First Word -

Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2013 10:04 pm

Name 40 food creations using cabbage.
Reply Mon 28 Jan, 2013 01:22 pm
What happened to U? Ah well, I'll start off with two or three :-
Cabbage Patch Dolls
Cabbage Soup Diet
Cabbages and Kings - sort of!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 28 Jan, 2013 01:23 pm
In other words, I can't think of any - except cabbage soup!
Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 01:09 am
Erm...I suspect this was bought on by your Dog eating Cabbage Vonny Wink

I can add a few just lols.

Cabbage cold rolls
Vegeterian Cabbage casseroles
Cabbage stuffed rolls
Cabbage coleslaw
Mashed cabbage with butter


There ya go Sturg... eat your heart out.


Were we going for D? Dutchy Smile Thinking of him and shall check tomorrow how he went today.

Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 03:15 am
I'll go for DD - Double D - Dutchy must be in a lot of people's thoughts at the moment - hoping all went well for him - heartfelt best wishes to him and his family at this time. Looking forward to updates

Sturges - I don't even like cabbage particularly........ believe you can make a slaw with it though?

Dog's diet - she's happy with the cabbage, but I'm concerned about putting broccoli into her food since I read online that it can seriously harm dogs - so much conflicting advice! Not taking any risks with her though, so will omit it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 03:18 am
Trying, with my limited computer skills, to paste the link to broccoli warning here - hope it works!


0 Replies
Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 03:21 am
Didn't quite work - got arthritis instead! Trying instead to paste the Q/A - be patient, still new to all this!
Hello and thank you for sharing a wonderful site. I own a chocolate female and she loves broccoli and I see on your list that it is toxic. I have never heard of this before and wonder what the damage can result in for her? Thanks again.

Yes, broccoli is toxic to dogs as their digestive system processes certain foods differently then humans. If you have already given broccoli to your dog, not to worry. As with any food, the key is in the amount of food given to the pup. So, if your Lab were to get into a piece of broccoli, it wouldn’t do any damage. However, if it were to get into a large bag of broccoli, then I would suggest you seek a veterinarian’s assistance immediately.
Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 02:55 pm
Hi Vonny,

My Vets tell me off from googling Smile Some things we read are correct, others taken out of proportion but even the article of "answer" you bought up stated "consult your vet"..

I googled Wink http://www.heathershomemadedogtreats.com/toxic.html

This is a list of what "not" to give a dog. It does in-deed include broccoli but also states that there appears to be some confusion there, it could be that the cows ate too much broccoli, as this is where there findings came from.

BROCCOLI: There has been a bit of confusion where broccoli is concerned. Broccoli is very good for dogs, however, if the daily intake exceeds more than 10% of the animals diet – problems can occur. The toxic substance is isothiocyanate and can cause gastrointestinal irritation.
NOTE: Broccoli toxicity was first noted in dairy cattle raised in California. When there was an over abundant broccoli crop, it was fed to the cattle. Problems may have occurred because cattle have rumens and digest things much more thoroughly, therefore taking in more of the toxic substance.

Kia being diabetic must have nutrients, vegetables, her meal consists of 2 cups of brown rice, 1 cup of cooked chicken breats, and 1/2 cup of mixed carrot/broccoli. So that would tie into the 10% stated above ... Plus she gets a cooked egg an hour before hand to keep her going...

Interestingly, I do give them a pea pod.. Which I read somewhere else is good for them not just the raw peas but the pod itself.. They love it.

These are the most nutritious raw vegetables for your dog:

•Alfalfa sprouts
•Bell peppers
•Carrots (can be cooked as well – also gives ‘em something good to chew on!)
•Chopped parsley
•Finely grated beets
•Finely grated carrots with peel
•Finely grated zucchini and other soft squash with peel
•Fresh corn
•Lettuce and mixed greens
…these are the most nutritious cooked vegetables:

•Green beans
•Hard winter squash
…and these should be avoided:

•Swiss chard

Cabbage/Broccoli/Cauliflower - OK to feed in small amounts but may cause
gas. If fed frequently and in large amounts these will depress the thyroid

3. Vegetables: Vegetables make up about 1/4 of the meal and provide vitamins, minerals and fiber. Dogs get more nutrients from the vegetables if they are lightly steamed, (chopped or pureed). Vegetables to include: squash, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, peas, beets, yams, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans and sweet potato. Vegetables to avoid: onion, potato, tomato, bell peppers, spinach, raw beans, garlic, leek, chard and beet greens.

I think you will find, as long as it is a "small" portion of the meal, we are safe Von .....
Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 03:40 pm
Hey, great list. Thanks for that First Word - will make sure I keep a copy. Megan will love trying that lot - all at once if she had her way!!! But I'll introduce things into her diet slowly - see how it goes. She loves vegetables, so not hard to get her to eat them. Her favourite thing is lettuce - not sure how good or bad that is, but she goes absolutely crazy for it!
Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 03:44 pm
Eggplant was at one time a treat but these days it doesn't seem to work for me...I guess maybe I wasn't paying it enough.

Oh, this isn't the really bad jokes thread?
Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 04:00 pm
How to I write a snort!!! Ahem, don't get it - but I never do, not even bad jokes!
Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 04:12 pm
Um...eggplant wasn't working for me, low pay, refused to work...

Go listen to a Dylan tune.
Reply Tue 29 Jan, 2013 04:43 pm
You planted an egg and expected it to turn into gold?


No worries Vonny, I also am not looking at what else I could add Wink
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2013 01:55 pm
Oh no, not Dylan, please!!! Had enough Dylan for a day. A bit of Carl Orff's Carmina Burana - that's more cheerful? Why did you sack the poor eggplant - it couldn't work for less than a spadeful of compost?

Found Soul - Megan's doing well. Trying the clock under her bedding, she seems to settle better with it there so will keep doing it for a while until she gets used to Harvey not being there.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2013 01:59 pm
Oops, got sidetracked
F - Freedom (from eggplants?)
Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2013 02:33 pm
Who started this Alphabet thing anyways? Wink

G - GREAT to hear about Megan and the clock.. Kia seems to be "ok" when she goes out to Missy's area now..

Ya got me looking at dog recipes now Wink Got a not bad link if you want it.. Pretty much all doing the same thing 2 cups of pasta or rice, or mix with some oats, 1 of meat and 1/2 of veg. All mention lite salt 1/4 teaspoon in the full batch that they make, funny as Kia came back from the Vet's the other day with low on sodium and she needs that .... used a bit of chicken stock but may look at those recipes. Plus crushed egg shells or bone shavings. But, you have to slowly cook the shells first before crushing them no, no, no... No time......

I know Danny used to worry for me, with Kia after all that happened, she's "ok" a word I kept telling him over and over for himself that he will be "ok" so I'm sending that out via the Universe, via here for him to HEAR.................... Will ring Ms Anna today I think, given Izzie won't be until tomorrow and I'll post it on Yabber.

Where was I oh, in the Chat room Wink
Reply Wed 30 Jan, 2013 03:06 pm
H - HOPE so much that Dutchy will make a good recovery. I obviously don't know him fractionally so well as most First Worder or Yabber-Liner folks, but his warmth and humour are infectious - lovely person. I was always so glad to see his name come up on the crossword puzzling forum when I needed an answer badly - he always knew it!

Don't know who started the Alphabet thing - I just picked it up because I thought that's what First Word was all about! Doh, am I stupid or what? Not sure what First Word is about now - but I like it!

I'd love the link to the dog recipes - whoops, that sounds a bit unfortunate - recipes for dogs - doggie menu dishes perhaps!
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2013 01:32 am
I - Internet ? Wink

I have been studying a little today on the situation Anna advised. It does say that it is not un-common to either, lose blood, have low blood pressure or fluid on the lungs. I do so hope that the Doctors found out today how to get it all normal, each day is another day. I am banking on them and my witchy powers .... Hey Danny when you read this Wink

It's funny Vonny I said the same thing to Izzie Wink When Danny went awall last year and she welcomed me.. not as a "new" friend to Danny and making sure I knew months, years, is not relevant it's being a friend and we all are, should have heard all the nice things he said about you over the last week Wink He does think you know how to give and take it, loved the crumpets and couldn't help himself stiring you, loved your sense of humor and off course, in that discussion I was "ditto" ..

Where was I. Oh, yes, someone Dutchy knows did it, I know she did, it's one of those threads, it changes all the time, along the lines of something else already here lols.

I'm not sure what friggen First Word is about either anymore - but me too, be fun if more joined in... Sheez, we just chatting or being clever, or nerdy or something .

Giggles. I forgot they also can eat pearl barley alot cheaper than friggen brown rice, ouch, my purse strings.

Much love to Mr Dutchy, sending more vibes. .......................................

J............................ Jester? Him ? hehe.

Sturgis, your sentences are TOO short, I tell you Wink

Where did Spades go........................mmmmmm

Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2013 03:42 am
Your updates are great - very informative and hopeful. I logged on early today (usually wait until evening to fire my laptop up) just to see if there was news of Dutchy. Such a big operation! His poor wife must be mentally and physically exhausted - no wonder there is some confusion. But there is hope, and masses and masses of love speeding towards dear Dutchy. Hope not too long before he can partake of those crumpets on a silver salver - be a pleasure to serve them to him! Enjoyed our bit of banter so far - looking forward to giving and taking a lot more in the future.

First Word is great - don't change a thing. Not sure that I always understand it ...... but fun, nevertheless!

K - King - only one person deserves that title at the moment - hurry back Danny.

Pear barley it is - Labs never refuse food so not difficult to introduce it into their diet. Looked at Labrador Rescue sites last evening - far too early to even consider another dog yet, but oh how much I'd like to help some of the poor dogs waiting for homes, especially the oldies - perhaps one day in the not too far distant future?

Yes, where DID Spades go to?
Reply Thu 31 Jan, 2013 04:25 pm
Love - sending it out there Wink Or, Love Crumpets... Or, Love is all you need.

Yeah well Sturgis can't think of what to write either now can he Wink Spades, nicks off from time to time.

Having a diabetic dog and one that just recovered yay, from Cancer, Chemo both 9 - 10 or a bit older, not sure, we know one day in the near future, alas, there will be bigsy..The naughty cat.

We intend too, to go to the RSPCA, and adopt... I don't like the thought of pet shops at all.. When there are so many animals that need rescuing.


Do you feel up to posting a picture of your beloved?

Izzie will contact Anna today I think, I hope. It's Friday here and that was her last comment. I will be checking too in an hour.

You wait to see what he writes when he is all better, about those crumpets Wink Trust me.. lols.


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