First Word -

Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 03:58 am

Eat your words witch, this is the year of the Power, I told you we're playing a men's game here, unsuitable for women.LOL

How can you ever doubt my knowledge of football after I told you Powr would win today. Munching a meat pie.LOL
Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 04:37 am

Remember that?

Yeah well Crows need to grow balls. Yep that is what I said, not you nor Sturgis, oh dear I am standing up for you both? Get the ?

Once upon a time.

Typically they get ahead and the other beats their azz.



all of you
tomorrow xx
Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 01:23 pm

Are these people professional footballers? Haven't heard of them! Confused

Don't let Dutchy and Sturgis beat you down Foundy - let's face it, both of them are relying on nurses at the moment - hah! Probably mainly female nurses? And they can say men rule? No more comment necessary! Rolling Eyes
Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 04:49 pm

Actually, Sturgis liked his male nurse the best, should we read into that? He also stashes licorice (however you spell it) behind a book on a shelf, then enjoys it so much as he eats a piece, that he uses it in every post whilst eating it Wink

And, as for Dutchy, Crows had it hands down all the way, Port's little 19 year old fluked a goal, yes he did, and that was the end of the game, simple really though Dutchy would have you believe that Ports played well the entire game, pfttttttttttttt




Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 05:57 pm

Actually, just thinking.

David has been frequenting a Doctor of late and he is magnificient. He previously had a female Doctor and she wasn't that great.

Does that mean that now I am standing up for men?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 06:18 pm

Don't talk football Foundy you dont know the first thing about it.LOL The Power played well throughout the entire match, result they WON!

Vonny the Power players are no amateurs but highly paid Professionals! Australian Rules Football is totally different to English Soccer.

Stand up for men, ofcourse Foundy, you always do.!
Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 07:03 pm

Well no I am not saying men are easy Wink Actually? I've favoured men as friends for years. There is not catiness. Most of my life, I've been let down by female friends, never men. Having said that off course, I have a couple of special girlfriends that I've had for over 20 years.

Well off course some forgot which head to think with but that's another story and I have always been capable of saying pfttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt....

Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 08:54 pm

Being a male I can honestly say you are a great friend, you're also a great 'boss' I don't mind admitting. LOL

With your beauty and brains I would never call you a dumb blond, it just does not fit your personality!

As a male and the Boss I can say these things as I know you won't deny them. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2013 10:05 pm

As midnight approaches I realize I am too exhausted to respond now in full. Had a good day once it got on track, although the wounds are still a mess and that's clearly a concern. Took time to get on track...more about it on the morrow (which is now today).

Wound care nurse tomorrow (again, that's today...Monday, Wednesday, Friday). They come by and tend to this matter so I don't have to traipse (or wobble) to a clinic. The Visiting Nurse Service of New York has been wonderful to me through this entire thing. More about them later.

Good night all, pleasant dreams, and I am hoping my bag of licorice doesn't vanish while I sleep. (of course if it does, I have more in the....hey, wait a second! I'm not divulging this info.)

Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 01:09 am

Once again it's midnight beware of the black cat, who maybe likes black licorice Wink You never know

I am pleased that you have this arrangement of them coming to you three times a week, instead of trying to make it on your own, to a clinic. Though for sure it sounds like a nightmare for you and so on-going.. Look forward to hearing more Sturgis, sorry you are going through this.

Lucky though that I don't have to shout GET SOME SLEEP!!!!!!!!!!!!

The lols' was over the licorice Wink Take care seeya here tomorrow, I mean today...

Dutchy dear friend, that's what friends are for to comment nicely off course I am not going to disagree with anything you said, but off course that is not because YOU ARE THE BOSS, rather that YOU ARE RIGHT! Wink

Evening Von Wink
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 03:41 am
Love your reply Foundy, you have a heart of gold, I endorse your remarks about Sturgis. I too wish him well and a speedy recovery, glad he has some devoted nurses looking after him, it makes such a world of difference. Chin up Sturgis you have some good souls supporting you.l
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 04:18 am
As promised some time ago ... photos of Morpeth, Northumberland, for D! A lovely little market town with lots of stone buildings and some outstanding horse riding country nearby.




Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 04:34 am
Thank you Vonny, love the pictures, visited London twice but missed those incredible country spots.
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 04:39 am
I think Foundy's D has ancestral ties to Morpeth - wonderful part of North-Eastern England. Laughing

You sound as if you are truly on the mend now - great news! Hope Sturgis will soon be well too. Cool

Worried about Spades - been ages since his last post Sad
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 11:54 am

Much obliged to all you wonderful folks for the good wishes. It's a little at a time (as Dutchy his self well knows, and I should recall from the 2009 ordeal...at least I haven't had to relearn everything this time: 'raise your left hand' to which I replied: Um which is my left? (I was serious, I had no idea. Later found I couldn't write a comprehensible set of words either...ehbeth suggested using word games here to get that back, Which I sort of did...I used the word games on other boards.))

So the wound nurse said that even though I bled more than usual over the weekend, the wounds themselves look much improved Very Happy . (aside from the strange new one on the inner right calf Mad Itching seems less as well. Swellomd....I mean swelling has returned but that's the norm and it's not as bad as it once was.

Okay. That brings us to the tubigrips which are these elastic things which are needed to help on circulation. Kind of like knee socks in ecru color with the toe section sliced off. (they get cut to size so this is normal) I have adjusted to them most of the time..which is good since apparently this VSU is a lifetime deal because my circulation, in a word, SUCKS! No surprise as I come from a long line of people with deplorable circulatory.

Vonny, how nice that you found the picture of my old family home (the second pic down in your above showings). Although the armed guards don't seem to be at their rooftop posts...hmm...I hear sounds in the dungeon. You don't surpose they are looking for my emergency licorice stash (in case of a storm I must be prepared) Okay it can't be my home as the closest I come to Northeastern England is some place in Scotland. (my grandmother's grandmother or something like that) Now if it were in what is now the Ukraine, (formerly part of Poland) then I could claim it was mine...and demand rental charges.

Need to make some phone calls and then try to put together a good meal. Then perhaps a few hours with my maps (you knew the mention of cartography at the start had to have some meaning).

And just what did happen to Spades? Perhaps a search crew should head out.

Back again in the futrue at some time...if I can recall my password Confused

Dutchy is in charge! The womens are to do his bidding.
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 01:21 pm

I shall ignore your digs about women/men Rolling Eyes for the present time, and turn, instead, to your health. Hey, Sturgis, it doesn't sound too good. How long have you had this condition? Sounds pretty painful - do take care of yourself and try to get lots of rest. Your nurses sound good, but those tubular bandages are awful things! Not sure you should be eating so much liquorice though (or licorice as you Americans call it!) - but I guess your stash is safe for a while, anyway.

Scotland is very beautiful - especially the highlands.


0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 04:22 pm
Beautiful old buildings, castles, there they are again, love..

I wonder if I miss being born back then, into the now, seems that way Wink
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 04:33 pm
When I saw Cartography, I thought you were swearing at me Wink Just kidding.

I guess with every negative there is in-deed a positive. 2013 has been a better episode than 2009.. That has to be good right? .. I mean just on one small note, imagine, trying to find that licorice then? Smile

Do you have to take antibiotics? Is there anything that they give you to help the itching? I hope so, irrespective of hereditary we all need help in easing things and we would hope that in our era there is a bit more assistance.

I wish I could offer a cure, like sending someone over to massage your legs daily... That wouldn't suck huh....

If the nurses think it's getting better though woo hoo that's great Sturgis.. Keep on keeping on...

Now you have me curious over two things Wink What do you do with your maps and what did you make for dinner.

I mean I know that David is a Chef, a male and he can cook but you know the rest of you are hopeless, this for sure is where women rule Smile Hey Von.

Spades does seem to drag himself in, then out but it's been too long I agree, we need a rescue search, perhaps we need to post a picture of it so there is visualisation for him to see Wink

Sending more healing wishes to you Sturgis....

What is VSU?

No I am not blonde.

Well I am.

But, no I am not Smile
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 09:14 pm

You are a clever witch Foundy, you only ask those 'blondie' questions so you can talk to Sturgis. I'm sure he'll send you a simple reply that even a 'blond like you' can understand. Laughing

Awesome picture Vonny, thank you. I learnt some years ago how beautiful Scotland really is, as an a2kmemberposted dozensupon dozens of magnificent photos from there.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2013 10:31 pm

Sorry about that I just had a stab of pain...it seems I forgot to cover the bed of nails before sitting down.

Okay, a quick response to the kindly lady with the golden hair who wanted to know what VSU is. Brace yourself, because it ain't pretty. And the other kindly lady with the golden hair and all others including the gentleman hiding out in the hospital for the room service.

VSU=Venous Stasis Ulcer
Simply put venous refers to the veins, stasis refers to the fact the blood pools in the veins and ulcer refers to the blood pools needing an escape route and they essentially push up through the skin and are troublesome to heal. Over the years I've had several pops which usually heal in time, this round began in December and by January I knew something was wrong. When I explained to the doctor what was happening- 'it starts to scab over, then the scab sometimes begins oozing around the edges or just begins to sort of erupt in the center like a volcano. Oh and it often burns.' She smiled, nodded her head and knew precisely what it was.
Any way, venous stasis comes from the blood not being able to pump back up towards the heart. In the lower leg, although blood naturally flows down, to get it to return means getting the lower leg-calf muscles to assist. Often this is done with simple walking. (In my case and many family members, walking has not helped as we have all been great walkers prior to this happening- yes, it does reduce the walking ability).

Anyways, they itch, they get red, they get a weird crusty like feel, they hurt like mad at times. Usually in pinging pangs in various places along the vein routes (and there are plenty within the legs) In the worst case scenario they eventually burst, and often times become ulcers/ulcerated. It's interesting from the scientific viewpoint and I imagine the blood zipping along and then finding it can't get up a hill and after a time, it stops and settles in to the place it landed.

Where do these things come from? Usually within. Okay, that's not all there is to it. Some begin following surgery or after having a DVT (deep vein thrombosis...also known as blood clot) which I had in 2009. I already had some symptoms of VSU prior. The itch, the swelling, the occasional bleeding but nothing major. So the blood clot was cleared but this mess began to fester. It's life. Besides which it gets me a lot of extra medical attention and conversation with people in the medical community, which I truly enjoy.

Last thing on it, whatever you do, try not to look at images in a google search as it will scare the bejeezuzwax out of you. (well it nearly did that to me)

On to the maps. What do I do with them? I read them, I examine them, I run my fingers along the rivers or roads in them and let my imagination run wild and free. When I was younger, I also used to flip over the National Geographic maps and create my own maps on the reverse. I'll have you know, I created Anderson Village when I was just 11 years old. It was a community of affordable housing with semi-attached homes and 2 car garages, large porches, huge yards and other important things. Eventually my maps became entire countries and I once drew an entire 'island' map on the back of the bathroom door. Shocked I still create maps at times.

Food being what it is, I had to go easy this evening and was reduced to cutting up red peppers, poblano peppers and chocolate peppers to mix in with the trout in the stove top method. Prior to that there was the potato boiling (went with standard red), mushed up and merged with some milk and butter then added grated gouda cheese (18 month black rind). A simple enough meal and tasty as well.
I waited several hours, then tore open the pistachio ice cream and devoured it. Only a pint container.

Somewhere in between dinner and the sweets I had 2 cups of coffee.

As to the assessment of women being better cooks, that's debatable. My mother was the queen of charcoal. Everything came out cooked to a crisp. If it hadn't been for my father, we'd likely have all starved. Mother however claimed that food burnt that way was 'healthy'.

My sister however is a far better cook than I could ever claim to be. She knows food left and right, knows how to prepare fancy spreads and the more simple as well.

At any rate, it's now past midnight (again) and I need some sleep. As far as black cats, they don't bother me. My sister has 2 of them. (of course she also has a large cauldron and a jar of bat wings and other strange things in her cupboards).

Hope all is well in the scan for Dutchy (today I believe it may be) and Vonny hope you are handling the new computer with ease and enjoying it fully. Found, just keep on being you, I sense a kind, sensitive woman who would fit in nicely to my rectangle of friends. (provided of course you brought licorice on each visit...that goes for Vonny and Dutchy as well).


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