First Word -

Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 01:50 pm

I hope it won't be long before Dutchy is up and wielding the beautiful jewelled mouse you gave to him, clicking his way back to all the threads he filled with his banter, wit and laughter - I agree that he probably didn't realise just how much his online friends cared for him.

What happened to your shoulder? With me it's a leg that no longer works. Long story - cycling accident, lots of ops that failed, osteo arthritis, leading to wheelchairs and mobility scooters. But I get by okay. Just get frustrated at times. Doesn't stop me doing most things - can still walk my dogs. In fact, Harvey - who had dysplasia - used to travel home on the platform of my mobility scooter from the park. He loved it!

I must try James Patterson - always on the lookout for new authors. My taste in books is like my taste in music - catholic. I like bits of everything from the classics to Stephen King - fiction or non-fiction. Can't imagine a day without a book, no matter how tired I am.

Good luck with the photos and the uploading. Certainly more than I am able to turn my hand to at the moment.

Reply Mon 25 Feb, 2013 03:49 pm

lols, I would love to be a fly on the wall when he saw that mouse, I can see, confusion, a frown and then followed by a smile and definately laughter even if it is on the inside, for now until he can do it for real.... As he "clicks" to why it is jewelled Wink

The love of animals .... being by your side, taken for a ride Wink He I bet absolutely loved it. Sorry to hear about that Vonny, I bet it was totally frustrating and good for you for seeing it as never stopping you. We all have some things wrong with us that "stop" us, only we don't let them Wink

I fell in 1999, on a wet plank, that sent me 6 foot into the air and smashed onto the concrete car park. I saw the ground so turned my whole body to the side and therefore, landed on my shoulder and hip. We have Workcover here, manditory to report so typical Government waited 3 months before re-habilitation, therefore, the muscle loss is gone x 20% or so down the right side, causes all sorts of problems when bad. Also 1 disk ... Alas, same, doesn't stop me though may do later in life more so.... NOT I am a positive person through and through ...

The best books I ever read were by Ann Rule. She was a Detective in America in real life, and got involved with writing true crime. The most horrendous serial killer books as well. Physcology. Is the reason I liked reading those, hard to put down without shaking my head ten times ....

Tomorrow I shall try again re photos have an early start today ....

You are a bright bubbly lady filled with life...

That is all...

Reply Tue 26 Feb, 2013 03:49 pm

The jewelled mouse was an inspired choice - Danny is bound to love it. A fly on the wall will enjoy watching the whole scenario you describe as it unfolds. Such fun! You paint a vivid word picture.

Your accident sounds horrendous! How awful that you couldn't have physio/rehab for so long that your muscles atrophied - do you have to pay for medical treatment in Australia or is most of it free, like here in the UK?

Amazing how something that happens in seconds can change one's life. I was cycling on a wet and grey November day and went into a skid on wet leaves - smashed my kneecap. Would have been okay but the hospital spent four years operating on me and trying to fix it, but I reject metal and it all went wrong. Anyway, that's a long time ago now, and I still get round okay. As you say, we don't let these things stop us.

Had a bit of a shock today - went to hospital and found I have a basal cell carcinoma on my nose (years of sunbathing and no sunscreen). It needs an urgent operation, and means they'll cut away the side of my nose, cut a flap in my cheek, and graft the skin onto my nose - sounds horrific! But as someone on another thread says - 'acne is worse' Rolling Eyes I need to buy some more big and floppy hats and some bio oil - be a lot of scarring, alas, but I'll just have to become a make-up expert and hide it! Cool Operation should take place end March or early April at the latest - would have been earlier, but need a hospital close to home so we are within easy reach of Megan - don't want to leave her with anyone else because she'd fret. She had enough of a setback when Harvey died.

But - as they say - these things are sent to try us - what doesn't kill us makes us stronger - and so on!!!!! Just glad it's all in hand now, and hopefully they'll cut out all of the tumour in one go.

A2K helps masses - some lovely people in a caring online community.

Hope your sales are still going well - and that you've had time to rest and sleep and read .....
Reply Wed 27 Feb, 2013 03:51 pm

Ms Vonny,

My work computer (at home) is down, hopefully back up by the end of the day, so I am at the shop drinking coffee to drop in , then pay a couple of bills, then go home and change for work Wink

I'm betting he will smile Wink

Medical treatment is free here in Aussie land, it's just that as I was Management a Restaurant for someone else,they put it through WorkCover... And, WorkCover held up the rehabilitation as they were trying to establish exactly what was wrong from ex-rays etc. I don't let it get to me Smile I just stretch, walk, sleep what ever I have to do to keep it at bay but for sure, just like your Doctors they stuff it up sometimes and therefore, we end up with something for life.

But, what a life hey? We can hear the birds, looks at the flowers, smell the roses, make nice meals, have our pets, oh I forgot work Smile

I had a lump checked a couple of years ago from the Doctor they said it was ok, on my nose. Weird that you mention that, because it's felt a bit different of late you could not really see anything but now I think I can lols. Guess maybe, I better head myself off to someone as well, just in case.

Like I said on Yabba I have a fear of needles...... I would always take muscle relaxants if I had to have one ....

Don't fear, you will be ok... It's the thought more than anything else and also scared of pain, but these days they do a good job at keeping that at bay too...

Hope to be around tomorrow if not, keep smiling Vonny x
Reply Thu 28 Feb, 2013 03:53 pm

After talking to so many wonderful members of A2K, I really do feel more hopeful about the future now. I was feeling very low yesterday before logging on, but I've had so much positive feedback from members of the A2K community - wonderful people - that I really do feel more able to face up to whatever may happen in the coming weeks. I've spent a lot of the past two evenings 'talking' about myself and my cancer, and it really does help. Having looked at Izzie's thread about her brush with skin cancer, and Butrflynet and Ossobuco's experiences - well, it makes my own health problems fade into insignificance rather. It's going to help massively with the coming weeks and the operation to come.

I have Dutchy to thank firstly - for directing me from the crossword puzzling threads to the Yabber-Liner, then yourself for chatting so freely that you've helped me get used to talking online - something I'd never have thought possible before. And then, all the super people I've come into contact with over the past few weeks. As a newcomer to these threads, it really is heartwarming that I've been made so welcome and helped so much. Thank you.

You've certainly had your own trials and tribulations. How awful that the dispute about the accident was responsible for your pain now! They should have established what was wrong AFTER you'd had rehab, not held your rehab up. So sorry that such an awful thing happened to you. What do your doctors say about your arm now. Does it affect any particular part of your life more than others?

I agree with you about all the wonderful things in life - birds, flowers, the scent of roses, animals, food and so on. I may not walk more than a few feet, but I have a wonderful wheeled garden seat that I can propel round the garden with my feet! Not very good on the more uneven parts of my lawn (you should see my inelegant toppling off it when it hits a rut!), but it usually gets me from a to b. I can totter across the lawn on my own on a good day, but I do look a bit like a giant toddler taking its first steps - or someone who's been imbibing rather too much! Drunk

On Izzie's thread I found some early posts from Dutchy - 2008 I think it was - and it did make me feel rather sad. Such a lovely man. Oh I do hope he'll be back soon. Laughing and taking the Micky (do you use that expression in Oz?) Wink Very Happy Laughing

I hope your broadband was up and running when you get home. No idea what time it is where you are now - nearly 10pm here, so I'm guessing at 9am at your end?

Reply Thu 28 Feb, 2013 04:01 pm
That was absolutely beautiful! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Feb, 2013 04:23 pm

You really, really, really are an amazing woman Vonny, I miss you Wink

Here I am at 8.40am in the morning, at the shop, typing away Wink Hi Spades x

We only need to look around at other situations and others to realise how blessed we truly are. I am grateful that the people on this Forum have each other, back each other up, stand by each other and I am convinced that it's a rare thing to find, seemingly other than here. You will be fine mam, and yes, all of us are behind you.

Mr Dutchy, pretty much did the same to me... After Pm'ing me pretending to be a stalker, telling me he was a neighbour and that he could see me, lols. I didn't know what to think of this person.... Now, off course, I think of him daily but in the knowing that it's a long, long, journey but one that he will get through... Funny, I told him May, is when we would coffee again, just before my birthday. From Izzie's account that may come true from the look of it. But, at least he is in very, good hands... I wonder if the bling made him frown first then smile Wink

I'm so pleased that he got you to see that you can talk, laugh and that he introduced you to me, yes he did... .First Word .... Smile

I'm such a postive bee usually Ms Vonny... Imagine if I had not turned? I would have hit my head badly... Not sure where I would be therefore, had that occured.. Every single negative has a positive.

Doctors don't care... Once they rid of you, you are on your own ... It's hard to explain... Mmmm... I get myofasical pain, fybromyalgia, irritable stomach, as a result of loss of muscle. So, I have to watch the dairy, stretch, quit typing when it's too much and get massages. See the positive? I get massages Wink

Ms Vonny, it is me that is sorry that your Doctors stuffed up so bad. Lol's you tell the story of the lawns very well.. Shouldn't laugh but it's your fault, you told the story in that fashion. I bet no one even thought you could take a few steps you should be totally proud at what you achieve and how you achieve it... And, I sense alot of love around your home, and alot of wild life around you because of it.

Yep, we use the term "taking the micky" Wink lols.

It's the weekend tomorrow and I will be working at selling and leasing properties both days, thought tonight we are having Duck for dinner with D's niece and nephew, well I guess they are mine too Smile She, has started working part time for me as a PA, yay, I need that break.... Will be lovely but I don't think I will get much of a chance to drive down to the shop, should the friggen internet still be down at home grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

So, if not, have a beautiful weekend Vonny... Laugh, smile and remember, positives are always there....


Big Hugs

Reply Thu 28 Feb, 2013 04:44 pm
That was beautiful also...Wink

Good to hear from you F. S.!!

0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Mar, 2013 05:12 am

Hi FS - and Spades

Between you, you've managed to chase my blues away! I haven't slept much since Tuesday - not unusual, but I feel emotionally drained at the moment. However, I broke into my chores this morning to have a quick look at A2K (addicted - can't stay away!) and saw your posts. How lovely you both are! It does seem rare to get such a nice crowd of people 'watching each other's backs' and generally being supportive to all and sundry, even newcomers like myself, but what you say is very true - it is a rare thing to find elsewhere.

Wonderful news that Dutchy is improving - it does seem more positive now. I shall have to find a special type of crumpet to send to him via A2K - he certainly deserves it after what he's been though! Gosh - and I'm scared about having an op to have a little skin cancer removed from my nose! Looking at what he's been through - in the past too - makes my forthcoming medical intervention seem somewhat pathetic! And me somewhat pathetic for worrying so much!

But I do feel lots more hopeful now. Having people like you in one's life makes one feel so much more positive - chases all the negativity away. You certainly know how to cancel out negativity with positivity - I must follow suit. Fast!!!

Dutchy must have given you a fright when he pretended to stalk you - how funny. I bet you did wonder if he really was a neighbour and if he could, in fact, see you! Having coffee with him before your birthday does sound more likely now that it did even a week ago. Hurrah!

Probably not making much sense - I'm so tired - but let's face it, I write the way I think. In a series of exclamation marks and hyphens with a few words splattered randomly between them! It doesn't help that my cursor's gone crazy and is dancing over my screen at will. At least I HAVE broadband - such a shame yours is still down. I hope you get it back for the weekend.

Glad you laughed at my 'lawn walk' - and that's on a good day! My head tells my legs and spine to do one thing, but they do another. Very frustrating. It doesn't help when Megan wants to 'sheepdog' me and circles round and round herding me until I reach my destinations safely. Bless her, she doesn't realise that her 'help' is making it so much harder!

Have a super weekend, both of you.
Reply Fri 1 Mar, 2013 11:58 am
Hi sweet heart...Always in my prayers...Wink


That was awful to read about falling on the ice...
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Mar, 2013 12:19 pm
I think a little joke to cheer us up is in order...Wink Very Happy

Reply Fri 1 Mar, 2013 01:29 pm
Good one Spades - thank you!
Reply Fri 1 Mar, 2013 01:32 pm
Mr. Green Mr. Green

I hope that you and FS have a super weekend also! Wink
Reply Fri 1 Mar, 2013 02:10 pm
And you, dear Spades. Have a super time, whatever you do. Laughing
Reply Fri 1 Mar, 2013 04:19 pm

So much love !!!!

Reading all of that and getting the cheer me up video from Spades, has just made my weekend... That and Izzie's news!~~~~~ I just feel a whole lot of love around me from "real" people who hold it very close and dearly in their hearts.

So in that, I must add, support is one thing, nice is another, but people with a whole lot of love in their hearts is priceless, you can't pay for that.. And, there are so many people here "like that"....

Spades, so good to have you here, I guess I should drop by yours again Wink

You must tell us how your week has been or more... It's been a while.

Vonny, Megan probably does know and thinks it's funny because she knows Mum has a sense of humor Wink

Things teach us, it does not matter how old we are, we are never too old to learn. And, life has a funny way of showing us the bigger picture when we feel down and out, or scared, or worried... Life shows us from someone else's perspective, problems, troubles and then, we no longer doubt, worry because we see..

There are no negatives in life, everything has a positive... Spades, had I not slipped I would have remained in the Hospitality Industry, running Restaurants not that, that's a bad thing but I found my calling in Real Estate, it's mine, my invention, my way, it's a job I love, it helps people as well, I can be creative, it's mine, my invention, my way and so I suffer somewhat along the way, but it's mine, my invention, my way. Wink

Vonny, when you look at those gardens, the trees, the birds singing, when you type words from your heart, isn't it magical? So, we have "small" hurdles due to injuries but we have beauty in our lives.

Dear me, I must be in one of those moods Spades Wink

Well, anyways, no computer still. But, but, I purchased a pre-paid broadband so now as I can't friggen get it to work, I will contact my computer guy, get him to set it up and use that until my network providers are back on line.

I can't believe it. I rang them and they told me to go to Adam...? I rang Adam and they only do 1 or 2 year contracts, and it would take a week to set up. Why would I leave e-access, just because they ran into difficulty and why would e-access suggest I go somewhere else, imagine how much business they are losing alas, I suspect they understand, we as business people can't go with out our emails, the internet.

But still!!!!

About to pay a few people and zip back home to get ready for work with my new PA, (niece) who is in the training to become mini-me although I think she is enjoying playing PA, "ring, ring " " would you like your phone? " giggles, erm, yes please.

Life is beautiful, people are beautiful, Vonny I do believe in a "God" I do, but ask Spades, my beliefs remain with me, unless I feel the need to type something to someone, that I feel is needed to be said.

Life is beautiful, I shall pass through tomorrow.

Happy Friday I think over there? Happy Saturday for me .

Reply Fri 1 Mar, 2013 04:59 pm
I am doing pretty well...I had a bad fever/flu...And bronchitis...but it is almost all gone...maybe 2 more full days and it will be completely gone...

I think you brought up an excellent point in always looking at the glass half full...

I love the pictures of your garden(s)...I think they are very beautiful...I went to an Asian restaurant yesterday...And was blown away by what appeared to be a Zen Buddhist garden...and can understand why people use them to spiritually meditate...
Reply Sat 2 Mar, 2013 03:50 pm

I slept for six hours last night! Mad Such a relief. I was feeling quite faint and 'floaty' from lack of zzzz's. Crying or Very sad First night since Tuesday that I haven't been plagued by thoughts and fears of what lies ahead. Last night I was so tired that I just gave up worrying, thought 'what the heck', and zonked out for a gloriously refreshing sleep. Feel loads more hopeful today. Was okay until I looked up a website that deals with cancer - very informative and useful, in that it covers in detail the treatment I'm going to have, but perhaps too much detail - yet!

Ah well, all the more reason to go out and buy hats!!! Idea

Glad your weekend has improved. Izzie's news is wonderful! I didn't know her story previously, but looked up the thread she mentioned in one of her posts - gosh, what she's been through. Poor lady! I knew of some of her health problems, but not about her son or her marriage. How magical that her son arrived out of the blue like that! And Dutchy - sounds as if he's improving all the time. His wife and family must be thrilled by his progress. I certainly am. And last, but certainly not least, Ossobuco's Katy sounds as if she's 'leaking' less - great news. Like you, I find that good news of other people heartens me. Lots of positives in A2K - lots of goodness from people with love in their hearts.

Sorry you're still having problems with your broadband - gosh, it does sound complicated. I had to laugh - when you said they'd told you to go to Adam, I thought they were being impertinent! As in - go to hell!!! We don't have Adam over here, or e-access, for us it's o2, Sky, Virgin etc. Confused I can see why you are getting frustrated with the whole thing. Hope it gets sorted out soon. Thank goodness you have at your shop! Great that you are enjoying training your new PA to become a mini-you! Sounds as if you two are having fun! Laughing I hope property sales are on the up for you.

Life has a lot of beauty - you are so right there. Nature is beautiful. But it can be cruel. Peaceful is tempered by harsh, light with shade, yin and yang ..... it goes on. Not sure about a god - no real beliefs any more. Tried so many religions in my youth that I finished up believing all and believing none. So I just adore and worship - but not through any known church. I've always found peace of mind in nature - the sky is like a cathedral in so many ways. Sunsets are the stained glass windows, clouds are the towering pillars, cliffs are building blocks - but I wax too lyrical at times - forgive me, my mind is like a grasshopper's - never stays on one subject for long. I must be very annoying!

Have a good weekend. Not long until your holiday in America now, is it? What a wonderful holiday that will be.

Reply Sat 2 Mar, 2013 03:52 pm
Poor Spades - I didn't realise you'd been ill. I do hope you'll be quite well soon.

The Zen Buddhist garden at the Asia restaurant sounds splendid. Such beautiful and peaceful places. And yes, so perfect for spiritual meditation.

Have a good weekend.
Reply Sat 2 Mar, 2013 09:08 pm
I hope you had a great weekend also sweet heart! Wink Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Mar, 2013 09:43 pm
Hi Spades, sheez, they say things come in threes Wink I am really glad it is almost gone and I hazzed at a guess that you are not looking after yourself, well enough with both food and bedding.. (Yes Mum) Wink Please see that as a sign Smile And, and, look after yourself better.

You must, half empty is negative ....... Smile

Thank you, it's one of my greatest loves... Anything to do with Earth.. Google pictures of Buddhist gardens, you will get inspired. I don't mind what ever anyone believes in but even if you don't, it's easy to sit in a beautifu and peaceful garden and just day dream... The peace is amazing, so I too can understand why they do it.

Get better sweet....

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