First Word -

Reply Sun 15 Sep, 2013 09:45 pm

Such stunning beauty in them Dutchy. Appreciate the share.

As to here, things continue. Odd that Foundy mentioned sleep since that was what I kept doing most of Saturday, with a few moments here and there when I was awake doing other things. One of those days which started and ended groggy.
Legs are acting oddly, the annoying burnitch burnitch burnitch. always tempted to scratch or throw freezing water on them, but wait it through and it passes. Appearance wise they're better which is a positive.

Weather turned a little cooler, dropped into low fifties/upper forties in some outer areas last night (Saturday into Sunday). Not expected as chilled tonight but the week in general is slated for the first chompings of autumn. Hoping this is not a harbinger of a brutally cold winter. No way to tell really. A few years back there was a wet snow in the last weekend of October and then the remainder of the autumn/winter was relatively mild. Guess I'll have to be like every other regular person and wait and see. On the good side, the heating was on so I didn't get frozelated.

Got my flu shot last Monday (did I already mention this) so I am sort of prepared for things if there is an outbreak. Nice thing about being in a hospital, they asked if I wanted it and I accepted it readily. No cost to me as it's covered under Medicare at 100%. (too bad the hospital and associated costs of it, aren't covered as fully). Next day I left the hospital and deposited the bandage they'd applied in the trash receptacle by their door.

Did someone say ice cream? Will there be chocolate syrup applied to it as well? Can I have a handful of walnuts along with it? How about a slice of rhubarb pie? (my speech therapist would turn pale if she heard about the walnuts, not supposed to have them according to her Sad mercifully there are several foods I can't stand also on her list)

Still trying to figure out all the features of the new phone, last night I was playing around with the photo thingy and was horrified by what I saw. It turned out it was me and I had aged in the last 63 years. Ahem...I said 63...ahem, has every one forgotten what last Sunday was? (yeah, I have no shame Laughing )

Anyway, the phone is still my newest love and of course it's in a shade of red. If I can get a phone in red, then that's what I want. Last phone was also red, albeit a different shade. This whole smartphone thing though is strange and fun and a lot of other things at the same time. Amazing how the swipe feature works with just a finger. Good thing about it was when I found I could enlarge copy on a page just by moving my fingers in opposite directions. No more impossible to read print. Very Happy

So Dutchy is a Dolly Parton fan? Interesting...I have been fond of her music and personality, charm for years. Back as far as when she used to team up with Porter Wagoner (of course they then had problems when she went solo; but, she stayed tops on my list of lovelies) Perhaps we can discuss at some point the thrill felt the first time of hearing Jolene (first time I heard it, was a snowy morning).

Once more the day is pushing to a close and I'm getting to the time where I should consider getting sleep. Tomorrow is the start of a hectic week, medical supplies and wound care, along with making a call to the attorney on a separate matter as well as a visit to the nephrologist. No longer needing dialysis (still a medical mystery) yet he wants a check-in every 6 months. Le Sigh.

Fried up potatoes, onions and pepperoni and cheese before which I slopped onto some thick Italian bread. Surprised by how good it was, it looked good sitting there, smelled good, yet I'd never had this before. So I took a bite and found I was floating on a cloud...a high flying altostratus to be precise.

Say goodnight Sturgis....

Be back at a later point in time, until then, my best to all of you.

Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 12:47 am

They sound and look so regal absolutely beautiful dogs.

Must have been very mentally rewarding for all concerned, I bet they loved "showing" offfff just like their Dad Wink

Thanks Dutchy... Awesome.. photos
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 01:15 am
OMG? Wait, I haven't forgotten what would I know or Vonny, Dutchy?

I said 63...ahem, has every one forgotten what last Sunday was? (yeah, I have no shame Laughing )


And, if that's the case, Dutchy will confirm and maybe Dutchy can start a HAPPY BIRTHDAY THREAD for all to see, I am the boss here Dutchy Smile

Do I do a cake and stuff ? Ahhh stuff it, I'm doing it, even if it isn't but, BUT, I reckon it is and at 63? THE YEAR I WAS BORN... hehe.... And, as I know your name is not Sturgis... RJ, This is the cake, the cat is out of the bag Smile



AND you can have all the ice-cream the way you want!!!!!!!!!! I'm sure Von has a whole lot of nuts (cause we all are) , just kidding, to add Wink And Pie.

And Dutchy can yack away about the songs he loves and visa versa, we should SING A DOLLY SONG ALL OF US!! How would she sing Happy Birthday?

Not going into all the burnitch's as this is a HAPPY POST but don't you worry I will after we're done Smile

Mind you your dinner sounds as if it would smell magical but not for my waist line fanks Smile


0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 02:41 am
Belated birthday greetings, Sturgis! Sunday the 7th or Sunday the 14th? Ah - sorry to be late - you should have mentioned it earlier. Anyway, not too late to send masses of birthday good wishes - and a virtual treat or two!



Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 02:54 am
I want that ice-cream, he can't have it Smile
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 03:10 am
Plenty for everybody!

Hey, Foundy, great that Ruby's doing well - he's a brave boy - good for him!

Dutchy - beautiful dogs - you must have had some great moments at shows. Have you never considered getting another dog?
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 03:39 am
Hi vonny.

Yes I did consider another Samoyed after our travelling days were over. My lines are still available in New Zealand where a friend very successfully kept them going and offered me a pup. However because I'm on home dialyses 7 days a week for failed kidneys, I'm not permitted to have any pets I'm sorry to say.

Yes everybody I was very proud of my dogs and I thank you for the compliments. I'm still in contact with breeders and owners I sold pups to over 40 years ago!

I join the distinguished ladies here in wishing Sturgis a belated Happy Birthday. No cakes from me as I can't bake them. Smile

Good to know Sturgis is a fan of Dolly as well, we certainly know when we see and hear a good singer;)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 12:47 pm
Liked this - wanted to share it with you all -

Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 03:35 pm
I've shared that on facebook a couple of times, cracked me up Von.. Love it.

Ruby's lumps in his throat at least thus far, in such a short time, are going down, we also engaged with a holistic person for his food etc, I've added Tumeric and cauliflower already Smile Good cancer fighters. Thanks Von.


I heard Dutchy FINALLY realised we are the BOSS Von, he followed my "order" hehehehehehehehe...

Sturgis Smile

Reply Mon 16 Sep, 2013 03:52 pm

As evening creeps in, I crept in to this place and was surprised and touched by the greetings greeting me. Thanks to Dutchy for getting the thread started (this'll teach me to open my big yap, now I can turn beet red....hmm...beets. Hmm...delicious borscht! MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM! Borscht season is upon us once more (like what season isn't borscht season?).
Yes Foundy, Dutchy followed your command and...hey, wait a second....we men don't follow commands.

Or do we?

Perhaps that's why you placed the Dolly Parton images strategically to gain our attentions. Danged witchery!

Vonny that ice cream looks delicious! I must have it! MUST, MUST, MUST! I'll even send nurse mushy hands to you (he is very good at leg massage).

Glad to read that Ruby is having some improvement. as you indicate a holistic approach being used, which quite often is the better solution.

Strange day, didn't accomplish what I had figured on however took care of other things so it evens out.

That's about it for now, back at some point later.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2013 02:05 pm

Thank you very much for the kind, picturesque welcome! Very Happy Cool

I'm sorry I haven't posted sooner. I was extremely busy over the weekend; and I didn't have much free time yesterday, either. I don't know why; but as far as posting is concerned, on some days I feel less expressive. I'm more outgoing in real life.

Thanks again, vonny! Smile
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2013 02:10 pm
Really glad you joined us Bill, BIG WELCOME Smile

Thank you very much, FOUND SOUL! Smile

Sorry I haven't responded sooner. I was terribly busy last weekend.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2013 02:15 pm
What beautiful dogs! Very Happy Cool
0 Replies
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2013 02:19 pm
Just glad to see a friendly face here, Bill, even if you do just pop in when you get the occasional bit of free time. Always a welcome here. Sturgis will even share some of his stash of liquorice with you - and perhaps his birthday cake too, I'm sure of it. Dutchy can fill you in on Dolly worship - he's an expert - and Foundy will witch away your ills and usually manage to send you off with a smile - she's good at that. Laughing

Hey Sturgis, hope you enjoyed your birthday - I hope Nurse Mushy hands gave you a special birthday massage. Rolling Eyes

And Foundy, great that Ruby's responding so well to treatment - give him a hug from me. Turmeric and cauliflower mmm? I might try that on Megan, along with her carrots, apple and cabbage - at ten and a half she's your typical lumpy Labrador, so a bit of a holistic approach to her diet can't do any harm! Cool

Dutchy, you keep vanishing - hope your eyes aren't playing up too much. When will you have your cataract op? Things should be much better once that's out of the way. Very Happy
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2013 03:52 pm
Hi vonny, I'm still around, just mesmerizing about Dolly, caused by you! Wonder what she would look like as a brunette? Wink

Wondering what Foundy is going to do next now she has me in her clutches as she claims, I do her a favour and pow she brags about bossing me around, such cheek.

Must apologise for showing you the wrong name for my Samoyed bitch the other day.. The one shown as "Nischka" was in fact called Aus. Ch. Snowmass Sevka, the daughter of Aus. Ch. Snowmass Nischka. Both were great winners for me. The real "Nischka" is below.
Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2013 04:58 pm
To both you boys, see Bill didn't join in on that comment Cool
I could just send you boys a broomstick, then you will think you have control, whilst flying around !!!!!! Mr. Green


Von, I am waiting for the Company to provide their findings on the holistic "food" to give Ruby.. I read turmeric and cauliflower was fantastic and so, have added it so far though he is magic during the day and night, I don't think he's totally happy late and night, though he has arthritis too, and I add sardines with oil to the meal for that... Will let you guys know the verdict Wink

Saw a very simular dog strangely enough yesterday Dutchy, close species but not the same, walking past my shop, stunned me Smile They are truly beautiful.

Have a hectic week this week, so apologise up front if I keep things short or don't play with you Smile On the other threads off course.

AH BILLLLLL Doesneee matter when you drop in, Sturgis doesn't get here every day , Smile

STURGIS hope you had a fantastic birthday xxx

Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2013 08:29 pm
Laughing Laughing Laughing

U.S. servicemen always enjoy a good game of Quidditch.

Reply Tue 17 Sep, 2013 10:29 pm

Why yes thank you, I'd love a knish and make sure there's some mustard with it too. It's been too longs since I last had a knish and I haven't gotten over to the east side recently (which is the only place I know of that still has the genuine item). Oh well...

So Bill, stop worrying about lags between posting. I'm notorious for vanishing, even when I'm somewhere on the site.

Meant to respond to you earlier, welcome you into this gathering space. Similar to you and many, I've had some run-ins on the board. Just a couple of spoilers actually, but it's more an enough to make me avoid. There was a time, I'd engage and go back and forth but realized it wasn't worth it, too much time and energy and for me at least then feeling bad after. That was even the case with JGoldman who I would tease rather mercilessly and invariably I'd feel terrible after posting. Unfortunately it didn't stop me entirely although it did hold me back a little. Only 2 on the board I truly loathe and I never respond to either of them these days. It makes life easier and nicer. Sticking with mostly the fun and games and words threads makes me happier. It also keeps my mind as sharp as possible.

Of course I'll share the birthday cakes, cakes are meant to be shared. The ice cream is another matter entirely as I love ice cream. Licorice is equally nice! Maybe a few scoops of licorice ice cream? Yeah that sounds like an idea! That and a little coffee on the side...


Meanwhile, I've been dealing with the after effects of a flu shot. Well I was, seems to have finally cleared. Didn't really think that was it, but was advised by the nurse Monday who did the bandaging and stuff, that it was most likely that. Better to have a few days of being slightly off than a week or two stuck in bed with no tolerance for food, sound or anything.

Rather than go on and on right now, I'll step away and maybe even get some sleep, after all it's now near on to 12:30 in the morning.

Hope all is well with everyone.

One more thing, Dutchy, I found Dolly as a brunette!
Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2013 03:03 am
SEE I knew Bill that your intelligence would bring the Witch down, not yet, not yet, Smile Good one .. But that suggests that you guys really are Warlocks remember we girls are smarter Smile
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Reply Wed 18 Sep, 2013 03:10 am
I have know idea what a friggen Knish is "please explain" as Pauline Hanson asked... Though Mustard LOVE IT, keep forgetting about that to add to my meat.

Yeah Bill told ya, this was First Word then Chat, it's anything but usually it's a longer verson of replies unless you be a smarty and post what you did, but then you had to find that picture so that took a while too, I mean heck, BRUNETTE DOLLY? Had to laugh out loud Sturgis good one Smile

J Goldman that was around the time that I joined, I tried to be "nice" sometimes I would add the Witch and he would threaten to block me, it's hard isn't it to not let the "other side" come out Sturgis... Yet so wrong in reality. Through my childhood I stood up for all the so called " nerds" got into fights for it, but worth it.. I think we all leave some here alone or else, quietly state our mind which I think is important and then walk away..

Dear me there is such an ice-cream? NO WAY?

D has Flu Shots I am like my Father don't get anything until I have to I bet that will change as I get older ... Good for you.

So Dutchy what is your favourite Dolly song mmmm? Or do you not even know what she sings lols.

5th is not far away Von how are you feeling?

Watched Ruby lick Rawaii a few times tonight on the lounge next to me, until Rawaii decided to not play with the ball and bite me and not let me type then he got kicked out, haven't heard a word for 10 minutes Smile Must teach the little one... But great that Ruby likes him huh.

What colour was your black cat Sturgis? Wink

Bill - animals do you have any?

Von - thinking of you.

Dutchy - song? Smile

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