@Finn dAbuzz,
So, you don't feel a certain way. That's fine.
So what? Are you trying to convince anyone to think otherwise, or are you just bitching to hear yourself bitch?
Is this supposed to be a "right or wrong" thing?
If you've already made it clear, apparantly you've already been repeating yourself.
So, go have a memorial, invite everyone who expresses a desire to go. If they want to be a part of, word will spread. I don't think everyone has to listen to it.
It's no different than some Jesus people wanting everyone to be saved, like they think they are.
DD felt he needed to pull his kids out of school for the day. Good idea. But because of that, they were deprived of all else the school had to offer that day.
As a father, DD weighed the options, and decided what was right for his kids.
I rarely watch TV, don't listen much to the radio lately (audio books have my attention now) and don't subscribe to periodicals.
I made my choice to mostly not pay attention any 911 stuff came on. I was alive then, I remember, don't need to be reminded thank you. But even the little I heard made me realize if I was someone who can't pull themselves away from whatever is on the boob tube I'd either become indoctrinated, or have massive guilt about "not feeling like everyone else seems to"
Neither a good option.
Why does it bother you so that not everyone thinks the same as you?
I guess you must believe the worlds going to hell in a handbasket because we all didn't gather around and sing kumbaya and mourn in the subscribed method you thought we should.
I wonder how much money was spent on the preparation for all the memorial services.
Me, I belive it could have been better spent in multiple ways, or (gasp) not spent at all.
I think whoever wants to be part of such things should pay their share out of their own pocket, since they're the ones who want the party, and leave those who don't want to participate alone to do with want hey want.
Does anyone know the dollar amount spent? Sure it came from a lot of donations, big sponsors, but how much of it hit each of us?