I get your drift now - yes, we do say 'in a couple of days' - didn't quite follow your meaning!
Hope you feel less sore now and managed to fit a massage or two into your busy day! Multi-tasking should come with a health warning. Old injuries hurt whatever age you are - stop trying to make yourself sound old - you're still yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyoung!!!

Hope you have many years ahead of you yet!
Not heard anything about Danny for a few days - I do hope all is well there. Still nothing from Izzie? Guess you'll sort it when you get time - do a bit of your white witchcraft when you get time!
Ah - a brand of car! I guess there are some language differences - not a lot though. You should hear the dialect in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, my birthplace. I can understand it - mostly - but totally unable to speak it. I find it irritating that when I first left Newcastle for the South-East, people kept asking when or how I'd lost my accent! I NEVER HAD ONE! I must post a video clip some time with the Geordie natives speaking the lingo - yikes, you'll get a shock. Love it though - comes, I think, from very old Chaucer's English - plus a mix of Scots - we're near Scotland.
Bad for many in the UK - countless sheep and their newborn lambs dead in snow, cattle, horses - it's hitting the smaller farmers badly - and the UK economy is in a bigger mess than ever. Hey ho - rotten unseasonal weather. But maybe you've 'witched' a bit of sun over here - there's an unfamiliar yellow orb up there in the murk of the clouds - hey, the sun might shine today!
Footie? Yay - way to go! Love the game. Love my team. Don't love the fact they are playing wealthy Manchester City on Saturday - ouch, can't afford to lose the game. Do you follow any sport? I love tennis - crazy about Wimbledon each year. Love show jumping and eventing too. Spades is good to chat about sport - I'm no expert, but I do love lots of it. Having the Olympics here last summer was ace