Setanta wrote:
So, i wonder if they'll learn all about Juan Seguin and the other Tejanos who made sacrifices for the revolution in Tejas. But maybe its a whites only, native English speakers only "freedom day" discussion.
You really hit the nail here.
In our school there is a higher then the white schools average of spanish speaking kids here even though their numbers are actually pretty small.
We are near 2 major roads 2222 + highway 35. Far east of 35 about 4 miles almost from her school is a lower income neighborhood full of spanish speaking people. These are the types of
workers that are doing the yards, working at day labor places..etc. Working 'class' people.
( class being a hard word to use as we all know they work harder then most, but because they may not be 100% legal, or speak english very well, most people in society sadly do not count them or acknowledge them) They are not the drug slinging, shitty people. These are
workers. Different type of families and neighborhood all together, but still a lower income neighborhood.
In her school there is very little at ALL to do with so called freedom week, and 911 was only discussed ON 911. Nothing more. I know this because I am in her class room every day. They dont have freedom week, or even freedom day. There was no major announcement and no extended discussion.
Drewdad and I are both in austin school districts. I bet his school is 80% white if not higher... where as our school is about 50% with the other 50 being divided almost equally between blacks, hispanics and any other race that would fall into that catagory. There are even middle eastern kids here. There is only -one- class room dedicated to the children who may not speak english very well and they have only a hand full of students because that ratio is so small. But, it is prominent ENOUGH that there is no concern about 'freedom' week. Nothing at all here announcing that, no long term discussions over freedom, soldiers, armies, wars ..etc. It is a simple acknowledgment of the bombing, a taped speech that was shown just like the Challenger discussion was shown in schools years ago.. and that is the end of the topic. Period.
I bet you DD and i are at best maybe 20 miles apart , give or take a few as I am only guessing he lives in the southern side of the city and I live almost smack in the middle.....yet his school is all over it.....and ours is not. Obviously it is not a city mandated, district required or even state regulated presentation.
The average income here ( in a guess ..not being technical ) vs DD's neighborhood is probably a difference with in about only 10-20k a year. In this neighborhood the average house cost is 140-170 . No where near the common poverty levels, yet.. due to the color ratio because of the school boundaries, the discussions like that are limited.
I am not saying this is FACT... but.. damn, its a glaring hot point.