First Word -

Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2013 03:27 am
Dutchy - I found the same photo of Dolly as Sturgis - and the following -

B. Going Brunette

Just in time for fall, Dolly will be trading in her timeless golden locks for a darker shade. We’re thinking either chestnut or a vivacious auburn color.

Which, of course, means new wigs! Dolly has a trailer full of wigs following her on every tour - good way to avoid bad hair days!

Samoyeds aren't a breed we often see here nowadays - possibly too high maintenance? Beautiful dogs, but the vogue seems to be for dogs that don't shed hair - Labradoodles and suchlike. Vulcan's coat used to yield a carrier bag full at one time - my sister-in-law had plans to have it carded and woven into a garment! He had a beautiful nature - are all Samoyeds like that, easy going?

Sturgis - IS there such a thing as liquorice ice-cream? Oh yes - just googled it and found he following -


Foundy - holistic is good - great to have updates on the beautiful Ruby. How's the little cutie, Rawaii? Such a sweet face - it must be hard to stop petting him and get on with work!

Bill - hey, good to see you back already. Seems that quidditch is a popular sport in the armed services!

Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2013 05:43 am
Thank you Sturgis and Vonny for the "brunette" photo of Dolly. I'm not impressed much prefer the blond version of Dolly with her ample charms on display as on your first photo Von. Foundy knows why. Wink

Yes Von all Samoyeds are easy going and should possess a beautiful nature. As far as temperament goes, they should display affection to all mankind. Unprovoked nervousness or aggression is highly undesirable.

Some of their characteristics are, they should be intelligent, alert, full of action and possess that "Smiling Expression. In appearance they are a most striking medium sized dog, strong, active and graceful.

Like in England you don't see many here either, I believe the upkeep of constantly grooming such long haired dogs deters many people from owning them. I know from experience it takes time and a fair bit of work. Of course mine required that extra bit of work to present them well to the Judges at shows. I kept them as a hobby and a diversion from my daily job.

Wishing you all a nice day.

Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2013 04:11 pm

Did you know that by rubbing a bit of lemon or orange onto your dog, you get rid of fleas without using the chemicals, they hate citrus ...

Learn something new every day...



Don't they look simular? I wonder if we got Rawaii, because sub-consciously we remembered the little on in, well Rawaii, Phuket? Makes you stop and think doesn't it about the things that we do and why, is it from something we visualised in reality before?

Like eating ice-cream Sturg? (giggle)

He is going to puppy school next Sunday on-wards, adorable, learning to be with the big kids, knows sit, doesn't know "no" grrrrr loves being an ankle biter still....

Dutchy, DOLLY, DOLLY, DOLLY, DOLLY... Now you are going to think of her all day Wink

Morning Bill, you're a gym junkie aren't you?




A Hat for you Von Wink


I know you like your meat and potatoes Sturg, but YOU have to HAVE veg, here you go.....


Did you know she was in Playboy Dutchy? Smile
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2013 10:11 pm

"Did you know she was in Playboy Dutchy? Smile " How can I forget Foundy, I remember every inch or should that read curl Wink

I still have that copy somewhere with the first 12 Australian issues! Once I also owned the very first American Playboy, I think it was 1954, wish I still had it, worth lots of money!!

Having seen and photographed that cute little dog in Phuket you sub-consciously decided to have one Foundy once the opportunity arose, hence you've got Rawaii.That's my theory.
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2013 10:28 pm

Yes, I am shocked that Dutchy is apparently such a lothario. Okay, it's not real shock.

I am sure I don't have a 1954 issue of Playboy...or any issue for that matter.
According to what I located, issue 1 came off the presses in 1953 and looked like this:
As of this year, it can be read in Hebrew as well.


Now back to our regularly scheduled family entertainment starring The King Family (oh dear me, not the King Family. I dreaded that show when it came on)

Maybe a few episodes of something else...anything else!

Very quiet here tonight, almost jarringly so.

Not much to say right now, so it's off to the next thing which I will do..even if there's no idear in my mind what that'll be.

Hope all are well, and staying out of trouble. Leave the trouble making to me, my reputation is known for it.

Reply Thu 19 Sep, 2013 02:17 am
Erm Dutchy did you get the year wrong? hehehe...

I was going to say they would be worth money, what was I thinking off course you know that and you wouldn't part with them for a million dollars.

Do you guys still read such rubbish whilst in the loo? Wink

Good searching there Sturgis... Wink

Yes, I believe that our mind retains what we want and lets go of what we don't obviously I found that mutt so cute it wasn't funny and yes, decided one day, although I must say, I wanted Rawaii for his colours, a bit of Bigsy, a bit of Jet, a bit of Missy, Ruby and Kia... I thought that I forgot about that little love in Rawaii Wink David chose his name, as he had the time of his life Wink Well we both did..

A few episodes of something else mmmmmm Von? Bill? Both of you ?

Trouble maker bet I can find some good stuff on that in the morn Wink

Rawaii had his first raw bone tonight, gave it to him 45 minutes ago, I am on the computer in the lounge room haven't heard boo from him lols.. Yay.. I get me time... Being a Mother is awesomely, awesome, kinda oh visited her today my darling Mother was wonderful, she lives over an hour away should do it more often, will do it more often.

Apparently she can friggen grow snow peas, I can't though I can grow a lot of lettuce, spinach, herbs and fruit trees. Bless.

Reply Thu 19 Sep, 2013 10:54 pm

Can't get away from Dolly. Smile Our three members here keep reminding me of her and when I opened the paper this morning who should be smiling at me, you guessed it Dolly, and another story about her. Will be on radio tonight, should have been on TV, I would have certainly watched!

Good on you Foundy for visiting your Mum, she would have been happy to see her beautiful daughter. I went visiting too, some long time friends and afterwards the local pub where we had the most delicious meal. Chicken Kiev and Garlic Prawns, looks like I'm getting my old appetite back. Foundy get ready and make me a bowl of your special Spaghetti Bolognaise soon. Smile

Tonight, Friday, is fish night. The best seafood Australia has to offer, the very tasty King George Whiting, fresh from our cleanest fishing grounds off the South Australian coast. They are a very expensive item here as Foundy can verify but Dutchy is fortunate that his son is a fisherman who keeps his Dad's fridge well stocked.Smile

Wish you all a great weekend.

Reply Fri 20 Sep, 2013 04:17 pm

Oh my we are going to have some beautiful weather the next few days Dutchy, lucky huh? Wink

Yeah talk about someone or something and you always see it don't you know that? It's like, you are looking for a car and see one you like and ponder, next thing you are driving and this car is everywhere and you go what? Na, don't want it now. Only you won't think like that with Dolly will ya Wink

Seafood ..when the weather is nice and warm there is nothing better than eating fresh seafood ... You are lucky Mr D...


Busy couple of days for me ahead, though may start Rawaii at Puppy School in the morning, could be fun as well for him as well as learning.

D and I are about to start two separate ventures so I may only get to type on first word lols for a while but pfttt I am sure I'll manage a couple of threads as well always do...

Hope the weather is nice everywhere and everyone takes time to relax. RELAX.. IT'S THE WEEKEND RELAX.

Hope that word typed three times works for you all Smile

Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2013 04:05 am

Had a bad experience with Megan - thought at one point that she might be paralysed. It started yesterday with her having problems coming upstairs at bedtime. However, she seemed okay in herself - we examined her closely, and she wasn't distressed or in pain. We let her to to her bed and hoped she'd be okay after a night's sleep.

Woke at 6am as usual, and was shocked to find she wasn't in her bed! She'd moved round to the side of our bed at some point in the night, and slept there. When we tried to get her to move, she just wasn't able to! Again, no pain or distress - just a total inability to raise her rump off the ground. I made a sling out of a folded towel and put it under her tummy - lifted her rear off the ground, and managed to get her downstairs like that.

The vet saw her at 8.50am and says it could be muscle or nerve damage - she's on medication for a week now, then must return there next Saturday. But since returning from the vets, she does seem lots better. She's even managing to walk a little now and although stiff, can manage to stand by herself. Big relief! Early days yet, but hope that with care and massage, she'll be alright.

Hope you are all okay - this is just a quick visit.
Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2013 03:42 pm

Oh Von, my heart goes out to you.

And, Megan. It's very distressful not knowing what is wrong, I remember too well with Ruby's Spleen and still, that wasn't diagnosed for two more weeks.

I hope the medication, massages and love help immensely and she gets back on track. I massage both Kia and Ruby in areas, Ruby because of Arthritis, Kia just to make her feel good..

Sending healing wishes and love yours and Megan's way...

Morning all.... It's Sunday/ Saturday / Sunday pending .....................

0 Replies
Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2013 08:47 pm

I have been in a mood for bagel and lox lately along with the mandatory schmear with a little few slices of red onion. Must be red. Need to stay with the plain bagel as I can't stand poppy seeds and although I love sesame seeds, they don't love my innards so they're out.

It wasn't helped any when NPR ran a story today on this delight.


I mean you look at that picture and sure it looks delicious; but, that's only a pale imitation of having the real thing in front of you.

Yeah, I know, it's food so of course I want it. That though is only a small piece of the tasty story. I still remember being 5 years old and walking up some hideously steep hill carrying the little box of lox and the metal handle on it cutting into my hand making me unhappy. It was worth it though once we got home and Uncle Bert prepared me a nice snack. He'd usually put one bagel with the works together and then cut in 'half'. His half was usually smaller than mine although judging from his overall size, I'd say he must have had another one or two when I wasn't looking.

All I managed today in good food was some pastrami which I heated up and merged with onions and cheese before shifting it onto bread. Sure, it's a sin in Jewish belief to mix the meat and dairy, but, I am only partially Jewish so I figure it must be okay. Besides, I need to gain some weight. Seriously down in the last couple of years, and the last year alone by several pounds.

So to the other things, weather was breezy today and went from overcast to bright and sunny however rain is expected by about midnight (if the forecasters somehow got it right). Warmer than it was for a few days, expected to drop again by Monday morning.

Vonny, very saddened to read about Megan having this difficulty. Good that you noticed it and were on top of it immediately. My thoughts are with you.

Not sure what to make of your psychic abilities Dutchy, yet I am sure that must be what accounts for the Dolly pictures being in the paper at this juncture in time. I mean what else could it be?

So Autumn is official in just a few more hours. I'm hoping the trees get some good turning color this year.

That's all for now, back at some point in the future, at which point Dutchy, Foundy, Vonny, Bill, Spades?, and whoever else will have added something.

Be good, be well.
Reply Sat 21 Sep, 2013 11:17 pm

A beautiful day downunder, wife bundled me in the car, and took me for long down Foundy's way, didn't stop as Sunday's are usually busy for this working girl.

Stopped at a cosy café overlooking the pristine beach and blue sea and had a delicious afternoon tea. Great to be out.

Vonny I'm sure that with you're TLC Megan will be alright always does for caring owners,Foundy is a shining example.

Sturgis enjoy your Bagel with Lox, the latter is that salmon?
Reply Sun 22 Sep, 2013 04:21 pm

It's only going to get worse Dutchy, now doing Commerical Property and then the new website to promote hire of accessories for houses and then D's new venture in the restaurant.

I remember being like this at 30, hope I can still do it at 50 lols.

You should have dropped in, would have been lovely, don't do it again Wink 15 minutes is stretch time, good for me Wink

Hope your goodies you picked up turn out perfect once cooked Dutchy, though the way you rave about Mrs D's cooking, I have absolutely no doubt.

24 today Smile You will not be able to stay out in the sun too long, do it early ...

LOX - I never knew that smoked salmon as we call it is called lox, nor that it had some sort of history with bagel Wink

What is also nice Sturgis, is scrambled eggs with a little cream so it's well creamy, salt and pepper naturally, then "lox" and sour cream on the top, and parsley... On a crusty piece of break ... A great "brunch" meal.

I think that sandwiches is not ENOUGH for you young man, you need to grill some chicken and boil some veggies (yes mum) Wink

What about the Cronuts?

D's ex-wife has just started these in Aussie Land, as they are from New York and people are raving about them. Personally I don't have a sweet tooth so can't comment.


You have a sweet tooth Dutchy, you would like these.

Feel a bit in-undated today but also really focused, an interesting journey ahead. Had my coffee out in the garden, checking out the multi-colours can't wait for spring, may plants a few more... Whilst sleeping haha.

How is Megan Von?

Kia is on anti-biotics at the moment, as she has nipped her foot with her tooth and it's swollen...

Another mass shooting in America... Sigh.
Reply Mon 23 Sep, 2013 02:46 pm

Megan seems fine at the moment, but she's on two different painkillers which might be masking her pain as opposed to healing her - have to wait and see what the vet says on Saturday.

Meantime, we had massive problems here this morning with husband's eye! He'd had problems since Friday - flashing lights and 'floaters' - so went to see the doctor this morning. The doctor immediately sent him to the eye unit of our local hospital, and he saw an eye surgeon straight away. He has a posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) is a condition of the eye in which the vitreous membrane separates from the retina. Panic over for the time being - but it could lead to a detached retina, so he has to take it easy for six weeks!

Been a hectic weekend!

I'm reading all your posts, Foundy, Dutchy and Sturgis - my heads in too much of a whirl to write much sense (or nonsense) at the moment. Be better after a night's uninterrupted sleep!

Hi Bill, wherever you are - and sweet Spades, wish you'd return!
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 03:44 am

I'm sorry to read about your present circumstances vonny, no wonder your head is spinning with what is going on in your surroundings. First your beloved pet Megan, glad to read she seems fine for the moment and now the additional worry about your husband's eye. Good you went to see the Doctor, be guided by him and things will turn out alright. Don't worry about posting you have other priorities for the moment. I'll entertain the 'witch' Wink
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 04:04 am

For being understanding. Things are a lot calmer today, but I didn't get much sleep last night - my brain went into overdrive at some point yesterday, and wouldn't slow down!

Still anxious, but trying to stay calm for both Megan and husband - but as I said, much better so far.

Paying a flying visit to A2K - it helps to just zoom around and read posts and play the occasional game! Glad to see on one thread that you've abandoned your walker indoors? Great news - you're doing really well!
Reply Tue 24 Sep, 2013 04:13 pm

wishes Von.

Have they taken any tests for Megan? Ex-rays? Poor little girl.

I've done a lot of study on dogs, even little ones, over the past few weeks because of Ruby. In addition to his Cancer, he has joint problems and arthritis. He too was unable to move at points of time.

I changed his diet to start with.

1/2 Cooked meat, turkey, chicken, roo, no other red meats.
Veg - thinly chopped, 3/4 cooked - cauliflower, brussel sprouts, broccoli, preferable.
Once a week, one clove of garlic crushed in the food.
Fish oil, via a capsule is the best but other wise, sardines in oil.
You can also mix in a tablespoon of cottage cheese.

Dogs are carnivorous they are used to meat, yet most of what we give them has grains, wheat, or other stuff they don't need. Grains are bad for dogs.

The fish oil we talked about I'm sure once and I think you said she's a fussy eater, yet dogs also love fish so give it a try, 25% veg, 70% meat, 5% sardines, I don't know of any dog that doesn't like some form of meat it's just finding which one for her.. She may not eat her veggies or all of them but if they are so small she can't really realise it she will and over time she will. It may give her more energy, feel better and the sardines in oil will help her feel mobile.

glucosamine and chondroitin is also something to look up. I am not saying it's not a nerve but this can't hurt her though you have to weigh her and calculate the dosage, as it's designed for humans when they give any weights ...

Sorry to hear about your husband's eyes ... Hope things improve Von for him ...

Thinking of you.

Oh Dutchy? I read that too way to goooooooo Smile You also always entertain the witch but you do have competition, because so do the other "boys" on here Wink

Hiya Sturgis, Bill, Spades, yep one day you may wonder through and see we often include you.

11 hrs work yesterday not too much difference today but smashed a whole lot of work that is a good thing, fybro is playing up but booked in a massage tomorrow..

Actually, that's something else I do to both dogs, give them light massages on their legs and back they love it and I hope it helps them as well.

Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 06:03 am

Goodness me Foundy your dogs get better food on their plate than I do Smile My puppies also got everything that was good for them until fully grown, I then changed them over to a meal of dry food once a day. They always loved it.

Talking about food, the 'boss' took me out to the local pub for a meal tonight, feasted on Garlic Tiger Prawns, laid on a bed of rice with red onions and covered with a white wine sauce, very filling and tasty indeed.

Foundy when the Prawn boat goes out in November and I get fresh supplies can you or D. rig me up a similar meal? Smile

Waves to all.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 03:12 pm

On Megs and husband! Thanks for enquiring. Both seem to be on the mend, but only time will tell if FJ's eye will cause more problems - the surgeon said it's one of those things that could happen in an hour's time, or years from now.

Megan seems lots better - she ventured forth for a short stroll around the playing field opposite our house - seemed fine, no apparent problems with the rear leg or hips. She's on glucosamine, chondroitin and MSM - we put our dogs onto it from puppyhood - wonderful stuff! We also give her fish oil capsules daily - again, something we do with all our Labs from puppyhood.

She is the greediest dog we've ever had! Labs are notoriously greedy, but she goes beyond that. She's been on steroids for years because of her allergies, and apparently that makes her have an abnormally big appetite. So we are in a constant battle to keep her weight down. She gets two small feeds a day of IAMS for senior dogs, with added raw cabbage and various other vegetables, and she is given carrots and apples for treats. Meat and fish don't agree with her at all - cause awful tummy problems. The dry feed does seem to do her a lot of good - it's one of the few I trust.

I'm a great believer in massage - if I can get her to stay still for long enough! She may be ten and a half, but she acts like a pup of 10 months - the second I begin the massage, she starts playing - thinks it's all a huge game!

I do hope Ruby is feeling the benefit of his treatment now - how often does he have it? And how is little Rawaii doing? Do take care of yourself - can't be easy functioning when your shoulder gives you problems.

Dutchy - mmm, you are a seafood fan like me! I was born just a few miles from the sea, and have a deep love of fish and shellfish - you make my mouth water when you talk about it. Glad to hear you are getting out and about, and having lovely meals again. Must be so good after so many months of hospital food.

Waves to everybody. Stay well.
Reply Wed 25 Sep, 2013 03:33 pm

Hi vonny, pleased to read the news about your husband but also Megan, I'm sure you'll give hem both the TLC they deserve. Like you I love seafood which unfortunately is very expensive here. Luckily my son is in the fishing industry and keeps his Mum's fridge well stocked. Smile To give you an idea, with Christmas coming up Lobster can fetch $100.00 per kilo! Our lovely South Australian King George Whiting and Garfish around $50.00 and $40.00 per kilo respectively, with Prawns varying between $22.00 and $35.00 per kilo. Oysters are usually the cheapest of the Sea foods but you still pay an arm and leg for them in Restaurants. Cheers from downunder.

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