@Arella Mae,
Quote:Let me ask you something, who is the government to tell "US" (you, me, anyone) what we should and should not do? Who makes the laws dictating what we should do and do not do?
I would think the people that make the laws would be me and you because we vote on some of them!
I am not blaming religion but I would like to point out that what ever your culture believes {religion} most likely will reflect your laws!
An example would be if your religion believes that a woman should have no right to vote it would be probable that woman will not be voting! If gays should not be married then gays will not be allowed to marry and so on.
Quote:So, if you ask me, it seems you are the hypocrite. Ya want tolerance for you but not for anyone that doesn't believe like you. That is strictly my opinion, of course.
Would you also include in to this hypocrisy people that do not want woman to vote and do not want gays to marry?
Quote: Ya want tolerance for you but not for anyone that doesn't believe like you.
I do like this quote of yours and wonder if it applies to all of us in one way or another.