Erm I know of Father's Day approaching in September, gawd DUTCHY help me out Australia Day? Along time away says my daughter lols.
I think as we get older "apparently" as I am young, we need less sleep as for how that occurred most of your life, dunno, though shaking leg syndrome I have had, which drives me nuts my little nana naps help me, haven't had one for a long time

But, 6 hrs is good Sturg.
Having said that, broken sleep from pain and itching and meds, ahhhhhhhhh sorry bubs. But within a few months you will get a second wind, I predict so does Von... Just bare with it.
I remember my injury Sturgis. Medication for pain but I ditched it, I mean errrrr what was that? So alcohol seemed better I know how hard that is to rid off, still have a glass or 3, pending on mood after work and I still have pain and I still work long hours so it fits... Proud of you for just going with the flow, it's important we can't carry on.............

For too long:)
Codeine, ahh hate the stuff, don't take any tablets, so upset the gut, why they are given to us, is beyond me but I guess, we have to .. Reminds me of a muscle relaxant I haven't had in years that was good for pain but upset my gut over the counter with your signature... Mercendol? Spelt wrong same thing.
Have you checked another doctor out? Having stuff that makes you vomit you won't be bothered cooking the excellent products that you encounter through fear... This is not good for you, witch has spoken there is an alternative, find it.
Do you know? Honestly the power of the mind is the answer to so much, it only works if you keep concentrating. I remember just trying with an itch, nup I don't feel it and I continued to tell myself that and I promise I didn't then it came back.. Must keep training on that but it does work keep working on that, it's hard Sturgis too long, too much I get it... I've had my injury since 1999 yep that long.. I'm not the only one here either that has it.. But, I also find heat bags, walking (yes WALKING) , naps (yes NAPS) keeps things better at bay and YES WATER.
You and Dutchy are identical

Guts, determination, it will be OK, it will happen, Dutchy is getting out tomorrow not passing go, out of there, proved himself and you will too... Oh and I have all of that, as well
Sigh! If you go to hospital we will be there in spirit... What ever you need Sturgis, you need, end of story. We are not spring chickens anymore, **** happens and we deal with it... But, I hope there is a Nurse that you admire

Sorry to hear about the blood problem... Sending healing hugs and viberssss
OMG go and check that out, the fact that you mentioned Witch and Hazel in the same breathe, my response, Bill's response "aka" your knowledge and that it has helped, me wants you to investigate there is a dodododododo shhhhh there is.
Night Mr Midnight Owl.... Sleep well, don't let the bed bugs bite, try a wheat bag on your neck when you sleep tomorrow, go buy one, can't sent one you are too far away.... Check out Hazel she's an awesome soul and must be a Witch if I am one, go find it all out.
If you nick off, we be writing daily to ya you can read it on return.
If DUTCHY can get a green card so can you.................
9.30am apparently he be out of there...............no steak............today.........but tomorrow................................
Von again wicked thank you
wwwccccmmmbbb ?
Bill... glad you joined us.
Spades, negativity is not everywhere check your computer...........it's time.
Me? Cooking spag bol, one of Danny's fav lols.
Lovely to read all of that Sturgis... thank you .
(HUGS) to all.