Mmmm Spades, he does this right? In and out of here
I think Sturgis is chicken should I post one? You know two of us against him now for a little while .............
Haven't heard from Anna yet but I'll be sure to post when I have.
Without a doubt so much in one year, in a way, Danny and I have something in common.
Rawaii....is sleeping, D took the day off and is at work now, as I had the end of the month today for the landlords to do, a lot of work, what a sweetheart.
I have to cancel two dates with the girls, I don't think he will be old enough to be on his own for a few hours (yet) ...
Today I put him on Kia, at first she accepted him biting her fur then she decided to complain and be the boss and ran off lols. Ruby wants to play with him but he's so tiny, Ruby is acting a bit scared of him as well... Though as with Missy, we still have to watch, as when asleep he attacks if an animal simply walks past him...
Rawaii ... likes to rebel still but when he realises I won't treat him totally like a baby, or else he will be co-dependant on us, (D will)

He starts kissing me.. pfttttttttttt...
He only woke me twice last night, but he was having a good time on his own... Typical 6 week old, weeing everywhere but he knows what a puppy pad is WT? And trys to go there first.... Needs to eat a bit more of his solids but at 6 weeks, I can't expect miracles.
Missing Bigsy ....... Heaps... But D's heart is healing quicker and that was the intention.... Funny I say that too lols, as Miss (Missy) Bigsy.. Never mind .
She was 17 (Miss) with problems that should have seen her gone at 9... What's love got to do with it. Can't help accidents........of idiots.... (Bigs)
I honestly know.(talking to myself

) That as each animal we love passes, we have the opportunity to give love and receive from another and so, we keep helping the little creatures of this world.
And, that is.