Hey Nikas....your idea blows goats, and don't PM me again with that crap.
Unless you want me starring on it and are going to pay me alot of $$, of course.
gustavratzenhofer wrote:Sozobe wrote:Slappy Jr.
I'll have to give Soz credit. She's the master at getting a point across in very few words.
And she does it well.
gala wrote:sozobe has it right.
No she doesn't. Are you people on DRUGS!?
By the way, this was one of my first threads. It's nice to know my comedic brilliance can be appreciated by the new crop of A2Kers.
"Who wants to bust my hymen?"
HA! That's great stuff. I kill me.

bcos i just noticed slappy's location -- good one!)
kicky, you're the one on drugs, remember? for this thread a better topic line would be: "Misogyny, the Prequel"
Gala, you're like the nagging wife I never had.
I was on drugs. One night, and it was almost two months ago!
And, this thread was created to point out how idiotic reality shows are, and to guess at what future idiocy is on it's way, in an entertaining way.
You do know, after all this time on A2K, that I'm not just a one-dimensional stereotypical chauvinist pig, don't you?
Yeah, it was kind of startling to see my response. "I said that to Kicky??" Then I figured out it was quite a while ago, and I was so wrong.
I think Kicky's OLDER than Slappy.
Yes he is. Old bastard. Probably even remembers buying his music on cassettes, and stuff.
yeah, kicky, i know you're not a one-dimensional, but this one was over the top for me-- i'm entertained by the threads when it seems obvious-- your admiration of nyc women who are intentionally showing it all, etc. but this one is downright depressing...
Okay, so it wasn't my best work. I can accept that...
Don't buy into it, Kicky. You're a damn fine man, and this was a damn good idea.
Sorry Slappy, but I have to keep the virtual wife happy.
well, there are options, we can always get a virtual divorce.
Who would get the virtual kids?
Slappy Doo Hoo wrote:Hey Nikas....your idea blows goats, and don't PM me again with that crap.
Unless you want me starring on it and are going to pay me alot of $$, of course.
I'm just amazed that somebody PMd Slappy. That in itself might make for an interesting reality show. I think "Pitch My Filth" would be a great title. Slappy would be the judge, and contestants would write up ideas for reality shows, to be aired on Fox, so the lower the standards the better. Lame-ass ripoffs will not be tolerated, so unfortunately, the midget dating show is out.
I pm Slappy all the time. We talk about stuff like Schrodinger's Cat and old Russian literature. Then we slip back into character and return to the board.
What are you implying gus, that I'm not in character? I do recall once beating Schrodinger's cat with a copy of Pushkin's complete works, but that cat was annoying and deserved a beating.