This is relevant in regard to the fireworks happy republican governor that is plaguing our state of Maine with making fireworks more easily available here. Could we call him a terrorist enabler?
Years ago I was in a religious cult that taught the Bible. Once a year 30 to 50 thousand people would show up way out in the cornfields and live together in tents for a week.
I went to this gathering on a couple of occasions. On the last day after all of the main celebrations were over there suddenly was a massive fireworks display.
Someone from the crowd that I was in earshot of said, " So this is where all of our tithing money is going..."
I don't know who they were but the truth of their sentiment has stayed with me for many years.
I object to fireworks for several reasons, the main being the overall impact on the climate. Are humans just plain stupid?
We are in the grips of a terrible climate change and every time there is an occasion tons of fireworks are discharged, many millions of little children with sparklers such that the sulfur will make one nauseous...
As if our necessary burning of fossil fuels is not enough we have to burn fireworks on a mass scale just for the sheer decadence of it.
Every time a sports event is played the fireworks go off and it sounds like we are being bombed by an aerial attack.
When are laws going to merely reflect the actual reality of our consumption and not the will of the merchants whose profit line has no boundaries?