Quote:This follows by two weeks the revolt movement spreading to Israel, is it only a matter of time before it gets to the USA?
Come on Hawkeye this kind of thing is nothing new in the US after all and you can still see the burn marks in the middle of the city of Detroit from the 1960s riots.
It is a event in Europe only because they are not as use to it happening there as we are in the US.
The US police policy is just to contain the rioters in their neighborhoods and allow them to loot and burn within those limits.
Hell I remember once that some black leaders was threating to have a riot in non-black areas of the city/county of Miami and everyone else arm themselves as a result.
My work place at the time was on the border of a mainly black community and there was enough firearms taken to work for a few days to overthrow a small country.
The march on the non-black areas never occur as everyone knew what would had happen to such rioters and that without the aid of the police.