MontereyJack wrote:
This appeared on one of the right-wing threads here on a2k, posted by georgeob, a couple weeks ago. He had some convoluted suspicion that it was a White House ploy to ferret out antiDemocratic opinion and deny them government contracts. Or something like that. And it was Finn, I think, who agreed with him and thought we should definitely keep an eye on it. Now it looks like most of the democratic governments in the world have already been doing it for some time. Why does the right wing think that finding out people's opinions is really a conspiracy, rather than what democracy is all about?
You really are a piece of work Jack.
"right-wing" thread which you refer to above?
"Obama '08?", originally begun by sozobe in 2006.
Not surprisingly, you've misrepresented georgeob1 comments concerning this Admnistration project.
His first comment was
georgeob1 wrote:I have been in business for a long time but have never seen anything as blatant as this coming from an agency of the Federal Government.
Now, I can hardly fault you for assuming it had something to do with government coercion, because that's precisely (
and erroneously as it turns out) what I assumed myself.
Finn wrote:I'm assuming that some form of government coersion is involved with georgeob1's thinking.
Interestingly enough the "convoluted suspicion" you attributed to georgeob1 was advanced (with tongue in cheek?) by spendius
spendius wrote:It might also be a way of finding out who is thinking what and who is lying low.
As a point of fact, what georgeob1 was referring to as
blatant was the government's promotion of an Administration policy or project in a communication with a government contractor. Such communication is contrary to explict government rules and regulations since the E-Petition System has nothing to do with the work georgeob1's company is doing for the government.
This explanation was right there in the thread for both you and me, if we cared to read it. I know I did, and it's obvious you did not.
As for me agreeing with any suspicion and urging vigilence, I did neither, but here is what I have commented about this project and
on the previous page of this very thread!
Finn wrote:This is a good idea, and one initiative of the Obama Administration that I can support.
I don't think it will prove to be anything more than a PR gesture, but I would think the same thing if anyone else were president.
If I'm not mistaken you are the very person who opined to JTT that I was an engineer, professionally engaged with the military industrial complex. I corrected you on that as well, but you are now 0-3 when it comes to figuring me out. The first two errors were merely bad guesses on your part, while the third was a lazy assumption driven by bias and an urge to join in one of izzy's quilting bees.
I suppose your defense will be that you used phrases like "Or something like that," and "...it was Finn,
I think who agreed..." (emphasis added)
It really is remarkable how you have been able to encapsulate here demonstrations of the bias, bad faith, intellectual sloth, bitchiness, and just plain stupidity prevalent in so many of the postings of the usual suspects here on A2K.