AndersondLawyer wrote:
This is a grave issue and the crime committed is as deadly as murder
and there should be laws to punish the accused in such a way that
no body could dare to commit it again and the law should be rigid
so that the accused could not escape through legal loop holes.
I must dissent from your point of vu, Counsellor.
If I had to choose whether to be either a victim of sexual abuse
(at ANY age) or of MURDER, I 'd have to prefer the sexual abuse.
If I survived, then I coud avenge myself upon the criminal.
Your post fails to take cognizance of the vast (infinite?) world
of extortion that u 'd create. Any of your nabors who is younger
than u r can claim that 40 or 50 years ago u sexually abused her
or him and demand very substantial recompense,
in default whereof a visit to the police is in her or his future.
She (or he) coud allege, as part of this extortion, that
the purported crime was worse than murder
and the applicable law (i.e., YOUR law) is so rigid
that an accused cannot escape.
She or he coud allege multiple instances of sexual abuse
spanning numerous years. If that we're alleged against U,
coud u prove where u were NOT, over those years?
The extortionist coud point out the financial magnitude
of your lawyer's fees alone (even if u win) and offer u
a "sweet deal" demanding only half of your worldly possessions.
The law that u advocate woud be a better weapon
than a gun, for your extortionist.