Soserene, too cute! :-D
Just about every day I think, "Oh, I should write that down!" and then I don't.
So, this is not much of anything, but just trying to get in the habit of writing things down again...
We had hummus, yogurt/chive middle eastern dip stuff, pita bread and salad for dinner. The sozlet actually likes weird food, loved hummus last time we had it. But this time she wanted the yogurt dip, and just the yogurt dip. I said, "Just try the hummus, you'll like it." She then went into full drama queen mode... deep sigh, pained expression, mouth barely open with an incipent moue of distaste. She barely touched it with her tongue, then slumped and held her forehead in high tragedic style. "Blech!!!!!!!"
OK, OK, fine, so don't have any. Geesh.
So I ate mine, she ate her pita bread with yogurt. Then she watched me eat the hummus. Then she wanted some.

ed at her. She giggled. I said FINE! I gave her some. She said, "MMmmmm, delicious!!" So I glopped a big spoonfull on her plate.
Then she started, instead of using the pita bread, using her spoon to put the hummus right in her mouth. For some reason this was incredibly funny -- hard to describe why -- and I started laughing, which made her laugh, and then we both descended into a total giggle fit.
Then I said, "You're too silly for words!"
She came back with, "You're too silly for birds!"
Me: "You're too silly for cats!"
Her: "You're too silly for bats!"
Etc., etc. (She loooooves to rhyme.) Silly, silly girl.