@Green Witch,
There is some pathology going on here that we are not aware of. He first showed up here about seven or eight years ago. At that time, he had occasional threads in which he asked about slang and the argot of steet gangs in various places in the world. He also asked about texts in Old English or Middle English. It was in such a thread that i first encountered him. Whatever the subject of the thread was, i was talking about Thomas Malory and
The Death of Arthur, the first big "best seller" in English (printed by Caxton in 1485, it's actaully early Modern English). I commented that i admired Malory for his dedication to his religious views. Goldman either knew from other threads that i'm not religious, or it came up there, so he attemtped to suggest that i was being a hypocrite. I told him i could admire someone else's dedication to their ideals without sharing them. Other members even came along and told him there is nothing hypocritical for admiring someone else's dedication to ideals which one does not hold. I finally told him to **** off, and stopped looking at his threads.
The thing is, at that time, there was none of this wild ass **** about comic books, fundamentalist christianity, my mama's a preacher, i'm black and all of the other unconvincing bullshit he peddles now. In fact, i had thought he was a European, a German perhaps, and although i don't now recall, i think he may have said as much.
His line of bullshit has deteriorated considerably in the last couple of years. I think he may have been gone for a while, and came back with this bizarre persona.
But GW's right, it is feeding the troll to talk to him, and may in fact be feeding a deteriorating mind.