Sorry about that I just had a stab of seems I forgot to cover the bed of nails before sitting down.
Okay, a quick response to the kindly lady with the golden hair who wanted to know what VSU is. Brace yourself, because it ain't pretty. And the other kindly lady with the golden hair and all others including the gentleman hiding out in the hospital for the room service.
VSU=Venous Stasis Ulcer
Simply put venous refers to the veins, stasis refers to the fact the blood pools in the veins and ulcer refers to the blood pools needing an escape route and they essentially push up through the skin and are troublesome to heal. Over the years I've had several pops which usually heal in time, this round began in December and by January I knew something was wrong. When I explained to the doctor what was happening- 'it starts to scab over, then the scab sometimes begins oozing around the edges or just begins to sort of erupt in the center like a volcano. Oh and it often burns.' She smiled, nodded her head and knew precisely what it was.
Any way, venous stasis comes from the blood not being able to pump back up towards the heart. In the lower leg, although blood naturally flows down, to get it to return means getting the lower leg-calf muscles to assist. Often this is done with simple walking. (In my case and many family members, walking has not helped as we have all been great walkers prior to this happening- yes, it does reduce the walking ability).
Anyways, they itch, they get red, they get a weird crusty like feel, they hurt like mad at times. Usually in pinging pangs in various places along the vein routes (and there are plenty within the legs) In the worst case scenario they eventually burst, and often times become ulcers/ulcerated. It's interesting from the scientific viewpoint and I imagine the blood zipping along and then finding it can't get up a hill and after a time, it stops and settles in to the place it landed.
Where do these things come from? Usually within. Okay, that's not all there is to it. Some begin following surgery or after having a DVT (deep vein thrombosis...also known as blood clot) which I had in 2009. I already had some symptoms of VSU prior. The itch, the swelling, the occasional bleeding but nothing major. So the blood clot was cleared but this mess began to fester. It's life. Besides which it gets me a lot of extra medical attention and conversation with people in the medical community, which I truly enjoy.
Last thing on it, whatever you do, try not to look at images in a google search as it will scare the bejeezuzwax out of you. (well it nearly did that to me)
On to the maps. What do I do with them? I read them, I examine them, I run my fingers along the rivers or roads in them and let my imagination run wild and free. When I was younger, I also used to flip over the National Geographic maps and create my own maps on the reverse. I'll have you know, I created Anderson Village when I was just 11 years old. It was a community of affordable housing with semi-attached homes and 2 car garages, large porches, huge yards and other important things. Eventually my maps became entire countries and I once drew an entire 'island' map on the back of the bathroom door.

I still create maps at times.
Food being what it is, I had to go easy this evening and was reduced to cutting up red peppers, poblano peppers and chocolate peppers to mix in with the trout in the stove top method. Prior to that there was the potato boiling (went with standard red), mushed up and merged with some milk and butter then added grated gouda cheese (18 month black rind). A simple enough meal and tasty as well.
I waited several hours, then tore open the pistachio ice cream and devoured it. Only a pint container.
Somewhere in between dinner and the sweets I had 2 cups of coffee.
As to the assessment of women being better cooks, that's debatable. My mother was the queen of charcoal. Everything came out cooked to a crisp. If it hadn't been for my father, we'd likely have all starved. Mother however claimed that food burnt that way was 'healthy'.
My sister however is a far better cook than I could ever claim to be. She knows food left and right, knows how to prepare fancy spreads and the more simple as well.
At any rate, it's now past midnight (again) and I need some sleep. As far as black cats, they don't bother me. My sister has 2 of them. (of course she also has a large cauldron and a jar of bat wings and other strange things in her cupboards).
Hope all is well in the scan for Dutchy (today I believe it may be) and Vonny hope you are handling the new computer with ease and enjoying it fully. Found, just keep on being you, I sense a kind, sensitive woman who would fit in nicely to my rectangle of friends. (provided of course you brought licorice on each visit...that goes for Vonny and Dutchy as well).