Yeah, First Word ..... If it is just a word a few people jump on, when it's a chat thread, it's you and I and spades lols, OFF COURSE ALWAYS, ALWAYS DUTCHY
Inserts her usual.
"Men Rule"
And, so it goes..... But, I can say WOMEN RULE and there is nothing he can do about it .........................FOR NOW
It's how I found Forums.... Just one day, answered one post then two then three and 5 years later 20,0000

Oh don't worry I did that too when I started. Break up Letter, "er herm, 3 words only FS" oops. Laughed a few times over being "pipped" that being answering the same time as someone else... Laugh at when Dutchy would tell me off " wrong thread FS" OOPS... PFTTTTT
Oh I have also had them, the silly arguements... IDK, you have to just think, ok.... silly.... I've also been called, mmmm, what was it? Can't remember now

I guess this being such a freedom of speach Forum, people will say what ever they want... Don't take it to heart... Once they know you... Who could not love Vonny? x
Yes, yes, yes... I know, I will ensure I take more time out for me... I know I am no longer a spring chicken
Gawd...See, I don't like the cold, I don't like the heat lols... I love to seeeee snow but not really freeze. I love to see sun but not be in 38 degrees or more.... I guess I am a Spring and Autumn girl.... I couldn't live there Vonny, ice.. that means you can't get out and about more right? I don't know what I would do with myself...
DUTCHY! Still smiling from ear to ear.. But I expected it, told him sort off without telling him... remember. closer...to...my .... birthday..... I always knew being a WITCH he would be OK... That was our word, OK hey Danny, and I am blessed he believed me, trusted me that he would... I flew around the room enough the first few weeks...
He is an amazing soul..
No, no, no, no. SAT .... x Monday is Adelaide Cup, still coming up. YEP, wearing a cream silky type dress with thin straps, a little white thin lace, black high heels (ouch) can feel that already, matching bag to the dress, bracelet, thin black earrings, and not sure about a hat or the other, have both.
Melbourne Cup, is the day my wabbit died... and I backed a horse that day, called, "Goodnight Joss" . Funny, I was having a cigarette, yes I know bad for you.....and this horse was walking the yards with the trainers and looked at me. Stopped for a second. Weird... I saw the number. After I checked this horse I backed, and yep , it was him number 13..... Told David. And, you guessed it, it won. We won. Not alot as we are not gamblers but $180 . Never forget that. And, you guessed it Dutchy called me a "WITCH".
Bigsy was a stray. Around 9 months of age when we got him, I'll post a couple of pictures when my computer is going again which is in a weeks time. He is a light ginger boy. He went from my house to the neighbours but the neighbours cats fought with him, so he made our home his. D is allergic to cats so he had a soft chair outside, that we covered, and loads of bedding, toys etc.
When storms were had, the neighbour would run down and grab him and take him inside. Sometimes, he'd try to sleep there as well.
So, he had to take care of himself. We got him desexed and that stopped him a little
When we moved, he had to stay in side for 7 days. Well, guess what? He became an indoor cat , it appeared that D was OK with him..

So now he is a spoilt rotten even more so, light ginger boy..............that we both love to death.
He plays boxing with you. Says "mum" for milk... well it sounds like it. He knows how to bow down when the dogs get close and when to walk past them to say he lives here get over it. He will sit if I command so, but then I box with him lols, as he is just so cute. We think he is more of a dog than a cat. The cat around the corner doesn't like him having territory we suspect it's him a big black and white one. But, two doors down he goes and plays with Charlie, another boy cat, every day... They wuv each other!! Before at the other house he did the same, the neighbour had 3 cats, the youngest a little girl but Bigsy would be a bit rough as she was young

They wuved each other
Cat's Aids, (feline) it can't be passed to another animal or human being. But it weakens the amune system of a cat, so as it gets colds etc, hard to jump over... I hope that as we were late in giving him his shot, it's not too late. One of my other cats had it and lived to 11ish. Boys will be Boys
Oh cats LOVE taunting dogs.. Bigsy will do it. He's accepted inside but if he is outside and we walk the dogs, oh oh, Ruby goes balistic and I can almost see Bigsy laughing lols. Poor Megan.. She's probably frustrated that she can't get the cats, and they know it
10 way to go girl.... That be 70 years of age!!!
Mmmm a thought.. YES I shall... You shall see.......
7 days, 7 days. I spoke with them yesterday. I do have to go to a different server provider but I keep my email address and that is wicked or else, I'd be changing all stationary, signboards, brochures, websites, you name it so 7 days is OK with me. !!!!
Thank you Vonny, I never realised I could chat so long lols.