Thu 15 Jan, 2004 11:52 pm
Hey, Soz. Just in case you didn't see my earlier answer to your question: You can take the ice pack off this Sunday.

The damn thing looks heavy -- must be a tremendous strain on your neck.
0 Replies
Thu 15 Jan, 2004 11:57 pm
Aminals? Oh, that's so cute... my kids used to say that, too. There were more... I can't remember most of them. How does she say spaghetti?

One cool thing, Soz, is that there was an age in my kids' lives where they loved, I mean LOVED, hearing about themselves. They enjoyed their cute words and the funny stories so much, I could keep them interested for a long time reminiscing. We'd cuddle up, the three of us, and talk about how cute they were. They got to remember the stories and argue about who said what. They understood they were cute and loved themselves and their antics.

It is your job to remember these things! Write 'em down, take photographs, or just memorize it all and keep it for her, because some day soon that's probably going to be the Sozlet's favorite story, the story of "ME." Then when you're driving around or somebody is sick, or you're sitting around a campfire or waiting for a plane, you've got this wonderful collection of stories. Ours usually started out, "Do you remember when you..."

An angel ladybug dancer? Wow! Such imagination! I love those outfits! I hope you take photographs of them. You could even get her to help you set them out on the floor. What fun to pretend you're doing a fashion shoot and then take pictures. It will be precious to you both.
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Fri 16 Jan, 2004 05:43 am
Good Morning!!!

Your sozlet stories are cute!! So are all the stories here since I left.

Here's something from this morning.

My 3 year old always gets up and comes gingerly out of her room and says "hi mom" and i get the obligatory happy to see you again hug and kiss. today i was on the pc (reading this thread) and she comes and sits on my lab. she would like to know the following:

1. (to soz's avbatar) who's that lady's name?
2. (to littlek's avatar) what's that doggies name? where's his mommy? at home?

My 4 year old remarked last week of BPB's current avatar : "ewww, that lady is BALD!!!"

oh please please write down those words they say that aren't really words!! I ahve started keeping a journal of that sort of my daughters, and here are a few from the 4 year old's collection (from when she was 2 really)

stockings - snockis daddy - dadlee sister - tister

& when she's speaking very severely to her younger sister, whom we all call "Lexi" is a very matter of fact voice "ALEXIS!"
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Fri 16 Jan, 2004 09:28 am
I don't have too many tales of A___ the wonder child (our nephew), because we don't see him too often (:-() and he's 8.

But -

For Chanukah, we had heard that he's very, very into baseball and loves the shortstop position, which he sometimes plays for Little League. He also loves the NY Yankees.

Therefore, I found an age-appropriate bio of Derek Jeter for him and had it sent. He LOVED it, and called us after he got it. He asked "How did you know I like Derek Jeter?" Well, we let on that we're just the psychic aunt and uncle. Dunno if he believed us.

For his birthday last year, we got him a subscription to Sports Illustrated for Kids, which (his parents report) he takes to the bus stop just about every day and gets into long discussions with his buddies about who's the best and all that. A kid after Mr. Jespah's own heart! :-D
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Fri 16 Jan, 2004 11:36 am
When my younger son was about three he announced with a great sigh, "I wish I were a volcano."

Naturally, I asked him why.

"Because then I could interrupt whenever I wanted to."
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Fri 16 Jan, 2004 11:41 am
Hee hee! Love 3-year-old logic.

Onyxelle, sozlet is very interested in avatars as well. She ALWAYS asks when she sees a certain avatar of Craven's, "Why is that baby crying??" She often provides possible answers; "He misses his mama." (Ironic, considering. Wink) She really likes the animals and the ones that move. She know who I am -- "There you are, mama!" She LOVED ehBeth's deerhuahua avatar, probably her favorite ever. (Which is why ehBeth, bless her heart, wore antlers to the gathering in Madison. Very Happy)
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jan, 2004 12:03 pm
Very cool about the psychic aunt and uncle! Very Happy I think that's a really important thing for kids to have, adults who they feel "get" them in a way their parents don't.

Oh and forgot to comment on kids loving to hear stories about themselves, yes, totally. Sozlet has been potty trained for quite a while now, but it was a bit of an undertaking to get her to go from her little potty to the regular toilet. She was a little nervous about it. So we worked it out that I would tell her a story while she sits on the big potty.

That was many a moon ago. She STILL wants the story. The story usually has to be about the latest adventure with her friend Jack. "Once upon a time, there was a little girl named sozlet. She had a friend named Jack. One day, Jack and his papa and sozlet and her mama all got in the car and went... to... the... ZOO!" Then a description of what they did at the zoo. Etc.

I read somewhere that this sort of reminiscence, making a narrative out of something that has just happened, is really important in brain development. It was something that E.G. started with her very early, and she is now quite good at it. ("What did you do with Papa today?" "Well. First we had some lunch. We had macaroni and cheese -- ARTHUR macaroni and cheese -- and salad. I helped Papa make the salad. It was deeeelicious!! THEN. We went to the library!" Etc.)
0 Replies
Fri 16 Jan, 2004 12:45 pm
bookmark <smiles>
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jan, 2004 02:39 am
How adorable these stories are! Of course, such a bunch as we a2k-ers would have wonderful children as well, wouldn't we?

There's a point where children have difficulty with initial sounds, though they have no trouble with the same sound in the middle of the word. Thus, my darlin' daughter's best buddy -- Dickey Mouse...

...anybody else have a kid who ate "begevetables"?
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jan, 2004 12:16 pm
How old is your daughter, Wy?

Sozlet is getting very interested in reading and writing. She can type AND write "Mama", "Papa", and her name. She can also fingerspell her whole name, correctly! She can read about 10 words. One of her very favorite things to do these days is I get her set up with Word, a large font, and just let her type. Whatever she types, I sound out. So for example, she just wrote:


Which I pronounced "Meckvuhvuhvuhdebuminjuhjuhjuhjuhjuhip."

She finds this hilarious. Gales of laughter.

And of course now she wants to write something here:


0 Replies
Sat 17 Jan, 2004 01:03 pm
Oh how adoreable! Hi, Sozlet! Remember me?
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jan, 2004 01:42 pm
We were gone for a while, just saw this, but yes she remembers you! Whenever I wear my Rosie t-shirt (which is often! Thanks again!!), she says, "Remember when we were in Madison and the lady gave you that T shirt?" She thought you were very nice. (I do too. Smile )
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jan, 2004 02:08 pm
We came across the picture below at some point, and she makes a face JUST like it when she's grumpy. ("Is that a sad face?" "No, it's a MAD BLUEBIRD face!")
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jan, 2004 04:21 pm
Hi Soz et al,
Baby's fourteen now... thinks she's all growed up but still is so sweet sometimes. She has always had a wicked sense of humor (may I?):

She was just learning about coins. I was washing dishes and she came to me with a handful of change. I picked up a penny and asked "what's this?" "Peedee." "Good," sez I, picking up a quarter. "What's this?" "Rota." "Great, honey, and what's this?" I asked, picking up a nickel. It slipped out of my hand into the dishwater. I fished it out and asked again, "What's this?"

That little imp grinned at me and said, "Wet."
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jan, 2004 05:26 pm
Hee hee!! Very Happy

I just remembered some more speech quirks (she does say "spaghetti" and "vegetables"): For a long time, she had a problem with words ending in "-th". Like, "I want to come wif you!!" She got self-conscious about that, and then started saying "th" for words that really did end with "-f" -- like, "I'll do it all by myselth."
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Sat 17 Jan, 2004 05:30 pm
Oh and re: wicked sense of humor, she just asked me to tell her another story about her when she was a baby, when she was "as big as an elephant poop." Shocked (She saw an elephant pooping at the zoo and it made an impression on her as being approximately what it is like for a human baby to come out -- charming, eh?)
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Sat 17 Jan, 2004 06:18 pm
omigawd, the mad bluebird face! i can soooooooo see that! LOL
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Sat 17 Jan, 2004 08:45 pm
Did I tell you that we got a lovely thank-you note from A___ the Wonder Child (for our Chanukah gifts to him), and he added - along with the Derek Jeter question - "I love you."


PS sozlet is a great typist. She should come to letterdash and make up words with us. :-D
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jan, 2004 09:47 pm
The wonder child is wondrous indeed.

I have a picture of her doing a mad bluebird face, I should scan it and send. (I gave the grandparents a photo cube box thingy, space for 5 photos, and I took a series of her making different faces. Did I say she is a ham? TOTAL HAM, I'm telling you.)

Something else I wanted to get down -- E.G. and I have a (quite possibly bad) habit of sending her off to the other to say funny things. Like, when I come home from a big long meeting, she'll come running up, solo, hug me, and say with great solemnity, "Papa is at the coffeeshop." (Having been coached to do so.) Then she will crack up and E.G. will step out from behind the door or whatever. Rolling Eyes
0 Replies
Sat 17 Jan, 2004 11:52 pm
Perhaps she has a future with the CIA Shocked

Can she say, "The red wolf howls at midnight"?
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