actually, you may have to venture through a lot of my posts to find most of what my experiences are....if you give me a few days, I will venture and link them all...
what my experiences are....if you give me a few days, I will venture and link them all...
also, I forgot to mention, one other possibility for people is God giving them another chance with the possibility of rebirths...I differ from Buddhists who say rebirths can lead to enlightenment, and reaching higher and higher, being reborn over and over to obtain enlightenment....if one is Holy, or mostly a reflection of light, I don't feel they "need" to be reborn, or to live over and over to reach Heaven, Nirvana, Enlightenment, ShangGri La (excuse my spelling) etc...but I agree with them, that it is plausible for the existance of rebirths, but if it does, I feel it does because people will be given "another chance" and will go thru the good and bad of life again to achieve reflections of light and make it to Heaven....in other words I don't believe when we die, or "in my views" see Jesus, our first choice will be to be reborn like Buddhists think...but that it may exist....