Presidential Pardons, Shades of Mercy, Power and Persuasion Don’t Always Add up

Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 12:13 pm
Presidential Pardons - Shades of Mercy - Congressional Letters: Power and Persuasion Don’t Always Add Up to Pardons
by Dafna Linzer - ProPublica
Dec. 4, 2011


In 2001, Dr. Leonard R. Collier of Winn Parish, La., approached Rep. John Cooksey, R-La., with an opportunity. If Cooksey supported his pardon application, Collier might reward him with campaign funding.

Collier was seeking a presidential pardon for his 1993 conviction on federal charges of bribing a public official.

In an August 2001 letter to Cooksey, Collier outlined his terms. He noted that he had recently joined the ranks of “the Republican Round Table with a total of $6,000 contribution to the Republican cause and upcoming elections.”

Collier wrote that “a word from you to President George W. Bush regarding signing my application would be very helpful.” To return the favor, Collier said, “this old country boy surgeon might be able to help your cause just a bit too.”
Collier as 'This Old Country Boy Surgeon' (p. 3)

In a seemingly inexplicable moment of transparency, Cooksey forwarded Collier’s letter to the Office of the Pardon Attorney inside the Justice Department. It was released to ProPublica as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request.

Another Louisiana congressman, Democrat Chris John, forwarded the pardon attorney a letter of support from state Sen. Mike Smith, who described himself as a “life-long friend’’ of Collier.

The letters from local officials recounted the hardships the surgeon had suffered as a result of his conviction. “He is sixty-nine years old, but because of his mistake several years ago, he is enduring continuous punishment,” wrote Rev. Andre’ R. Howard, a city councilman from Winnfield, La.

State Sen. Smith described Collier as being “in a state of depression over the fact that he cannot get anyone’s ear” regarding his pardon application.

Records show Collier’s campaign contributions to Cooksey were modest. Less than three months after he wrote the letter, he gave $500 to the Louisiana congressman.

The letters failed to persuade the Justice Department or the president. Bush denied Collier’s request in 2003.

A Plea for an Executive

In his letter to President Bill Clinton in late 2000, Rep. James L. Oberstar, D-Minn., wrote that he had known Hal Greenwood for “at least 30 years, both professionally and personally.”
Oberstar: 'I Have Known Hal Greenwood for at Least 30 Years' (p. 2)

Nearly a decade earlier, Greenwood had been convicted of conspiracy, misapplication of funds, filing false reports to regulators, and racketeering. He was sentenced in 1992 to a 46-month prison term after the failure of Midwest Federal Savings and Loan, a collapse that cost taxpayers $1.2 billion.

Oberstar wasn’t the only one on Capitol Hill to back the former banker. Then-Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., wrote that he had “known Mr. Greenwood for many years” and was confident his “moral and ethical standards more than justify your consideration of his pardon application.”
Coleman: 'I Have Known Mr. Greenwood for Many Years' (p. 4)

Former Minnesota Gov. Arne H. Carlson said he had known Greenwood “from the '60s through the '70s,” and said the millionaire had shown courage by deciding to stay in the state after such a well-publicized financial bust.

“Bear in mind, he could well have escaped to the anonymous shores of Florida or California and spent his retirement in self-indulgence,” Carlson wrote in 2003. Instead, Carlson said, Greenwood became involved in civic activities in his community of Grand Marais, Minn., near the Canadian border.

'Could Well Have Escaped to the Anonymous Shores of Florida or California' (p. 1)

Seven years after the application was filed, Bush denied Greenwood’s pardon. As is customary, no explanation was given.

Wrangling for a Pardon

Few politicians have pleaded as passionately and relentlessly for an applicant as Rep. Charles Rangel, D-N.Y., who urged a pardon for his friend and former colleague, Mario Biaggi, a fellow New York Democrat. In 1987, Biaggi was convicted of taking unlawful gifts on behalf of a company seeking federal contracts. He was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison.

Beginning in 1999, Rangel launched a letter-writing campaign that spanned three presidencies. In all, he sent 14 letters pressing for Biaggi’s pardon, each on congressional stationary that helpfully reminded readers they were dealing with the top Democrat of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee.

Rangel wrote to the White House, attorney general, pardon attorney, and even appealed to the Office of Management and Budget, telling the director that Biaggi was “a man with a big heart and a passion for public service.” The mailings confused at least one budget office recipient who scribbled on top of Rangel’s letter, “What is OMB role in Pardons?”

What is OMB role in Pardons? (p. 17)

Undeterred, Rangel added a handwritten note to a Jan. 5, 2010, letter to President Barack Obama that said of Biaggi: “He’s really a great American.”

A "great American." (p. 26)

Rangel wasn’t the only politician to wrangle on Biaggi’s behalf. Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah; New York state Sen. Serphin R. Maltese; and former Sen. James Buckley, Conservative-N.Y., also wrote endorsements.

Throughout the process, Biaggi continued to maintain his innocence, a stance that officials say virtually dooms an applicant’s chances.

Bush denied Biaggi’s pardon on Jan. 19, 2009. He would not be eligible to reapply again until 2011.

A Rug Merchant of 'Strong Character'

When Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, pushed for a pardon candidate, he went straight to the top. Such was the case with his letter on behalf of John H. Feizy.

“Mr. President — I have met with Mr. Feizy and he is the type of person,” Sessions said in a handwritten note to President Bush, who “would best fit our policy needs to help.”

'Best Fit Our Policy Needs to Help' (p. 7)

Feizy owns and operates a high-profile fine rugs company in Dallas. In 1993, he violated federal customs laws by smuggling Iranian carpets into the country.

Sessions described Feizy as "a man of strong character — honest, compassionate, charitable, and hard working." In a separate letter three years later, he listed Feizy’s philanthropy, which included working "to eradicate child labor in poverty-stricken Afghanistan and Pakistan."

Feizy is also a donor to the Republican Party and politicians. Since 2000, the businessman, his family and his business has contributed more than $14,000 to Republican candidates for state and federal office.

In 2008, Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas, also wrote on Feizy’s behalf, praising his "philanthropic and community endeavors." All this acclaim didn’t succeed. On Jan. 19, 2009, Bush denied Feizy’s request for a pardon.

'Philanthropic and Community Endeavors' (p. 1)

A Bottle of Wine with Your Pardon?

Former Rep. George Radanovich, R-Calif., knows his wine. He’s a co-founder of the Congressional Wine Caucus and a former winery owner.

He’s also an advocate for Fred T. Franzia, head of the California behemoth Bronco Wine Co. and proud producer of a slew of under-$10 bottles, including Trader Joe’s Charles Shaw brand, often referred to as "Two Buck Chuck." (No relation to Franzia boxed wine.)

Franzia, the nephew of wine mogul Ernest Gallo, is considered one of the most colorful and sometimes controversial figures in the American winery community. In 1993, he pleaded guilty to a fraud charge for misrepresenting wine he sold as being from higher-quality grapes.

In his effort to secure a pardon, Franzia hired former U.S. Pardon Attorney Margaret Colgate Love, who had entered private practice in 1997.

And Franzia wooed Radanovich. He, his family and executive at his business contributed a total of nearly $30,000 to the congressman and the Wine Institute, one of Radanovich's largest donors.

In 2008, Radanovich wrote to Fred Fielding, Bush’s White House counsel, that Franzia was seeking a pardon "because of the shame the conviction has brought upon himself," his family and his winery. "He would like to continue the long tradition of winemaking in his family without the stigma of his poor business practices," Radanovich said in the letter.

'Continue the Long Tradition of Winemaking in His Family' (p. 4)

The plea was not enough. Bush denied Franzia in December 2008.

How Not to Win a Pardon

One way to undermine your advocacy for a pardon application is to commit a felony yourself. Such was the case for former Ohio Rep. James Traficant, a Democrat who was convicted on 10 felony counts of bribery, racketeering and fraud a year after he wrote letters in support of two Ohio men convicted of charges arising from their ties to organized crime.

A former lieutenant for the Mahoning County Sheriff’s Department, Michael "Beef" Terlecky was accused in 1990 of taking bribes from mob figures. In a letter to the President Bush, Traficant called Terlecky "an honest and upstanding member of our society" who deserved "to have his name cleared."
Terlecky: 'An Honest and Upstanding Member of Our Society' (p. 1)

Traficant also wrote a letter in support of the pardon application by Pat Traficant, a Las Vegas casino executive and recent character in the Discovery Channel's "American Casino." In 1974, Pat Traficant was found guilty of violating federal gambling laws in Ohio. In the letter to Bush, the congressman noted that Pat Traficant had served his sentence without complaint and was a "good family man."
'A Good Family Man' (p. 2)

One issue that James Traficant did not mention to the Justice Department: Pat Traficant was his cousin.

In the end, neither Pat Traficant nor Terlecky received a pardon. But Terlecky did try to help the congressman by testifying on his behalf at his federal trial on charges of filing false tax returns and exchanging free labor and materials on his Ohio farm for political favors.

That assistance didn’t work out, either. Traficant was found guilty and served seven years in prison.
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Reply Tue 6 Dec, 2011 12:18 pm
Presidential Pardons, Shades of Mercy, Pardon Applicants Benefit From Friends in High Places
by Dafna Linzer - ProPublica
Dec. 5, 2011

Second of two parts. Part one here. This story was co-published with The Washington Post.

But Critz’s past blocked his way. Years earlier, while learning the ropes at an unrelated dealership in Florida, he took part in a scheme to falsify loan documents for low-income car buyers. He pleaded guilty in 1989 to a felony — a conviction that could have prevented him from owning the family business. Many automakers do not let felons run their franchises.

So in late 2000, Critz embarked on a campaign for forgiveness. He enlisted the help of Republican Rep. Jack Kingston, a family friend, Georgia neighbor, and regular recipient of political donations from Critz and his family.

Over the next six years, Kingston personally pressed for Critz’s pardon, writing the Justice Department and twice calling the top pardon official, Roger Adams. Adams’s recommendations are first seen by the deputy attorney general and then sent to the White House for the president’s approval or denial. In Critz’s case, the deputy opposed the pardon, noting that Critz had lied on his pardon application and to the FBI during his background check, and the recommendation did not go to the White House.

A year later, with a new deputy in place, Critz got what he wanted. On Dec. 21, 2006, he became, at 48, one of the youngest people pardoned by President George W. Bush.

Since 2000, a total of 196 members of Congress — 126 Republicans and 70 Democrats — have written to the pardons office on behalf of more than 200 donors and constituents, according to copies of their letters obtained through the Freedom of Information Act. Many of the letters urged the White House and the Justice Department to take special note of felons whom lawmakers described as close friends.

A statistical analysis of nearly 500 pardon applicants during the Bush administration suggests that advocacy makes a difference. Applicants with a member of Congress in their corner were three times as likely to win a pardon as those without such backing. Interviews and documents show a lawmaker’s support can speed up a stalled application, counter negative information and ratchet up pressure for an approval.

Adams, who ran the Justice Department’s pardons office from 1998 to 2008, acknowledged the potential value of congressional letters. “If the official does know the person,” Adams said, “it gives it some weight.”

A Justice Department spokeswoman said that the agency would not comment on any individual cases but added that the process is not subject to influence.

“Any third party is free to express support for a pardon request, and those letters are part of the executive clemency file,” the spokeswoman said. “The title or position of the third party who expresses his support does not play a role in the review process.”

A ProPublica analysis of presidential pardons published Sunday revealed a pattern of racial disparities in pardon awards. The review found that white applicants were nearly four times as likely to receive pardons as all minorities combined. Congressional influence did not account for the racial disparity.

Of the 54 applicants with congressional support for whom ProPublica was able to determine race, 47 were white, five were black and two were Hispanic.

In the case of Critz, who is white, his family gave Kingston $10,100 in the years before his pardon application in 2000. Since then it has given the congressman an additional $13,050.

Neither Kingston nor any of the lawmakers who received campaign contributions voluntarily disclosed the donations in their letters to the pardons office.

For many members of Congress, a letter to the pardon lawyer is a routine constituent service. Pardons restore the right to own a firearm, sit on a jury or vote. Because felons are often denied professional licenses, a pardon can open the door to a new job or career advancement.

Bush began his presidency determined to prevent political interference in the granting of pardons. He had just witnessed a powerful example of how money and connections could mar the process: President Bill Clinton’s last-minute pardon of Marc Rich, a fugitive financier whose ex-wife had donated large sums to the Clinton Presidential Library and the Democratic National Committee. Bush decided to rely more on career officials in the Justice Department’s tiny pardons office.

'You Just Can't Go There'

Pardon applicants face extensive scrutiny. Officials review their personal, professional, marital and financial history. FBI agents interview friends and associates, even former spouses, and scour criminal records for offenses that applicants might have omitted. The Justice Department often solicits views from the sentencing judge and prosecutor.

But no one takes note of campaign contributions made to members of Congress or other public officials writing in support of applicants. Some officials say this is by design, that it would be inappropriate for the White House or the Justice Department to research an applicant’s political affiliation or history of donations.

“I truly did not want to know about campaign contributions and never allowed anyone on my staff to look at it,” Adams said, “because if you find that someone gave money, or didn’t give money, then you can’t have someone else wonder if that’s part of the reason why they were recommended for a pardon or denied. You just can’t go there.”

Congressional support does not ensure a pardon. In fact, the vast majority of applicants with congressional support failed, according to ProPublica’s review of letters from members of Congress to the Justice Department and the White House. About 10 percent of Bush’s 189 pardons went to people with congressional support.

“If a congressman called, you would listen to them,” said Kenneth Lee, a former associate White House counsel who reviewed pardon cases during Bush’s second term. “Sometimes it was a prominent politician. Other times it was an anguished mother with a son in prison. It helped to the extent that I would open the file and look again, but rarely did it add useful information.”

Almost from their first day in office, lawyers in the Obama White House began receiving calls from members of Congress advocating pardons.

“One of the problems with the process was the inequality of access,” said a former White House lawyer who asked to speak anonymously because he remains in government. “People with resources hire lawyers, sometimes former U.S. attorneys or former White House lawyers. It’s inherently unfair because the volume of applications is high and it’s easy to pull one out of the stack with a call.”

A Close Call

Dale Critz Jr. talks about the renovations at the Critz Mercedes-Benz Dealership on the corner of Stephenson and Abercorn in February 2011. (Richard Burkhart/Savannah Morning News)

Dale Critz Jr. talks about the renovations at the Critz Mercedes-Benz Dealership on the corner of Stephenson and Abercorn in February 2011. (Richard Burkhart/Savannah Morning News)

Critz’s father and grandfather built the family dealerships in Savannah into a multimillion-dollar business. In the 1980s, hoping to gain experience, Critz went to Florida to work at a dealership outside the family orbit.

Earning a promotion required selling as many as 20 cars per month. Critz, then in his mid-20s, fell in with a group of salesmen who developed a scheme to boost sales, records show. They placed newspaper ads appealing to customers with poor credit. When the potential buyers came in, the salesman put false income information on the loan applications. The deals went through and the salesmen met their quotas, but the purchasers were on the hook for payments they could not afford.

Critz pleaded guilty in 1989 to falsifying one such loan, cooperated with federal prosecutors and testified against his co-workers. He was sentenced to three years’ probation and allowed to live near his parents in Georgia.

By 1993, Critz and his wife, Debbie, were featured in Savannah Magazine as one of the city’s three “power couples.” Today, he is a well-known businessman and philanthropist who sponsors an annual half-marathon on Tybee Island in Kingston’s district. He chaired the local United Way campaign and was appointed to two local boards by the Savannah City Council.

Critz’s good works made a case for his pardon, and he had need — two factors the pardons office considers. The federal conviction stood in the way of his taking over the family franchises, which included BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Buick dealerships.

But federal officials investigating his application were disturbed by other aspects of his life, including a 1975 drunken-driving conviction and a 1982 arrest for allegedly standing on a car and being disrespectful to a police officer. On his pardon application, Critz failed to disclose those events, according to Justice Department memos. During an FBI interview, he also failed to mention that between 1998 and 2000, he had used a firearm to hunt birds. Agents had discovered that he had a hunting license during that period. Federally convicted felons are barred from possessing firearms.

In addition, Critz’s driver’s license had been suspended three times before his 1989 conviction. In the years that followed, he was cited for speeding or other traffic violations 10 times.

Kingston vouched for Critz in a 2003 letter to Adams. Describing Critz as an “exemplary citizen,” Kingston wrote, “I have known Dale for twelve years and believe that he deserves a pardon.”

The congressman also shared a copy of the letter with Paul Murphy, then associate deputy attorney general and one of Adams’s bosses at the Justice Department. Murphy forwarded the letter to Adams with a note: “Let’s discuss when you have a moment.”

In May 2003, Critz’s attorney, John Hogan, who had worked at the Justice Department during the Clinton administration, called Adams to plead his client’s case.

Two months later, the U.S. attorney in Savannah, Richard Thompson, offered his unsolicited view to the pardon office — h e “wholeheartedly’’ and “unequivocally” endorsed Critz’s application. Former Justice Department officials said this was unusual because the case had been prosecuted by federal officials in Florida.

Persuaded, Adams recommended Critz for pardon.

In 2005, Deputy Attorney General James B. Comey stayed up late one night to review pardon recommendations. He read Critz’s — and spiked it. “I am strongly opposed to this pardon,” Comey wrote in an e-mail to his chief of staff the next morning.

Comey was “troubled,” he wrote, by Critz’s “lack of candor about his prior convictions and his repeated driving offenses, as well as his illegal possession of a firearm. In short, he lied to the FBI during the pardon interview and lied to the Pardon Attorney on his application.”

Comey noted that Thompson, the Savannah prosecutor who wrote in support of Critz, resigned in 2004 after an internal Justice Department investigation determined he had misused his office to support a fellow Republican.

“A pardon is an act of grace, and so it was always important to me to see how the person conducted himself during the pardon application,” Comey said in a recent interview. “If you are going to pick a slice of life for them to be on their best behavior, this is it.”

Comey’s dissent could have been the end for Critz, but it proved only a temporary setback. Two months after Comey resigned from the department, Associate White House Counsel Brett Gerry was nudging Adams for more pardon candidates. Adams suggested Critz, who had not yet been formally denied.

In a memo to Comey’s successor, Paul McNulty, Adams vouched personally and in writing that the likelihood of Critz “ever committing another crime is almost nonexistent.” A copy of his positive recommendation for Critz was enclosed. Three months later, Critz’s pardon was official.

In an email, Critz said he did “not wish to be interviewed or to answer any questions” for this story.

Adams said he does not remember the specifics of the Critz case, only that it was a “close call.”

“If Comey recommended no, he probably had a good reason for it,” Adams said. “On the other hand, Paul McNulty recommended for it, and he’s a man of goodwill as well.”

Adams said seeking a pardon to inherit property or win a franchise was a compelling reason.

“If the need is for licensing or business ownership or to obtain a franchise, that will help and the office will try to push [the case] further,” he said.

Adams also said an applicant’s honesty in the process was significant. “In some applications, unfortunately, the person is just not that honest about the extent of involvement in the offense or dishonest about other things,” he said. “Cases that showed dishonesty like that probably won’t go in the right direction.”

But Critz’s did.

And the pardon worked. Today, Critz is the president and owner of the family business.

Texas Ties

Former mayor David McCall greets friends, family and dignitaries from the City of Plano at a ceremony in his honor for the dedication of a plaza in his name held at the Courtyard Theatre in Plano. (Lara Solt/The Dallas Morning News)

Former mayor David McCall greets friends, family and dignitaries from the City of Plano at a ceremony in his honor for the dedication of a plaza in his name held at the Courtyard Theatre in Plano. (Lara Solt/The Dallas Morning News)
The Critz family’s campaign donations to Kingston took place over the course of many years. In the case of David B. McCall Jr., longtime relationships with elected officials also made a difference.

McCall, a former mayor of Plano, Tex., who later became a banker, pleaded guilty in 1996 for falsifying loan records at his local savings and loan. He served six months in prison, spent five years on probation and paid $100,000 in restitution.

In 2003, at age 79, McCall was dying from colon cancer. Citing health reasons, his sons embarked on an urgent quest for a pardon. They reached out to every high-placed official they knew, starting at the very top.

“We had a Texan in the White House,” said McCall’s son David McCall III. “My brother Brian was in the state legislature. He had served and become well acquainted with the general counsel for the president, Alberto Gonzales, and he knew the president as well, so Brian took that half of it.”

David McCall III said he contacted Rep. Ralph M. Hall, who was then a Democrat, and two Republicans, Rep. Sam Johnson and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Hall had known David McCall Jr. and his wife for more than 20 years. “My mother and father went to state Democratic conventions with the Halls years before,” the younger McCall said.

The family relationship with Hutchison went back further. The elder McCall’s sisters worked for Hutchison when she owned a candy company before entering politics.

At the family’s request, Hutchison and Hall served as character references for McCall in late December 2003. David McCall III said he believes the Texas Republicans also spoke directly to Bush about their efforts.

In the following weeks, the McCall family gave $2,500 to Hutchison, campaign finance records show. Hall received $1,350, including one contribution three days before he wrote a personal letter to Gonzales on behalf of David McCall Jr.. The McCall family had a history of donating to Hutchison and Hall predating the pardon application.

On Valentine’s Day 2004, McCall became Bush’s 12th pardon. The president personally called McCall’s son Brian with the news.

“He was given the pardon on a Saturday and died on Tuesday,” his son David recalled.

Ten days later, the McCall family gave Hall an additional $1,650. Hutchison received another $1,000 on March 11, 2004, records show. One year later, Hutchison received another $11,400 in political contributions from the McCalls. It was the largest amount of money from the McCalls in a single year to Hutchison, who has received $21,400 from the family in all. Hall has received $5,750.

“It didn’t have anything to do with the money they gave me,” Hall said. “I was in their district and expected them to support me, but that wasn’t why I supported his pardon.”

Hall, who switched parties in early 2004 to become a Republican, said he was a believer in forgiveness and had written on behalf of five other applicants.

Adams, the pardon attorney, said McCall’s request had initially gone directly to the White House, but Associate White House Counsel Jennifer Brosnahan referred it to the Justice Department for review.

“We did do it within two to three business days, including the FBI background investigation,” Adams recalled. It was an “easy case,” Adams said. “It was the only thing he had ever done, he was close to death, and so there was no chance he would do anything wrong again.”

But internal Justice Department records show that there were concerns about granting McCall’s request. Michael Savage, the assistant U.S. attorney who had prosecuted McCall, opposed the pardon. Savage said he spoke with McCall’s son and believed that the family and “a member of the Texas congressional delegation were attempting to circumvent the usual clemency process,” according to Justice Department records.

Matthew Orwig, then the U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of Texas, initially opposed the pardon because normal procedures were not followed, a Justice Department memo states.

Facing a possible denial, the Justice Department agreed to a more thorough look.

It worked. The FBI completed a background check, though McCall was too sick to be interviewed. With the pardons office involved, Orwig changed his views and supported the application, according to Justice Department memos.

“It was handled fast because the White House wanted it handled fast,” Adams said in an interview.

McCall’s son David said that the family was grateful for the congressional support and that the money had little to do with it.

“I don’t think they were substantial donations in the scheme of things,” he said. “We had supported Hall and Hutchison for 20 years or more.” He said applicants of lesser means deserve the same treatment. “I think members of Congress should weigh in on pardons and they ought to help people back at home,” McCall said. “Sometimes justice fails us and there are inequities.”

Although the pardons office routinely denies applicants who claim they are victims of injustice, McCall said his father had been innocent. “We never thought he was guilty of anything,” he said, “and my father didn’t think he was guilty, either.”

ProPublica writer Jennifer LaFleur and researchers Liz Day and Robin Respaut contributed to this report.

Correction (12/5): An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that David B. McCall Jr. was convicted in 1996 of falsifying loan records. McCall pleaded guilty to that charge on Oct. 10, 1996. A judgment and sentencing were entered on Jan. 17, 1997. The article also misstated the timing of his family's quest for a pardon; the effort began seven years, not 24 years, after his conviction.
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