First Word -

Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 02:11 am

I so enjoyed reading all of that, a spring in the step even through the pain.

THAT, I am going to have to reply later because I want to re-read, and google and definitely talk about your meal, yum....

Bare with me.

Though that doesn't stop the other two from commenting Wink

Sorry they delayed your op Mr Dutchy Sad Longer in there but the nurses are kinda cute Wink

Lamb for dinner... Perhaps also when the computer works better, need to change it over, I can post some pictures of sorts, to our little family here, I accept that invitation Sturgis. Of, being part of your circle of friends with thanks (hugs)... no kiss, Dutchy will get jealous Smile

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 01:34 pm

Poor you - what you must have gone through! So much pain!

Great that you are able to escape into your hobby of cartography - maps are indeed fascinating - not surprised it's been a lifelong hobby for you.

I am thrilled with my new laptop - it's going well so far. One or two things still puzzling to me, but it's really only getting to know the laptop and OS

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 01:38 pm

Poor you - what you must have gone through! So much pain!

Great that you are able to escape into your hobby of cartography - maps are indeed fascinating - not surprised it's been a lifelong hobby for you.

I am thrilled with my new laptop - it's going well so far. One or two things still puzzling to me, but it's really only a question of getting to know the laptop and OS thoroughly.

Take care, Sturgis. Rest and the right diet go a long way towards a good recovery.

Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 03:49 pm
Morning one and all. Had a blood transfusion overnight infact it is still in progress, they found an anomaly some where and want to rectify that.

Odd that the male rulers here are both in Hospital and the girls are flying free. LOL

Breakfast just served, Bon Appetit!
Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 04:37 pm
Goodness, Mr Dutchy - sure is a great hospital that they are smart enough to find such a problem and I guess that is why you are still in Hospital, to make sure everything is perfect before you venture back home. Last thing you want is to go back there, imagine getting used to Anna's food and then balalah, hospital food again Wink Chin up.... Keep smiling....

The girls are flying free, cause we be witches don't forget it.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2013 04:59 pm
Good Morning all.

I often wonder how people can actually do that. Walk on a bed of nails, I know it's mind over matter but I would be going more than Argh, if I attempted that..

Okay, back at ya. I googled it last night and saw the pictures and got the picture, in-fact I am pretty sure the picture is still in my head, can't shake it.

I don't think any of us mind having something wrong but sheez Sturgis 9 months or so (up to) in the healing process? And, then as Von stated, she obviously googled it too Wink Caring witches we are, you have to balance diet and exercise to try to keep it at bay... That's a horrid amount of time and care, so sorry to hear this.

Keep walking even if you think it doesn't help and it's hard to walk, I swear that walking (exercise) is good for all of us, regardless.

As a smoker (pftttt) which I really need to squash soon, perhaps I will start the gym, about to write a post it sticker, as a new must do... Anyways, I am more than aware of the blood circulation in my legs when I smoke too many through what I will call stress, (ful day) and I massage my feet when I get worried lols. But, in any event is that part of the treatment? If not, could it be?

I now get your understanding when Dutchy went to hospital about the blood not circulating in his leg.. You both have something, somewhat in common and both have been in and out of hospital of sorts for months, from January.

You sure you two are not related?

I am glad that you get to use your intelligence in conversation with the Doctors/Nurses, I guess there is always a positive with a negative, actually there is always a positive in a negative Wink


Imagination is wicked, visualisation, creation, all of them. At 11, designing maps and locations ... Sounds as if you should have been an Architect to be honest. Sometimes we miss our calling Wink

What did you become after 11? Wink

Your meal sounded perfect to me. I am a great mash potato fan. Potatoes are great how ever you cook them, but as a mash yum. Have you ever tried dicing small, red onions or white, and putting that in with the mash? Adds a different texture and taste to it... I am not a fish lover to be honest, unless it's grilled to death almost takes like chicken lols. Or I will always love, battered fish from the fish and chip shop. I just visualised the owner bashing the fish first lols. Wink

Have you ever tried stuffed peppers? Mince meat, rice, herbs, tomatoes (see I use the e, when us Aussies does spell tomatos with an e or potatos. ) Wink Then you just cut the pepper and fill it with, well the filling, add oil and tomato paste/water or bottled tomatos to the oven dish and leave it in the oven until cooked through, spooning the liquid over every 10 mins...

I know, this is not a recipe thread. Wait a minute, it is FIRST WORD OR CHAT... I'm chatting so pftttttttttttttttttttttt Wink

I never drink coffee at night. Mr Sturgis, don't you realise that is why you are awake at midnight EVERY NIGHT? Wink Tut, tut, water please.. It is better for you and your legs need it as well.

It is true, I confess. I mean I am engaged to a Chef. Maybe it's about creativity. I know Von once said she loves presentation and everyone loves her presentation of food. I am a lot the same. It's about colour, height, looking good, but I am a good Cook, would think I would have to be having spent 17 years in the Hospitality Industry, some of the dishes those Italian Mummas taught me, I still use today. But, yes, I guess it's about people with passion and creativity.

I also once had a black cat. Given that I will not replace Bigsy, yesterday, we bought a black fish lols. Already had a little ginger and white one, he needed company, I chose black Wink Remember though I am a white witch so it's all good. No evil spells on my end... Only ever, good spells though I can't spell. But, you know Wink

Licorice is also black !!!!! Mmmm... Something in that?

Von, I am glad your computer is going well and you are enjoying it, I am changing my phone on Friday, to a larger model, with aps, I have no idea what I will be doing, but David is going to teach me... Wink Apparently I can take a photo and it up-loads automatically to people I've added something like that, Instrigram or something... I'll just be happy to work out how to answer it and call out lols.

Dutchy keep your chin up, like I said.

Sturgis, please keep us posted no graphics, I still have that picture in my mind, so you know Wink But, I am hoping that over the next week or so it just gets better and better and so, you can concentrate on recovery instead of ouch or itching or oozing...


Oh, me sensitive? I don't know if that describes me well. Pretty tough ol bird Wink

Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 10:56 pm

Hmm...it's nearly 1 a.m.
Rough couple of days, wound nurse came by was genuinely surprised that the starter wound (why is it called a wound, I haven't the foggiest), anyway the original has reignited, blood had soaked the bandage and even banjo music wouldn't make it go away (which isn't really a surprise, now is it? I mean banjo music has power; but, there are limits).

Quick answer...after 11 I just wanted to get to 12 and then on to college and all of the adult stuff. Had interest in many things, at one time leaning towards theology and history and social work and...
at any rate, somewhere along the line, I figured to become a teacher and then once in college switched majors a few times, landing in the sciences and then applying that along with the courses in education, towards being a science teacher. Mother was not pleased, she apparently wanted me to make huge piles of money.

Must sign off of here for now, have to tidy up before sleeping. Hope all is well and hope to be back on here tomorrow.
Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2013 10:59 pm

Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 03:29 am

Where is Vonnie? Looked everywhere and can't find .her. Can you throw any light as to her where abouts Foundy?

Hang in there Sturgis the nurses will take good care of you.
Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 03:41 am

For a quick visit! Days fly past- hours fly past - minutes fly past - seconds ...............................................................

Any more ops coming up, Dutchy? I've lost track - you've certainly been keeping the medical profession busy in Oz! Glad you seem to be healing well now.

Sturgis - poor dear Sturgis - so much pain. Hope RH's banjo music helped. Thinking of you - don't despair, things will get better.

Spades - where are you? Getting really worried now - you've been gone for too long this time.

Foundy - you seem to be the only fit one among us - well, fairly fit - how is your shoulder? Hope new pup isn't too tiring - bet you and D are having great fun with him.
Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 03:41 am

Rockhead Wink

Man I thought the older you got the earlier you got up, not the later you went to bed Smile Teacher. OH OH Wink

Keep well Sturgis, no long replies... Get better.

DUTCHY back I see Wink I am sure she will enlighten us with her beautiful presence probably waiting for you two ratbacks you know this men rules woman carp.

Rockhead please don't add to the men rules ok, well ok you can I can maybe pull another female over Smile Ya never know.

Computer is carped itself, ahhhhhhhhhhh laptop working better than nothing fur naw ...

0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 03:52 am

lols.. Replied on your behalf.

Ok, how did you know my shoulder has played up the last two days really bad.

AND, how did you know that Rawaii is wearing me out...and though, we are having fun with him.

You could have said leg, back, neck anything Smile

Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 03:59 am


0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 04:06 am

I knew asking the witch for an explanation an answer would be forth coming.LOL Thank you Foundy and my sypathies go to Vonnie hoping you're on the mend and back soon.

Little Rawaii loves to make his master tired, so give him plenty of time and the roles will be reversed, he will be looking for his bed.OL
0 Replies
Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 11:23 am

I am suddenly wondering if the witches have been hiding the cures for Dutchy and me so they can attempt to keep us from exercising our fullest powers. Laughing

Thursday (almost thought it was Tuesday) and hobbling along, been worse, been better. Not too bad right now.

One side note Dutchy, I have a sensible doctor and she was kind enough to let me get this medical stuff done at home. 3 times a week a nurse comes calling, sometimes there are 2 of them! By being out and about of the hospitals, I can keep an eye on Found and Vonny to make sure they don't get too big for their broomsticks Wink .

Much happier now that Rockhead gave some banjo music. Banjo music has a way of cheering me up.

That's it for now as I need to tend to some paperwork.
Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2013 03:55 pm


Well for the boys, after all the Witch and her Black Cat have made it to this section - You know what that means, more ruling for us women... Wink Very good Vonny.

Lol's Dutchy, actually, this morning I refused to get up at 5am.. So we remained in bed and Rawaii got the message, he wasn't yelping just lightly scratching to get in with us... Alas, fell back asleep until the alarm went off Smile YAY another teaching done.... GOOD LUCK today Dutchy, hope you are not in a lot of pain like last time, and if so, you TAKE those pain killers even if you will talk double dutch! Wink All over soon and you will be home like Sturgis, maybe also with a nurse turning up daily for a bit, well that would be your dream Smile

The cures huh.. Ok, white witches send healing powers right now to both oh and my shoulder, for myself and Von does her own Wink

My Grandfather used to be called BANJO PATTERSON because off course his last name was Patterson Wink

Glad you are feeling "not to bad" Sturg..

Going to take a lunch break today - by the sea, D, me & Rawaii with his new color sitting outside, nice food, nice wine and relax..... Tomorrow is another day !
Reply Sat 10 Aug, 2013 02:48 pm

It might be golden sometimes, but other times it is just plain boring - where is everybody? Dutchy, Sturgis, Spades - hey Foundy, do some witchery and get them all back - hope you didn't turn them into toads or something awful! Rolling Eyes
Reply Sat 10 Aug, 2013 04:23 pm

I'm still around Vonnie, no Foundy's spell over my head, just had an off day and wasn't feeling to well. Nothing to do with my present condition just a Hospital stomach upset. Feeling better today.

Foundy will show up shortly, early Sunday mornin here.
Reply Sat 10 Aug, 2013 04:31 pm

You keep spelling Vonny with an ie) What is the ie Dutchy? IE) hehe.

Keeping my typing a tad short, having difficulty - my turn lols.

Good morning everyone!

Sturgis hope you are recovering nicely yes?

Spades hope he is ok.

Dutchy, glad you ate all your breakfast - good boy Wink

Von, no witchy powers at present, I might do it wrong lols.
Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2013 03:25 am

"I was born under a wondering star"

Beat that.

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