@Fil Albuquerque,
Quote:The ignorance in those words...
Fil - those words were an exercise in 'real world' 'logic', not in belief - hence the qualifications (did you not read them?). Of course, I could also poke a hell of a lot of holes in it.
That said - I don't think your follow up worked...
Quote:Recent study s upon what it means revealed the importance on geometrical elegant mathematical proportions and symmetry's that must be present for something to be beautiful
Much beauty does have symetry and geometry, but not all beauty...the feel of sand in your hand, waves upon a shore (the sight and the sound), clouds in the sky, falling stars, the aurora borealis, the aroma of a beautiful wine or a perfume - none of these require symetry, and geometry is limited or non-existant.
Quote:...after all wisdom is very much about being able to recognizing it, not just in people but in everything...even in the construction of an idea...now why would we be debating being vs seeing ?
'Intelligence' functions on many levels. If you started telling someone without a foundation in philosphy about the higher levels of philosophy - what is the % likelihood that they'd understand and/or be interested? Being is more about where people are, than where they could go. Seeing is part of being, and yet being (in the sense you appear to use it) is not all there is. Wisdom is separate from seeing.