I - Internet ?
I have been studying a little today on the situation Anna advised. It does say that it is not un-common to either, lose blood, have low blood pressure or fluid on the lungs. I do so hope that the Doctors found out today how to get it all normal, each day is another day. I am banking on them and my witchy powers .... Hey Danny when you read this
It's funny Vonny I said the same thing to Izzie

When Danny went awall last year and she welcomed me.. not as a "new" friend to Danny and making sure I knew months, years, is not relevant it's being a friend and we all are, should have heard all the nice things he said about you over the last week

He does think you know how to give and take it, loved the crumpets and couldn't help himself stiring you, loved your sense of humor and off course, in that discussion I was "ditto" ..
Where was I. Oh, yes, someone Dutchy knows did it, I know she did, it's one of those threads, it changes all the time, along the lines of something else already here lols.
I'm not sure what friggen First Word is about either anymore - but me too, be fun if more joined in... Sheez, we just chatting or being clever, or nerdy or something .
Giggles. I forgot they also can eat pearl barley alot cheaper than friggen brown rice, ouch, my purse strings.
Much love to Mr Dutchy, sending more vibes. .......................................
J............................ Jester? Him ? hehe.
Sturgis, your sentences are TOO short, I tell you
Where did Spades go........................mmmmmm