First Word -

Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 04:55 am

Firstly I enjoyed reading your post Sturgis,my story is nothing compared to yours, you are a real fighter and have lots on your plate, I vey much dmire your determinaton and I'm sure you'll win in the long run. Best of luck cobber. (Google tha t one) LOL

Congratulations on a well said post Foundy, you choose your words so well, no doubt a carry over from WH! Sturgis, Foundy has a lot of empathy for you, she is sincere in everything she says, I should know I've met her several times.

Vonny thank you for that lovely steak something I'm really looking forward to. Whilst I've got your attention. I might sneak into that hot tub with Foundy and pay attention to her sore shoulders. If you like you could join us and make sure I treat her expertly. LOL

A bit over 12 hours to go and I shall be on my way home, you ripper!
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 04:33 pm

As it's my thread, I get to nominate who gave me the best answer Wink As, this is First Word/Chat Room/ bit hard hey... But, if it made me smile and made me giggle, then it's the select answer mind you, I can change it any time Wink So, it's the OP and only the OP that can click the "selected answer".....

I am sure you will see it again, I've seen some wonderful helpful posts you've done and you are not bad with photos either Wink
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 04:34 pm



That was for the hot tub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can see you are perfectly fine now Dutchy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


HOME as (((IZZIE))) would say, lalalalalalalalala

0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Aug, 2013 02:23 pm

Thanks, Foundy, but still all a bit mysterious to me. Perhaps one day I shall understand computers, the internet, forums, chats, threads, photobucket .................. What's all the mystique with Photoshopping? On one thread I'm being rebuked (albeit in a nice manner) for posting a Photoshopped photo (not that I knew it was Photoshopped when I posted it) and on another, being commended for the same action!!! Puzzlement ... puzzlement!!! Rolling Eyes

Hurrah for you, Dutchy - home at last, I presume. Must be a wonderful feeling. You are probably tired out now - must have been a traumatic experience for you - coming out of hospital always is! A hot tub with Foundy? Behave, sir - you need to get fit and well first before you start hounding the ladies! Shocked

(Side note) How DO you get into one of those darned hot tubs? I had a look at some on display the other day and they are really really high - what do you do, climb up a ladder or bounce on a trampoline to get high enough to jump into one? All a bit too energetic for me, guess I'll have to leave the supervision of your massage techniques to Sturgis and Spades - if they reappear soon. Both missing in action today! Sad
Reply Wed 14 Aug, 2013 04:15 pm

I hope. Lots of possibilities you never know.

You'd have to google that Von, to determine maybe how you can differentiate the two. I know on facebook one of the members here told me the same Wink I think that if it doesn't look real? Then it's been photoshopped to look so. That's the gist of it.

Love the side note lols. Wink

As for massage, think I may wonder down tomorrow and do just that. Needed. '

Howdy all...
Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 02:23 am

Skies here today. Looks as if our heatwave isn't coming back - more like a normal summer here now. Ah well, still going out for the day. Cooped up for long enough in winter when ice and snow preclude us from travelling far.

Tks for the info on Photobucket - still find it all a bit odd - live and learn I guess - the learning curve is an awfully long one, isn't it! I seem to have been on it for ever - still loads to learn too. Hard to believe that three and a half years ago I'd never touched a computer - can't imagine life without it now! Rolling Eyes

Hi Dutchy - bet you are having a great homecoming - lovely to be home and free. Hope you're honing your massage skills ready for Foundy's sore neck and shoulders. Laughing

Sturgis - hope your pain isn't too bad - take heart, we are thinking of you and caring. Don't let it get to you - please. I know how hard it is to fight pain, but you're a brave man and you've coped up to now - brilliantly. Very Happy

Hi Bill - do you visit A2K often or just at weekends or ? Hope you come here often - this is a lovely friendly thread with a great little group of posters. Smile

Spades - COME BACK - we're worried about you. Not going to give up on you, no matter how long it takes. Question

Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 08:34 pm
Been home one day and it has been wonderful Vonny, very busy, with visitors, telephone calls, catching up with correspondence and the various rehab people calling in. Was exhausted by the end of the day but had a terrific sleep.

Need to build up my strength as walking is still a problem, no chance at present catching Foundy to treat her sore shoulders. Wink A pity as she is such an extremely hard worker plus a marvellous friend.

To all around here have a wonderful weekend, looks we'll have rain. Smile
Reply Thu 15 Aug, 2013 09:26 pm

Glad to see you made it back home safely, now concentrate on full recovering...hey, stop pawing the nurses as they check on you.

Things moving along here in some way, not about to say more right now as I'm tired and it's been a grueling few days. But hey, I'm still alive so how bad can it really be? Alive=possibility and hope. Cool
Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 01:22 am

Hiya Stugs...... Keep smiling each day we all get better . Sending vibes.

Danny !!! SLOW DOWN you are home Wink I will catch up soon with D, very soon...

Von - sunshine hopes for you .....

Massage for me today, only way I can control my issues.............

Tomorrow let me sell 3 wouldn't that be wicked? I could send you all a bottle of wine or something, fingers crossed


Reply Fri 16 Aug, 2013 08:18 pm

You have no idea how it feels, just wonderful with my wife being a great help in settling down. Been a couple of tiring days but now taking it much easier.

Looking forward welcoming you into my humble domain Foundy, the sooner the better. LOL

Best wishes to Vonnie and Sturges, may you have a good weekend.
Reply Sat 17 Aug, 2013 02:26 am

Can not understand why she hasn't corrected you yet Pfttttttttttttttttttt Wink

So pleased you are home Dutchy, and that you are sleeping in your own bed, eating proper food, relaxing, by the fire, and getting all the help you need....


Three good opens today, one has to make the cut, but what if 3 do? OMG I shall be smiling every day for a month...........................

Sun shone in the end today no longer felt freezing............................ Port won ya happy about that eh Dutchy Wink

Pork on my fork tonight with apple, mash and salad from my garden......

Do you guys go nom nom nom ? We do Wink
Reply Sat 17 Aug, 2013 02:34 am

Bill you came you left, get back here.
Reply Sat 17 Aug, 2013 03:30 am
Glad you all seem to be doing well - Sturgis, Dutchy and Foundy - yes, Bill and Spades too. And anyone else who just happens to drop in. Hope you all have a restful and restorative weekend. Smile

0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Aug, 2013 09:56 pm

The birds were chattering this morning. The usual that comes along with the first hint of autumn. You know, some crazy bird will be going on and on about how they better all start getting ready for the flight to warmer climates and there'll be a few doubters and naysayers so this one bird gets louder and more insistent about the approach of snow and ice. Eventually, they tire out and peace returns; but, one can't help but heed the warning of that particular bird. There definitely has been a change in the air the last week or so; but, probably not anywhere near autumn rolling in just yet. More of a false start which we often get. Nice thing about these false starts is they serve as a reminder/warning that soon the temps. will be dipping, the sweaters and coats and socks for the hands will be needed again.

Polished off a pint of ice cream again...what was I thinking? All that sugar will keep my eyes open for at least another 2 hours and it's only moments from midnight right now.

That's it for now. Hope all are doing well.

Reply Sun 18 Aug, 2013 03:02 pm
and goodbye!!

Dashed in to say hi - flying visit (NOT on a broomstick, I might add). How are you feeling today? We do worry about you Sturgis - hope you're taking good care of yourself!

Ice cream - yum, lucky you. Haven't had it for a long time - one year, two? Not sure. Hope you didn't suffer from a sugar rush.

Sleep well. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Aug, 2013 04:19 pm

Just thought I would start of singing, do you know that if someone knows a song and likes it, and you "sing it" then they do too all day long, as it won't leave their mind Wink OOppps hope you don't like that song Wink


It's so interesting watching them isn't it Sturgis. Before when blessed Bigsy was here he would hide behind the blinds and watch a basic pigeon or two walking around... Now I have pigeons, magpies, noisy minors, green parrots, one willy wag tail, visit for bread.. It's a real delight to watch. Don't they scream and rant huh.. Ever noticed that sometimes they fly in 3's.. Would have thought it would have been pairs Wink I posted a photo of a baby magpie on Yabber, you would not think it's a baby tis friggen HUGE!

False start to Spring too... grrrr, roll on 1/9 not far away, strong wind, rain to boot I'm over it. So your Autumn is cold with snow I guess I can not complain at all... I don't have to shovel that stuff...

Stop being bored, that's why you are eating so much icecream...... Hope you slept well and find something else as well to concentrate on at 9pm that puts you to sleep by 11 wouldn't that be nice.

GOOD MORNING DUTCHY! - Bet you had ice-cream last night Wink Bet you are still asleep lols.

MORNING ALL - I'm claiming it to be a beautiful day despite the weather as that is the way it should be.

Reply Mon 19 Aug, 2013 01:58 am

Weird how we have such different seasons at different times of the year - we are heading towards the end of summer now, nights are starting to draw in, and there's a distinct feeling of autumn waiting in the wings ... I count summer as June, July and August, then autumn as September, October and November, with winter starting in December. Autumn is often one of the loveliest seasons here - like Keats and his 'Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness' - always rather lovely.

Hope you are all doing well - in health, at work, at home. Laughing And whatever the weather!
Reply Tue 20 Aug, 2013 04:14 pm

Love that saying.

We are simply in reverse... June is our Winter - September ... Then it's sunny days all the way to March - HURRY UP SEPTEMBER!~~~

Feeling happy this morning not sure why!!!


STURGIS oh don't have to type big. Hope you are healing

Reply Wed 21 Aug, 2013 02:52 pm

When is Dutchy having his eye ops? The sooner the better, but obviously he needs to get over all the other surgery first. In the UK, people seldom seem to have both cataracts operated on at the same time - it usually takes two operation. Is it the same in Oz? Be so good for him when it's finally done - but poor Dutchy, he must be totally fed up with hospitals.

Hope you're doing well - and the menagerie? Little Rawii (is that the right spelling) looks adorable. Any more photos - he is a photogenic little guy?

Sturgis - heal well and recover soon. We're thinking of you.

Hey Bill - and Spades - don't be strangers!

Reply Wed 21 Aug, 2013 04:16 pm

Hi good people, eyes sufficient recovered that I can read the posts again. This inconvenience usually last a few days and then rectifies itself. My eye operation has been postponed until I'm fully recovered from all those other things. LOL

Keeping it short as breakfast is on the table. All have a great day.

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