I don't know about that.
I grew up attending a Lutheran church. Both pastors and all of the Sunday School teachers told us that the 4th Commandment was very important and that Sunday, the Sabbath, was God's day and considered holy (That's why we went to Church on Sunday)
Which other ones do you think only apply to Jews?
I assume that you have been
told these things
by Jesus as expressed in the Gospel and interpreted by you (and perhaps similarly by Zanna).
That's fine. I'm certainly not going to question the validity of your interpretation of the Bible. I only point out that your interpretation, as expressed here, was never one that was conveyed to me during my experience with the Lutheran Church. Maybe Lutherans make up a strange unorthodox sect.
To some extent Christians set themselves up for accusations of hypocrisy, at least the ones who preach and proseltyze. (I suppose the same can be said of any religion's followers).
It appears that you find fault with Republican Christians because they speak forcfully about following Christ's teachings, but then fail to do so in their daily lives.
This is an incredibly facile generalization, but one that is quite common among liberals.
The difference between you and many other liberals is that you profess to be a follower of Christ.
I'm having difficulty with how you can reconcile a rather mean and ignorant generalization with the fact that you believe one of the two Commandements Jesus told you to base your morality upon is loving your neighbor as you love yourself.
I'm not surprised or puzzled when non-Christian liberals assume that if Jesus returned today he would be really pissed at Republicans who claimed to follow his teachings.
I am both surprised and puzzled when self-described Christians make the same assumption.
I was taught that pretty much all you need to do to earn the designation of Christian is to believe Jesus is the son of God. As I matured in thought, I assumed that Jesus also sort of expects you to at least try and follow his teachings. I never realized he also insists that you be a Democrat.