First Word -

Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2013 02:08 am

I'm going to be nice to you today - Dutchy's latest operation's taking place, so we need a nice CALM atmosphere - so no remarks about what would happen if you go totally bald - will you still have a beard Sturgis? Rolling Eyes

As for the rest - I shall maintain a ladylike demeanour and ignore it - for now! Be warned, Vonny's memory is VERY good! Evil or Very Mad

Good luck to Dutchy - let us know how it goes Foundy, I'm sure you'll be talking to Anna soon.
Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2013 02:29 am
Evening !

Lovely of you Von.... I hope he reads it or tries to Smile

I wanted to post a picture of both Bigsy, (the night before posing for me) and Rawaii, for Danny could see both before he goes in.

Here is hoping, as I did receive a PM that he is having trouble seeing again, so stated he won't be on... Gonna hope he has a peek at least ..... As I promised I'd put them up. No doubt Mr D, you are worried DON'T BE xx

(Copy and paste for Yabber) oh, that's me writing a post it note Wink

I must say however, WT, men against women, don't they honestly realise that they CAN NOT WIN it just is NOT possible.... Tomorrow I will help you Von counter Mr Sturg............

So DANNY GOOD LUCK TOMORROW see ya in a week, well you will ask to go at 4 days and they will keep you another 10, just because Smile

Yes, Anna will ring me tomorrow late I suspect ... So all my love Mr D........you will be fine .

And, here is Bigsy's last shot the night before deciding to be a poser his eyes were open for the first two, little shirt. And, the new member Rawaii, who is David's dog... I am not ready, but when you see a man get so hurt, well why not...




Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2013 03:09 pm

Photo of Bigsy made me cry - photos of Rawii made me smile - all beautiful photos, Foundy, thank you for sharing. Sad Very Happy

Good luck to Danny - let's hope he's soon fit and well and ready to start sparring again! Rolling Eyes Laughing
Reply Wed 24 Jul, 2013 03:37 pm

I forgot I had that photo along with three others, Mr Bigs would pose for me if I asked and he did, wrapped around his owl that when you pull the tail it sings "go to sleep" ... Owl be safe away from Rawaii....

RAWAII has a personality as well as ensuring we know he's a rebel, well he can get away with it with David, but not me.... Have to admit, I do love the lots of kisses and independence is great, for a pup, not too needy... bless.

He is adorable.. Reminds me a little of Missy as a Pup, forgot those years, so long ago....

HUGS - DANNY if you can read this morning.... Seeya soon!!!!! COFFEE



I need one........ this morn.

SO, no we rule ? We could really go for it for a bit Von, 2 against 1 for a few days Smile
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 02:21 am

of Danny today, and hoping that all has gone well. An anxious time for everybody yet again - Danny, what do you keep putting us through all this for? Rolling Eyes Get well FAST! Laughing

Pup must be tiring you and D out, Foundy. How on earth do you manage with a little one when you are both working? Must be great fun - he sounds a real little character. Keep on posting photos, please!

Sturges has gone quiet since his hair and beard were threatened - he might be afraid you'll do some witchery and it will fall out in the night!!! Twisted Evil

Come to that - where's Spades? Ages since he last posted. Hope he's okay.
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 02:44 am
Mmmm Spades, he does this right? In and out of here Smile

I think Sturgis is chicken should I post one? You know two of us against him now for a little while .............

Haven't heard from Anna yet but I'll be sure to post when I have.

Without a doubt so much in one year, in a way, Danny and I have something in common.

Rawaii....is sleeping, D took the day off and is at work now, as I had the end of the month today for the landlords to do, a lot of work, what a sweetheart.

I have to cancel two dates with the girls, I don't think he will be old enough to be on his own for a few hours (yet) ...

Today I put him on Kia, at first she accepted him biting her fur then she decided to complain and be the boss and ran off lols. Ruby wants to play with him but he's so tiny, Ruby is acting a bit scared of him as well... Though as with Missy, we still have to watch, as when asleep he attacks if an animal simply walks past him...

Rawaii ... likes to rebel still but when he realises I won't treat him totally like a baby, or else he will be co-dependant on us, (D will) Wink He starts kissing me.. pfttttttttttt...

He only woke me twice last night, but he was having a good time on his own... Typical 6 week old, weeing everywhere but he knows what a puppy pad is WT? And trys to go there first.... Needs to eat a bit more of his solids but at 6 weeks, I can't expect miracles.

Missing Bigsy ....... Heaps... But D's heart is healing quicker and that was the intention.... Funny I say that too lols, as Miss (Missy) Bigsy.. Never mind .

She was 17 (Miss) with problems that should have seen her gone at 9... What's love got to do with it. Can't help accidents........of idiots.... (Bigs)

I honestly know.(talking to myself Smile ) That as each animal we love passes, we have the opportunity to give love and receive from another and so, we keep helping the little creatures of this world.

And, that is.



Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 04:02 am
we keep helping the little creatures of this world.

So Rawii was a rescue pup? Wonderful. Poor little chap - fancy needing to be rescued at that age. Our last two Labs were both rescue pups - under six months - lovely to have them so young.

Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 03:39 pm

Chicken? Moi? Not likely.
I've been otherways occupied.

Now about my brisket. I like it served with extra onions, those delightfully delicious little red potatoes, be sure not to overcook either of them Foundy as that would displease me.

Oh never mind, I'll do it myself. After all it takes a man to do a good job at anything. (and never you mind or Vonny either about saying, 'yeah and where are you gonna find this man Sturgis?' clearly I means me!)

In other news, nice to see the new addition to you family FS. Certainly looks to be a charmer there. I stopped with the critters when I realized my personal being (health) no longer would allow it as I never know when the next medical exit will occur or for how long. The 4 month run a few years ago was mind numbing (in more ways than one). It wouldn't be fair to an animal to have them endure such things as having me vanish for days, weeks or months at a time. Beyond that, I'd love to get another cat.

I noticed that when the name for the royal brat was announced, Vonny and I had success. I suggested first, Sturgis, realizing that was not happening I went with George and considered Arthur. Vonny began with Alexander. Therefore I think we both should be given something....no, I don't think a box of rotten tomatoes should be thrown at me while Vonny goes on a luxury vacation. Who comes up with these prizes anyway?

I'll be back later. Maybe I'll be wearing a red yarn tie for my hair and another for my beard...

Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 04:16 pm
We weren't going to a pet shop Smile

But, we also needed a "baby" to ensure that both dogs found it amusing, as aposed to adding to the family, where they felt or might feel less loved..

0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Jul, 2013 04:45 pm
FOWL FOUL SOUL , why is Foul pronounced differently to soul? Wink

I will have you know STURGIS that I am an exceptional "cook" after all I am engaged to a Chef and I did spend my first 17 years in the Hospitality Industry, try these beauties and go on admit it, they are good aren't they!!!!!! Though I'll be nice, I am sure you are "good " at somethings, just not everything you know? Wink


Here is hoping they didn't name the little mite after this person Wink


Aweee, 4 months, I hate hearing things like that, it's such a long time but I am glad that it's been 4 years since, keep soldiering on there Sturgis in good health, which actually means starch free and what is a brisket? Slowly cooked meat? So meat and potatoes? Goodness gracious me, eat some greens!!!!!

But seriously, it is hard in those situations, maybe someone will move into your neighbourhood with a cat, that likes to visit, at least that is what I will now hope for, for you.

On another note, rumor has it that you created this club, and that's you and I think that you have already confirmed it, by mentioning beard and kitchen in one breath.. "BUDDHA BEAR" !!!Now try to get out of that one....!~~~


Rawaii, only woke me once last night yay!

Will post more pictures Von. What are we going to do now with Buddha Bear?

On the last note, Izzie will ring Anna today sometime. Anna rang last night but being such early days ..... Danny's blood pressure was very low, consequently, he had a nurse by his bedside all night monitoring which is a good thing... I hope Anna got some sleep last night. She did get to speak with him, that's also fantastic... Keeping the blessings going....

And, like I said Sturgis, you HAVE to let us know next time you get ill, no matter what or else..........not sure what else, but OR ELSE.

Reply Fri 26 Jul, 2013 01:31 pm

(word chosen at random apparently)
Foul cannot be pronounced like soul because then it would sound like foal which would confuse horse breeders everywhere.

As to your cooking abilities I suppose they are adequate (although that gentleman you keep showing looks to be starving something fierce). I myself am a superb cook, having learned from various persons through the years, including my father who was a professional chef. At the age of 3 I was next to him as he prepared the Sunday dinner and at 5 I looked forward to slices of potato which he'd hand me as he sliced away. To this day, I love the taste of raw potatoes in the afternoon Very Happy

I created no such club of bearded gentlemen...although I have been asked to join a few. Strange thing about that man in your pic. he can't be connected to me as the men I taught with didn't partake in such preposterous things as beard contests. We instead hit various venues in town and impressed the ladies and laddies alike with our incredibly handsome bearded countenance (yeah, nothing preposterous about that behavior Rolling Eyes ).

Better weather, about to turn humid again, still better than that boiling week of over 90 degrees.

Hospital visits for me are rarely known in advance FS. I usually feel steadily worse, then pfft! I awake (barely) one day and have to call for someone to assist in getting me to a hospital. Call for the ambulance and off we go. No time to pop on the internet and advise people.

As an advance notice, my right leg is clearing nicely although new blobs keep appearing and on Monday past, there was intense redness which concerned the wound care nurse enough to call the doctor. Speaking of the doctor, I see her Monday at 9 a.m. She's a very sweet, intelligent and good looking blonde from Wisconsin. I wonder if she can get me a good deal on cheeses from there...
Reply Fri 26 Jul, 2013 04:31 pm

There is no such word as soal but it sounds ok... I suppose when you put it that way, I'd have to say you win. Wait, there was a competition?

D's daughter grew up the same, how awesome to have a Chef as a parent, though she has two, one in pastries and the other just a Chef imagine, her pickiness are you prickly? I mean picky? Twas thinking beard for a secnd... Raw potatoes, ewe though they are good over your eyes if they get puffy something about starch or something.

Von... hahahahaha. All men brag don't they of how good they were/are with the ladies Wink

Same, our weather is 18 at the moment can't convert I suspect 60 something, which is better than a horrid winter feeling... We reach sometimes 44 in Summer, I suspect that is like 130 so 90 pftttttttttttttttt THOUGH, maybe your humidity is different than outs, it was only 30 something in Phuket but the humidity was extreme, though we enjoyed the weather and the pool, and the pool..

Yes, I guess that is truly the way it goes, no warning, well if it happens and I doubt it, I mean you are a strapping bearded man who likes cats, then we will daily send it out there to get better until you return...

Blondes are good, Vonny is blonde Smile

Please let us know how it pans out on Monday, what actually happened?

Do I really have to throw out a hug? I mean do I ? I mean.


Reply Sat 27 Jul, 2013 03:12 am

Having serious ones with my laptop. I've defragged it, CCleaned it, put it on self-fix, and all to no avail. Darned thing is dying - fast! Looking online at new models, but so many that it's hard to decide just which one. Can't afford an expensive model - just want basic and budget. What models do you use, Foundy and Sturges? Oh, and do you have Windows 8?
Reply Sat 27 Jul, 2013 02:53 pm

Itching like mad and am not supposed to scratch...unless I want to pay the consequences. I despise tubigrips! (although they have reducted the swelling so I suppose they must be okay...maybe it's the bandage or more vsu's ready to erupt. (I could live in Pompeii in the year 0079 and there'd be less activity)). Yes, I'm whining! ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGH!

Moving right along, Vonny- I am currently on a Dell laptop of some sort, with a 15 inch diagonal screen. Purchased last year in January, works very well, no crashes, no problems, easy handling. I went towards Dell initially back in 2004 after a long stretch with Compaq desktop model. This system I have uses Windows 7.

Foundy, you really must try raw potatoes. There's no finer treat! If need be you can toss them in some spices to liven them up; however, that might take away from their pure innocent taste and texture. And so many types of taters to select from...how can you go wrong? Okay, I'll stop pushing it.

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming...

So anyway, it's a decent day weather wise, although slightly humid, no need for the a.c. and that's always a relief.
Reply Sat 27 Jul, 2013 03:02 pm

Have you tried Lanacane, a new medicated body powder? It's brilliant. For cooling relief of itching skin and to prevent chafing - use after bathing, or through the day as required. It's 100% talc free, so a nice alternative.

We've just had a nasty thunderstorm here - still humid, so I guess we're in for a lot more. Another sleepless night.

Thanks for the info about makes of computer. I've seen Dells around - a good make, might look at some next week. I use Windows 7 now, and find it straightforward, but all the new computers seem to have Windows 8 - yikes, I borrowed a book from the library on Windows 8 today and it looks pretty terrifying. Ah well, guess I'll have to pick it up like I did Windows 7. Apparently Windows 8.1 is being released soon - hard to keep up! Supposed to be more straightforward than Windows 8.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Jul, 2013 06:19 pm

Reminds me of a bee sting I had not long ago, OMG how to not scratch. I used vinegar as well as camaline lotion (spelt not sure) ... But, I'd say the bandage isn't helping, warmth makes itching happen worse... Best wishes Sturgis, count sheep Smile

Vonny I have no idea, honestly.. I've had the computers since I started my Real Estate and this lap top is great, but my own computer is soooo slow, I store too much and need to get things put onto disks and deleted off the computer so that it works better.. Maybe you have a shirt load of photos? That will slow it Wink

STOP PUSHING Smile OMG raw potato? No. Pfttttt. (Haven't said that in a long time yay me)... Mashed potato, roast potato, chips, Idaho potatoes (favourite) , curry potatos the list goes on....... Raw goes on my eyes on a puffy crying day Smile

I find it weird still. The "internet". Here we are in winter, though 19 today and I am about to get out into the sun and (cold wind) to plant a whole heep of plants for Bigsy, yeah I know.. But, it's looking at "beauty" and remembering... It's what I do... And, here you all are, in hot weather!! Darn want to go back to Phuket now ....

Do you grow anything Sturgis? Veg/herbs/plants I know Von loves a garden.

Had the most awesome beetroot the other day from our garden, roasted with garlic......

Reply Sun 28 Jul, 2013 04:13 am

Following on-----------------------------------------

WELCOME BACK DUTCHY!!!!!! Recover well, awesome out of ICU... No pain no gain, remember that... 4 days!!! Wink

Much love... take your time, help Sturgis though scratch his itch, you are both suffering of sorts and I know it's a man thing you know? Helping each other out... us girls can cope........hey Von.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Jul, 2013 04:22 am

To Dutchy and Anna.

Good news about Dutchy. Hope he and Anna have a happy wedding anniversary - sad that this is their first time apart in 55 years.

Reply Sun 28 Jul, 2013 06:00 pm
Hi Foundy, Vonny and Sturges, thank you for your kind words and wishes. Just back for a minute to say hi and let you know I'm doing fine. Very tired so won't go on line just yet. Cheers to you all and be good. LOL
Reply Sun 28 Jul, 2013 08:22 pm

In the words of Lawrence Welk, this news is 'Wonnerful wonnerful'! Glad you came through the surgical and are back on the recovery road. For now, rest. (you must store up energy to fight and woo the ladies...never sure how you pull off both at the same time and so gracefully).

Backtracking to FS:

No gardening any more. When I returned to the city of rotten apples and pint size mayors, I came back to the apartment which I first secured in the Dark Ages (at least it seems that far back). Good thing though is it faces over several yards and gardens so I always have beautiful scenery along with chirping birds.

When I was up in Rutland (Vermont), I did some gardening, some standard vegetables which I could not live without (green beans, lima beans, spinach, and squash) along with several varieties of roses for their beauty. Various other plants which would come and go according to my whim from one year to another. I miss it at times.


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