First Word -

Reply Sat 24 Aug, 2013 03:52 pm
Thanks again for the link have to see if they sell them here and if it's long enough so he can't bite out the stitches or it's surgery again.

For sure I will be ringing Anna tonight and we'll make a trip to the Hospital as well Tuesday as I have a card from England to deliver ... and to help keep his spirits up, I know he loves visitors.

I'm angry in a nice way to be honest. Too much, way too much for Mr Dutchy BOSS...

I do know the Nurses that were visiting his home, were thorough as and I suspect as such they put him back in their straight away, I am praying that it will clear from the drain and they send him back home again in a couple of days.
I'm also very glad he saw his Son and g/child.

Hugs to Anna
Hugs to Dutchy

Thinking of Sturgis as well - and if he needs it, sending healing thoughts his way as well.

Reply Sun 25 Aug, 2013 08:18 am
I still can't quite believe that Dutchy's gone back into hospital! Life can be so unfair sometimes.

So glad you are able to go and see Dutchy - and that he saw his son and grandchild - every visit must help hearten him.

How is Anna bearing up? She must be emotionally and physically drained after going through so much, for so long. Poor lady. Let us hope it gets easier for them both sooner rather than later. Sturgis too.
Reply Mon 26 Aug, 2013 02:37 pm

Not even sure if that's the right word. Too darn tired to figure some of this out. Another week of medical weirdities and horrors. The burning has been intense most of the time, finally diminished for a time then returned, seems to have quieted again. Just an occasional stab of ouching.
Was doing medical stuff, had no idea our dear Dutchy was in the midst of his own. He's been through the mill and back too many times and it's about time he was allowed a rest.

Of course, the up side (yeah there is one) is that we are both keeping several people in the medical field employed which means that we are doing more than our share of contributing to the economy. (yeah, it's an insane up side)

Was here earlier, ready to post when all about everything went wild. Fire Dept. in the building, up on the roof and the next building as well. Apparently there was a strong odor of gas and they had to check door to door to find out where the problem might be. If I had been in the hospital one extra day then they might have busted the locks to get inside. Turns out they could not find anything and life returned to normal. Before they'd all fled, a friend called. He was walking by and saw the commotion and was wondering if I was okay. Since he was already in the area and the Fire Dept. was leaving, I asked if he wanted to stop in so we had a brief visit before he continued along his way.

More blood work tomorrow and a few other things, other than that, I'm the picture of perfect health.

Hope Found and Vonny, and Spades, and ww(can't remember the letters) as well as otters are all doing well right about now and that Dutchy gets the nod to go back home swiftly.
Reply Mon 26 Aug, 2013 02:48 pm
HIGHS (and lows)

More lows at the moment - is it because it's 20(13) that we're all having such bad luck? It really hasn't been a good year for anyone I know. Poor Danny - so glad that they've managed to get rid of his infection - let's hope that's an end to it, and he'll soon be back here where he belongs!

So sorry to hear that you've had such a rotten time - glad though, that the Fire Department didn't have to break your door down - that would have been pretty awful to come home to! But something good came of it - at least you had time out with a friend unexpectedly.

I'm like Foundy - I hate it when anyone just disappears off the radar - where is Spades - really quite worried about him? Glad you are back though. Very Happy
Reply Mon 26 Aug, 2013 03:47 pm
Examining, including, or considering all elements or aspects; comprehensive.

Well that makes sense Sturgis Wink So good to see you back, kinda, figgered maybe you were tired of going to bed at midnight and maybe, just left the computer for a bit.... Sorry, that you too ended up in hospital, things go in threes right?

Both of you are on the mend YAY and on your WAY... So, so pleased to hear this...

Dutchy - swapping Irish Strew (the irony) pretty sure I saw a lot of Irish stuff on Yabber, in the last few posts before we saw you soar Wink For a Sausage Roll? Bahahahaha... Anna won't let you get away with that at home tut tut Wink

Sturgis, oh dear. Gas is a scary thing, seriously as you really don't know who smokes in what building, I am glad they went door to door real quick but more so that there wasn't a leek. And ya ended up with a visitor Wink Got to be happy about that Wink


Seems our beloved RUBY - (Boy's) Cancer has returned.. Off to the vets tonight, I don't think we can fight this one again, but we shall try.. Last time I think it reached $4000 we don't have that this time and yes, we understand we extended his life by a year and a half but we shall try for a bit more....


In 8 months - sigh... Life can be un-fair sometimes... animals are part of my soul I have found.

Chin is up though, thank you Vonny for being there yesterday for me, when I broke that news to you, needed you...

Now............................... keep smiling sun is shining, everyone is getting better, Vonny needs a puppy, to jump amongst the flowers Wink Talking of witch''''' - Rawaii thinks he's a big kid now... Running amongst the two big dogs on their walk yesterday keeping up Wink

(HUGS) -
Reply Tue 27 Aug, 2013 02:17 am

Take heart Foundy - Ruby might still have a chance - but if not, well, he's had a wonderful life, full of love and kindness, and caring - a beautiful dog, with a beautiful nature - it will be agony for you if he has to go now, but only you and D will know if and when - that's one of the awful things about owning a dog - the end is always agony for the owner. And he did have that extra 18 months that he wouldn't have had if not for you and D ... Maybe he's been hanging on for you to get a youngster, and now he knows Rawii has settled in, perhaps he can go on the long sleep and say goodbye to tiredness and pain?

Danny - phew, so glad to see you're through yet another hurdle - been a long race, looks as if you won after all! Get well super-fast and get home again!

Sturgis - don't disappear again - my nerves are totally frazzled with trying to keep track of everybody in this little First Word family! You get well too! Pronto!!!
Reply Tue 27 Aug, 2013 04:32 am

It is a little family this First Word. Wink

Thank you Von, I shall keep you posted.

Hugs and much love to this little place, it is a place in our hearts and that's worth a lot in my books.
Reply Tue 27 Aug, 2013 03:16 pm

Whenever someone says that around me I try to run away because it tends to go the opposite of good for me and things become almost comically bad.

So imagine how I felt when 3 people in less than an hour bestowed that greeting upon me. It made me think that maybe it was all just a dream so I took a knitting needle (not sure where it came from) and poked my arm. Turns out I was awake.

Legs decidedly better looking, there were 4 tubes of red stuff extracted from me at 9:13 this morning and surprisingly my vitals maintained. Now comes the waiting. The doctor said she'd call as soon as these results were in which gives me quite a bit of comfort.

Going to head off for now, need a nap and besides I am typing without my spectacles and the light is off as well.

Here's hoping all is well with those who visit this thread and that it'll continue to be so.
Reply Tue 27 Aug, 2013 05:35 pm
Hi all, good to read alo your lovely postings, yes we are a unique little world. Sturgis I sincerely hope you will join me and getting better soon. Drs. hre too drained my wound on Monday and hopefully I may go home on Friday. Wish you well my friend.
Vonny all is going well and I'm feeling good, this was just a slight hiccup in the recovering process! Foundy paid me a visit yesterday and brightened my day no end.
Foundy I know you're hurting because of Ruby ut also know you and D will do everything you can for him.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 27 Aug, 2013 05:37 pm

Typing in the dark without spectacles and stabbing yourself with a "ghost" knitting needle, well I think that it was Smile

MAZEL TOV I never know how you spelt that, thank you... I thought that was like under the door and you are meant to kiss someone?

Goodness. I would have thought 1 would have been enough to do tests 4? I am surprised you didn't faint... Keeping good thoughts, fingers crossed and will be thinking of you, and that you get that call real soon...

Sleep well.... don't let the bed bugs bite.

Good morning Danny Smile How's Maria? Wink

Hiya Von.. Hope the sun is still shining your way.
Reply Tue 27 Aug, 2013 05:58 pm
Good morning Foundy, Maria has just been, and she is in great shape. Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Aug, 2013 02:32 am

What on earth did you imagine mazel tov was, Foundy? Under the door and you were meant to kiss someone? You do brighten the day! Laughing

Dutchy - hurrah - be so good if you can go home on Friday. Work hard and be a good boy - do what nursie tells you (ha ha - I can say anything I like to you whilst you're confined to hospital - I'll hide out when you return!). Rolling Eyes

Sturgis - hope the tests show something that can easily be treated - about time they made you well. Nasty old tests - bet you've had enough of them - be good to just rest and relax for a while - and join Dutchy in his revenge posts when he returns! Cool

I'm off to doctors now - oh boy, always something!!!
Reply Wed 28 Aug, 2013 03:23 am

Let's start with that, why Von? Are you ok?

Sorry Dutchy we posted at the same time Smile

Yes, he has Cancer again, confirmed. Ultra Sound tomorrow but I suspect that his tummy is riddled with it, hoping that's not the case.

Changed his diet "already" to holistic - including turmeric took him forever to eat his meal usually scoffs it, probably wondered what all this fresh raw meat and veg was all about Wink

We will Dutchy... But, we realise we also gave him from March last year to now so far not bad... D has to get up with me at 6.30am so that he can keep Ruby so that I can feed the diabetic darling Ms Kia and take him for the day to the Vets.

Fingers crossed, tummy is due to rice and pasta that he can't absorb... That is my feeling but whilst I may be right, it may be too late to change it but shirt who knows.

Already gave my wishes to ya boys Wink



Just came to my mind, I is tired.

LOLS Von glad I made you laugh.. What am I thinking off? Christmas, Holy Smile

Reply Wed 28 Aug, 2013 08:59 am

Be back later if I can muster the energization. Up late again, got to sleep at 4 or something then woke up at 7. For some reason 3 hours sleep won't suffice. Can't sleep yet, wound care nurse called and is coming by in about an hour from now and this afternoon there are some matters which myst be tended to.

Good news though Foundy, I'm typing this with the light on (albeit natural light from the sun outside the window), not wearing the specs since they are on the other side of the room and I'm too lazy to go get them. Are any of your little friends able to pop over to the U.S. and bring them to me?

Hope all is going nicely for all of you today.

Mazel Tov as a replacement of the mistletoe and under the door? Hmm...that gives me a better understanding of why Australia is known as Down Under Laughing

Be back later...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Aug, 2013 01:46 pm

Nothing serious - just an infection in my right hand. I saw the doctor and he's given me antibiotics which ought to clear it up soon. Such a nuisance - hard to use the touchpad on my laptop! Twisted Evil

Hoping and hoping that Ruby will have more time - that the swollen tum isn't what's feared. Holistic diet sounds good - fingers crossed it will help. Any extra time is precious time. You must be tired out, what with work, Kia and Ruby, plus all the rest. Look after yourself. Watch that shoulder. Very Happy

No Dutchy today? Hope all is going well with our lord and master - Very Happy

Sturgis - you must be exhausted! Hope you're able to relax when you can't sleep, and not dwell on worries - something I'm inclined to do in the wee small hours. Rolling Eyes

Mazel tov - I'll never be able to look at mistletoe in the same way again!!! Laughing
Reply Wed 28 Aug, 2013 05:12 pm

(Good Luck) - well that can be taken both ways yes? Good luck pftttttt Smile Or GOOD LUCK!!!!!

Now Isn't kissing someone under the Mistle Toe Good luck too? Ya hope there is a nice bright future them, good luck.


Good morning,

I am dyslexic sometimes perhaps that is where that all came from Wink

How the heck did you get an infection in your hand Von? Hope it gets better soon.

Dutchy - vision comes and goes stop starring at the NURSES for so long, and that way you will have more vision daily to type Wink Praying you will be home by Friday....

Sturgis, OMG 3hrs sleep? See that was so you could type in the light, without the glasses to prove to yourself you can do it, so you can do anything Wink How do you like them apples?

Apples US - why do I relate the two? Big Apple.... IDK yes I do, but they probably don't live close enough to you. I am visualising when we do get to America and we have to go to Canada too how the heck we are going to meet everyone we want to meet, as you are all friggen all over the place Smile


There's an Aussie way of telling the story Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 Aug, 2013 10:33 pm

Weird how the 3 hours of sleep didn't mess me up for the day. Then again I was staying busy with one thing after another. Now it's just past midnight and here I am again; although, I am starting to get drowsy.

The lack of sleep rarely does me in unless it lasts for weeks on end, or is the sort of thing where I sleep only a few minutes at a time. My 3 hours was solid all the way through which helps. And don't fret about my insomnia Vonny, I rarely go to bad places in my thinking when it happens, I just do various things from watching television, to listening to the radio to washing the kitchen and bathroom floors to starting the prep work for a meal, as well as floating around the Internet. There's always something to do to keep my brain from imagining dreadful scenarios.

It was a good day as a package arrived which I'd been waiting for. The nicer part was a neighbor had brought it up and placed it at my door. Not that it was heavy...maybe 4 or 5 pounds, just the kindness they showed. (now if I could just get them to pay my bills)

So as I was saying before I meandered into I don't recall what, I am getting drowshy so I'd better sigh and sign off for a while. Hoping all is well and that Dutchy stops ogling all the nurses (well all the female nurses) and lets his eyes rest so he can get back on here and report his doings.

Night to all. (although I suspect it's already morning for Vonny, Foundy and Dutchy...)
Reply Thu 29 Aug, 2013 04:05 am

You are lucky that you are able to get up and do things when you can't sleep. I can't do that without waking my husband - and he NEEDS his sleep - very grouchy when he's woken. But I've trained my mind to stay with positive thoughts - seldom does it wander off into the dark side - but I do get tired with all the sleepless nights. Strange - I go to bed feeling exhausted - as if I could sleep for a week - then two or three hours into it, I am wide awake!!! Twisted Evil

How are you feeling in yourself now? Better I hope. When do you get the results of your tests?

Foundy - how's Ruby? You cope by joking a lot of the time, but it must be hurting underneath. Love your Australian sense of humour - dyslexia or just Foundy - still hilariously funny at times.

Hi Dutchy - hurry up and get yourself back here - all these absences - tut-tut - missing your name on so many threads.
Reply Thu 29 Aug, 2013 05:24 am
It appears that he has hematoma in the spleen.

Problem is , is it cancerous.

Cocker Spaniels are known 80+ percent of the time to have cancer cells, he has been diagnosed with it coming back... He lays up high on a pillow at night.. He is having trouble breathing. All signs that if we even did surgery $3000, that it would be malignant ...........................then there is bad teach $1200 and then try for recovery again cancer $1200.

We spent $4000 to save him for 18 months.. He is 11.

Cocker Spaniels I have read, have 80% of getting cancer. If we spend $3000, to remove the spleen, he could be thrown into cardiac enzymes difficult to recover and it could have already gone to his liver. This was not as the last time, just four places now 6.

All suggests if he has cancer already at 11 don't do it, kidneys fail etc and 6 months and he will be gone.

They have stated they can shrink the cancer ease the pain but for what ever months me, I , have to watch gums all sorts as I do my darling diabetic so he does not bleed internally, a horrible death and get him there to put to sleep. How do I do that after 3 deaths of my babies to go for one more what if it's past the hours and I can't and as the others hold him, but this time can not put him out of pain?

I don't know what to do, neither does D he is in so much pain it's his baby and now mine.

He sneezes but apparently it's cancer not hay fever.

And if surgery we can expect 6 months.

If not we can expect maxium 6 months.

Reply Thu 29 Aug, 2013 02:48 pm

Hardest one you ever have to take is when you must decide it is time for a beloved pet to be released from pain and distress. It is the downside of owning a pet - the awful price you have to pay for loving an animal and being responsible for it.

We had to do it when we found out Buster, our beautiful yellow Labrador Retriever, had an inoperable cancer on his heart/lungs - had to decide whether to let him live for a few more months - possibly in pain and distress as the cancer grew worse, or to let him die peacefully, with us holding and loving him. We chose he latter. Same thing for Max, our black Lab, who had testicular cancer. Both dogs were over 8 - not young in Labrador terms - their lifespan is only 9-12 years on average (although our Pride lived until nearly 17!).

On a younger dog we might have taken the decision to have chemo and other treatments, but on an older dog - well, we thought about it, but if we'd let them live, it would have been for our sakes, not theirs. It seemed selfish to want to keep them longer when there might be suffering involved. So we let them go. Hardest thing in the world.

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