modock wrote:My letter to the TEA PARTY
I am tired.
Get some sleep.
modock wrote:Tired of the way the current battles in politics are being handled today.
Recently one of the two “Great Parties” showed their true face.
Of course I am speaking of the Republican Party,
or should I say the Tea Party as this is what the former Republican Party has become.
The principles of the Tea Party r those of
Original Americanism,
based on the relatively libertarian and Individualist philosophy (filosofy) of the US Constitution.
modock wrote:I recently changed jobs. I had good health insurance but the opportunities at my new employer were maybe not as good for my wallet but much better for my mental health. You can only be as truly miserable as I was for so long. During this change I have lost my insurance. Taking COBRA is simply not an option. The cost is so high I could get private insurance for less and even that would be out of my price range even at my old job with all bonuses included! Now if I were to get sick or injured the Tea Party would just as soon see me die on the street like some stray dog.
I think
I 'd mind my own business, not look at u (with all respect).
modock wrote: Yet, this is supposed to be the party for Christ.
Speaking as a citizen from a Christian background,
I inquire
modock wrote: How is this possible?
It is
your imagination.
The Republican Party is secular, believing in the separation of Church and state.
I come from a Christian background, but I don't confuse the 2.
The Republican Party a/k/a: the Grand Old Party or GOP,
not and has
NEVER been theocratic.
modock wrote:It is a true contradiction and can only be explained as hypocrisy.
The alleged "true contradiction" comes from your
FALSE PREMISE. Their is no hypocrisy.
I don 't say things that I don't believe; (except in humor).
modock wrote:It saddens me to think that a group of people who profess to follow the ways of love compassion and charity
NEVER professed anything of the kind.
U will
not find that in any GOP platform.
modock wrote:would cheer at the thought of a 30 year old man dying a preventable death because the thought
of spending 30 dollars out of their paycheck is too much.
IF I decide to give u a handout,
that is a
Government was
never granted authority to rip
my property away from me
to give the stolen proceeds to
The money is
not yours. Get the idea?????????
U have
NO right to a handout and
NO principle of Republicanism says that u
modock wrote:This is not compassion or charity and it certainly cannot be called love.
I see it this way you can be a Christian and follow in Christ’s example or you can be a member of the Tea Party.
Do what u want;
I refuse to relinquish the basic principles of Original Americanism.
Whether or when, or
IF I choose to be compassionate is
MY personal choice, with no interference from government.
(U might be happier in a communist country.)
I have
no duty to love u, nor even to
LIKE u a little.
Some nerve!
modock wrote:I know this seems a harsh judgment and I am heartbroken that I have to make it.
However the actions of this party have proven themselves to be against everything
taught to any member of any branch of the Christian church.
Then go to Church; maybe thay 'll give u what u want.
modock wrote:Love Compassion Charity Forgiveness without judgment or reservation is the truth taught in the Bible.
forgive u.
modock wrote:I call on the members of this movement to truly evaluate their motives.
Is this about your freedoms?
modock wrote:Or could it be fear, greed and miserly motives behind your actions?
Don't group so many together.
No, as to fear;
yes, as to
no as to being miserly.
(It is more
fun to spend freely.)
modock wrote:Then again perhaps I am completely wrong
That 's right.
modock wrote:and if I am I ask that you pray for me.
The Supreme Being does
not need my advice.