Hey Jason,
Get it through your thick obnoxious little demon troll skull. I don't give two shakes whether you THINK you've asked me something or not. If you post in this public forum you're asking me. If you don't like that I respond, feel free to put me on ignore.
Otherwise own up to the fact that you love the attention, and quit whining and pissing and moaning. You sir, are the Troll. You sir, are the obnoxious little tit that keeps these wonderful love-threads going. You sir, love gay animal porn. You sir, wouldn't know a reference book if it slapped you on the ass, slipped you a telephone number, and said 'call me'.
You're NOT researching anything, you're wasting time. You've NOT done one shred of actual 'work' on this 'comic' you're supposedly writing and you've not produced one SHRED of evidence that you can draw anything more complex than a stick figure. You shun advice, ridicule posters that genuinely wish to help, and shout at, name call, and otherwise demean people with vulgarity and OBVIOUS hatred all while proclaiming to be a 'born-again Christian' which you've given no evidence of actually being.
You sir, are a fraud in every sense of the term.
Good day.