First Word -

Reply Thu 29 Aug, 2013 05:30 pm

So True Von.

You know I've had to hold a little one of 2 years of age and watch him go to sleep... I understand, it's a hard, hard thing..... So sorry again for your losses.

At 6am, Ruby began drinking water non stop, then we found that he had problems from his bowels and then when we let him outside, he went and laid under a tree and there he remained.

I googled what I could find, at 7am we got him to the Vet and put him on a drip, he was in shock and his spleen had ruptured. We were given two options. And, the decision needed to be made there and then...

The Vet believed that taking the spleen out was a necessity or give up there and then. Then after a week, or so start chemo. He believed as Ruby was Cancer free last time in 3 months and lasted 18, that there was a high chance that he would again, beat it and go another 12 or more pain free.. The spleen is not pain free, giving him tablets to stop the pain to a degree and wait... No one said put him down now.



We decided no vacations, for 12 months and to go ahead with surgery.

For David, I feel it has to be this way so when the time comes he knows, he did everything instead of he did not and maybe Ruby could have bounced around and ran like the wind through the parks as he does for another year.

I'm backing the decision...

So now fingers crossed he gets out of the surgery ok...

Rambling Smile Sorry ....

Ok back to normality...............................................................

Reply Fri 30 Aug, 2013 03:59 am

You need courage to go through with almost any decision concerning a sick dog - only an owner knows if it is time to give a vet free rein to operate, or time to let the animal go - nobody else knows the dog in the same way. You and D are giving Ruby another chance, so the vet must think there's a good chance that he'll get well. That's wonderful to know. All animals deserve a chance - with both of ours, it was too late! The vet said inoperable. So sad, but - like you and D - we had to make a huge decision.

Vets' fees are astronomically high here too, but we pay a hefty sum in pet insurance each month, which usually covers all but pre-existing conditions. Because Megan was 10 this year, the insurers have put the cost of her insurance up by £18 a month to almost £40 (about 61 Australian Dollars) - seems unfair they should charge quite so much when we've never made a claim on her policy.

Any news from Dutchy? Is he still due to go home from hospital today?

Sturgis - hope you are doing well, and no more problems. When do you get your test results?
Reply Fri 30 Aug, 2013 05:44 am

Hi vonnie, yes the old codger is home again, they let me out at 6pm tonight after I convinced them I needed to be home for father's day, this Sunday and my wife's birthday on Monday. The head surgeon relented, took the drain out of my leg and told me to come back in 3 weeks to take the rest of the stitches out. Nurse will attend home daily and treat my wounds and heels. So feeling on top of the world right now.

Phoned Foundy straight away and heard the story about Ruby, admire F and D's love for animals to go through this all at enormous expenses. Hope to see you soon Foundy, I still have a little surprise in store for you. Wink Even being a witch you never guess this one.!

All the best to Sturgis, hope you can follow suit and be home soon.
Reply Fri 30 Aug, 2013 02:15 pm

Great to see you back where you belong Dutchy. So good to know that you will be in your own home for Fathers Day and for Anna's birthday. Bet you are really happy now. Good to know that there will be a nurse looking in on you daily - poor nurses, bet you bullied them until they let you leave! I don't blame you if you did - hospitals are a necessary evil, it's always a relief to wave goodbye to them!

So sad about Ruby - Foundy and D do love him so much - let's hope the vets can work their magic and cure the little fellow.

Foundy - hope everything's going okay for you - my thoughts are with you and D and Ruby - hope it's going well.

Sturgis - luck and love - get well fast - Dutchy's going to need back-up!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 30 Aug, 2013 02:43 pm

Glad you have returned to your more pleasant environs...now STAY there (unless you are going off to dinner, theater, canoeing, etc.)

Actually kind sir, I've been home most of the time recently with the exception of a few horrid days last week. My doctor (tall, statuesque blonde..you'd like her Wink ) tries to get all the people to do my medical care on me in my home. The wound care nursing staff, is from an organization called Visiting Nurse Services of New York and they come in 3 times weekly. If I need an IV hookup for more powerful antibiotics, they have someone who can venture in and tend to that each day. There are even people to come and draw blood if necessary so I don't have to travel uptown.

Of course some things require exiting and heading to the hospital. That happens more often than I'd like. Most recently was the increased swelling in the lower legs and the out of control redness and bleeding and weeping (they keep calling the oozing wounds, "weeping"). Had to run scans and whatnot to rule out a nice friendly blood clot as well as a couple of other precautionary tests. I came out fine.
Additional blood work shows I'm mostly fine. Nothing that is expected to cut me down in my prime. (first person who says I'm past my prime gets sent to the back of the room)

So it seems your wife and me share something in common! Very Happy We are both highly intelligent individuals. How intelligent? Well, we both have September birthdays, how much more intelligence can I present you with? Laughing

So true, so very true about Foundy and her gentleman and there loving attention to all the creatures. It takes a very special sort to be so devoted when the costs soar so high.

Meanwhile I'm trying to figure out dinner for this evening. As usual I have forgotten to plan. Added to this the refrigerator has been emptying out...I'm convinced someone is coming in and eating my food while I sleep.

Speaking of sleep, I actually slept some last night. a good 6 hours.

Foundy, Vonny, all others, haven't forgotten you, just saw Dutchy and was compelled to respond to him immediately...yeah, before even seeing what else was being said.

Building super was here, problem with a window. He applied tons of tape Shocked and said he'd be back 'next week sometime'. This is normal for him.

Anywho, I will return to this thread later, going to check out other threads first.

And a happy Father's Day to you Dutchy!!
Reply Fri 30 Aug, 2013 04:21 pm

That is what happens when there is a spring in ones step...

OLD - Oh definitely not going to say that at all, or anything like it, no I am not, I mean who wants to be sent to a corner Wink

So pleased to hear all is honestly going well for both our boys, sheez, we are meant to compete with them or something aren't we Von?

Dutchy - over the moon to hear that voice last night, as you know I rang an hour earlier to try to find out if you had your wish, to be home this weekend, on Friday and D and I were smiling when we realised it was you on the other end of the phone.... Have the best weekend, and celebration of Anna's birthday.

Sturgis - Good morning to you... 6hrs sleep what happened? Wink Isn't there also some type of delivery for food you can just order on line, like Coles here ? That surely would make your life easier, mind you skip the licorice and ice-cream Smile So pleased you have things under control and whilst annoying and I am sure painful I don't know how you put it with it for so long on-going, that it's not life threatening.. Hugs.

Von - thank you... For sure, I've had to make that decision too with a couple of cats the past 2 years, it's not easy... At all. In a way we are blessed as we thought that Ruby made the decision for us when he went under that tree but the only thing he was trying to do was tell us, the seriousness of his illness at that time and to get going with helping him ....

So let's stick to the laughter and up-dates still off course, as the SUN is SHINING ... .

Reply Sun 1 Sep, 2013 02:43 pm

Where has it gone? Last time I looked, it was Friday! Hope you're all doing well - - -
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2013 02:19 am

Beautiful day!

BIGGEST HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DEAR ANNA (BOSUN) ! Hope you both had an amazing night together!~


Hiya all.
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2013 05:11 am

Weather bureau stated we're having the hottest start to Spring ever recorded!What will summer be like in 3months?

Took my wife out for dinner tonight (birthday present) to the local Hotel. She had a char-coal grilled sirloin steak, and I had "Surf and Turf", 300gram Eye Fillet steak with 8 prawns, wedges and covered with a lovely white sauce.

My nurses and physios visited me today and declared me fighting fit and I feel it too, so watch out birdies I may pounce on you before long. LOL

Hope you're heading the same way Mr. Sturgis!

Ciao all.
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2013 07:11 am

In the words of Tom Petty, the waiting is the hardest part. Waiting now on woundly the wonder nurse (couldn't figure her name when she called to confirm the time she will be coming by today, she's a substitute since it's labor day and my regular is taking off).

Later this week a digging, which will be discussed later.

Need to go for now, all seems good...other than the humididity which is leaving me rather soaked.

Be well and be proper all of you and mostly be happy. Good to see you Dutchy, reporting from home as you should be...and a belated happy Father's Day and a greeting to your Mrs. for her birthday.

Vonny, Foundy, Spades, ww, and others Dutchy is in charge!
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2013 09:34 am

Try to convince the ladies of that Sturgis. As usual they will be laying on their charms trying to get me in their respective grasps but I'm a sly old codger who won't fall for their tricks! Laughing

Morning Vonny and Foundy. Wink
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2013 02:26 pm

For words! Only had two and a half hours sleep last night, then a very busy day - soooooooooo tired - h0pe I sleep tonight. Mr. Green

Hot spring Dutchy? We've started autumn on a hot note - wouldn't be surprised if this wasn't a record breaker here too. Funny old world. Laughing

Glad to hear that you are so much better - and getting back on form fast! Insulting the ladies indeed - you've started already - not safe on this thread - help! Twisted Evil

You sound a lot better too, Sturgis - glad to hear it. I guess now you'll be in league with Dutchy? Yikes!!! Rolling Eyes
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2013 04:21 pm

2hrs sleep?

Well I don't know if you can do that Sturgis, put Dutchy in charge I mean wait a minute, women rule how many times do I have to tell you?

Excellent Dutchy how the heck could you eat all of that, I couldn't Smile We had steak last night too.. Hope she gets some lovely clothes and spends a fortune lols.

Digging? You are going to have to explain that one Sturgis once the digging starts.

30 today so that's what 90? And it's only the third day of spring sheeezzzzz BEAUTIFUL!!!

Off to work I go, hi ho...
Reply Mon 2 Sep, 2013 04:27 pm

That's about the only place where you rule and belong Foundy. Laughing You women need a strong man to lead you along the difficult path of life and stop you from straying. Wink Have I made myself clear?
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2013 03:52 am

There should be an emoticon for that - a HUGE snort!!! PAH! That's my huge snort ........

Hey Foundy - Dutchy is back - the officer and the gentleman! PAH ...


Back five minutes and he's at his old tricks.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2013 02:32 pm

It is a necessity that we men take charge here, Dutchy in Chief Command and myself as his aide as needed and other gentleman shall take up our cause and join in! Without us, this place would be a chaotic mess, so thank your lucky stars (not sure to this day what a lucky star is), that Dutchy is back at the helm!

Yipes. 2 hours sleep Vonny? I can obviously relate but still it pains me to know someone else is enduring such. Have you considered aroma therapy or sound therapy? (I'm not a doctor but my mother once thought I should be Shocked ). I myself find the sound of trains to be comforting and peaceful.

Foundy. Never you mind what the digging is about...if all goes well, it may be cancelled. So hope all goes well. Hows the little ones doing with your alarmingly warm weather? Around here, weather has been adequate in temperatures and dreadful in humidity. Shouldn't complain since there's the a.c. to cool things off if needed (Arthur, the late KING of all cats, used to refer to it as 'the cooling box'. Go on scoff if you wish, I knew what he was thinking because we communicated through mental telepathy.).

Hanging on anxiously awaiting the moment Dutchy pounces and catches the witches (Hazel included) off guard.

Okay, I seem to be into senseless babbling. Started at 2 a.m. when I awoke and shouted...rather loudly: "Goats!" It's a side effect of 2 medications when they interact (at least I like to think that). I'll awaken during the night and shout out a word or a few words, then submerge back into slumberland.

Until later, ladies, you are to hand Dutchy your broomsticks so he can lock them aways while you prepare meals of our choices. Twisted Evil

To all, be well, stay happy. Be back later.
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2013 03:39 pm

Thank you Sturgis for being my able assistant in dealing with the witches around here. We'll clip their wings until they dance our tune! We can't allow them to much freedom or we lose control, tagging their broomsticks will bed one precaution. Laughing

ok Vonny, put on your leotard and let's do some exercises, you're getting saggy in the wrong places, as for Foundy a couple of pounds in the right places won't do you any harm either. So girls go to it and show us your best sides. Wink

Sturges vibes to you from downunder.

The Boss
Reply Tue 3 Sep, 2013 04:37 pm
Firstly, if either of you gentleman looked like this guy below, I 'Might' allow you to say you have us under control, BUT......


And, you want us to make you dinner? BAHHHHHHAA, we can do that hey Von, Hazel (bless) included....


As for the Officer and Gentleman, Von... I believe Dutchy is the Cop and Sturgis is the driver, "I think I'm sexy" after all he said Dutchy is the 'Chief' in command Wink Second, bahahhahaha.

Trains... Goats..... Both remind me of herds... Gathering them all up placing them in one area.. Maybe you need to travel Sturg... See I am a Witch it's not the medication - Now where are you going? How long for? The sky is a stunning blue - some clouds not many.... Go to sleep, go to sleep, lalalalalalalala go to sleep, go to sleep lalalalalalalala Wink

Weather is beautiful 30 today and I think 18 tomorrow lols, oh well... Waiting on Ruby's test results on the spleen... Advice, if it's a different cancer, aggressive then we have to let him be in a happy place until, he has to go..... If not Chemo... I think we honestly know the answer but hopeful... Rawaii on the other accord (photo to come later) is a little shirt, but still a very clever boy... He chases hoses and tries to drink the water Wink Kia is good.

Put some weight on Danny, I mean Dutchy, I mean Dolly, is that what you meant? HOW DARE YOU Wink

Enjoy the sunshine of today, as it goes back down as of tomorrow, do NOT sit in the Sun, Wink

Hope you are felling better Von, Sturg and keep on going there getting better Dutchy.

Watch it, 3 witches casting spells beats the two of you, better really try hard to call in Bill or Spades....
0 Replies
Reply Wed 4 Sep, 2013 04:04 am
Huh - saggy I am not! As for exercise - hey, I work out for an hour or more every day - exercise bike, cross trainer, weights - you name it, I do it! So I say PAH ...................... Twisted Evil Rolling Eyes Evil or Very Mad

Hey Foundy, yes - like the photos, lots! More please - let's get this thread buzzing. Laughing

Sturgis - I'm a chronic insomniac - never sleep more than five or six hours - Foundy and I are both night owls. So watch out - witchery happens in the wee small hours. Mr. Green
Reply Wed 4 Sep, 2013 04:10 am
Mmmm good point, we have the power, night witches Smile

Will add some tomorrow mam, what are they going to do? Aweee no way, they are men... lols.

Hey...................The cancer in Mr Ruby's spleen is the same, we start Chemo Friday.........Smile I know, shirt, but a dog is a dog for life right? And these days people can help right? So we get a chance to give him a much longer life, and to then feel we did everything and can breathe thereafter.

I think those witches were quite well........... I think you really need to put one up of yourself Von, they were not us....

Dutchy especially seems well he's thinking too much Wink

Still worried Sturgs but you said I can't Sad Well stuff off I do what I want Smile

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