First Word -

Reply Sat 2 Mar, 2013 09:58 pm

Afternoon Ms Vonny, it's 2.15pm here, just finished my rounds of opens, thankfully and yes, had to come to the shop to reply Wink Now I shall buy a few plants, a bottle of wine, I think and just go home and read.. YEP!~

You know, Google is a fantastic thing, it's your left hand but also, it can be the worse thing. I would not look up anything when it is to do with a "negative" Wink What you read, is not necessarily totally correct or based on "you" rather general and being fore-warned (however you spell it) can be a good thing but in my opinion, let that come from your Doctor, cause I am betting you read a whole lot of scary stuff, which is for those who leave things un-treated... OK Wink

And, see, see, a new hat is in store bet you'll have fun shopping for it ~~~ love your Idea 2 Cents emoticons coming around now Laughing

Thanks Vonny, I think we all get a bit toooo tired sometimes and just feel ahhhh... I had a good day today, 1 rented, (mine) and a new listing, from an open, which all says more debt paid off, thank you Smile

Izzie, and the crew... What a great bunch of positive people, pulling each other when needed through, just because, it's their nature and they want to. I am over the moon reading about Izzie... I could not live with a hole in my heart and someone who can, is one of the most amazing people on this Earth in my opinion, must have been extrodinarily hard all way round for so long... Dutchy, I can see you flirting with the nurses, stop it....

I do indeed check out alot of threads when I have time, was reading about Osso's kitty, glad things are improving somewhat, time,... time...

THA INTERNURD...net... Gawd. I will get someone out tomorrow it says connected now, with the pre-paid but off course it's not is it, it says not connected when I try to log in lols.

forgive me, my mind is like a grasshopper's - never stays on one subject for long. I must be very annoying!

BAHAHAHA.. I love that, pinching that saying ... You are not a Gemini are you? By chance;)

I've always found peace of mind in nature - the sky is like a cathedral in so many ways. Sunsets are the stained glass windows, clouds are the towering pillars, cliffs are building blocks - but I wax too lyrical at times

That is what life, love is all about to me.... You paint it beautifully... Though I can imagine various pictures as well in the clouds. Vonny, I don't believe in Churches, they are man made, and corrupted and all sorts and it was man who wrote the Bible and changed it...

But, I believe.... there is something, somewhere, and surely therefore someone... Seen too many un-explainables in my life... But, love and light and happiness and positives and knowing everyone is their own person and you accept them for who they are, all of those things.... Are the only way to live, I think.

I think too much Wink

You talk too much Wink Just kidding, you said it not me lols. Love reading your posts Vonny.

America? next year.... Not long.

Phuket.... June this year... Not long.

And, a PA to take over for 6 days and someone / s to look after my pests and I get a break, a real one, a holiday, time out, no work, nothing, oh my ......YAY..

Until tomorrow ....

Hopefully by tomorrow night I can get my internet FINALLY back at home.....

Have a fantastic rest of the weekend guys.

Mine is but almost over Evil or Very Mad Shocked Smile
Reply Sat 2 Mar, 2013 10:46 pm
Thanks sweet heart...Wink Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Mar, 2013 03:51 pm

Had friends over for lunch, enjoyed a pleasant afternoon with them, then woooosh - it all evaporated in seconds. I'd gone to the bedroom, sprawled on the bed to rest and type a few e-mails, when there was the most awful wooshing noise followed by a mighty bang and the window seemed to implode, scattering glass everywhere. Some idiot had driven a golfball through the bedroom window! Can you believe it! Evil or Very Mad There isn't even a golf-course across the road - just a large playing field. Of the miscreant there was no sign. So it was a case of getting the window boarded up temporarily, and a night in a spare bedroom until the glazier calls tomorrow. Evening of course, he's fully booked until then.

But not the end of the world. Had a good day otherwise. And slept for the second night running, so feeling okay. What one earth made you say Gemini? Almost, but not quite! I was born on the evening of May 20th which, I believe, is on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini. Clever you! Smile

I have the attentions span of a gnat! Plus the short term memory of a flea. Add that to my grasshopper mind and you get something very strange. Yes, of course you said Phuket this year and America next!!! Sorry Embarrassed

Glad your day went well and that you made some lovely 2 Cents 2 Cents 2 Cents and bought some plants and a bottle of vino Drunk Hope you enjoyed!

I do talk too much - probably because my husband is a taciturn Yorkshireman who says very little. Somebody has to fill in the blank spaces Wink Rolling Eyes I get fits of verbal diarrhoea when I write - not so much in 'real life' - glad you like it! At least in cyberspace it's easy to ignore!

I agree with what you say about Google - I'm pretty good about that usually, and rarely look up an ailment, human or canine, but I was searching for specific answers to something. Fortunately I've received some pretty good advice and information from A2K members - far better than anything I could have found on random internet sites.

Hope Spades is feeling better. Have a good week, both of you.

Think too much? I overthink everything - my biggest failing in life.

Reply Mon 4 Mar, 2013 08:32 pm

Oh I need time to reply!!!!!


Just dropping in to let you know I've been 24/7 working, shall be back Wink


Reply Tue 5 Mar, 2013 02:33 pm

Hi FS,

Wondered where you'd vanished to. Don't overdo it or you'll become overtired and hurt your arm! But good that business is going well.

Wonderful news about Danny isn't it! He really is the most incredible man - must have an enormous desire to live - the man is a hero!

Spades - I see you have a smart new avatar! Hope you are feeling quite well now.

Reply Thu 7 Mar, 2013 03:11 pm

Though D's screen is so small, how to find the tool bar Question Rolling Eyes Neutral


Still, the internet server is down but I found out that it's only in my area, go me, my luck lols. After considering going with someone else, which would mean changing all of my stationary, website, accounts, mass mail everyone, hope that I didn't miss anything, signboards, brochures, $$$$$ noooo, I rang them and begged them to tell me the truth "Are you going out of business, I have to know, I have to make a decision" ....Apparently 2 weeks, approx is all they need... Here is hoping.

Sooooo, it's ok, I can use D's laptop... I have pre-paid working on their.....

Soooorry, what a week!!!! And, guess what I am doing today? Massage.. bahaha.. Cause my arms need some attention, and back, and oh well... I will feel much better after....

Don't you hate those lovely moments and then they are gone..... But catching up with friends is a must...

Oh dear, that would have scared you to the hilt.. And, then again, knowing that your sleeping in a house with a boarded window, did it get fixed the next day, did you sleep "ok" ? Gawd I wouldn't have.

Lols... Ask Dutchy, he often used to say to me "how did you know? " I'd even tell him "often" what he had for dinner. Hense, he calls me a Witch.. The name has been with me though since I was a kid... My Mother started it Wink Cusp.... interesting.....

Actually, I don't think it's attention span, rather, you picked the one that sounded the best, where you would go, America, verses Phuket? I would have done the same. It's funny though, I have so much to remember wearing 3 hats it's not funny oh, I said it was funny, anyways, I only seem to remember what's important and the rest, I forget about .. Try explaining that to people when they say but I told you two days ago Wink

I didn't end up getting the plants, it is friggen hot here, daily, yesterday I was at the shop from 9-5, dived into the shower as soon as my feet hit the floor of the house, lucky it was only my feet. But, I will when it cools down, eventually!!!!

Na, but it's funny (there is that word again), how in partnerships one seems to do the most talking and not the other, imagine if both did Rolling Eyes Shocked I don't think it would work, one would always talk over the top of the other Wink

Vonny, you make me laugh.. I also find your stories interesting and listening about your life, so you type away as much as you want, off course, then you have to read all of my long answers, see? Wink

It's funny, most people here know that I came from another Forum, which I am still Admin off, and still type away there. It's a Woman's Forum, much younger and mainly obviously women... Here I type answers to their questions of "opinions".... 20,0000 plus answers over 5 years... Couldn't stop if I tried... But, there I answer, here I ask... Wink There is so much wisdom on this Forum and kindness... Yet over there I seem to be the wisdom and kindness.

Strange how you can see two sides, to most things huh Wink

Taking cat to vet, he didn't come home night before last, and had a bit of a fight with another cat, swipped a hole in his head, grrrrr... So, getting him a cat's aids injection and check up though he is fine, tough little boy mainly inside cat but grrrr ....


Buy some shoes, top, hair thingy, (Adelaide Cup Monday) ...dress up whoo hoo... A day off whoo hoo.....

Then off to see a show with D and his Sister, tonight not sure what but I am sure it will be great... Night out whoo hoo...

After the past two weeks, looking forward to the little bit of time out I am going to have over the next few days..... About time I say.....

Gawd, you said you can talk? Wink


Reply Thu 7 Mar, 2013 09:26 pm
I am all better...Wink Thanks for the comment about the gravitar! Hi F.S.!!! I can not stay right now, but I will be back...
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2013 03:33 am
Good to hear from you on First Word - always a bit hectic on the games threads! Smile Glad to hear you're okay now. Gravitar? I'm learning new words all the time - not long since I learnt what an online forum, a thread or a post was! Idea
0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2013 02:40 pm

Glad you were able to use D's laptop to return to First Word - been quiet without you Wink Still finding my way round the various threads - had a quick peek at some of your online advice - great that you are able to aid people like that! But I didn't find your Women's Forum - and not sure how to look for it - still a bit green where A2K is concerned! Confused

I've posted on a few of the threads so far, but find that my lack of online experience causes some problems, in that I'm not used to posting and inevitably seem to say the wrong thing! Sad So far, I've been admonished a couple of times, and been in a silly argument about goat cheese, plus being told I am 'weird' - ah well, at least I seem okay on the various games threads. Neutral Crying or Very sad Found a couple of threads I thoroughly enjoy though

Massage - lovely! Do take better care of yourself though. You're storing up trouble for later life if you continuously abuse your arms by letting them get too painful before you stop to give them attention. Massage can really help. Lucky you! Razz

Too hot? Oh, how I wish.......................... It's been a grey day here, cold and wet, and guess what? We are to get yet more snow - oh no, so tired of it. Good job all my containers are covered in fleece still - it's going to get pretty icy in the coming week. Evil or Very Mad

It is wonderful news about Dutchy, isn't it! He is an amazing person - incredible that he's so far advanced along the road to recovery - the man has an indomitable spirit. Guess you can't keep a good man down! I look forward so much to his return.

Glad you are getting out and about a bit and having a rest from all the hard work of recent weeks. Do you go to the Adelaide Cup meetings? Sounds like our Ladies Day at Ascot - big hats, smart frocks! And a show this evening - or by the time you read this you'll probably have been, arrived back home, and had a good night's sleep! I can't get used to these time differences! Rolling Eyes

Poor cat! Does he instigate fights or is there some neighbourhood 'Tom Bully Boy' who set upon him? Hope he's well soon. Feline aids? I've heard of it - vaguely - but didn't know cats were being vaccinated against it. We have cats on either side of us - they drive Megan mad by sitting (well out of her reach) on garden sheds and fences, grinning at her and taunting her. Poor Megs, she gets very frustrated when they seem totally unafraid of her barking. I don't think she's know what to do with one in the unlikely event she did corner it. She doesn't have one ounce of aggression in her - has never even growled at another dog. It's her tenth birthday tomorrow. Gifts duly wrapped and ready to be presented to her in the morning Embarrassed

I very much like your long answers! Smile Let's hope your broadband problems are soon sorted out satisfactorily, and you won't have so many problems with your internet server.

Reply Fri 8 Mar, 2013 06:21 pm


Yeah, First Word ..... If it is just a word a few people jump on, when it's a chat thread, it's you and I and spades lols, OFF COURSE ALWAYS, ALWAYS DUTCHY

Inserts her usual.

"Men Rule"





And, so it goes..... But, I can say WOMEN RULE and there is nothing he can do about it .........................FOR NOW Wink

It's how I found Forums.... Just one day, answered one post then two then three and 5 years later 20,0000 Wink plus.

Oh don't worry I did that too when I started. Break up Letter, "er herm, 3 words only FS" oops. Laughed a few times over being "pipped" that being answering the same time as someone else... Laugh at when Dutchy would tell me off " wrong thread FS" OOPS... PFTTTTT Wink

Oh I have also had them, the silly arguements... IDK, you have to just think, ok.... silly.... I've also been called, mmmm, what was it? Can't remember now Wink I guess this being such a freedom of speach Forum, people will say what ever they want... Don't take it to heart... Once they know you... Who could not love Vonny? x

Yes, yes, yes... I know, I will ensure I take more time out for me... I know I am no longer a spring chicken Smile

Gawd...See, I don't like the cold, I don't like the heat lols... I love to seeeee snow but not really freeze. I love to see sun but not be in 38 degrees or more.... I guess I am a Spring and Autumn girl.... I couldn't live there Vonny, ice.. that means you can't get out and about more right? I don't know what I would do with myself...

DUTCHY! Still smiling from ear to ear.. But I expected it, told him sort off without telling him... remember. closer...to...my .... birthday..... I always knew being a WITCH he would be OK... That was our word, OK hey Danny, and I am blessed he believed me, trusted me that he would... I flew around the room enough the first few weeks...

He is an amazing soul..

No, no, no, no. SAT .... x Monday is Adelaide Cup, still coming up. YEP, wearing a cream silky type dress with thin straps, a little white thin lace, black high heels (ouch) can feel that already, matching bag to the dress, bracelet, thin black earrings, and not sure about a hat or the other, have both. Smile

Melbourne Cup, is the day my wabbit died... and I backed a horse that day, called, "Goodnight Joss" . Funny, I was having a cigarette, yes I know bad for you.....and this horse was walking the yards with the trainers and looked at me. Stopped for a second. Weird... I saw the number. After I checked this horse I backed, and yep , it was him number 13..... Told David. And, you guessed it, it won. We won. Not alot as we are not gamblers but $180 . Never forget that. And, you guessed it Dutchy called me a "WITCH".

Bigsy was a stray. Around 9 months of age when we got him, I'll post a couple of pictures when my computer is going again which is in a weeks time. He is a light ginger boy. He went from my house to the neighbours but the neighbours cats fought with him, so he made our home his. D is allergic to cats so he had a soft chair outside, that we covered, and loads of bedding, toys etc.

When storms were had, the neighbour would run down and grab him and take him inside. Sometimes, he'd try to sleep there as well.

So, he had to take care of himself. We got him desexed and that stopped him a little Wink

When we moved, he had to stay in side for 7 days. Well, guess what? He became an indoor cat , it appeared that D was OK with him.. Smile So now he is a spoilt rotten even more so, light ginger boy..............that we both love to death.

He plays boxing with you. Says "mum" for milk... well it sounds like it. He knows how to bow down when the dogs get close and when to walk past them to say he lives here get over it. He will sit if I command so, but then I box with him lols, as he is just so cute. We think he is more of a dog than a cat. The cat around the corner doesn't like him having territory we suspect it's him a big black and white one. But, two doors down he goes and plays with Charlie, another boy cat, every day... They wuv each other!! Before at the other house he did the same, the neighbour had 3 cats, the youngest a little girl but Bigsy would be a bit rough as she was young Wink They wuved each other Wink

Cat's Aids, (feline) it can't be passed to another animal or human being. But it weakens the amune system of a cat, so as it gets colds etc, hard to jump over... I hope that as we were late in giving him his shot, it's not too late. One of my other cats had it and lived to 11ish. Boys will be Boys Wink

Oh cats LOVE taunting dogs.. Bigsy will do it. He's accepted inside but if he is outside and we walk the dogs, oh oh, Ruby goes balistic and I can almost see Bigsy laughing lols. Poor Megan.. She's probably frustrated that she can't get the cats, and they know it Wink


10 way to go girl.... That be 70 years of age!!!

Mmmm a thought.. YES I shall... You shall see.......

7 days, 7 days. I spoke with them yesterday. I do have to go to a different server provider but I keep my email address and that is wicked or else, I'd be changing all stationary, signboards, brochures, websites, you name it so 7 days is OK with me. !!!!

Thank you Vonny, I never realised I could chat so long lols.



Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 03:50 pm

I received it - I read it - I lost it! Yikes - I am so stupid where computers are concerned! Embarrassed But even if I hadn't lost it, I didn't know how to reply to it! Feeling stupid Rolling Eyes - how do I learn how to find my way round A2K, or is it just a question of trial and error? But Megan says thank you to her Australian aunt - she's had a super birthday and appreciated the good wishes! Laughing Aside from all that - yes, I agree with everything you say, and take it on board. Thank you. Very Happy Very Happy

From my short acquaintance with Dutchy, I think you are totally right about him chasing you for saying Women Rule! When he returns it will be a case of Dutchy rules, ok!!! Very Happy Can just imagine you flying round the room with your witchery, Dutchy chasing you with a view to chastising you, but laughing all the way! Very Happy

Who could not love Vonny? x
HA! Apart from the games threads, Twisted Evil Embarrassed Evil or Very Mad I do seem to say just the wrong thing and rub some people up the wrong way - or perhaps I'm thin-skinned? Must admit, I don't really like confrontations - not where people get really angry with each other. I don't mind a discussion, or even quite a heated discussion, but there's a limit to everything. I'll butt out of the threads where hot air is rising, and stick to less contentious ones - a bit of mild teasing is great fun! Smile I think I'm on edge at the moment, waiting for the hospital to tell me when my op is taking place is a bit nerve racking Neutral

Bigsy sounds adorable. Love cats, but haven't had one for some years now. Our last was a darling little male called Bootsy - he was black and white and had little white 'boots' on his black legs - he had a bone disease when he was a baby and part of one hip was missing, but he still liked to climb - curtains, christmas trees, anything!

Cold weather is vile! I love hot weather, love sunshine - even if it has given me skin cancer - that was my own fault for spending far too long in it and deliberately going out in the midday sun to get a tan - what is that song 'Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun ........' It's rarely so bad that it prevents me from getting out totally - although my mobility scooter doesn't approve of snow - I can actually cope better on ice than 'normal' people - four wheels actually beat two legs most of the time. It must be wonderful to live in a country where the sun shines so much! Cool

Your 'races' outfit sounds gorgeous - you must do some more witchery and get another winner - you were lucky with Goodnight Joss, perhaps you will be again! Nice to have something fun to dress up for. Heels - are you going to be on grass much - hard walking in really high ones. Despite being on a mobility scooter when I go out, I still own several pairs of 5" heels - don't laugh! My reason being that, even though I can't walk, I still like to be feminine, and I might as well enjoy ludicrously high heels whilst I can enjoy them! Rolling Eyes Sitting on the scooter is great, I can wear them and not fall over, just sit there posing!!! Cool Very Happy Laughing

49 and no spring chicken! Nonsense - you're no age at all. I've had two friends turn 50 in the past few months, and they both acted as if the world was coming to an end. What happened - they turned 50 and realised they were exactly the same people as they had been when they'd gone to sleep the night before their birthday! Never fear 'landmark' birthdays - as people always tell me, it's only a number! Well, in my case the numbers have rolled on a few (quite a few) more than 50, but I can't pretend I feel any older than I did at 16 - just a bit wiser (I hope!). The shell I inhabit may have aged in many ways, but the me inside that shell is just the same. So don't 'think' yourself old - you aren't! Cool Smile

I haven't had time to re-read the above, so forgive me if it's complete nonsense - I talk - and type - as I think!

Reply Sat 9 Mar, 2013 04:44 pm

Sorry, don't mean to laugh.... I'm glad you received it, read it, even if you lost it, lols.... IDK, I shall try to guide you on how to reply Wink If it makes you feel better, I just learnt how to increase the text size on David's computer after like a week Wink

Aweeee yay I am an Aunt Wink I love being a Mother, Aunt, Sister across the globe... One day, I may even be able to send something to my niece Wink

So glad she had a great birthday... And, ya welcome.

Oh dear, can you imagine? He has to deal with both of us now and we thick and thin, I think he is going to be in big trouble Wink BTW, I wrote on Yabber Line, re dear Danny.... HAHA... I can visualise that perfectly, and for sure he would be trying to chastise but laughing all the way. He told me not to fly too close when flying around his hospital room before he went in. He said he has a habit of moving his arms in his sleep and didn't want to knock me off my broomstick Wink

Thin skinned.... Ms Vonny, I rub people up the wrong way, I was wrong with everything almost, when I got here, still am sometimes, but you know? It's more of letting people get to know you and you are.. They are lovely people but have been together for 10+ years most of them.. And, it is the internet so it takes time to get to know people who type Wink And, it's a do what you want Forum, we all leave threads instead of taking the bait and arguing back unless we want to Wink

Don't you start worrying about your operation... Stop it. Though I hate needles that would be my only fear. Just look at dear Danny, it took time but he did good... It will be fine... And, you yack away here when ever you want about how you are feeling.... It's good to talk... But expect I will turn any negative into a positive Smile

Bootsy I can just visualise him.. It's amazing isn't it? They can have issues but won't let it bother them. We as humans should learn from that Wink

Bigsy is adorable. Boxing, Mum, Sit.. Even D has never, met a cat like him.. And, I've had every stray cat that could walk my way throughout my life there was one like Bigsy, same colour even, went missing broke my heart and I tell Bigsy, he is him...Come back to me me... His name was Hemi, every now and then I just call Bigsy that and smile in that knowing.

It's earth, nature, we embrase it before we even think about skin cancer so we can not be expected to "think" ..... And, remember Vonny, it was caught, no stress, no worries so it can be fixed... So quit beating yourself up x

IDK, blondes want to be dark, dark want to be blonde, tall people shorter, short people tall and so it goes on and on and on. ..... Ice verses Sun Wink

hahahahah, I know you said don't laugh but that is awesome.... I would do the same thing, regarding your high heel shoes, you go girl and even more so because you are not stupid, putting on something that is going to brake your back Smile

D and I shopped yesterday, I found a pair. I did have yep, 5" black slender heels that would look perfect but I worried that walking down stairs and up again (tend to fall up stairs than down), at my age given I broke a rib in December, is not clever. So I found a cream pair, still high, but thick heals and it has a black front strap, perfect, price wasn't though. OMG never paid such stupid prices for a pair of shoes, I will have to wear them over and over and over and over for that. But, sensible with still the height...

I asked my wabbit for a sign that day... He gave me one Wink So I am not sure if I can do it again, D is asking me too lols. I once gave Danny 4 number for the x-lotto and he got a little win.

Well you are almost a Gemini, you do the same as me, talk and type and then think Wink

Actually, I don't mind being 50 it makes me feel closer to people now, younger and older I think it's the "right" age for me... Though I sometimes act 16 I am always still 37.... except yep, this shell reminds me I is not... But, as long as my heart is that is all that matters Wink

Today is Sunday, a couple of opens for rentals and that is all, can not believe I've had two days off, and all of tomorrow but off course hours to then catch up lols. Even my telephone did not ring at all yesterday allowing me complete freedom... yay.

Have a great Saturday? Ms Vonny ..... Remember..... It's OK, the witch knows.... If Danny could believe that , so can you....

Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 02:46 pm

Danny's of course. But also Anna's! I read your post on Yabber-Liner - she really is a strong woman to have coped so well for so long. Lesser mortals would have crumbled at some point, but she seems to have been there for Dutchy all the way. Great that Dutchy asked for you to be phoned - he must have loved that jewelled mouse when he saw it. Wonderful idea on your part! Idea

Not surprised his moods are changeable. Strewth, his ordeal makes my medical problems look soooooo tiny - which of course they are, compared to what he had to go through. He was incredibly brave before he ever went for surgery - joking right to the end, and making sure everybody else was reassured. So good to know he is out of intensive care now, and on a 'normal' ward. Can't wait to join the long queue to say 'welcome home, Danny'. Very Happy Wink Razz I'll have to think of something I can send to him on Yabber-Liner to hearten him as he recovers - mmmm, Question Idea perhaps a link to some music? Will have to put my thinking cap on.

When I said I read your separate post, I should have said scanned it. There were several things I'd like to have mulled over for a bit longer. Any chance you can recall what you wrote and send it again? Still finding my way and needing a bit of guidance! Confused You know your way around A2K pretty well now. Any more hints or tips you can give me will be greatly appreciated Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation Laughing

Bootsy was a very special little cat. I found him, of all places, in a cage in a pet shop when I'd called in for dog food - oh quite a lot of years ago. He was a scrawny little mite, fully of energy, but desperately needing care and attention -he already had problems, and his little hip and leg were giving him trouble from day one. We grew really close as I nursed him, and eventually he recovered and lived until he was ten. Not old for a cat, but a good age for one that the vet had suggested putting to sleep at a few weeks old because they thought he was dying! Rolling Eyes

Bigsy, the boxing cat, sounds very special too. How old is he? And he's Hemi too - that's a bonus! Strange how an animal can make such an impression on your life, isn't it? I still miss Harvey every day that passes. Of all the dogs we've owned, he was just that little bit extra special. Can't put a finger on it - just know that he had some quality that made him stand out just that little bit more. But they've all been loved, and all are missed. Sad

Heels - you were wise to buy sensible ones. They'll look lovely with your cream dress - and hat? In this country it would be a case of having two outfits ready, one for sunny and warm, and one for cold and wet! Never quite sure what an English summer will bring. The last really good one that I remember was 2006 - yikes, so long ago!

Have a good weekend! You too Spades!
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 04:13 pm

Good morning Vonny,

and anyone else reading.

And, Spades, Izzy, Izzy? Wink

You know I can hear fear, I am just glad that I offered a solution that would stop that thought, Anna is such a beautfiul woman, her laughter is contagious seriously, she makes me laugh... Izzie too. Thank you.. Though I said "everyone" on A2K never, advised me ... Oops , na he won't read this, page ...

Off course, goodness, if I found out I had been in a coma pretty much for 6 weeks I'd be down and out too.... He did, didn't he.. Bless him.. Think I will buy him a cross lotto ticket, when he is better and send that through, that may cheer him up, with a crossword ticket to play with and hopefully win!@! I wonder if there is a horse called Dutchy running today Wink

I saw the link to the music, good on you... !!!

Done! Sent ! (hugs)

Aren't animals amazing? Missy too. When she was around 9, they told me to take her home, that was it. Liver problems, despite it all, I grabbed a can of food for her, for liver problems, a siringe (however you spell it), to fill with water and for three months with plastic on my bed, I forced fed her, slept with her and she came good after 3 months as you know lived, to 17.. At 15 she had a stroke, I walked her outside holding her up for 3 weeks or more, she came good, a little crooked but not much mainly her mouth... Animals have so much love, and it is love that pulls them through... Good for you for taking on Bootsy, it was because of you bless that 10 years was had.

Personalities. Bigsy is like a cat, then like a dog.. He's not sure or wasn't when he hit this EARTH Wink The fact that he talks, understands even sit, stay, I've never said that to another cat, let alone expected it too, it's things like that, that make one different, stand out... But, yes, all loved the same way just a little more favor whether we like it or not Wink

Aweee, that long ago ? Got to get you to Aussie Land one day Wink

No hat, I don't think, I have one of those cream hair pieces I think I will put in make it all softer I think.... Feet should not hurt lols but I still will be 5' 11 or so, (giggles) that's always fun, being so tall.

Must run, water garden and get ready...................

Seeya tomorrow... Sort of Wink
Reply Sun 10 Mar, 2013 08:05 pm

Vonny wrote:
Have a good weekend! You too Spades!

Hey Hey Hey! How you two been doing?
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 02:20 pm

Hey Hey Hey! How you two been doing?

That's my 'first word' - describes my husband - how about you Spades, you don't say much on this thread? I hope our chatter hasn't driven you away! Very Happy
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 02:36 pm

Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 02:41 pm
Good evening! 8.41pm here!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 03:05 pm

You won't believe it - or you probably will, you're getting to know me pretty well by now I think. I've done it again! Found it, read it and lost it! Embarrassed
Hey - an improvement this time though! I found it, read it carefully, replied to about a third of it - then lost it! Rolling Eyes Then spent the next half hour or so, vainly trying to find it, or to discover how to send a message myself. Why, oh why, am I being so totally stupid Rolling Eyes Embarrassed Mad There is obviously a simple way of doing it before it drives me to Drunk , but at the moment it is eluding me Sad

Dutchy was in a coma for a long time, wasn't he? Such a shock to come out of something like that. But he's obviously such a strong character that he won't let it faze him for long, if at all. He must feel great to know so many people at A2K are rooting for him, and wishing him back to good health. Great for Anna to know too, that she and her husband are so cared for by a lot of people across the globe. Wouldn't it be marvellous if the lottery ticket won him a lot of lovely money 2 Cents 2 Cents 2 Cents and he could flit round the world, dropping in on all of his many friends! Or he could hitch a lift on your broomstick! Very Happy

Missy sounds amazing - much like our Harvey. They do fight to stay with their 'mums and dads' and our love does pull them through an awful lot. I bet you are still grieving for Missy every day - not easy to forget a big part of your life like that. I know Harvey has left a huge hole in our lives - nothing seems to fill that void. The vets often write off animals without taking into account the love we have for them, or them for us. When Harvey was diagnosed with severe dysplasia at the age of three, the vet phoned me to tell me, then asked me if I was going to keep him! What a question! In other words, no question - of course we were going to keep him. Rolling Eyes

I still will be 5' 11 or so, (giggles) that's always fun, being so tall
Me too! I'm 5'7" (was taller, but lost half an inch when I had all my leg operations), but with 5" heels it takes me up to 6' - love it! Cool

Cream hair piece sounds great with cream dress and shoes - very chic! Smile Fingers crossed you've found some super horses to bet on - be lovely to have a nice win on the geegees 2 Cents 2 Cents 2 Cents

Water the garden - oh, don't rub it in! We've had snow here today - only flurries, but it's going to be -3 tonight, and with the wind chill factor it will feel like -9 or so out of doors. And this is the start of spring - huh! Twisted Evil Evil or Very Mad Twisted Evil
Reply Mon 11 Mar, 2013 06:39 pm

I'll send you my email address I am sure you can reply to that lols.

Be back later Wink

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