Very cool about the psychic aunt and uncle!

I think that's a really important thing for kids to have, adults who they feel "get" them in a way their parents don't.
Oh and forgot to comment on kids loving to hear stories about themselves, yes, totally. Sozlet has been potty trained for quite a while now, but it was a bit of an undertaking to get her to go from her little potty to the regular toilet. She was a little nervous about it. So we worked it out that I would tell her a story while she sits on the big potty.
That was many a moon ago. She STILL wants the story. The story usually has to be about the latest adventure with her friend Jack. "Once upon a time, there was a little girl named sozlet. She had a friend named Jack. One day, Jack and his papa and sozlet and her mama all got in the car and went... to... the... ZOO!" Then a description of what they did at the zoo. Etc.
I read somewhere that this sort of reminiscence, making a narrative out of something that has just happened, is really important in brain development. It was something that E.G. started with her very early, and she is now quite good at it. ("What did you do with Papa today?" "Well. First we had some lunch. We had macaroni and cheese -- ARTHUR macaroni and cheese -- and salad. I helped Papa make the salad. It was deeeelicious!! THEN. We went to the library!" Etc.)