Palestinian Solidarity Campaign disrupts Israeli Concert. Yeah!!!

Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 09:27 am
Could you provide some examples please, Sturgis?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 09:36 am
Sturgis wrote:

izzythepush, you've shown in this thread that you are an anti-Semite. Prior to this, I'd thought of you as a not terribly swift person in the intellect department, that at least couldn't be helped. Your clear hatred of a group of people, is something which can be helped.

What exactly do you mean by "anti Semite ? One who interprets your words literally would conclude you are in some sense opposed to the people of the Levant, including many Jews Lebanese and Palestinians and some Jordanians.

I recognize this somewhat pedantic approach may seem odd, but I hope it illustrates thae evident fact that the term "anti Semite" has become a nearly meaningless epithet in today's world that, in most cases is merely a perjorative term applied to those who oppose the policies of the state of Israel towards its neighbors and the people whose land, property, and in many cases, freedom it has forcibly taken in the name of preserving its security.

Israel, of course, rationalizes its behavior, by citing their own superior development, the often cruel retaliation of the Palestinians, and their supposed implaccable hostility. However these aren't far from the rationalizations of all previous oppressors, ranging from the British in Ireland to even, in many respects, the Nazis of Germany. The truth is that both oppressors were motivated more by greed and an exaggerated sense of their own worth - factors that appear to me to apply to Israel today. When Ireland and later Northern Ireland ceased to be economically valuable to the British, they finally cast off their former rationalizations and came to grips with the real contemporary problem. We can hope the people of Israel come to an analogous conclusion. The alternative is endless war and isolation.

Had you instead acccused Izzie of being a bit of a self-righteous prig, somewhat too forgetful of the role of his forebears in the creation of the problems he so freely denounces, I might have been more sympathetic. However, I don't think he deserves the label you have here applied.

Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 10:19 am
You have been duly chastised, Sturgis, by one of the most mealy mouthed hypocrites A2K has even known.

Israel, of course, rationalizes its behavior, by citing their own superior development, the often cruel retaliation of the Palestinians, and their supposed implaccable hostility. However these aren't far from the rationalizations of all previous oppressors, ranging from the British in Ireland to even, in many respects, the Nazis of Germany. The truth is that both oppressors were motivated more by greed and an exaggerated sense of their own worth - factors that appear to me to apply to Israel today.

Jesus Murphy, Gob! The Nazis were pikers compared to your own, the US of A. You dare to use the word "truth" in one of your little parables. This from a guy who actively participated in one of the worst war crimes of the 20th century.

Oh, I forgot to mention, Sturgis. Gob is not only an incredible hypocrite; you might even have noticed him being much more than a bit of a self-righteous prig.

I am blown away at how Gob can be, what is it? so bloody thick or so full of himself.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 11:04 am
izzythepush wrote:

That is the argument of the dilettante. Complaining about Tibet is something nice and safe to do, without any real consequences. China is a major part of the world economy, they can't be shut out just like that. Let's not forget how much money America owes China, or how much money is made (for western owners of copyright, eg. Mattel) by using cheap Chinese labour.

Whereas complaining about Israel and disrupting concert performances are marks of the professional human rights activist?

I'm sorry that I didn't recognize the real dangers you and your fellow Campaigners face in confronting Israel. Now that I think about it, I appreciate that your confreres who acted the fools at the Israeli Philharmonic's performance are right now probably the targets of Mossad assassins, and are having their personal financial positions crushed by the all powerful Jewish Banking Cabal.

It's interesting that you, by the way, remained safely on the sidelines while your fellow Campaigners put their lives on the line for Palestinians.

Let me see if I have your position on China straight.

Although China's oppression of its own people (not to mention the people it has militarily conquered) is more harsh than the oppression Israel metes out to a people who believe that a state of war exists between them and Israelis and who are led by a terrorist group that categorically refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist, nothing can be done about it and so we dilettantes should just shut up and stop wringing our hands.

What's more, even though you argue that this economic juggernaut cannot be compelled to end its oppressive ways, you also argue that if we really want to help Tibetans, Uighurs and all the other victims of Chinese tyranny, we must first pick off Israel, because once the Chinese see what we can do to an oppressive ally, the jig is up for them.


Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 11:12 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
And then along comes Finn, slow walkin' Finn, slow talkin' Finn who is every bit the hypocrite that Gob1 is. They share expectorate like two teenagers swapping spit on a basement couch.

Let me see if I have your position on Iraq, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Vietnam, Egypt, Iran, Guatemala, the Philippines, Korea, Laos, Cambodia, Chile, Brazil, Cuba, ... , straight.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 11:20 am
And what of people forced from their lands by conquest, commercial development and central government planning?

I assume you find Muslim states equally anachronistic in this modern world.

The problem with your prescription for Israeli peace is that it requires complete capitulation to an enemy that refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist and uses every concession Israel makes to further it's goal of destroying the Jewish State.

It's pretty clear that the current administration agrees with you how greatly obnoxious supporting Israel has become. Assuming that the number of Americans who share this perception is growing hardly validates it in any but a politically expedient way.

Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 11:22 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
If there's a stick you can be guaranteed to pick up the wrong end of it. The actions of the PSC are not heroic, in that they are deliberately courting danger. They are admirable in that they highlight the plight of an oppressed people by using peaceful methods. If the West were more evenhanded in its approach to Israel/Palestine, China would not be as able to accuse the West of being hypocritical in its approach to human rights. It's not about cowering China militarily, by serving up Israel as an example.

You've been to too many Tea Party rallies, you're unable to appreciate any argument that doesn't involve guns.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 11:30 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

I assume you find Muslim states equally anachronistic in this modern world.

It seems that many Moslems would agree with you, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria etc.

The problem with your prescription for Israeli peace is that it requires complete capitulation to an enemy that refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist and uses every concession Israel makes to further it's goal of destroying the Jewish State.

Rubbish. It requires Israel to deal with a key player in the Palestinian camp. Israel has made little, if any concessions towards the Palestinian people. They are still expanding illegal settlements on occupied land, creating facts on the ground. When Ian Paisley sat down with Gerry Adams his supporters did not think he had completely capitulated to the IRA.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 11:37 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
And what of people forced from their lands by conquest, commercial development both fine examples, Finn, of the various and numerous incursions the US has made into Central and South American countries and central government planning? same US affects upon those same already mentioned countries

But there's no need for you to limit your discussion to this hemisphere. Consider Korea and the Philippines and, if you hadn't had your asses booted out of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, just consider what further waste you could have laid to those lands.

Where is your sense of morality, Finn, your sense of shame? How can you continue to come here and embarrass yourself as you do? Your hypocrisy is simply stunning!

The idea of you and Gob discussing issues such as these is really beyond the pail. [for McTag]

Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 11:45 am
What exactly do you mean by "anti Semite ? One who interprets your words literally would conclude you are in some sense opposed to the people of the Levant, including many Jews Lebanese and Palestinians and some Jordanians.

I recognize this somewhat pedantic approach may seem odd, but I hope it illustrates thae evident fact that the term "anti Semite" has become a nearly meaningless epithet in today's world that, in most cases is merely a perjorative term applied to those who oppose the policies of the state of Israel towards its neighbors and the people whose land, property, and in many cases, freedom it has forcibly taken in the name of preserving its security.

It's not odd at all, it's merely hackneyed and I'm surprised to see you trotting it out.

We all know what "anti-Semite" means: "Anti-Jew."

The fact that peoples other than Israeli Jews can, technically, be called Semites is utterly irrelevant.

While I agree that anti-Israeli sentiments are not necessarily a product of "anti-Semitism," the fact that some reflexively equate the two have not rendered the term meaningless...particularly since in many cases, "anti-Israel" sentiments are a product of anti-Semitism.

I suspect you are aware that in the US alone, the number of so-called "hate crimes" involving the victim's religion is quite disproportionately focused on Jews (and certainly not Muslims as the Left would have us believe).

Anti-Semitism is alive and well in the West and requires a name. If you think the politics of Israel has so corrupted the term, what do you suggest we use instead? "Jew Hatred?"

I couldn't say whether or not izzy is guilty of Jew Hatred, but I've seen nothing in his postings on this thread to suggest that he is. Israel Hatred, on the other hand, is quite in vogue on the Left and so I'm not at all surprised to see him express it so clearly.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 12:00 pm
izzythepush wrote:

If there's a stick you can be guaranteed to pick up the wrong end of it.

If there's a left-wing trope you can be guaranteed to adopt it.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 12:03 pm
Actually, some of us want a better behaving Israel. We think it would be better for Israel in the long run, with a well brokered peace that lets people on both sides adjust and live better.
I'd also like a better behaving U.S., and better behaving many other places, bad behavior being pretty inclusive as a term.

People who want a better behaving Israel - see lists of poor behavior by the state throughout the rest of this thread - do not despise Israel. I, for example, started out as very rah rah. I changed on that after '67, though I initially was happy about the six day war outcome. As I've said earlier, I'm unhappy with behavior on both sides, but I take the immediate state of Israel as now a maniacal bully. Individual israelis, no, I know they vary - I've read some good writing by individual israelis who don't agree with the present and every growing behavior.

As far as any bias against Jews as such, my stated favorite writer is Primo Levi. Get over it, Sturgis, et al - view can be more complicated than you are ascribing to people.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 12:22 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Israel Hatred, on the other hand, is quite in vogue on the Left and so I'm not at all surprised to see him express it so clearly.

A bit more nuanced than Sturgis, but the same message nevertheless. I hate what Israel is doing. Once they stop doing it, I'm quite happy for them to 'boom bang a bang' at the Eurovision song contest along with the rest of us.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 12:28 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
a left-wing trope

Izzy's not the one feverishly digging thru thesauruses seeking big words to divert attention away from the fact that he's got nothing to say.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 02:10 pm
Setanta wrote:

Well, you sure as hell don't know anything about the history of Ireland, do you?

Not the history, just that Irish Catholics in the Republic of Ireland today enjoy a life that allows them to feel that their daily world is all Irish Catholic. A luxury, or a human right?
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 02:26 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

The fact is that through neglect, indifference and systematic expropriation and ownership of the best land by absentee English landlords who farmed the most productive lands for cash crops sold in England, the British did manage to kill almost three million Irishmen through starvation in the mid nineteenth century. That caused the second great wave of emigration from Ireland(to the U.S. South America and Australia). There's lots more that could be written about the British oppression and exploitation of Ireland that continued for centurys.

I suppose there were lots of Irishmen who didn't want to "rub elbows" with Englishmen and lots of Englismen who felt the same about the Irish. However they got over it. When the Irish republic was created there was no retaliation against the still considerable resident English population, and many irish emigrated to England to find work.

I don't buy your arguments about the supposed permanent right of Jews to oppress others as an entitlement of the Holocaust. The history of the world is filled with oppression, slaughter and war. Were such a principle applied uniformly throughout the world we would all live in permanent isolation and conflict. Grotesque, horrible and recent as was the Holocaust, it does not confer the right of oppression of others, not guilty of these crimes, on the descendents of European Jews who themselves were not victims of them.

The sad truth is that Israel has itself become to a large degree a parody of the former oppressors of European Jews.

You seem to have not caught the nuance of what I said regarding the hostility between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland or northern Ireland. There was never an intention by either side, nor during the "famine," to EXTERMINATE the other group. You keep ignoring that difference.

Also, it was known, as far back as WWII, that the Navy was considered more "ethnic friendly" than other branches of the U.S. military. And, it is fairly well known that American Irish are well represented in the U.S. Navy, especially amongst the officer class. So, your having had your career in the U.S. Navy, I would guess you found a degree of ethnic camaraderie that you likely would not have found in a WASPy officer class in the USAF, for example. So, I guess you are saying, do what I say, not what I do. Meaning that Jews should overcome their desire to be left alone to live their lives in a Jewish State, and become cosmopolitan. Sure, just like Europe learned to accept Jews over the last two millenia. Sorry Sir, you are not in the chain of command of Jews. They do not have to listen to, in my opinion, your double standard world view (whenever Gentiles choose not to live peaceably with Jews, we hear of pogroms/holocausts/rocket attacks, etc.; however, Jews need to overcome their reticence at living in a hostile Gentile world).
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 02:29 pm
Foofie wrote:

Setanta wrote:

Well, you sure as hell don't know anything about the history of Ireland, do you?

Not the history, just that Irish Catholics in the Republic of Ireland today enjoy a life that allows them to feel that their daily world is all Irish Catholic. A luxury, or a human right?

Not really so. There is and long has been a Protestant minority in the Republic of Ireland and they are doing quite well - indeed they provided a large part of the leadership of the Irish resistance during the last two centuries. There was no retaliation against Protestants and resident Englismen when the republic gained its independence (though Churchill complained bitterly about Irish neutrality in WWII). St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin is a Protestant church (Jonathan Swift is buried there). Intolerance is a disease that harms all involved, including those who practice it. Happily the Irish are relatively (tho not perfectly) free of it.

Catholics and Protestants are today living peacefully (if not joyfully) together in Northern Ireland, and as time passes the barriers between them, and the competing mythologies each held for the other, are breaking down.
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 02:39 pm
izzythepush wrote:

That's right, equate support for Palestine with anti-semitism, and throw in an insult at the same time. You really do know how to debate a topic.

I suppose prominant Jewish supporters of Palestinian self-determination like Gerald Kauffman, Alexi Sayle and Stephen Fry are also anti-semitic. Sorry, I know, they're self-hating Jews. You really are unable to discuss the treatment of the Palestinians aren't you? I guess that what comes of you being so clever 'n all.

Let's not talk about you and anti-Semitism. Let's talk about the disproportionate amount of energy given to a country, the size of New Jersey, and the fact that the surrounding Arab countries have specifically not addressed the Palestinean REFUGEES for six decades for the specific purpose of having a burr under the proverbial saddle of Israel. The situation could have been addressed in 1950; however, it was left to fester for the express purpose of telling the world that Jew hatred was alive and well in the Arab world, since all the sand in the Middle East belongs to the Arabs!!!

And, some people are hoodwinked into believing that yes, all the sand in the Middle East should be for Arabs.

So, I am not talking about anti-Semitism, I am talking about people who do not see that the Israel/Palestinean situation has been a situation that was not allowed to heal. It was left to fester on purpose, based on the belief that Israel is Arab TURF!!! You do know that North Africa became Arab through misappropriation. But Jews should not have their historical land. Perhaps, Blacks should come back to Egypt?
Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 02:49 pm
Foofie wrote:

You seem to have not caught the nuance of what I said regarding the hostility between Catholics and Protestants in Ireland or northern Ireland. There was never an intention by either side, nor during the "famine," to EXTERMINATE the other group. You keep ignoring that difference.
Perhaps I didn't cite it explicitly. The actions taken by Britain towarrds Ireland, whether by design or through indifference, amounted to near extermination. The population of Ireland has never recovered to the levels of pre-famine and pre emigration (much of it forced) of the 19th century. Perhaps you should read Jonathan Swift's essay "A modest Proposal".

Foofie wrote:

... Meaning that Jews should overcome their desire to be left alone to live their lives in a Jewish State, and become cosmopolitan. Sure, just like Europe learned to accept Jews over the last two millenia. Sorry Sir, you are not in the chain of command of Jews. They do not have to listen to, in my opinion, your double standard world view (whenever Gentiles choose not to live peaceably with Jews, we hear of pogroms/holocausts/rocket attacks, etc.; however, Jews need to overcome their reticence at living in a hostile Gentile world).
If I'm not mistaken the population of Jews in the United States is slightly greater than that in Israel. They seem to be doing OK and not particularly inclined to Aliyah - same goes for the growing Jewish populations in South America and parts of Europe.

The people of Poland, the Czech Republic and the Baltic states have managed to develop working relations with their neighbors in Russian and Germany despite the horrors visited on them.

History and human nature require us to move on, adapt and begin again. None of us has the luxury of assuming these 'laws' don't apply to us, and that we can somehow defy them forever without consequences. That applies to Israel as well.

Reply Mon 5 Sep, 2011 02:57 pm
georgeob1 wrote:

Foofie wrote:

Setanta wrote:

Well, you sure as hell don't know anything about the history of Ireland, do you?

Not the history, just that Irish Catholics in the Republic of Ireland today enjoy a life that allows them to feel that their daily world is all Irish Catholic. A luxury, or a human right?

Not really so. There is and long has been a Protestant minority in the Republic of Ireland and they are doing quite well - indeed they provided a large part of the leadership of the Irish resistance during the last two centuries. There was no retaliation against Protestants and resident Englismen when the republic gained its independence (though Churchill complained bitterly about Irish neutrality in WWII). St Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin is a Protestant church (Jonathan Swift is buried there). Intolerance is a disease that harms all involved, including those who practice it. Happily the Irish are relatively (tho not perfectly) free of it.

Catholics and Protestants are today living peacefully (if not joyfully) together in Northern Ireland, and as time passes the barriers between them, and the competing mythologies each held for the other, are breaking down.

You missed my point. That is that nationalities in other countries enjoy living amongst their own on a daily basis. If Israel had to accept the right of return of Arabs, they would not be living in Israel, but in New Palestine.

You do not seem to relate to the world's double standard. All other peoples enjoy having a place where they can live as they are - Swedes, Danes, Germans, French, etc. And, they only have to accept another group, IF THEY CHOOSE. Only Jews (as Israelis) have the world breathing down their backs as backseat drivers.

Look, Christianity is really a Jewish religion, Islam is an Abrahamic faith. Can youse guys leave just a little country for the Jews to ignore you guys, and live out their lives? Asking too much? The world must always feel that they have the Jews under their thumb, I guess. Remember what was told to recruits in basic training, to get through their enlistment: M.Y.O.B.!

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