First Word -

Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 04:25 pm

Hi Von, well ya giving her everything she should be having and/or will take awesome. I must be a witch, giving you those thoughts yet you are already and have always been doing that Smile

I guess sometimes, they feel worse than other times, so pleased she is starting to get more mobile, great news.. And, oh don't they love their massages, who would have thought? Ruby starts putting his paw over his head, rolls around teeth showing Smile Kia just laps it up.

I'm still trying to work out all these extra ingredients to friggen add into his food, the exact amount and there is like 6 of them Smile Dear me. But, I think anything natural has to be good, can't hurt.. Working on it, got an email from the Holistic advisor yesterday on what I have purchased as to what amounts, the balance of what she suggests is $188 ? WT? To be shipped.. Feel over whelmed Smile

Rawaii has learnt to allow me to brush him, have to make it a game, and say "Rawaii's brush". After he cracked up and tried to bite the Nurses I realised I had to get going straight away with this training, hates anyone touching his head but I'm getting there with that too, slowly taking the fur out of his eye so he knows it's OK. He's quite a good kid to train Smile

Funny story though, the big kids as we now call them are in the lounge, the lounge is full of windows and as you know (most of you) we live by the wetlands so people take their dogs daily for walks along the paths. The "big kids" bark and then on occasions howl. Well, blow me down (Australian term? ) , yesterday little Rawaii sat, lifted his head and howled with them lols. They kinda stopped and listened then continued, he was on the other side with me, in the kitchen.. So cute...

Von did an 11 hr shift day before yesterday, and will have the same today.. Massage though at 2.30pm.. I know my limitations. I feel we have a real good chance with expanding my business got to do it now at 50 so I can relax at 60, something like that.

Dutchy OFF COURSE as long as you also bring Lobster, Oysters. We'll lock the dogs inside, or outside one of the two pends on weather lols. And give you both a magical seafood feast...

Will work out when we can pop down very soon as well - What about an orchard plant for Anna for her birthday?

Glad you had a good night out, so pleased that you are able to do that now and get out the house, very proud of you.

Von, 5th October.... I believe. thinking of you for that date and hope F is ok.

Sturg............I said eat some veggies why are you not listening to me? I know you've been doing the meat and cheese thingy... again... Smile

Bill - comes and goes - where's the smiley face Bill...

Bracing myself for the day ahead, will start soon.

Reply Fri 27 Sep, 2013 04:01 pm

Morning Dutchy!


Morning Vonny!


Morning Sturgis !


Morning Bill!

Reply Fri 27 Sep, 2013 04:04 pm

there I was on my way from point a to point b when it happened. One minute all was right with the world, the next thing I knew a big Irish cop was helping me back to life. (for the record he was darn good looking and tall...I should have gotten his number. Oh wait I did get his badge number Wink ) So all is moving along, the pain from the fall is horrendous as I seem to have done something to my back. Not near as bad as the sciatica was earlier this year, but a touch bothersome.

Haven't read the recent posts, will try and do so later and then respond. Hope to find that Senor Spades and Cousin Bill have been by and that Vonny has good news regarding her little one, and that Foundy does as well. All while Dutchy eats pasta Bolognese and drinks only the best beer, wine and sangrias while Dolly tends to his every need.

Until later.....
Reply Fri 27 Sep, 2013 04:22 pm
Morning FoundSoul. Smile
Reply Fri 27 Sep, 2013 04:27 pm

Gawd DUTCHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply Fri 27 Sep, 2013 04:31 pm

Sturgis the Irish are awesome, I should know given it's my back-ground you should have got his number. That's like a damsel in distress and along comes the white knight Wink BUT ouch!!!!!! You poor thing, see I sent you a white bird and a monkey to cheer you up, must have known Wink

Rawaii is still a little devil, though learning real well, laughed out loud at him trying to copy the "big kids" howling and felt blessed that he was passive on the bed the other night for 20 minutes allowing Ruby to get close to him, so cute. Ruby had his 2nd chemo tablet yesterday, didn't really want his breakfast today, not feeling that great bless. However, the lumps are going down and after a few days of chemo he brightens up again, so looking "ok" for now, not in pain that's the main thing.

Oh Spades... I must admit I am hoping he just vanished from the internet for a while and nothing serious is wrong...

0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Sep, 2013 04:34 pm
Now where did I find that lovely photo of you Foundy on your latest model broomstick? Smile Now the boys can see what you really looks like Wink Sorry to give the secret away. xxx

Sturgis my friend I hope not to much seriously wrong after your fall, above picture from Foundy is to cheer you up. It was taken only last week. Wink
Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 02:14 am
Now looky here.

Her skirt is SO short, top too low, ok maybe the top is 'OK' Wink Such a fibber Sturgis. Seriously... Wink

Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 02:24 am
By having a short skirt it's easier to see that the legs are free of annoying cellulite. Must I explain everything at 4:21 in the morning? My lack of sleep is seriously compromising my ability to think clearly.

Or maybe it's enhanced my thought procedure. Hmm...I'll need to mull this over while I lament the lost peppers. Lost because I had not put them in the refrigerator prior to my latest 'escapade'.

Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 02:35 am
Mmmm see you are not chilled, I mean chilli needs to be chilled not sure what happens after you eat them, well I am, only I refuse to find out personally, NO WAY.

OMG at what age? hehe... No actually I don't have cellulite, a little more toning to do if I can find the time.... Spider vains a couple Sad But who cares, I am with my soul mate plus who looks at legs.

Oh you do Smile

Frig me 4.21 not 4.20, but 4.21, hope your back isn't playing up from the fall Sturg's. GO TO BED.
Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 02:40 am

Yes, I think I'd better get some shut eye or I'll be a complete disaster on Saturday. Oh wait, it already is Saturday. (although apparently it's nearly Sunday in places like Melbourne)

Be back later.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 02:52 am

For husband to return from vets with Megan - fingers crossed very firmly that the news is good! Will know later today.

My next hospital is 5 November - just flu jab on 5 October - but thanks for remembering, Foundy.

Not able to concentrate on anything more serious than a word game at the present time - not quite firing on all cylinders at the moment. Glad to know you are all alive and kicking Sturgis - you do keep vanishing - sorry to hear of your fall - hope you're okay now.

Very confusing to read this thread at high speed - sounds as if Dutchy and Sturgis are wearing mini skirts and having cellulite problems? Mmmm - and meeting handsome policemen? Er - yes, of course, boys, I understand perfectly (Hey Foundy, they need help I think - shall we sort them out an exercise programme to ensure they have legs like ours - smooth and cellulite free?). Hard work, boys, like bingo wings - you have to banish them before they begin!

Bill - you said you disappeared and returned - less disappearing please, and more returning - if that makes sense!!! And Spades - seriously worried about you - come back, dear friend, we miss you.

Foundy - give Ruby a giant hug and tell him I send English hugs to a great Oz dog - sorry the chemo puts him off his food sometimes, but think of all the good it's doing him!

Don't know if any of the above makes sense - husband's just returned and I'm waiting to hear what vet said...................
Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 03:28 am

Big sigh of relief! At least one of the invalids is okay. Megan has the all-clear - the vet now reckons that she'd twisted or pulled a muscle/nerve which caused temporary paralysis - combining strong painkillers with 'bed-rest' for a week, seems to have done the trick, and she is back on track. One big worry off my mind!

Only husband's eye to concern me now - he's still suffering from flashing lights and 'floaters', but it's been a week now, and the problem doesn't seem to have worsened - just stabilised, which is all the eye surgeon predicated for six weeks or so. It ought to improve gradually - fingers firmly crossed yet again.

For myself, I need some advice. I'm not sure what to do when I see my plastic surgeon in November - he said that if the 'pin cushioning' of my wound hadn't gone, he'd make some z-plasty incisions in the side of the nose - but do I need more weeks of pain and scarring (if that's what it would entail?). The scar itself has improved vastly since the early days when I had big black Frankenstein monster stitches up my cheek and down my nose - Foundy saw the photo - yikes, it was hideous!

I've asked friends for their opinion and they say that if I hadn't mentioned it, they'd have forgotten about it - that it's hard to see anything now. It is only a tiny bit of puffiness on the lower part of one nostril - and a light make-up just about hides it. The op is one that people actually pay for if they have misshapen noses - with me it would be free, and simply be the surgeon making it 'perfect' - as he put it! Advice please!

Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 04:00 am
Two 5th's of 1 6th is ? Smile No worries... Flu jab is important, can you remind me please (shhh boys) to get a Pam Smear? Not that I want one but you know, it's important... Around 7 years ago I was diagnosed with 2nd or 3rd degree can't recall.. I have a fear of needles and told him Smile He was yacking away shirting himself and apparently I was off the table up in the air yacking back Smile All clear but................... last was a couple of years ago...

Ok.... this is my thread and one of friends so I share regardless... Never wrote that anywhere?

Erm you are firing away with wit Von, you are ok. xx

Yes, I must admit Von, Dutchy wants the mini skirt, Sturgis wants cellulite free on a woman but he has the cops Badge number Smile So men don't have cellulite Sturgis? And if he did? Wink

Ha. let's do it.. Love the idea... Reminds me of a commercial here, " well my leg went that way and then the other went that way " "and the crocodile " never mind it was funny remember that Dutchy?

I KNOW BILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Again worried for Spades.

Von, clean up in isle 1, 2, 3 when I got home poor love BUT his appetite was perfect in fact he probably wanted more tomorrow is another day, you are right as usual.. First day is hard for the little love. But he's back again... bless.

Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 04:10 am

Do you mean Pap or is there one called Pam in Oz? Do go and get it done again, if it's the former - might save your life! At your age you are vulnerable - only common sense to get checked out. Vulnerable at any age, come to think of it ....... How often do you have them done in Oz?

Still gardening - in between everything else that's going on. Put grass seed down two weeks ago on areas where we'd put down fresh soil to level the back lawn- hoping it will get started and grow soon - get a head start before winter sets in - mild for the time of year here, almost October - where has this year gone to - it's flown and I haven't achieved half I set out do do!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 04:13 am
Mr Rubes......


YAY HAPPY AS !!! That is fantastic Von. With what we read here as well Sad This is just fantastic news, so happy for Megan and you both xx

I hope it's not six weeks for your hubby I've had that too from my neck, the problem started with the neck, a massage gone wrong.. I hope he gets better quicker.

Von.. My thoughts? A pin cushion we see as huge as it is us looking at it day after day ..

Yes I saw it then can you send me now?

If your friends say if you hadn't bought it up they would have forgotten about it, then in my opinion, it's not noticeable.

Also I think that there is more emotional scaring if you go ahead because it will be weeks again that you will wait patiently to see if you in "your opinion" look better than now, constantly looking in the mirror and reminiscing on what you have already been through and waiting... Is it worth all that pain and heartache even for free?

I have a feeling your friends are right. We kinda keep looking in that mirror and think I remember before and can't quite get past it .. Yet I can tell you as a fact and you know what I am talking about, that no one but me notices.

If that is the case, it will be the case with you I am confident on that.

Let it go and embrace the beauty it's a pin cushion don't go through all that drama again.

It was distressing...

I think you know you look "fine" and that your friends are right, we just want to see ourselves as before but we never will because "we know" but that's an emotional thing.. No one else sees it xx
Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 04:22 am
Lovely photo of Rubes! Bless!

If I was in my teens, or early twenties, then I might be keen on having cosmetic surgery, but now - I don't know, it all seems a bit pointless - not as if it is particularly scarring, just a tiny bit of puffiness. I think I'll probably decline if asked in November. They did a marvellous job - the cancer is gone, the scarring is minimal - I think the surgeon is just being a bit of a perfectionist in wanting to do anything more.
Reply Sat 28 Sep, 2013 05:01 am
Smile PAM ? WT? Pap... 11 hr shifts lately you have read that I am sure, so tired. Smile
LOLS though.. PM? ha.

Yes I know but remind me x

You know what? I think you have your answer Von... Leave it, you look perfect only we check the mirror everyone else can't see what we see x

Thanks he's a sweet huh x
0 Replies
Reply Mon 30 Sep, 2013 12:18 pm
Wise words from our regular columnist vonny, the 'witch' knows it all be guided by her advice.

I spent a lovely afternoon with my 3 grandchildren who dropped in with their mother on their way to Australia's paradise, Port Douglas in tropical Queensland for their school holiday. . They will spend a further day with us on their return in 12 days time. As they live 750km from here we don't see them that often.

Vonny I'm up to my ears with cross word puzzles just as well I have plenty olf leisure time, sending in heaps of entries and winning very little. Smile Passes the time with something I enjoy.

Sturgis how are you doing, still giving the nurses a hard time or is it the other way round? Best of luck with whatever you're doing.

Foundy is a very busy girl and won't have time to read these few lines. Wink
Reply Mon 30 Sep, 2013 01:03 pm

I just googled Port Douglas - looks amazing! Very tropical - lots of palm-lined streets, very blue sea and sky - sigh ... lucky grandchildren! What a pity your family live so far away from you. Still, you're luckier than a lot of grandparents in the UK whose families emigrated to places like Australia and New Zealand!

Crosswords? What are crosswords? Oops - I'm embarrassed to say that I haven't touched one for weeks now - I simply never have enough time. Summer is always a busy period for me, what with gardening and the like, this year more than most for some reason. Are you back in hospital at the moment - I seem to have seen a post somewhere that signifies this?

Sturgis is around, I'm sure. I've stopped worrying about him - he appears and disappears with alarming regularity. Spades - I do worry about! Hope he's okay. As for Bill - I'm sure he'll be back one day. Always glad to see him.

Foundy's a busy lady at the moment - hope she doesn't overdo it and remembers to rest her shoulder.

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