Sun 11 Sep, 2011 01:40 pm
I think I am Argon...
a noble gas.
I mighta added a touch of sulfur, for identification purposes...
I'd be carbon, so then I could draw just using my index finger.
you certainly leave your mark...
Aren't the noble gases essentially inert?
you learn chemistry as a rat?
I should go with Carbon, too. It reacts with so many things, and in so many different ways.
Mercury I think. Slave to gravity - changing shape to fit the situation.
mercury can be poisonous...
Sodium... because I'm so attractive.
and old people are afraid of you?
I can't decide.
Too many to choose from!!!!!
you don't gotta get it as a tattoo, msO...
I once compared a certain A2K'er to Osmium (the densest substance known to man) .
did he fix water softeners?