Such stunning beauty in them Dutchy. Appreciate the share.
As to here, things continue. Odd that Foundy mentioned sleep since that was what I kept doing most of Saturday, with a few moments here and there when I was awake doing other things. One of those days which started and ended groggy.
Legs are acting oddly, the annoying burnitch burnitch burnitch. always tempted to scratch or throw freezing water on them, but wait it through and it passes. Appearance wise they're better which is a positive.
Weather turned a little cooler, dropped into low fifties/upper forties in some outer areas last night (Saturday into Sunday). Not expected as chilled tonight but the week in general is slated for the first chompings of autumn. Hoping this is not a harbinger of a brutally cold winter. No way to tell really. A few years back there was a wet snow in the last weekend of October and then the remainder of the autumn/winter was relatively mild. Guess I'll have to be like every other regular person and wait and see. On the good side, the heating was on so I didn't get frozelated.
Got my flu shot last Monday (did I already mention this) so I am sort of prepared for things if there is an outbreak. Nice thing about being in a hospital, they asked if I wanted it and I accepted it readily. No cost to me as it's covered under Medicare at 100%. (too bad the hospital and associated costs of it, aren't covered as fully). Next day I left the hospital and deposited the bandage they'd applied in the trash receptacle by their door.
Did someone say ice cream? Will there be chocolate syrup applied to it as well? Can I have a handful of walnuts along with it? How about a slice of rhubarb pie? (my speech therapist would turn pale if she heard about the walnuts, not supposed to have them according to her

mercifully there are several foods I can't stand also on her list)
Still trying to figure out all the features of the new phone, last night I was playing around with the photo thingy and was horrified by what I saw. It turned out it was me and I had aged in the last 63 years. Ahem...I said 63...ahem, has every one forgotten what last Sunday was? (yeah, I have no shame

Anyway, the phone is still my newest love and of course it's in a shade of red. If I can get a phone in red, then that's what I want. Last phone was also red, albeit a different shade. This whole smartphone thing though is strange and fun and a lot of other things at the same time. Amazing how the swipe feature works with just a finger. Good thing about it was when I found I could enlarge copy on a page just by moving my fingers in opposite directions. No more impossible to read print.
So Dutchy is a Dolly Parton fan? Interesting...I have been fond of her music and personality, charm for years. Back as far as when she used to team up with Porter Wagoner (of course they then had problems when she went solo; but, she stayed tops on my list of lovelies) Perhaps we can discuss at some point the thrill felt the first time of hearing Jolene (first time I heard it, was a snowy morning).
Once more the day is pushing to a close and I'm getting to the time where I should consider getting sleep. Tomorrow is the start of a hectic week, medical supplies and wound care, along with making a call to the attorney on a separate matter as well as a visit to the nephrologist. No longer needing dialysis (still a medical mystery) yet he wants a check-in every 6 months. Le Sigh.
Fried up potatoes, onions and pepperoni and cheese before which I slopped onto some thick Italian bread. Surprised by how good it was, it looked good sitting there, smelled good, yet I'd never had this before. So I took a bite and found I was floating on a cloud...a high flying altostratus to be precise.
Say goodnight Sturgis....
Be back at a later point in time, until then, my best to all of you.