First Word -

Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 04:18 am

Wondering or wandering? You've got me guessing? Confused Laughing
Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 04:47 am

Tired girl, WITCH, which one ?

Smile x
0 Replies
Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 11:36 am

As the witches discuss tunes from Paint Your Wagon, I notice they haven't collected any eye of newt for their potions. Dutchy and me will be safe now!

Just another manic Sunday, no wound care stuff today...at least from the professionals. Be changing bandage myself, cleaning and rewrapping if I can muster up the energy. Sleep may have been a white confession...or was that Procol Harum and a Whiter Shade Of Pale? (no matter, I think Conquistador was far better in getting my blood flowing). Yeah, I'm rambling. It takes the mind off of the stabs of pain. Not that many and not that bad. Mainly in the rest phase of strange burning feel.

Oh right, I was discussing sleep when I sidetracked myself. Laughing Sleep has been a little off. Most likely mental stress (maybe the meds). Shocked

Yet the weather is good today, it's been nipping down a little at night into the low-middle sixties and a little less humididity. Groceries put away, annoyed that I didn't remember to get the Witch Hazel (or a witch named Hazel to become my maid and confidant). Clearly I am rambling.

Glad to see Dutchy doing better wondering where Spade went off to.

Be back later.
Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 02:12 pm

That brings back some memories! Cool

Sleep - what's that? Wish I could - sleep, I mean. I'm a chronic insomniac - always seem to be awake. Get soooooooo tired! Rolling Eyes

Are you on pain meds? I have some, but they only work for a matter of an hour or so - then the pain returns with full force. Feeling low today - need something to take my mind off it. Idea

Yes, where is Spades? Question
Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 03:06 pm
He probably got tired of being bashed around in the forum. Battle fatigue, you know. (I know what it feels like.) I'll miss him. Sad

Tired girl, WITCH, which one ?

As my dad used to say: Which witch is which? Smile Wink Drunk Mr. Green
Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 04:34 pm

Strange that. Hazel Patterson, my God Mother, Grand Mother who answered every question I ever had, who made the best jam tarts remember those? Who one day when I answered my phone, started singing " I just called to say I love you".... And you wonder why I am a white witch Wink With love like that.

Sturgis, sleeping tablets? Or a different pill, I think we get used to medication, I remember my injury in 1999, I also remember Prince who danced like it was 1999 and then my girlfriend, singing into a brush as we were getting ready to go out, listening to his song "cream" better not add the rest of the words to that one, those were such fun days anyways... I obviously was given medication upset my gut something cronic, codine. Alas, I also got used to them and then had to make a huge management decision, to NOT take anymore and deal with it... Heat bags, breathing, walking, yes walking I know you don't want to, don't even have the energy, but you NEEDDDDDY to, to help it heal faster.

Thoughts are with you, followed by hug.

Yes Mum...

Great to see you back wmwcjr Wink Long time, as usually your personality is shining through.

Gotta get Dutchy out of that hospital and gets his eyes done next , lucky I am dyslexic and can read what ever he writes Wink Plus he's tired of the carp hospital food who can blame him eweeeeeeeeeeee ...... So hugs there too.

Just took some photos of my baby magpie who now frequents our yard, since Mr Bigsy passed away... He has the most beautiful singing voice ever and just drops in for some bread, to sing on the branch and then fly off for the day... I can almost walk up to him and baby? Is he big!!!!

Mr Rawaii has two new toys he loves them to d... loves them.. He found them behind the couch and what were they? Mr Bigsy's old, old, color little **** and a mouse, well not real but also Bigsys. Wondering why Rawaii loved going under the lounge so much, If I was a witch I'd say those two be playing together off course, babies can see things we can't.. Which witch reminds me of the times, many, Bigsy would sit in the kitchen and follow something that appeared to be moving above, at the ceiling.

Strange things in life make you feel good..

Did you just say you rambled Sturg? Smile

Hope the sun is shining enough, not too much for all and Von hope you went out today in it and Spades where the bloody hell are you?

Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 08:38 pm

Do your magic trick and get me out of this place today and you will be well rewarded! 6 month in Hospital is far to long, this old codger is dying to get out there and have a decent steak. LOL
Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 11:06 pm


I actually laughed out loud when I read the first line of your post (which is quoted above) because I immediately thought of a bottle of . . .


Hmmm . . . "Potter's DISTILLED Witch Hazel" . . . I wonder. Is that Harry Potter? Wink

Great to see you back wmwcjr Wink Long time, as usually your personality is shining through.

Thank you! Smile

Speaking of witches, someone must have cast a spell on me. As you know, I've been mad at Setanta; but I think I understand him now. I don't endorse every single comment he makes, anymore than I do anyone else. But now I like the guy! I actually do! Yeah, I know I'm nuts; but it beats carrying a grudge.

Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 11:08 pm
I hope you're able to spread your wings soon (sincere, respectful tone)! Smile
Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2013 12:18 am
TODAY - Though I think tomorrow actually around lunch time Wink

Let me know lols.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2013 12:18 am
Well Witches sometimes need cleansing Wink
0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2013 04:13 am
You're comments are much appreciated,the Eagle will be soaring high again shortly Laughing
Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2013 03:10 pm

Just dropped by to say hi and bye - Foundy, your prose style is catching Laughing

Out today, then became very involved in a thread - googled something - and you know how it goes - like looking up a word in a dictionary - read one ... then another ... and on it goes. Rolling Eyes

Dutchy - get out of that place and get back home - that's an order! You've hogged a hospital bed for far too long! Anna will cook you all the steaks you want - just get on your running shoes and make a dash for it! Rolling Eyes Foundy will run with you to make sure none of those pesky nurses catch you and take you back! Twisted Evil

Sturgis - don't you disappear too - grown quite fond of you over recent weeks, don't bail on us now! Cool

Hi, wmwcjr - I'm vonny and I'm a not quite so newbie now! Glad to make your acquaintance Very Happy Have you got something easier than wmwcjr for us to call you by - I have a memory like a sieve where complicated names are concerned Embarrassed
Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2013 04:12 pm

DATS what Dutchy will be eating tonight at home Wink

I allocate my mornings to the computer. Then I start work, allocating my mid morning, midday, mid afternoon, afternoon to the computer, then I come home and allocate early evening, down time to the computer no wonder I wear glasses now Wink AT the Computer.

"Bill" aka Wink

Well I figure the more we write Spades, the more chance he can hear us lols.

I think Sturgis, you had enough of midnight sleeps and is sleeping insss Wink

Have a great day Ms Von.
Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2013 05:38 pm
vonny wrote:
Hi, wmwcjr - I'm vonny and I'm a not quite so newbie now! Glad to make your acquaintance Very Happy

Thank you! Glad to meet you! Smile

vonny wrote:
Have you got something easier than wmwcjr for us to call you by -

I showed no imagination when I decided upon my username. It's dumb. Merely an abbreviation of my full name. Like I said, no imagination! You can just say, "Hey, you!" Seriously, you may call me just "Bill."

vonny wrote:
I have a memory like a sieve where complicated names are concerned Embarrassed

No need to be embarrassed. In real life I'm sometimes terrible about names. Smile

0 Replies
Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2013 10:04 pm

So as the day draws down...although I believe the Australian day is starting up...this is so danged confusilating at times...I realized I was avoiding answering anything here (or most anywhere it seems).

To the sleep matter, it's unknown why my sleep is mixed up. I have been an alternating sleeper for years. Long times of sleeping soundly, long times of near insomnia. Almost never have needed a lot of sleep, which is fortunate I suppose. Most times about 5-6 hours does the job and no need for an afternoon snooze. (although in the past year or so I've been getting groggy in the afternoon and occasionally succumbing to the invitation of sleep. Did so today.)

Current sleep patterns are some from pain, some from itching, some clearly from these medications. I take the medication and if I fall asleep immediately, then wake up about 2 hours later.

Yes, the medications are pain meds. Very tenuous path to be on for me as I have a history of alcohol abuse. An out and out alcoholic, can't go near that and medications have been pointed out to me as being a risk since they are also mood changers. In fairness, only my experiences with Dilaudid ever caused trouble. No problem with avoiding others as I don't like the side reactions. Morphine, puts me to sleep...deep sleep, cannot be woken usually when it's given to me.

Current meds are codeine which makes me hyper and goofy and prone to shouting out words in the middle of nothing. Very annoying. Also gives me a headache if I don't drink plenty of warter with it.

Have Oxycodone which about half the time will make me a bit nauseous, sometimes to the point of disposing of my latest meal as it makes a hasty exit from my mouth. A full meal prior tends to ease that, and the pharmacist said warm cola can also make it easier.

Mostly I try to stick with the ibuprofen (800 milligrams, 4 a day, a few times to 5) and the acetaminophen(a.k.a.-Tylenol) which I was popping rather heavily for a time as the pain was through the roof. Finally scaled it back, the doctor and the wound nurse of the time (Nurse Mushy Hands), were happy. Nurse Mushy Hands said 'your liver thanks you'.

Most pain, I try to go back to mental blockage of pain. It involves softly and repeatedly telling myself there is no pain, that pain only exists in a place where life is on hold. It's a method I had to use several years ago and have used several times since. For chronic pain (sciatica, and an upper leg pain) there really isn't much other choice as the resistance to meds builds and eventually I could end up so loopy I'd be unable to function in any way shape or form.

Mainly I love life too much to let some silly thing like temporary pain gain the upper hand. It may take some time; but, somehow it'll happen and I'll be back to being my usual ornery self.

Bled like the dickens yesterday and this morning. It stopped. I was advised that they will be checking my blood soon to make sure all is well there and that I'm not running into more issues. If needed a transfusion will be done. Oh goody!
So who wants to offer me 3 pints? I mean of ice cream.

As for the topic of the hour, I tend to use Dickinson's Witch Hazel. Sort of grew up with that, it was always in the home, no matter which place I was. Mother had it, Irene and Jerome, Uncle Bert insisted on keeping it, to the degree of having 1 in the bath, 1 in the kitchen and another in his bedroom.
I was using it for a while for the itching, and some of the redness- it really did the job, but got antsy about it when the skin began rupturing. Must remember to check with the medical people to find out if it's safe on contact with the wounds.

Two minutes to midnight! I'm sensing a pattern here. Need to rise earlyish as there are some calls to make. Yeah, have a friend going in for a medical procedure, he requested a 6:45 call...um, yes, in the a.m.

Out of licorice Sad however, I'll survive I am sure.

Sorry to read that Dutchy got delayed on his return to home. (I think maybe the nurses don't want him to leave...I doubt that he'd be attempting to stay there just to get another breakfast from the place.

Hey, now it's past midnight! I'd better stop writing as this is becoming a lengthy matter.

My regards to all, hope all of you are doing well this day and that the day presents things in a way which you find enriching.

Okay, I'll hush up now.
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 02:37 am
Hi, everybody! I have virtual gifts for you all - for you Sturgis, liquorice and ice cream -



for you, Dutchy, a sizzling steak -


for you, Spades, a message -


for you, Foundy, a massage spa hot tub to rest your work-weary bones -


and for you, Bill, a big hello!

Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 03:29 am
Well, you just scored the SELECTED ANSWER Wink Wicked, thank you xx

Computer is working now to find photobucket again and I'm off Smile Not literally again, wicked Von. x
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 03:48 am
Erm I know of Father's Day approaching in September, gawd DUTCHY help me out Australia Day? Along time away says my daughter lols.

I think as we get older "apparently" as I am young, we need less sleep as for how that occurred most of your life, dunno, though shaking leg syndrome I have had, which drives me nuts my little nana naps help me, haven't had one for a long time Smile But, 6 hrs is good Sturg.

Having said that, broken sleep from pain and itching and meds, ahhhhhhhhh sorry bubs. But within a few months you will get a second wind, I predict so does Von... Just bare with it.

I remember my injury Sturgis. Medication for pain but I ditched it, I mean errrrr what was that? So alcohol seemed better I know how hard that is to rid off, still have a glass or 3, pending on mood after work and I still have pain and I still work long hours so it fits... Proud of you for just going with the flow, it's important we can't carry on.............Smile For too long:)

Codeine, ahh hate the stuff, don't take any tablets, so upset the gut, why they are given to us, is beyond me but I guess, we have to .. Reminds me of a muscle relaxant I haven't had in years that was good for pain but upset my gut over the counter with your signature... Mercendol? Spelt wrong same thing.

Have you checked another doctor out? Having stuff that makes you vomit you won't be bothered cooking the excellent products that you encounter through fear... This is not good for you, witch has spoken there is an alternative, find it.

Do you know? Honestly the power of the mind is the answer to so much, it only works if you keep concentrating. I remember just trying with an itch, nup I don't feel it and I continued to tell myself that and I promise I didn't then it came back.. Must keep training on that but it does work keep working on that, it's hard Sturgis too long, too much I get it... I've had my injury since 1999 yep that long.. I'm not the only one here either that has it.. But, I also find heat bags, walking (yes WALKING) , naps (yes NAPS) keeps things better at bay and YES WATER.


You and Dutchy are identical Wink Guts, determination, it will be OK, it will happen, Dutchy is getting out tomorrow not passing go, out of there, proved himself and you will too... Oh and I have all of that, as well Smile

Sigh! If you go to hospital we will be there in spirit... What ever you need Sturgis, you need, end of story. We are not spring chickens anymore, **** happens and we deal with it... But, I hope there is a Nurse that you admire Smile Sorry to hear about the blood problem... Sending healing hugs and viberssss

OMG go and check that out, the fact that you mentioned Witch and Hazel in the same breathe, my response, Bill's response "aka" your knowledge and that it has helped, me wants you to investigate there is a dodododododo shhhhh there is.

Night Mr Midnight Owl.... Sleep well, don't let the bed bugs bite, try a wheat bag on your neck when you sleep tomorrow, go buy one, can't sent one you are too far away.... Check out Hazel she's an awesome soul and must be a Witch if I am one, go find it all out.

If you nick off, we be writing daily to ya you can read it on return.

If DUTCHY can get a green card so can you.................Smile

9.30am apparently he be out of there...............no steak............today.........but tomorrow................................

Von again wicked thank you Smile

wwwccccmmmbbb ?


Bill... glad you joined us.

Spades, negativity is not everywhere check your computer...........it's time.

Me? Cooking spag bol, one of Danny's fav lols.

Lovely to read all of that Sturgis... thank you .

(HUGS) to all.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2013 04:04 am
Well, you just scored the SELECTED ANSWER

Great - but what IS a selected answer? Who selects an answer for anything? I'm still a bit in awe of the internet - find it strange that anybody, other than the person or people I'm chatting to, actually reads my posts! Just as well - if I thought about it too much, I'd probably stop posting!

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