First Word -

Reply Thu 12 Sep, 2013 11:20 pm

We owned and bred Samoyeds for over twenty five years, they are very good companions and friendly towards everybody. Because of their profuse coats they need a lot of attention, bathing, combing and brushing. They shed their coats once a year and they can be messy inside if not regular groomed! Above is "Merlin" a dog with the typical Samoyed smile. Smile

Have many more beautiful photos of my dogs I like to show you, tried to scan them to my computer today but unsuccessful. Sad Have a new printer and not used to the scanning set up yet.
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 03:03 am

Samoyed's are beautiful dogs. My late brother-in-law had one called Vulcan -an adorable fellow who took loads of grooming! (The dog, not my brother-in-law!).

Looking forward to seeing some of your dogs, Dutchy. When you sort out how to scan to your computer, please do tell me - I still haven't worked it out!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 03:28 am
Seeee I knew you would/ could do it Wink

Oh wow Dutchy what a beauty I bet you miss them, you showed them didn't you?

Funny Von Smile Knew what you meant.

Merlin is beautiful... So glad you were able to share that with us, thank you.

gawd ok... xx

I'd also like to see some Dutch Photos, England, and where you are Sturgis if that's ok... I also will share some promise Wink

Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 03:41 am

I have been invited to post regularly in this topic. ("Oh, no! Not him!" Heh . . . Twisted Evil ) I had thought that before I began posting, I would take time to read about the last five pages so I'd find out what each of you guys/gals have been up to, as I've not known in detail what was going on in your lives. But I've changed my mind; so, I'll post now. I will still do the reading, though.

Why have I typed "REFUGE" on the first line? Because I no longer want to participate in any controversies here at A2K, especially "hot button" issues of mine on which I'm likely to lose my temper. I also have gotten tired of resenting complete strangers whom I've never met and quite likely will never meet. So, why the hassle? Does it change anything?

There's even a particular individual (well, he hasn't been the only one) I had resented. But now I don't care! Someone told me in a PM that he's a nice guy in real life. Besides, he doesn't discriminate. He's capable of being grumpy with anyone. But that's just him! He can be what he wants to be. Smile In a way, he's endearing. As for me, I'm just an A2K outsider. But that's all right, too!

I've had more fun here not by getting angry about some controversy or another, but by posting funny pictures (I was inspired by firefly when I saw how much fun she was having) and being silly. Recently Dutchy referred to or addressed me as "Crazy Bill." I love it! Cool Laughing Mr. Green I should have chosen "Crazy Bill" as my username instead of the boring "wmwcjr." Wouldn't you know it, when I placed membership here in the early spring of 2009, I was angry, uptight, and extremely nervous about a particular topic that motivated me to post for the purpose of expressing how angry I was. What good did that accomplish? (I ended up apologizing to one of the first members to post in that topic for calling him a jerk.) To tell you the truth, concerning all the comments I've posted online at various websites: If I were able to delete or greatly revise each one of my past posts, I would do so for at least half of them.

So, I view this topic as a refuge for being silly -- despite what my unsympathetic, grumpy friend below has to say about it.
I'll also be interested in what's going on in each of your lives.

Take care. Back to you later . . .

(Sometimes I may be too busy to post.)
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 03:43 am

Was Merlin one of your dogs, Dutchy? Sorry, if that was so - I was confused - thought you meant you didn't yet know how to put your own photos onto your computer and, meantime, were posting a Samoyed picture? As clear as mud - I know - I dig myself in worse with every word. Anyway, whoever Merlin belongs to, he's a beauty Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 03:55 am

Good to see you here Bill. I guess one of the reasons I post on this thread is that, like you, I find it a refuge from a lot of the more heated discussions that go on elsewhere in A2K. I don't mind discussions - even 'warm' ones, but - again like you - find it uncomfortable when complete strangers are unpleasant to me. I can never quite understand it. Life's too short for unhappiness. Rolling Eyes Laughing

But Dutchy, Foundy, Sturgis and Spades are all nice guys - can't go far wrong visiting this thread! We talk a lot of rubbish at times, but hey - why not! Better than ending up with a miserable blob fish face!!! Mr. Green Laughing
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 05:07 am
wmwcjr we've met on other threads but I'm pleased to see you here. I'm not into discussions but only play the trivial games for a bit of fun, I'm a simple man. Been doing it since 2005 and have raked up over 200K postings, which really is ridiculous if you come to think of it. Smile

Vonny sorry for the mix up, I had the photo of Merlin on my computer in my photo file, uploaded that some years ago when I had a different printer. I've just purchased a new Canon printer and haven't worked out the operation side of things, but give me a little time and I'll work it out. Smile

Foundy I will comply with your request, as soon as I manage what I talked about to vonny I shall illustrate my posts with an occasional photograph which may interest you. I still have a beauty of Dolly but she may be to raunchy for you. Wink

Cheers from the 'Boss'
Reply Fri 13 Sep, 2013 04:22 pm

Bill Wink Welcome back as Dutchy said, and I echo what Von said too, though, I do participate in some of those threads, if the topic is of interest to me and just remind myself, I am my own person, so are they so pftttttttttttt.

Photo of Dolly? BAHAHAHAHA - No thanks Wink Well in good intent Wink

Ruby had his staples out yesterday, the Vets were so impressed with his recovery on that, he was wagging his tail and he's been full of life Wink White blood cell count is not yet where it should be, but still quite good for a little dog with no spleen ... More antibiotics as of today to assist him fight those little things. He's doing remarkably well.

PORT LOST NANANANANANANA - Dutchy Wink But for young kids, they did a magnificent job, David was almost screaming through out the game Wink

Must admit I like posting photos too Bill, Wink Nothing wrong with being silly and having fun, you should check out a lot of what Von puts up, sometimes I laugh quite a bit Wink She's good at it as well.

Drizzling outside today Sad Want the sun to shine ... Soon I guess, after all it is Spring Wink

Sturgis - hope you are eating more than just liquorice and ice-cream Wink

Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 12:45 am
vonny wrote:
I don't mind discussions - even 'warm' ones, but - again like you - find it uncomfortable when complete strangers are unpleasant to me. I can never quite understand it. Life's too short for unhappiness. Rolling Eyes Laughing

I agree completely. Seems to me name-calling wouldn't be tolerated in a high-school debating tournament, but it is tolerated in most online forums. As we all know, the problem is the removal of inhibition, which is made possible by the anonymity.

vonny wrote:
But Dutchy, Foundy, Sturgis and Spades are all nice guys - can't go far wrong visiting this thread! We talk a lot of rubbish at times, but hey - why not! Better than ending up with a miserable blob fish face!!! Mr. Green Laughing

I'm afraid we may have lost Spades. He hasn't posted lately. Maybe he got tired of all the fighting, but what do I know? I'm just speculating.

I'd rather talk rubbish and act silly rather than hurt someone's feelings.

By the way, I love your animated "BUMP!" image of the manitee! I've started using it in a newly created forum at another URL where I serve as a monitor.

By the way, since you live in Great Britain and I live in the U.S. (CST), I'm not likely to be in a position where I'll be able to respond immediately to your posts. Just so you'll know why I may not respond immediately. I'll tell you something else: On some days I don't feel like posting much of anything just because I'm not in the mood. I may not even post. I may be tired or depressed or just not in a creative mood. I hope no one will mind when that happens. I -- (Good grief. I keep saying "I," "I," "I," . . .) -- do believe this topic is a great idea.

Later . . .
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 12:56 am
Dutchy wrote:
wmwcjr we've met on other threads but I'm pleased to see you here.

Thank you very much for the welcome! It's nice to have a topic where I can post and not have to worry about offending or setting someone off simply because I've chosen to express an opinion. There are one or more A2K members (just a relative few?) whom I would continue to feel like I was walking on eggshells if I posted in a topic where he was currently posting.

Dutchy wrote:
I'm not into discussions but only play the trivial games for a bit of fun, I'm a simple man.

I feel the same way. It's not that I don't have any strong convictions (because I do). I just don't have any debating skills, which doesn't necessarily mean anything other than that. A childhood friend of mine who had become an attorney once told me that since he had been trained in debating, he could probably win any debate with me -- NOT because he was necessarily right, but because he knew all the tricks about winning arguments. I believe it!

Dutchy wrote:
Been doing it since 2005 and have raked up over 200K postings, which really is ridiculous if you come to think of it. Smile

I don't think you're ridiculous. It means you're persistent. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 01:14 am
Bill Wink Welcome back as Dutchy said, and I echo what Von said too, though, I do participate in some of those threads, if the topic is of interest to me and just remind myself, I am my own person, so are they so pftttttttttttt.

Thank you! Smile I just wish some people wouldn't immediately target the jugular when someone even slightly disagrees with them. These people forget the fact that there is such a thing as nuances and degrees about some, if not many, issues. It's not all black and white or "either/or." I'm talking about the sort of rhetoric along the lines of "If you don't support such and such, then you're a despicable bigot and a terrible person blah blah blah." In other words, there are shades of opinion. I could mention the particular issue I have in mind (It's one of the few really raging ones.), but I'm not going to do that because I want to preserve peace in this topic.

Must admit I like posting photos too Bill, Wink Nothing wrong with being silly and having fun, you should check out a lot of what Von puts up, sometimes I laugh quite a bit Wink She's good at it as well.

As I told her (I thought vonny might be a guy because I'd heard "Vonny" or "Vonnie" used in real life as a man's first name), vonny's animated manitee "BUMP!" image is neat! My initial inspiration was provided two years ago during the JGoldman10 circus by firefly. She seemed to be having a lot of fun as she posted images, even in serious topics. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 03:18 am
I can't take credit for the manitee bump - that was all Foundy's doing - I pinched it from her! Here's another I like (hope it doesn't turn the page Laughing )


In fact, Dutchy and Foundy are largely responsible for a lot of my being here and posting - Dutchy rescued me from the crossword threads in January of this year, directing me here and to Yabber-Liner, and Foundy instructed me in just what threads, posts, and everything else was all about! So blame them Rolling Eyes

Yup, I'm female - OF COURSE Twisted Evil - but I'll forgive you for not knowing - I am STILL unsure of the sex of several regular posters on A2K - have to try and treat them as neutrals until I get a hint - just found out one 'gentleman' I often see posting, is in fact a lady - oops! Embarrassed

And I am in England - lovely sunny (huh - torrential rain and mist a the moment, we've just started autumn and on the downward slope to winter - yikes, can't bear it!) but as an insomniac who owns a SnartPhone (how are you getting on with yours Sturgis?), I post at all hours - still having difficulties with the concept of my 'now' being somebody else's 'then' or 'yet to be'! Question Idea Rolling Eyes

Spades - ah, sweet Spades, such a lovely gentle soul. I do miss him and hope he will return. You may be right - he may have left for gentler climes than A2K - hope he's happy and well, wherever he[img] is. Cool

You are right about name-calling and people hiding behind anonymity. I LIKE having anonymity - feel comfortable with it, for various reasons. But no way would I hide behind it and use it to mask unpleasantness. I simply cannot understand why some people want to be cruel and vicious - they must be sad and unhappy people? Not sure why.

On the up side, there are some lovely people on the forum - when I was targeted by someone nasty quite recently, I had several PMs of support sent to me - that really helped. I'd been ready to quit the site totally, but they made me feel wanted, and less lonely out there. And there is always First Word to escape to if things get uncomfortable - Foundy and Dutchy and Sturgis have made this a nice little haven of calm - well, relative calm! We still have little skirmishes, but only in fun, never nastiness.

So welcome here, Bill. See you when we see you, but hope you return often.

Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 03:30 am
For Bill ...


Wine, roses, grapes, music - all on offer here!


and hope you like dogs, cats, and Dolly Parton ... (ask Dutchy about Dolly!)



Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 03:33 am

There is only peace in this thread and sharing, caring.

Guaranteed ... Smile

Really glad you joined us Bill, BIG WELCOME Smile

Dutchy sent a little note, having trouble with his eyes again, bet that won't last long, we know Dutchy determination plus otherwise his dear dog would not have made the screen though he keeps talking about Dolly? Who is Dolly ? Smile

Oh Von, you know you are a special person if you weren't people would not PM you and I would not have shared so much with you, you are a beautiful woman inside and out . Still wanting the 5th to be good.

Stugis is a character like I keep saying love the way he writes and keep praying for him, it has to get better for him too.


See we own nothing, a bit like facebook share if you like something between friends Smile It wasn't a bad one at all Smile Love your new one Von, love our shared one.

"I'm a big kid now" loves walking with the big kids, doesn't like it if I stop and feed the baby ducks yacks aways MUM? Smile

Such a beautiful day out there today we sat out the back with a coffee and talked for a couple of hours just lovely.

SUNDAY blo.................y SUNDAY why? Good day to me, day off Smile

X Spades Sad One place he could count on was here. Not sure what has happened not happy that he disappeared but then... He had a mission, and I am not sure if this was his place, it's possible he found somewhere else and left here... but still, if I ever left here, I would keep in touch with those that touched me... To me, that is life and what it is all about...


Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 03:43 am

Blood worth bottling Smile


Thank you Von, what a beautiful welcome for Bill.

What a laugh lols for Dutchy.

Mmmmmm what can we give Sturgis? FOOD? I think food... Smile
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 04:03 am

LOTS of liquorice! Laughing


0 Replies
Reply Sat 14 Sep, 2013 04:15 am

Brand new ones for Dutchy


For you, Foundy, magic powers to heal your sweet Ruby


and for me, new legs - working models!


and finally, for Spades, much love and best wishes, and a return to us, even occasionally, from the happy place I hope he's in now


0 Replies
Reply Sun 15 Sep, 2013 01:41 am

Although I have eye trouble at the moment I couldn't miss vonny's photo of Dolly and her eye catching hair style Wink

Foundy you also have blond hair but can't match hers.

Razz Razz

I have uploaded some more photos of my Samoyeds which I will post in the next few days when my eye sight improves. I type this with a magnifying glass.!

Dolly fan. hah ha ha
Reply Sun 15 Sep, 2013 04:01 pm

Ah Von, what a lovely gesture, thank you. I can see Ruby eating the fish and chasing the birds, and running in the water... Actually, he's done all of that except for eating the fish Smile Thank you....

Can't wait to see the other pictures Dutchy, dedicated aren't you getting that all sorted and using a magnifying glass aweee...

This picture is more demure Mr Dutchy


Seems she used to cover up as well..


You're a true English Rose Von. I'd buy you that hat if ever I saw it...


Pruned the gardens for two hours yesterday in 26 degrees, thinking it was around 18 as it had been all week and will be this week lols. Der... Will post a couple of pictures later.

Talking about liquorice - I found you the perfect Ice-cream Sturgis, I know you like that too.. Hope you are getting more sleep and recovering from hospital.. YES?


Seeing as ya think you're a mad man Bill, this is a tribute for you, you can use Smile

Reply Sun 15 Sep, 2013 06:58 pm

Below my home bred bitch "Nischka", she in turn produced 2 litters which went to homes in every State of Australia and New Zealand. We had her for 14 years. She truly possessed all the qualities and traits a Samoyed is known for. I did exhibit her for several years and she won many prizes. Her full name was Australian Champion Snowmass Nischka. I mated her to "Simba" an English Champion and winner at Crufts, the worlds biggest dog show. Simba was imported to Australia by a friend of mine who allowed me to use him as stud. The next photo will be of 'Simba".

Below is English and Australian Champion Silver Dart of Swordale. He possessed the blood lines from the world's most famous Samoyed kennel "Kobe" in England. A magnificent specimen who was purchased and imported to Australia at great expense.

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