GracieGirl wrote:
Mame wrote:
Hi Gracie

How's it going? Aside from being bored, I mean? Gotten grounded lately? LOL
I don't do Facebook. I did for a while, just to play scrabble with a couple of my sisters, but I soon realized my home page was cluttered up with all the things my friends were doing every single minute, every thought they had - no matter how much I filtered it out, I still got "spam". Heck, I don't want to know someone's every thought. Don't even want to know all of mine. Plus, then some rude person (a sister, of course) went on my page and told the whole world it was the most boring FB page ever! LOL She was right, so I deactivated my page. If I did, though, I'd friend you

You're a cutie patootie.
AUNTIE MAME!! YAY! I havent talked to you in forever!! Haha! Yep, Ive been pretty bored lately, but NOT grounded! WoooHooo!!

Proud of me?
Aww! Thanks Mame! I want to be friends with you on facebook too!!! Yea, the friends thoughts stuff can be annoying but that's not that big of a deal.

And who cares if your page is boring; Me and you could play scrabble together! It would be awesome !
You sure your not interested? Are you really, really, really sure?
Oh, honey, I'm SURE I don't want to be on FB. I had to filter and ignore and filter and ignore and I still got too much BS to read. Plus, I was being asked constantly to friend this or that person and I'm just not that into it.
My FB page was boring because I didn't add to it very often

It's not my thing. Maybe Reyn and I could FB and be the boring-est people on there
I have a better game for scrabble - if you're interested, PM me and I'll give you the site.
Oh yeah, and I'm awfully proud you haven't gotten grounded again

How's that homework coming? lol