I can understand the argument that this ia fake. The video clip is hardly 100% convincing, but let's assume these marines were, indeed, pissing on corpses.
It's a lapse in discipline and should be appropriately addressed (My concern is that because of the political aspect of this incident these young men are going to be punished in a manner that far exceeds the degree of their transgression)
Other than that, what's the big deal?
It's despicable to piss on dead bodies, but not to kill them in the first place?
Chances are pretty good that these marines have seen the deaths and maiming of close friends at the hands of the Taliban. I'm amazed that there aren't stories of actual atrocities involving captured Taliban fighters.
More of the
Rules of War bullshit.
The very fact that this incident created a firestorm is the reason marines need to maintain discipline and not provide ammo to the enemy, but the outrage by our own government?
The outrage by the Taliban was to be expected as utterly hypocritical as it may have been.
Slimy Kharzai is always looking for an angle and so I'm not surprised he shot his mouth off.
Unfortunately, I'm not surprised that the highest ranking members of the Obama Admnistration shot their mouths off as well. It's just further evidence of how desperate they are to accomplish some farcical peace settlement before they pull out of the country and leave the Afghans to the tender mercies of the Taliban.
BTW How did this story find it's way to this thread?
Is someone asserting that Jesus cammanded us "Thou shall not piss on the dead bodies of your enemies?"