First Word -

Reply Thu 21 Mar, 2013 03:05 pm

Poor Danny - not surprised he's feeling frustrated. Going into hospital for what he thought would be a couple of weeks - and waking up several weeks later with little or no memory of what's happened during that time - a traumatic experience! But he'll cope - he has the heart of a lion! Cool

You must have been very frustrated too - not having a broadband connection for so long, and having to go to your shop to use a computer - must have been very annoying. Glad you have a connection now! Very Happy

I'm still frustrated - my laptop is driving me crazy. Not sure if it is my cursor, or my touchpad, but something's not right. The darned thing is uncontrollable at times - grrrrrrr --- trying so hard to be patient and gentle with it, but I feel like throwing it across the room at times! Rolling Eyes

Teen is lucky to have you as a mum twice a week - not the easiest thing to feed a weight conscious girl of that age, but you obviously know how to handle the situation. She sounds a bright girl though. At least she appears to be listening to your advice about things like water - sensible girl. Drawing is good - what does she want to do when she leaves school?

Be glad when my hospital stuff is all over and done with. I'm tired of waiting. I don't have a lot of patience, as you'll have gathered by now. Always been the same, want everything yesterday! Confused But it does mean a new outfit (hurrah) - that aaaaalways helps!!! And the longer I have to wait, the more often I'm going to change my mind about what to wear and need another outfit - oops, a positive side to everything I guess! Laughing

Without internet? Is that Danny without internet? I thought he'd been fixed up with a connection?

Hey, all this sleep well stuff makes me sound like a dormouse - I can survive on five or six hours a night - seven would make me sluggish!

Have a good day!

Reply Thu 21 Mar, 2013 03:18 pm

About to go and have another injection to avoid "cat aids" in hope.. That is when another cat jabs his head and leaves a hole, they can get what is known as cat aids... Their imune system fails and eventually they can't recover from even simple colds.

Gonnnnna put a lead on him lols.. Well he hates the cage, so I will see if he will just let me carry him in, and out.. If not they have a cage. 8am is early doubt there will be any other animals there.

Quick, drink my coffee................

I sleep to around 5 and then toss and turn, hate it.. Up at 6.30am as you know.

Shhh bigsy, stop grizzling that you want to go outside, NO.

Danny has lost connection... It may be he has a bad router,...mmm. Poor thing, solution, solution.

It was more of a pain in the neck, going to the shop, it's not far distance wise but I like to do things when I want to. At night it was horrid as I had nothing but I got to do other things for a week, like read, all good Smile

Mine has been doing that today, have you sent some jinx down the line or something? Was just on facebook and I couldn't get it to move lols or if i did it went spastic, (not a word I really like to use) erm, stupid.. Now that one I do like to use. Not sure Vonny ask an expert on A2K they will surely know the answer.

Now you sound like Dutchy, hurry up AND get it OVER with .... You know each day gets closer to the next so fast it's not funny xx And, you will be fine.

I think she just likes to be a tad spoilt as we all do as kids, Wink I have no idea, nor does she really, she loves animals but being a vet, would mean seeing them die. Her Aunty ventures the wild alot with her job and tells her and shows her earth and nature.. Very lucky girl. Her Mother is a pastry chef who has won awards, she works there on Saturdays and off course her Father is a Chef as well, with his restuarant winning awards but I doubt she will follow their shoes. Her father is an artist, so is his family, she definately has to do something with that, very talented. She plays netball as well and can sing (like me) Wink And is in a choir. She will argue she is right and I am wrong lols. Like sisters that always fight then laugh.

K, time to prepare the lead for la cat............hehe.

It's only to make sure he doesn't jump down.

Enjoy your reading? See said nothing about sleeping. Smile

DUTCHY THE LION.. now that is different Vonny Wink
Reply Thu 21 Mar, 2013 03:59 pm
For Dutchy - will reply to you later, FS!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 21 Mar, 2013 04:01 pm
For Bigsy - stay well, little cat. May your vet visit be lucky!

Reply Thu 21 Mar, 2013 05:02 pm
Do I now go MEOW? !!!!! Shocked Mr. Green

Dutchy the Lion King Wink Cool Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

Good ones Vonny. Wink

Bigsy, suprised the vets.. Acted like a gentleman.. Had his shots and check up.. Then on the counter, when I went to pay, I said "sit"..and so, he did....

0 Replies
Reply Fri 22 Mar, 2013 03:03 pm
BULLETINS - from you about Danny!

Vonny, Danny wants you to know that he read First Word as was thoroughly entertained at our on-going banter, he was going to write something small and cheeky as well as something small here but the Computer went.

Oops - I totally forget anybody else except you - and perhaps Spades - might be reading First Word and the chat between us! Strewth - I'd better read prior posts in case I've said something indiscreet (only joking - I'm sure nothing I could say would shock the Bosun!). Rolling Eyes Laughing

Wonderful news from you about Danny and his progress. Hippy mmm? Sounds raaaaather nice! Did I ever tell you that my husband and I were hippies when we met? Well, sort of weekend and evening hippies - smart London daywear for work, but hippified in our free time, all beads, long hair, floaty cottons and mantras....... It was the end of the hippy era, so wasn't for long, but great fun while it lasted! Rolling Eyes Embarrassed Surprised

Rotten luck that he hasn't got television or computer - he must be sooooo bored! But you sound determined to sort him out - his friend or yours will surely save the day! Idea

Glad all went well for Bigsy and that he did a 'sit' on command - good boy! He sounds a very clever little cat. You must post a photo of him with his lead on some time - bet he looks so sweet

D is a chef? Award winning? You lucky woman! Mr. Green My other half could barely boil water when I smashed my leg up. I almost had to draw a diagram to show him how to boil an egg! Bless him, he never did learn how to cook, even the most simple dish is still a bit of a mystery to him. The kitchen in our house is a bit of a no-go zone - basic foods only. I used to love cooking, and spent a lot of time whipping up culinary delights, but that was all BA - Before Accident. AA - After Accident has meant a shift in this household as to who does what. It's pretty much plain and basic foodstuffs now, although we do eat out when I crave something really yummy. Smile

Bought two new big floppy hats today - one is totally HUGE and wonderful! My BCC gives me a good excuse to get some new hats - and some junk jewellery - or costume jewellery as they call it instore! (Quite why one needs a silver chain with a silver elephant on the end to go to hospital is beyond my husband's comprehension, but as a woman I'm sure you'll know that it is a vital piece of hospital wear!!!!!). Ignore me - I'm in a stupid mood this evening - too much fresh air - spring in the UK and it's snowing everywhere - only a few flakes here so far, but it's inexorably heading this way!

Great you've seen Danny and a super post on Yabber-Liner. Well done!
Reply Fri 22 Mar, 2013 04:48 pm


Went out the door when I met you Vonny yack away, it made Danny's day and it makes mine Wink


Bahahahahaha... So that was the 70's now I know your age Wink

Oh I don't think Bigsy at all like his blue lead Wink But, it gave me comfort not to put him into a cat cage and to be able to hold him in safety and enter and exit the vets. He also boxes with us seriously Wink

Bigsy I think I told you was a stray. He followed my neighbour home and now he is ours, I am sure I went into depth about that so won't again, however, the stupid next door neighbour (realllly don't like them) didn't realise that he lived at the neighbours home, but left there and went back and left and went back to "try" to call it home excepting the other cat said pfttt. Anyways, "she" the witch locked Bigsy in one of those catches over night twice, with no food and no water. Her logic apparently was keeping the cat safe at night, then she approached me by phone and asked if I would take it to the pound... Pfttt. One look at the boy and food and milk and that was it... He found his home. So, you see, I have a problem with putting him back into that stupid cage... People sometimes discust me.

Anyways........................Morning DUTCHY Wink So, so great to see you and more so, you still looked as handsome as ever Wink And Anna dear me, looked stunning ...

And, thank you Vonny Wink There were a few spelling errors typed to fast Public to Private for instance totally got that back to front Wink

D is a Chef, I used to Manage Restaurants for 17 years, so we both come from the Industry. His Restaurant in Adelaide is owned by him and two others, Greek. The Restaurant has won awards, the food is to die for though... I get a meal for free being classed as family Wink

So I am a "cook" ... D tries, NOT to tell me how to Wink We often cook together and come up with ideas together.. Or else, I do it, or he does it then the other does the dishes. Sounds like working together to me Wink

Most men (sorry guys) can't cook an egg... I think they can make toast though Wink

As long as you go out for Dinner that's the main thing you must still have the wonders of this world....

I want to see Vonny in a hat, please, you know how to up-load photos now Wink

And, yes, I don't know about an elephant but we want to look our best mind you I'd go in trackys if it was me, pfttttttttttt... Pretend I am taking a holiday having a rest........sleep, lots of it yay......

Not long and you will be bright and bubbly and free of any problems that might have occured....

I think I may get the Witches wart burnt off myself Wink Gotta love our family and what they pass onto us lols.

Reply Sat 23 Mar, 2013 04:09 pm

to finish everything before I log off - so much to read, so much to do! Can't complain though - enjoy it! Laughing

Any luck with Danny's broadband connection/computer? I do so hope he gets something up and running soon. It must be so frustrating to have his laptop and be unable to use it - ditto the television - not fair!!! Crying or Very sad

About my age - no comment - just call me vintage or retro - call me anything you like, but don't ask how old I am - think of me like a fine wine, improving with every year that passes!!!!! Rolling Eyes But it's for the same reason that I don't have photos taken any more - sheer, unadulterated vanity! I'm far too vain to look at photos of my ageing visage - much prefer to look at photos from yesteryear, at the me that was rather than the me that is! Of course, husband says I look exactly the same as I did way back when - but that's what husbands do best - lie!!! Cool

Poor Bigsy - he certainly had a rough and rocky start in life. Thank heavens he met you! Your neighbours don't sound too pleasant - fancy locking the poor little love in a cage all night - how would she like it?!? Evil or Very Mad

D a chef and with a restaurant - oh so lucky you! And you too! Wow, I bet there's some fine dining in your home. My other half doesn't have what I call a palate - he doesn't care for gourmet foods, just plain old roast beef and Yorkshire pudding type meals. After a hundred years of marriage I've still not managed to persuade him otherwise. So it's best that we dine out, then we can do our own 'thing' where food is concerned. I used to spend inordinate amounts of time mixing up wonderful sauces with herbs and spices, getting the flavours just so - only for him to wolf it down at a mile a minute and not even notice the subtlety of the taste sensations that ought to have been bursting on his tongue! Ah well, at least I had that pleasure!!! Twisted Evil

Been a busy old day today - snowing here and quite heavily too - wonder if it will get very deep overnight! Ridiculous weather in this country - this time last year we had a mini heatwave - really baking temperatures - now we are down to freezing and below. We are luckier than most of the UK too - snowdrifts, flooding, trains delayed, roads blocked, power supplies cut off - brrrrr - not really springlike at all. I saw some lonely daffodils this morning - their sad little heads were sticking up out of the snow! And the bird feeders in our garden are being refilled rapidly - we're putting out seeds, suet in coconut shells, insects in suet, all sorts of bird goodies - quite a regular bird cafeteria on the go. Mainly catering for little birds - and boy, do we get dozens of them. They really appreciate it in this weather. Water supplies too! Drunk

Reply Sat 23 Mar, 2013 11:45 pm
Hi ya Vonny
Spades yes, I see you Wink

Went out until 1am last night, needless to say getting up at 6.30am for Kia was hard work Wink

Izzie is calling Anna this weekend, so I will wait to see her news, then go into action next week if need be . No way can someone happily recover with nothing to read, do or watch Wink

Haha.. Well a polite lady would never ask another person their age Wink Your secret is safe with me.. And, woman age beautifully as they get older, such a lovely site to see only the other day I told my Mother how beautiful she looked, for her birthday. PFTTTTTTTTTTT

The neighbours are neighbours from hell, dirty, discusting yet used to have a good heart I thought, until they stopped getting free rides such as a swim in my "then" pool or stuff for the kids. Long story on those lot but let us just say what comes around goes around and that, the cat has a great home...

I was previously years ago engaged to a Chef, let me tell you it's not all that good, just D is Smile He used to tell me how to cut potatoes (giggles) ... This one doesn't..

Be back clients are here, that being in the morning Smile
Reply Sun 24 Mar, 2013 08:34 am

Yours must be better than mine - where's Spades? Confused

Tut tut - stopout!!! Very Happy Hope you had a good time! Kia's lucky she's got a mum like you, ready to get up early to give her insulin (I presume that's what she gets?). Wow, must be hard giving a dog a jab - some dogs would object violently, lucky she lets you do it! Cool

I'm stuck indoors today - looking out of the window at a winter wonderland (huh! almost Easter - can't see any Easter egg hunts in the snow!) Twisted Evil And more to come - what's wrong with the seasons - they've gone berserk! Question

Hopefully Izzie will have some good news to report back from the hospital. I agree, it must be hard to recover happily with nothing much to take one's mind off things. Poor Danny - he must be so restless and anxious to get back into 'normal' life again - hard on him to be cut off from tv or computers. Crying or Very sad

Neighbours! No comment! We just try not to have too much to do with neighbours - easier like that. But isn't life like that all too often - people being nice as nice can be while they are using you, then a complete volte face when it stops! That's why, on the whole, I prefer animals! Rolling Eyes

I must have picked the wrong men to be engaged or married to - not a chef among them! Laughing

Still getting very confused about what day or time it is where you are - and when you post on this thread - it's 2.32pm Sunday afternoon at the moment - which I make about 1.32a Monday in your part of the world - ish!!!

Reply Sun 24 Mar, 2013 04:02 pm

Need a massage ...


829am... Late, Father-in-law over for two days....




Anyways, can't feed the birds here, Bigsy will eat them .

Yeah 5 hrs sleeeeep is not a good thing... The day was tough from there Wink She's fine, she knows once the insulin is in the needle, she gets her food and I do it whilst she's eating right towards the end Wink

I don't like Mondays, dadadada or snow, well I do, to look at but I'm not into such cold weather.... But you have the computer and books you will be fine....... Lots of work to do ahhh.

Our neighbours here are good that's the main thing...

Short messages... today Wink

Enjoy Ms Vonny

Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 04:37 am

No more news from Izzie? I hope all is going well for Danny, and that his computer is or will soon be connected to the outside world again. My laptop isn't a very good one - always worry in case it gives up the ghost and leaves me sharing the desktop with F. It would limit my online activities considerably - awful thought! Rolling Eyes Crying or Very sad

You sound exhausted! Do have a nice massage if you can - do you the world of good. Must be hard for you to have a lie-in with Kia to give insulin to, but you obviously don't mind. Lucky Kia - so good to know she's so cared for. She looks very beautiful in her photos. Do post more if and when you can.

Were the neighbours you mentioned who put Bigsy in a cage at an old property? You say neighbours now are nice ones - good to know. Ours are okay - new ones on one side of us, so a lot of work going on - always is when people move into a new property and want to put their mark on it. Can't be helped - seem to be okay people.

Mondays - mmm not sure about Mondays. I guess they are a difficult day of the week. Have I got a day I dislike - not sure, have to think about that one. Probably any day that I have to stay in! Need to be out of doors for even an hour or two to 'breathe' - the garden would suffice if it wasn't snow covered.

In a bit of a grizzly mood today - waiting for snow to melt, waiting for postman to bring (or not!) a letter from the hospital confirming my operation date. Why, oh why, are they taking so long........ wish I was blessed with the virtue of patience. Thank goodness for A2K and friends like you who help the waiting go faster..... must stop grizzling!

Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 05:09 am
Vonny wrote:
Yours must be better than mine - where's Spades?

I am here sweet...but I have been busy...and been paying attention to a lot of the sports threads...huge sports fan...How have you been doing?


I tried to tag this thread all up, because I recently read each tag auto gives a thread a +1 vote each...no such luck...seems a lot of new word threads and such are blocked from votes...not sure why...

How have you been doing FS?
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 02:36 pm
Still waiting for a date for my operation - apart from that I'm fine.

Sports threads - mmm interesting! Must have a look at a few when I get time. Still finding new threads on A2K every day!

Hope you are well.
Reply Mon 25 Mar, 2013 06:27 pm
That is good, we always have to keep the spirit up...there are many praying for you...please pray for them as well...Wink

I am doing very well Vonny, thank you for asking...Very Happy

Yeah, I am deeply rooted in American sports...I do not watch much Futbol, (soccer) but I do tend to watch some sports that are all over the globe, Such as the highland games, where they do the caber toss and such...
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2013 04:06 am
I am a huge fan of football - coming from the North-East of England that isn't unusual (although my mother disapproved - she was a great rugby fan). But I love tennis and equestrian sports too. Like music, all sport is good! Cool
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2013 05:00 am
I am sorry...I misunderstood your post...I read it quick, and thought it said from the Northeast of New England...(Part of the US) I live 1 hr north of New York City myself...

I thought you had said once before you were from the UK...

I do not watch much soccer, or football...but I was watching the world cup qualifier where the US was playing Costa Rica, and they played in Colorado for some reason...(Colorado is very cold because it is roughly 1 mile [5,280 feet above sea level, very thin air] and it is very cold there) and the match had about 3 or 4 inches of snow on the field...and it was snowing pretty hard...and I give credit to Costa Rica, they were down a goal early and the players wanted to play on even though they knew it would be tough to score in those conditions...and the refs got together to discuss calling the game...but they said lets play!

If the US is out, and they are left, I will be rooting for Costa...

Other than that, I root for Southampton in the premiership league...

I just got into fantasy soccer this year, so it will take me awhile to become acclimated with the players...
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2013 01:43 pm
I support Newcastle United - for better or for worse! The Magpies (they wear black and white strip for home games) have a massive following in the North-East of England, and especially in Newcastle-upon-Tyne where their stadium is. They are like a roller coaster ride to follow - up one week, down the next - love them or hate them, they're never boring! They did very badly a couple of years ago and were relegated from the Premiership to Championship, but did so well the following year that they went right back up! Not so good this year, although they are picking up form now. I was never allowed to physically go and watch them play, but I always watch their matches if they're on television, or listen to their games on the radio. Football arouses strong passions in this country, but it's a good game, nevertheless.

Teams used to play matches in all sorts of weather - not much stopped play - but in recent years the dreaded Health and Safety laws came into force and stopped play in certain conditions - snow being one of them! Your world cup qualifier was lucky to go ahead in conditions like those you describe! Rain never stops play - this being England!!!

American football is something I've only seen in films, but it looks a great game. Very physical! I like baseball, but again it is something I've only seen in films.

New York City sounds a fascinating place - you're lucky to live so close to it!
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2013 03:57 pm
Football, meat pies, kangaroos and Holden CARS Wink

Only in Aussie land ................

Doing good Spades... Growing the business, hard work has paid off. Taking 4 days off yay me, can't wait. Sun is shining (sorry Vonny) Wink Just need some time out which is coming in a couple of days



Have you guys heard of that saying?

Reply Tue 26 Mar, 2013 04:01 pm
Need more than one massage Wink Tried that but the injuries are playing up must be getting old or somefing Wink

Will call today if Izzie hasn't managed to... I will try to organise it for him if it's possible. If it's due to the Hospital? Doubt it they must have one as well working, but if there is an issue ,,,,,, hope not...

Have some time off ask me again in a couple of days and I'll go searching Wink Re Kia. It's not their fault they get sick. Most do. We have to do what we have to do to help them.... After all, they rely on us and so they should. Perhaps that is where we relate to them as "kids" .

I don't knowwhat it would be like to be stuck inside, that's horrible not being able to go where ever, when ever.

Yes, they were the old neighbours. What comes around goes around .... Wink

Talk football you two seems you have something in common Wink


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