JGoldman10 wrote:
To you, I must come across as being like somekind of automaton, devoid of humor and human emotion.
I have a sense of humor- no one here has said something remotely jocular. Not one iota.
I suggest you seek some professional help if you are not faking this whole thing.
Seriously, you actually invite ridicule by your statements and the way you deliver them. You must know that by making a post such as this one, it would invite people to push your buttons. Yet any time this is pointed out to you, you ignore it as if nothing had been said. It is as if you are wanting people to get caught up in this insanity which leads me to think that either one of two things is true.
1. You are faking this whole thing, which is why you ignore the obvious. What is the obvious? That if you want people to stop pestering you with sexual comments towards you, not to make a topic specifically about it. You should just ignore their comments and move on. Letting them know it bothers you only invites additional ridicule. You must know this or else you don't care and actively invite it to happen.
2. You have a mental illness of some form that needs to be addressed. Perhaps it has already been diagnosed but still you could use some help addressing how to go about interacting with others.