taken it all in, I mean!

What we need is a group hug!


Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:14 pm
For you Foundy - an English country garden -

0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:16 pm
Liquorice ice cream for you Sturgis -

0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:17 pm
And, as ever, a Dolly-bird for you, Dutchy!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:22 pm
@Daisy Ryder,

Well, good morning all, well it is morning from my neck of the woods, where's Vonny? Hope you are ok and just your usual busy self to miss a day with us ..

(EDIT) Just saw you, kinda, meaning well 4 posts hehe.. HIYA VON.!!
Love my English garden - thank you Smile

Ms Daisy, as you know they call me 'Witch' in fact that started back when I was a youngen ... My Mother started it, then my brother continued and there were good reasons.. I had a lot of weird experiences some of which no one could deny, such as esp and reading someone's mind when they only said it in their mind and then said "watch" and what they said, I did Wink And, from there not much changed... yet Sunshine... suggests something awesome... You light up people's lives. Well I can see that.. So do Sturg/Von/Dutchy, ya truly going to fit in Wink

We have a Sunshine Coast here don't we Danny, near Port Douglas sorta.

I love animals and you have a lot Wink I used to usually have at least 3 at any given time, well come to think of it I still do Smile Another time, shall post Kia and Ruby again... Then off course a fish or three. Though hunting, well I couldn't kill a bee so no good me being on a farm, though we grew up in the hills and our parents are from the River that's Country and we had a shack on the river.

Briefly talking about witches. I took a couple of photos yesterday one side of the garden, we have three. Two of those photos had eerie ghostly spots in them.. Mind you are three babies (Missy 17 yr old Pomeranian, Bigsy 2.2 year old ginger boy cat and Jet, 3 year old black rabbit) buried in our gardens but not this garden... Thought I'd share Wink



Sturgis, I hope that these couple of threads encourage you to place those pots on your window Wink Not the above pictures off course ......

One of those is our herb garden, though we are growing a banana tree, cherry tree, blackberry, there are tomatoes, cucumber, sweet corn, "just planted" and watercress, spinach, baby spinach, lettuce, chives, radarada.
We have to buy punnets well we don't have to but we do:)

Rawaii is going to the beach today, we didn't end up doing that the other day but I'll take a couple of shots.


This was a hard picture to take and you can't quite see it, but our Rosellas are mainly green with a bit of yellow, red.. This one is a cross. He is grey with bright red and yellow and a bit of green... I was in awe when I looked up after hearing him/her wish the stupid noisy minor didn't come along and scare it away ;(


Up-date on Rawaii Wink Isn't he adorable? Yes..


Last one, the plants underneath are like huge lillies you can see one is starting to blossom and the elm tree? Has grape like flowers to start with as the leave grow triple that size, that smell like frangapannies however you spell it, beautiful.

Daisy, thanks heeps for getting "personal" Wink And, sharing who you are awesome.

Moring Dolly, I mean Dutchy Smile What's your plans for the day? Public holiday you must be doing somefing.

Von, waiting for your answer on all the recipes you have been spying. Smile

Sturgis, hope you are OK... And things are improving.

Pizza is "home made" D is a Chef, been with him 4 years in a couple of months... I come also from the Industry 17 years. D's Father lives by the sea , South well a couple of streets away, you can see the sea Wink See the sea? Anyways, so this is a belated Father's Day, day.. Day Day? Smile With his two daughters and son and family.... He has one of those Pizza Ovens outside, should be a bit of fun, in the sun. Fun Sun?

Can tell what mood I am in today.. Suprisingly not in pain.. After spending hours in the garden and cleaning, just a good sore as if I did a work out yay me.

Something like that.


Danny can you take a photo of your roses?

Von, are your potted plants coming together for a photo?

Sturgis gonna grow some herbs now on your window sill ? Smile

Take care for now.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:23 pm
Hi vonny. Wonder where you got to but thought Hubby and Dog kept you busy. I'll keep away from that group hug, you should know I'm the shy type!

Thank you for another beautiful post "Sunshine", today is a beautiful day downunder plus a public holiday so I may go for a drive along our beautiful beaches, we have many, many miles of them along our Metropolitan Seafront.

Would like to introduce a couple to you Sunshine, so you get an idea what a beautiful City we live in. Firstly Glenelg, probably the most popular beach around, situated about 12kn from the Central Business District and easy to reach by car, bus and tram. Has many cosy Restaurants, amongst them one run by Foundy's fiancée, near the far end of this photo.

Towards the southern suburbs of our City of one million people plus we have the beautiful Maslin's Beach, a secluded beach for nature lovers where nude bathing is permitted. Have visited it many, many times in the line of duty. Laughing

Our coastline ranges from beautiful beaches to rugged scenery will post more pictures in a future post.

Sure when I'm writing this Foundy will turn up somewhere, she possesses ESP and always knows when I'm on line. Wink
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:29 pm
Hi-ya ratbag Smile

That is all ..

Other than the three of us posted all at the same time hahahahahaha.

Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 03:34 pm

D's restaurant is over there on the right Smile

Good picture there Dutchy!


Smile For the boys !! Well there are bikini cladded girls on our beaches !
Daisy Ryder
Reply Sun 6 Oct, 2013 05:07 pm
Collective consciousness... O.O

You truly do have ESP Foundy... I'm beginning to suspect you all do.
I live in a shack on the river... Floridas oldest iron bridge is my backyard.
House used to be a house boat - found it in another river.
Find lots of cool stuff in the river ... Favorite past time is looking for pretty rocks in the river. 
Here's some I found ...
Very beautiful gardens you have. Your geraniums are outstanding. (:
Your giant lily is a 'crinum lily'. They do smell heavenly.
The spooky apparitions leave much to be desired.
The beaches are beautiful! Beautiful night life too! My husband surfs. Rides a long board. We traveled all over the world chasing good surf. My favorite was Mexico. He always wanted to go to Byron Bay. Made it to New Zealand three times but never quite got to Australia. Hopefully we'll make it over some day.
... I have many firearms - always wanted a Daisy Red Ryder. 
Rawaii is giggly cute! Would love to see Rawaii in the middle of Vonnys group hug - which really warmed my heart to see.
Of the mention, I'm hoping for rose pictures now ... (:

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